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Rejuvenating masks for the face

Rejuvenating masks for the face
Available and simple masks for the skin of the face, the zone of neckline and hands. A universal approach after 30.

Go to any woman and ask if she is afraid to grow old. Surely the answer will be positive. Even the slightest wrinkles are horrified by the girls, after which they frantically try to return everything to the original appearance, using different expensive creams and serums. But the kings still remain anti-aging masks from natural products. They never cost crazy money, it can always be found on the shelves, and besides, in most cases, the effect is noticeable already in the first application, and therefore this approach to this day remains the most successful. We will talk about this today.

Most girls begin to take care of the skin only when they notice noticeable changes. This is wrong, you need to pamper yourself at the age of 20, so that the skin is used to moisturizing, freshness and does not lose elasticity. Moreover, natural products will never harm, unlike creams of incomprehensible origin and composition. Therefore, stop buying dubious means, and running to the refrigerator for improvised rescuers.


What gives the use of anti -aging masks at home:

  • deep nutrition and moisture of the skin;
  • the production of collagen, which is responsible for renewal of cells, so that wrinkles will not bother you much longer;
  • light massage that you do during the application of the mask increases blood circulation, which is why the skin is constantly in good shape;
  • relaxation, because the procedure itself is infinitely pleasant, and this is very necessary in the modern world, where stress is haunting you every day;
  • the skin becomes softer and more tender;
  • the complexion always remains perfect, which eliminates the need to use a huge number of foundation creams that score pores.


How to properly apply anti -aging masks

  1. Remove makeup. It is best to use milk or special oil removal oil. Do not wash off the makeup with water from the tap-such barbarism dries the skin, if it is not mineral water from the source.
  2. Apply a small scrub to the face to clean the pores and remove dead cells.
  3. Now you can apply a nutrient mask from natural products. The mask lies better on the cleansed face, and the beneficial properties penetrate deeper deeper, which increases the effect at times.
  4. The maximum for a natural mask is half an hour, do not leave, especially for the first time. If today you decide to start a rejuvenation course for the first time in your life, just sit in a mask of 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it carefully.
  5. Ideally, rinse the mask with the same natural solution - for example, chamomile tea or mineral water mentioned above. But if there is no mineral water in stock, so be it - rinse with water at room temperature. By the way, some masks can be removed with a napkin. Rinse delicately, do not trick and do not stretch the skin.

Note: never wash your hot water if you do not want to observe the early withering of the skin. Always wash yourself with either cool or warm water.

  1. As a final stroke, you can drive in the neckline and a face with an ice cube. By the way, this technique can be used every day - it is absolutely harmless, and many famous actresses use it so far, delighting youth. For example, singer Valery.


Effective anti -aging masks

To begin with, consider the simplest, but acting in the first application of masks for the face. All ingredients are probably already in your refrigerator.

But remember-all masks from natural products should be used by cycles, for example, 2-3 times a week in 1 month. Then you need to take a break. The duration of the break depends on the degree of exposure to the chosen mask - it can last from a month to three. Such masks should not be applied to the face every day, otherwise the skin will literally choke on vitamins, and excess is always bad, a strong allergy can begin, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Before using any natural mask, check it on the bend of the elbow, as when dyeing hair. If at the table the product does not cause you allergies, this does not mean that your skin will not object to an external stimulus with a bunch of microelements in your pocket. This is especially true for honey and fruits, in particular citrus fruits.


  1. Honey mask

Particular attention should be paid to women after 40. The main thing is to use natural honey. The patho is not suitable, but only the honey that is quickly sugared. Perhaps you have relatives with your apiary, or do not stir up and buy real honey in the store. It is such a product that will work as it should.

Options of masks with honey are a lot, and therefore you can safely experiment, because no matter what you choose as an additive, everything will do, nourishing the skin with a whole spectrum of useful substances.

For example, a mask of honey and warm milk will help from wrinkles, especially facial wrinkles. Mix them in equal proportions, after which you can add a finely chopped banana for an enforcement effect. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week.

For women, after 30 masks with yogurt, egg protein or aloe are suitable. Add any of the ingredients to honey, stir, then apply to the face for 15 minutes.

By the way, a mask made of egg protein and honey promotes a quick pull -up, and therefore, if you need emergency cosmetic measures, use it. Try to make such a consistency that does not flow.

Another effective mask for the skin that began to fade, consists of sour cream, cottage cheese and honey. This is a truly super-nutritional cocktail, you will see the result right away how you will remove the mask from your face. This time do not forget about the neckline. Turn your neck. Sit so in a relaxed state for about 20 minutes, after which rinse the composition with water at room temperature.


  1. Homemade anti -aging faces for fruits and vegetables

You probably have seen more than once how women cut a cucumber in the movie and lay out the plastics in the face. It looks comical, but it works perfectly if you want to quickly relieve fatigue and swelling, and therefore be sure to try such a mask on yourself.

A rejuvenating mask around the eyes is made very simply. It is enough to put two plastics and sit with your eyes closed for several minutes. If you want to go to business more seriously, chop the cucumber in a blender, add milk, sour cream or yogurt and apply to the whole face. The cucumber gives freshness, pulls up, and dairy products - moisturize and nourish.

Another vegetable that will help put the skin in order is potatoes. With dry and flaky skin, the next mask is perfect for you. Make mashed potatoes from raw potatoes and add finely chopped parsley to it. Stir thoroughly and put the mask on the face. For use in your eyes, squeeze the juice from the mixture, soak it with cotton pads and put it on the eyelids.

Now let's move on to fruits. Hurma, peach, apples, kiwi, plum: all these and other fruits will help you transform your skin, even if you simply cut and put slices on your face. Let's analyze in more detail what effect you want to achieve.

Apple, grenade and kiwi helps to cleanse and lighten the skin, giving it fresh.

Persian, banana moisturize and soften.

Plum smoothes wrinkles.

Orange tones the skin and gives it elasticity.

From the berries you get excellent anti -aging masks after 30. Take any berries - raspberries, strawberries and others - open them and put them on the face. Such a mask, by the way, is perfect for the role of scrub due to crushed seeds.


  1. Anti -aging masks after 40 with oil

For masks, any nutritious oil is suitable - castor, wheat sprouts, jojoba, burdock, almond and many others, but the most universal of all is olive oil. It is enough every day before bedtime or in the morning to wipe the skin and face with olive oil, and you will delay wilting for several years ahead. To remove the bold shine, get the excess oil with a paper towel 5 minutes after application. If the skin brings everything to itself, this is an occasion to think - the skin urgently requires food, and therefore you can proceed to more thorough masks from paragraph 1.

Oil can be mixed with other ingredients, for example, with lemon or oatmeal.

Be sure to do a light massage when do a mask with butter. Tap, do not rub in any case. Try to imitate the falling drops of rain. Such massage activates blood flow, and the beneficial properties of oils are deeper into the skin, increasing the anti -aging effect.


  1. Anti -aging mask for skin with clay

Clay has long taken a leading position in the fight against wrinkles and wilting skin. Buy white clay, as it is best suited for delicate skin, but blue can also be suitable - it is a little tougher, and therefore not only nourishes, but also cleanses.

Dilute the clay in warm water. Instead of water, you can dilute clay in warm milk for a stunning effect. For comfortable application, add a few drops of oil to the mixture, which best suits your skin, and apply to the skin of the face. The consistency of the mask should not be too thick. Close it to the non -fat sour cream. Do not apply clay to the eye. Now wait until it dries, and you can rinse. Be sure to apply some moisturizer after such a mask so that the feeling of tightness does not bother.


  1. Reflective masks after 50

Perhaps at this age a woman dropped her hands for a long time, as she had already stopped believing in advertising about a new miraculous innovative cream, which is regularly shown on TV and promise instant transformation into a twenty -year -old girl, but discard doubt.

There are two factors that, even after 50, will allow you to always remain beautiful and fit:

  • from 25-30 years, you have already regularly looked after the skin;
  • you used only natural ingredients in the departure, not succumbing to inviting advertising slogans.

So why not continue the practice?

There should still be honey in your refrigerator, as this is the most universal product for your skin, hair and body as a whole. The second necessary component is an egg protein that quickly pulls the skin. From the egg yolk you can make a second mask after a mask with a protein to moisten the tight skin. Add fat sour cream to the yolk and apply the resulting mixture to the face. And the third ingredient is olive oil, which still needs to lubricate the face and neckline every day before bedtime.

Continue to make masks using all these ingredients, but increase the number of procedures per week, as well as exposure time to 20-30 minutes, since after 50 skin you need more nutrition and, especially, moisturizing. Do not skimp. After all, this is your skin, your body, because mix only quality products in sufficient doses.


Rejuvenating mask from Sophia Loren

The famous actress Sophie Loren, who still delights with beauty, although she will celebrate 81 years far after September 50-20, she shared in her book a universal recipe to preserve youth. To prepare a secret mask, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of gelatin and a dairy product, depending on the characteristics of your skin. For dry skin, gelatin with cream should be mixed, for normal - with milk, and for oily - with kefir. After that, leave the mixture in a cool place for five hours. Then, when the gelatin dissolves, add honey, dry white wine and olive oil 1 teaspoon there and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mask in a day in the morning for 15 minutes. Gelatin has a tightening effect, and the rest of the components will nourish and refresh the skin. Do not be afraid that the mask will deteriorate, it can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time. When you finish the course, take a month for a month, and then prepare the mask again.


Finally, let's talk about anti -aging hand masks.

The woman’s hands, if they are not well -groomed, instantly give her age, and all the care of her face and neck may come to naught if you do not follow your hands. Therefore, the skin of the pens also needs to be spoiled.

In an ideal way to return the skin of the hands with silkiness and softness is paraffin therapy, which is offered in any beauty salon, where there is a manicure. In literally 15 minutes, your hands will be transformed after applying a heated wax and massage with a moisturizing cream.

If you do not have time for a beauty salon, or you like to take care of yourself for yourself, the components already familiar to you will create a miracle and with the skin of the hands.

Take the rule first apply the mask to the face, and then in your hands. So you will kill two birds with one stone at once, since most masks for face skin are suitable for female hands. Although you can cook two different masks. The main thing is that the products are not missing.

Here are the most “hot” ingredients of masks for your hands, which will save from dryness, sagging and unhealthy skin color for a long time:

  1. Sour cream, kefir or milk
  2. Honey
  3. Olive or castor oil

Mix all three ingredients, or alternate with each other, but be sure to make masks regularly. Even if you notice some positive result after the first application, this does not mean that you have contributed to the future. Some masks operate for several hours, but still do not stop taking care of the skin of the hands, as she needs even more careful care than her face, because her hands are constantly in work, which means increased load.

Do not be lazy to take care of yourself if you want to always stay on top, causing delighted glances. The law, according to which you get as much as you give, acts in female beauty. So, how much you put into your body, how much time and love you will devote to him, he will return to you as much love and beauty.

Health and spring -spring mood!



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