
Properties of cocoa oil. The use of cocoa oil for hair, face and body. How to use cocoa oil at home. How to make cocoa oil yourself

Properties of cocoa oil. The use of cocoa oil for hair, face and body. How to use cocoa oil at home. How to make cocoa oil yourself
What is cocoa oil, what is the uniqueness of this substance and how to use it correctly for the face, hair, cough, for treatment. All that you did not know about cocoa oil, read in this article.

Cocoa is a type of plant that came to us from the subequatorial latitudes of South America. In earlier times, it was not as widely used as in the present days. Mayan tribes used the fruits of the cocoa tree in their mysterious rituals of initiations and marriage. With the opening of a wider spectrum of properties, the plant began to be cultivated in other regions of the globe. Due to its features, cocoa has found application in such industries as pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, cooking.

Cocoa oil - application and properties

Cocoa oil-fat obtained from Kakao-Derev beans. It consists for most of fatty acids and triglycerides. Oleic and palmitic acids contribute to an increase in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, purification of blood and a decrease in cholesterol in it.

Cocoa oil - composition of acids:

  • Oleinovaya (43%).
  • Stearin (up to 34%).
  • Laurine and palmitin (up to 25%).

In medicine, the product is used to treat cough, eliminate burns, stretch marks. It is used to create healing ointments and suppositories.

Cocoa oil in cosmetology is also relevant in its action. It has a high tonic and antiseptic effect, due to the content of caffeine, methylxanthine and tannins. Based on the oil, they make skin care products: creams, lotions, soap.

Cocoa oil is a fat basis for the preparation of various desserts and chocolate. Hence the appetizing second name- chocolate oil.

In addition to the above unique properties, this product has a very pleasant smell. What makes it even more desirable for use.

Facial cocoa oil

Natural cocoa oil is an ingredient obtained by extracting vegetable fat, without adding other substances. Its use for the skin of the face is useful and effective. The substance is unique in nature and is suitable both for eliminating oily shine and normalizing the expanded pores, and for nutrition of the skin, getting rid of its dryness and peeling. The remedy will return the radiance instead of pallor and maintain the skin of the face in the first age changes, instantly absorbed and without leaving oily sheen. Due to the settlement of the fat metabolism of the epidermis, cocoa oil relieves irritation and inflammation, heals small wounds. Great in winter as protection against fingering the skin and frostbite. With regular use, it helps to increase the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

  1. Application in pure form.
  • clean your face from cosmetics and apply oil to the skin;
  • before starting, slightly heat a piece of oil in your hands. It is better to use in the evening.  Natural cocoa oil can replace the usual skin care cream. Especially suitable for use as a struggle with the first age -related changes and on peeling;
  • apply to the area around the eyes before bedtime. This will help remove swelling and bruises under the eyes, refresh the color;
  • on eyebrows and eyelashes (to maintain during vitamin deficiency or after increasing).
  1. Based on cocoa oil, you can make an excellent cream. The properties of which will remain in the glass container in the refrigerator:
  • to prepare the cream, melt in a water 25 grams of cocoa oil. Add 5 ml to it. Jozhoba and 30 ml. olive oils and mix. Cool the mixture (you can lower the container into cold water). Stir until it cools down, then add 2 drops of the air sandal. Your cream is ready.
  • cocoa-mask (25 grams) with lanolin and paraffin (5 ml.) and petroleum jelly (15 grams), place in the container in the water bath constantly stir. Add 45 ml to melted ingredients. Pink water (also warm it up). Mix the mixture very well, and then beat with a mixer until cooling. You can use.
  1. Masks with cocoa oil.
  • for moisturizing and lightening the skin. Melt 6 ml of cocoa oil in a water bath. Mix with 7 ml. aloe juice and 5 ml. chamomile oil. Add one grated cucumber. Apply the mask for half an hour.
  • mask for cleansing and nutrition: 25 ml. Cocoa-Masla mix with 18 ml. bright honey and 15 gr. brown sugar. Apply the mask by massaging the skin. Then leave for 10 minutes.
  • to eliminate the “goose legs” in the eye area: 4 drops of vitamin E, 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 5 ml. Mix cocoa-mass and apply a thin layer to the area around the eyes. Keep the mixture on the face for about 15 minutes. It is recommended to do before bedtime.

Cocoa oil for body

Cocoa oil for body skin is good for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Here are a few use options:

  1. Scrub for cleansing the skin and stimulation of blood vessels. In the melted cocoa-butter (2 tbsp. Spoons) add 1 tbsp. spoonful of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of a mix of ground nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts) and oatmeal. Stir and cool the mixture.
  2. Wraps from cellulite and stretch marks. The mixture of melted cocoa oil with olive and almond oils apply to problem areas of the body. Wrap in the film and cover yourself with a blanket for 45 minutes.  After well, take a warm shower. Apply wraps at least 10 times with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.
  3. For massage procedures, a mixture of cocoa, castor and olive oils in a ratio of one to one is effective.

Hair cocoa oil

Cocoa oil at home is not difficult and pleasant to use. It is great as a means to strengthen and moisturize hair. Especially if the application is combined with scalp massage. More nutritious components will come to the roots, and blood circulation will improve.

Recipes with cocoa oil:

  1. When hair loss, a mask with cocoa oil, olive and kefir is well suited. It is also advised to add 1 boiled yolk of the egg, thoroughly stirring it in a kefir-oil substrate.  It is better to do it 2-3 times a week. Apply for an hour, closing the hair with a plastic bag. Rinse with warm water with shampoo.
  2. To maintain the condition of healthy hair, you can periodically make a mask with chocolate oil and rosemary infusion (2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water). Keep the mask for about two hours, then rinse with warm water with shampoo.

Video, how to use cocoa hair oil:

Cocoa oil

In the treatment of colds accompanied by cough, cocoa oil can help you. Proper application contributes to:

  • healing of damaged mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • the removal of sputum from the bronchi due to the expectorant effect;
  • softening and enveloping of inflamed tissues, thereby reducing the intensity of pain;
  • improving microcirculation in the tissues, accelerating the excretion of pathogens and their life products (when rubbing).

Methods for oral administration:

  1. In its pure form. A piece of oil should be absorbed like a candy. The frequency of use is 5-6 times a day. Such a tool relieves sore throat and reduces dry, irritating cough.
  2. With milk. Add cocoa oil to milk (teaspoon per glass), melt in a water bath. If there is no allergy, you can add honey (near the tablespoon). Take 3-6 cups of therapeutic agent throughout the day.
  3. With chocolate. Melt the mixture of oil (tablespoon) and chocolate (¼ tiles). Combine the resulting mass to 2 cups of warm milk. Take 2 tablespoons up to 6 times a day.

Methods for external use:

  1. For massage. Massage of the lung area with cocoa oil enhances blood flow to the lungs, thereby facilitating the condition and accelerating the recovery with diseases of the respiratory system accompanied by a cough.
  2. To lubricate the nasal passages. Application of oil on mucous membranes of nasal passages accelerates recovery for colds, and also serves as a means of preventing respiratory infections.
  3. For inhalations. Inhalation in a mixture of essential oils of cocoa and tea tree will help to quickly get rid of cough (add a few drops of oils to hot water, inhale therapeutic vapors).

How to make cocoa oil at home

Cocoa oil is a fairly affordable product that can be found in pharmacies and specialized stores. Natural oil is produced by different companies in the form of solid bars, a liquid substrate and a cocoa powder.

To make cocoa oil at home will be more difficult than just buying, but the result will cost it.

  • First of all, you need to take cocoa of good quality beans. Well -ripened and not spoiled fruits are needed. Then the beans are well fried in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 120 - 125 degrees.
  • Next, the fruits are cooled and blowing with a fan or a hairdryer to remove excess husk. Using a coffee grinder or blender, you need to ground the product until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Pass the mixture in small portions through the juicer. The resulting liquid is cocoa oil. In natural form at the usual temperature, it becomes solid. For use, it is enough to melt in a water bath.

The benefits and harms of cocoa oil

In this article, we examined the options for using cocoa oil, and also found out where to get and how to cook this wonderful product yourself.

In pure form, oil is extremely useful in use. Without in the composition of foreign impurities, it can be used for different purposes. For the treatment of cough and healing wounds before restoring the balance of the skin and the prevention of age -related changes. Therefore, cocoa oil is universal for a wide range of areas.

But what can this wonderful product still be harmful? The case is high calorie content. Due to the content of a large amount of fatty acids. Therefore, dietitian doctors have every reason to recommend a restriction on the use of products based on cocoa oil. Especially people who are obesity and prone to diabetes.

An allergy to components in the composition may be the reason why cocoa oil cannot be used. This substance has no other contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Be healthy and beautiful!



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