
Magnesia during pregnancy

Magnesia during pregnancy
During pregnancy, complications arose. The attending physician appointed Magnesia.

Magnesia, or magnesium sulfate, is a magnesium salt. The spectrum of the application of magnesia is very wide, in many respects it is determined by the positive effect of magnesium on the human body. Nowadays, medicine uses preparations that include magnesium salts. For example, Magne B6, containing magnesium lactate. The lack of magnesium in the body leads to diseases of the heart and violation of calcium exchange in tissues and bones. Therefore, magnesium is included in biological additives and polyvitamins.

Magnesia is produced in the form of a powder or liquid. Magnesia powder is used as a laxative. To do this, powder must be dissolved in water and drink a solution. Magnesia is not absorbed into the blood of the stomach and intestines and therefore does not affect the body as a whole. As a laxative can be used to appoint a doctor as a cleansing agent to surgical or diagnostic manipulations.

Also, magnesia has a choleretic effect, for this it is prescribed by courses in the form of a weak solution. Such treatment is prescribed with gastrointestinal diseases, joy.

Why prescribe magnesia during pregnancy


Pregnant Magnesia is prescribed if there are certain diseases or reasons: threat of miscarriage, swelling, high pressure, cramps. Magnesia in late pregnancy warns the development of cerebral paralysis in a newborn, because protects the nervous fabric of the fetus. Also, magnesium preparations have a positive effect on the acceleration of metabolism, which prevents the birth of children with a very small body weight.

Magnesia action:

  1. Normalizes pressure.
  2. Removes the hypertonus muscles of the uterus.
  3. Relaxes musculature and tone of blood vessels.
  4. Removes muscle cramps.
  5. Removes swelling, removes extra liquid.
  6. Prescribed with complex treatment if there is a danger of discontinuation of the placenta.
  7. In comprehensive therapy, if there is a delay in the development of the fetus.

Pregnant Magnesia is introduced intramuscularly or intravenously, only in this form from magnesia can be expected the result. Magnesia powder dissolved in water does not fall into the blood, and acts only as a laxative.

The amount of injection and concentration of magnesia depend on the state of a pregnant woman. Therefore, the treatment prescribes the doctor.

Indications and Contraindications for Magnesia during pregnancy

Magnesium sulfate is appointed in cases if in a pregnant woman:

  1. If there is a threat of miscarriage.
  2. Hypertension with periodic crises.
  3. Edems, stagnant phenomena.
  4. Cramps. Magnesium shortage confirmed by the results of a laboratory study.
  5. It is necessary to remove heavy metals from the body: mercury, lead, arsenic.
  6. Epilepsy attack.

Like all medicinal products, Magnesia has contraindications:

  1. Hypotension. Reduced blood pressure.
  2. Magnesia intolerance.
  3. Slowing cardiac rhythm.
  4. Malignant tumor.
  5. Chronic renal failure.
  6. Immediately before childbirth in a few hours.
  7. The aggravation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Lactation.

It is impossible to combine the treatment of magnesia with the reception of vitamins or dietary supplies containing calcium. Magnesia can not be taken at the beginning of pregnancy.

How to take magnesia when pregnancy

Magnesia during pregnancy intramuscularly

an injection

Magnesia is rare intramuscular during pregnancy, as it reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Also, intramuscular administration of magnesia is a sufficiently unpleasant procedure. Intramuscular injections are painful and leave behind a long non-passing "cones" in the field of injection.

Magnesia during pregnancy intravenously

Magnesia injections during pregnancy is better to do intravenously. The medicine comes directly into the blood, which increases the effectiveness of treatment and allows you to immediately remove the threat of miscarriage and hypertonus muscles.

Magnesia treatment has its own characteristics, for example:

  1. Magnesia solution before the shift must be warm.
  2. It is necessary to make a prick long needle.
  3. The drug is introduced very slowly.

That is why droppers are used.

Magnesia during pregnancy in droppers


Magnesia in the dropper allows you to enter the medicine slowly. The reception of magnesia in droppers is moved easier, because after intramuscular injections, quite painful, seals remain in places of injection of injections. These seals are also painful and long do not resolve.

For a dropper during pregnancy, a 25% solution of magnesia is used. The number of droppers is determined by the doctor, while takes into account the state of the future mother and the course of pregnancy.

In what cases during pregnancy prescribed magnesia in droppers:

  1. There is a threat to premature birth. This is expressed in the increased tone of the muscles of the uterus. Future mom can feel pulling and stabble pain at the bottom of the abdomen or heaviness in the lower back area.
  2. Hypertensive crises often occur, blood pressure rises.
  3. Pregnant pregnantosis. These are edema associated with the fact that the body is difficult to cope with the load. As a result, the kidney of a pregnant woman suffers, a pair of placenta may occur.
  4. Epilepsy attack.
  5. Cramps, especially manifested at night. Causes more often arise in the ion muscles. The appearance of convulsion can talk about the disease, for example, about warrickosis. And perhaps, just a lack of trace elements in the body of the future mommy.
  6. Late toxicosis of pregnant women. This condition is called eclampsia.
  7. It is necessary to remove the heavy metals from the body.
  8. Studies showed a lack of magnesium in the body of the future mother.

What are the risks in the use of magnesia during pregnancy


On the side effects can be found in the instructions for the use of Magnesia, this should tell the attending physician.

Side phenomena:

  1. Drop blood pressure.
  2. Total weakness.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. The appearance of headaches.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Increase the volume of urine.

The medical staff during the treatment of Magnesia observes the state of health pregnant. If the pulse began to slow down, blood pressure dropped sharply, it is urgent to inform the doctor. This indicates an overdose of magnesium sulfate.

A long course of treatment of magnesia during pregnancy is unacceptable, as the medication is accumulated in the body of the mother, which leads to the hypoxia of the fetus. This is the name of the intrauterine state of the fetus associated with oxygen deficiency. Hypoxia of the fetus is a serious deviation that threatens the health of the child. Therefore, the attending physician constantly controls the palpitation of the fetus, prescribes the necessary analyzes of the future mom.

There are situations when it is simply necessary for the treatment of magnesia during pregnancy. This is due to the hypertonus of the uterus, the disintegration of pregnancy, the detachment of the placenta. In such cases, it is reasonable to agree to treatment to ensure the birth of a healthy kid.

To understand the difficult situation, it is best to find the doctors you trust.

Reviews of Magnesia during pregnancy


If you doubt whether it is possible to take magnesia during pregnancy, you need to talk to the attending physician, read the reviews of pregnant women who received the treatment of magnesia.

Many future mothers are afraid that the reception of injections or droppers of Magnesia will harm the child. But the long period of use of Magnesia is precisely for pregnant women, positive feedback for women allow you to calmly treat the appointments of Magnesia to the attending physician. If Magnesia's droppers help to endure pregnancy and prevent risks, then discomfort associated with the administration of the drug can be patient.

Future mothers who received magnesia during pregnancy, mark the improvement of the state after taking droppers. Hypertonus is removed, which was expressed by pulling pains in the lower back and below the abdomen.

Pregnant women suffering from edema and high pressure are also more often responding positively. Eknes fall and the pressure is normalized.

It should be remembered that all drugs should appoint a doctor, do not engage in self-medication and comply with all the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist. And then you guaranteed a great state of health and the birth of a healthy baby.

Magnesium sulfate instructions for use. Video


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