
New Year gifts

New Year gifts
The ideas of gifts for the New Year. New Year's training tips.

Winter holidays are one of the most long -awaited, but also very troublesome days. It is in the New Year's period that you need to cut off time to choose from gifts for the New Year. It is necessary to pay attention to all loved ones and take into account their wishes, interests and age. Plus, I want to surprise everyone with my originality.

DIY gifts for New Year

Festive toys

Christmas tree in the snow


In addition to the festive spruce, you can make interior jewelry in a forest style. Here is all that you need for a “snow tree” in a bank or in a transparent ball:

  • small artificial Christmas trees of various shapes from 5 to 10 cm;
  • glass transparent jars of various shapes or large Christmas balls;
  • glue;
  • artificial snow (can be replaced with sugar).

To the bottom of the lid from the jar, we glue the spruce. Pour the snow into the jar 2-3 cm. We tighten the lid, leaving the Christmas trees inside, and turn it over. It turned out a real winter souvenir as in a movie!

A snowman from a light bulb


Of blown lights, you can make interesting jewelry for the New Year. For example, a snowman.

You will need:

  • bulb;
  • white paint;
  • brush;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • orange paper;
  • colored flavors of fabric.

We paint the light bulb and leave to dry. We make strips for a scarf from flaps and glue it on a part of the light bulb (where it goes from the narrow part to the wide). Cut the nose out of paper and glue it. We draw our eyes, mouth and hands with a marker. The snowman is ready. By gluing a ribbon, you can also make a Christmas tree toy from it.

Photo in the ball


A simple and memorable souvenir - a photo gift for the New Year will not leave anyone indifferent. You will need:

  • large transparent Christmas ball;
  • photo 5 by 5 cm;
  • ribbon.

Insert the photo into the ball, twisting it into the tube. Correct the location of the photo inside with any thin object (for example, with a knitting needle or toothpick), and you can also add sparkles or artificial snow inside the ball. Close the ball hole and attach the ribbon. Photo toy is ready! Such a memorable surprise will be a great gift to parents for the New Year.

New Year jewelry


Surround yourself with the natural aromas of the New Year and Christmas from improvised means. Make a garland for decor at home or office quickly and simple.

You will need to decorate:

  • natural decor (cones, dried lobes of citruses, vanilla sticks, spruce branches, bark, etc.);
  • rope;
  • glue;
  • red felt or other fabric;
  • needle with a thread;
  • syntipon or cotton wool.

We cut the rope into unequal parts, make the knot at the end of each and glue it to the elements of the garland. From the red fabric we cut out the figures in 2 copies and sew it, after stuffing with cotton or synthetic winterizer. Glue them to the rope in a chaotic order. We connect parts of the ropes to the garland and hang. The New Year's atmosphere has already filled your room!

Of all the components, you can create your original gifts for the New Year, showing some imagination. For example, from vanilla sticks you can make an asterisk by fastening them in shape with a thread and decorated with a spruce twig. Such a toy can be hung on a Christmas tree or used as a separate element of decor.

From pieces of fragrant spruce bark, you can also make a toy. You just need to stick pieces on the base of cardboard in the shape of a Christmas tree and decorate it with sparkles. Attach a ribbon and a new Christmas tree toy is ready.

Inexpensive gifts for the New Year


Meeting New Year's Eve in a large company of friends, I would like to give everyone a small gift. Here are a few options for pleasant surprises:

  • For motorists or just drivers of a car - various accessories. For example, a cooler bag, a thermos, a blanket and a car pillow, a car table or a collection of favorite road music on the original USB drive.
  • For owners of pets - accessories for caring for them. It can be bags, jewelry and clothing for animals, as well as vitamins and useful literature.
  • For lovers of outdoor activities - travel products. Thermos, folding barbecue, bag-cutter, tent, tourist chair or fishing rod.
  • For fans of fashion gadgets - accessories for them. Everything, from funny computer mice to a variety of covers.
  • For athletes - training equipment. A football ball, a fitness ball, dumbbells, a yoga training rug, a hat and swimming glasses.
  • For sweet tooth and not only - a basket with sweets. If you do not know what to give, going to visit, fill the basket with chocolate and sweets of different varieties. In childhood, everyone found sweet gifts under the Christmas tree and this will bring warm memories, and also will always have to go to tea on the festive table.

In general, any pleasant and necessary trifle is brightly and interestingly packed, and also interestingly presented will become a memorable surprise, because the main thing is attention, not a gift!

Knitted gifts for the New Year


DIY Classics with your own hands are knitted things. Scars, socks, mittens and sweaters will delight and warm your loved ones in the winter. It is only necessary to master simple patch viscosity. If you are already familiar with the principles of knitting, then you can also make a gift for the New Year by linked toys or covers on mugs.

Payer knitting is considered classic. The principle of knitting and set of loops is taught at school in labor lessons, or grandmother and mother will help you remember the basics. You can also view a simple patch lesson here:

You will need knitting needles and yarn. The thickness of the knitting depends directly on the size of the knitting needles and the density of the yarn, and you can choose the color yourself and combine the yarn to obtain strips. You can decorate the product with bubones, beads or buttons at your discretion.

Edible gifts for the New Year

In winter, I often want hot tea and something sweet to him. This means that sweet gifts for the New Year will be very helpful.

You can ask your mother or grandmother and, having designed a jam and, having designed a can beautifully in a knitted cover or spruce decor, you can safely give it to anyone.

Ginger cookies


Also, it will be very useful for ginger cookies that have long been popular in Europe. It can be baked and packaged in a beautiful box.

For him you will need:

  • flour (300 g);
  • butter (100 g);
  • sugar (100 g);
  • egg (1 pc.);
  • cocoa (1 tbsp. Spoon);
  • ginger ground (1 tsp);
  • grated ginger fresh (1 teaspoon);
  • cinnamon is ground (1 tsp);
  • grown cloves (1 tsp);
  • soda (1 tsp).

Cooking process:

  • Substacked oil, sugar and egg beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Add flour, spices, cocoa and soda (extinguished with vinegar), mix, wrap in the food film and leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  • Roll the dough into a layer of 5-7 mm thick and cut out figures (men, stars, Christmas trees).
  • Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and put the cookies on it (after making holes for the braid).
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cookies.
  • The cooled cookies can be decorated with confectionery glaze.

Such cookies will be an excellent corporate gift for the New Year for your employees. You can portray on each ginger man the distinguishing features of employees, for example, a tie or glasses and give such souvenirs to everyone.

Gingerbread house


If the cookies succeeded, then according to the same recipe you can make pleasant children's gifts for the New Year. Prepare a gingerbread house for a child under a Christmas tree as a sweet surprise.

Draw the necessary parts of the house on paper and bake these from the dough in shape. You can fix them with glaze, it is enough to trust their fantasy.

Gifts to customers and employees


As gifts to customers for the New Year, you can use postcards or calendars with wishes, offers and their contacts for further cooperation. Such souvenirs can be done by yourself.

For the calendar you will need:

  • dense colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • the printed sheet of the calendar and your additions.

We bend the basis on equal parts on the sides and about 5 cm in the middle. From colored paper we make a patterned strip from two ends and bend in half. Glue it to the upper angle of the base, gluing only the upper part. The printed calendar and wishes are fixed on the sides of the strip. The calendar for customers with your reminders is ready!

If you are a leader, then as a New Year's gift to subordinates, a corporate vacation outside the city with skiing and sledding is perfect. If this is not possible, then organize a corporate campaign in bowling, to the focus or strikball. Such an active vacation will help to rally the team better than just a New Year's banquet.

You can also give your employees mugs or accessories necessary for the office with fun mention of their profession, names and even photos.

Gift ideas for the New Year 2015 - Funned sheep

We will make a sheep (symbol 2015) ourselves. To do this, we need plywood or wood, an electrician, colored yarn. The thickness of the base should not exceed 5-7 cm. We cut out the figures and wrap the “stomach and back” of the sheep with threads of yarn.


For lack of materials, you can do with white dense cardboard. Such toy sheep can be hung on a Christmas tree, which will be especially relevant this year, and guests will appreciate your personality.

The symbol of this year - a blue wooden goat (or sheep) can be made with your own hands or buy gifts for the New Year in any stores. It can also be things made of wood or with the image of these funny animals. For example, wooden stands and products, knitted clothes and accessories.

A useful magnetic board in the form of a lamb can be presented to people who have a lot to do. In order not to forget anything, just write down everything on the board and attach it to the refrigerator.

A great gift will be a pillow with the image of small sheep. It can be given to children and adults, because “after considering sheep” you can sleep calmly.

Gift to a guy for a new year


If you do not know what to give a lover for the New Year and want to hit him, then these options will become the most original.

Any man should look stylish on holidays. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you can give him a certificate for sewing a suit, shirts, shoes or handmade tie. Such a gift will like, because it will be unusual and really what your man needs, taking into account all his wishes.

Please it with the opportunity to look at the ground from a bird's eye view. Give a certificate of flight by a helicopter or plane. This eccentric invention will appeal to all lovers of thrill, and impressions will remain for life.

Remind him of your feelings. Each pair has a photo with which pleasant memories are associated, for example, a wedding day or rest. Present an original lamp with your common photo or collage as a gift to your beloved, and he will more often recall happy moments or that you need to go on vacation.

Gift for the New Year to a girl


Any girl is pleasant attention and compliments about her appearance. There is nothing easier than focusing on this when choosing a gift. Choose the most successful photo of your lover and order a portrait of this photo in any photosalon. A personal portrait on canvas can simply be drawn with a photo or ask the artist to add elements of the “other century”. For example, a dress and a headdress in the style of the times of Maria Antoinette. Imagine your lady as a queen in the portrait and this gift will not leave her indifferent, but will become the subject of pride and your love.

During the New Year holidays, there are several days that can be used to rest outside the house and distract from worries. You can present your favorite foreign trip or certificate for rest in a country house in the weekend and dinner for two as a gift. It will also be pleasant for a woman will be a spa and massage procedure, presented with love and care.

A fur coat will always be an actual gift, which she has long dreamed of or a certificate of buying clothes, if you are at a loss with a choice. Jewelry, like fur in the wardrobe, will never be superfluous. So boldly give women diamonds!


Gift ideas will always be original if you devote enough time and attention to this. Turn your holiday into a fairy tale with the help of small tricks and crafts, because for everyone, the New Year is a special time. On this day, desires are made, plans are being built and the hopes of each family member and loved ones are entitled. Do not waste time buying standard sets, but make the holiday original on the most magical night of the coming year!



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