
Crossfit training for beginners. Crossfit program for men and women - sets of exercises. What equipment is needed for crossfit at home

Crossfit training for beginners. Crossfit program for men and women - sets of exercises. What equipment is needed for crossfit at home
In this article, we will tell you about crossfit training that will help you keep the figure of fit and beautiful.

To maintain attractive forms of your body and at the same time lose weight, you need to constantly play sports. Professional coaches in this direction make a lot - they constantly develop new methods with which a person can lose weight very comfortable, and most importantly - effective. In this article we want to tell you about such weight loss technique as crossfit. You will find out what are training on this program, what features they have for male and female representatives. If you have never played sports before, then we will share the instructions with you how to start engaging in home crossfit.

What are the crossfit of training?

Crossfit is a training technique that was developed by the American military in the 90s of the twentieth century. It was prepared by special forces in the United States. For a long time about Crossfit, a civilized society was known. Only in 2012, after Reebok gained wide popularity, they learned about crossfit all over the world. Each country has sports halls in which training is carried out according to this technique. However, it should be noted that crossfit is a patented weight loss technique, so all the gym halls practicing it should conduct cash deductions to the country where it was developed.

What is the method of crossfit for weight loss? This training system includes:

  • a set of ordinary functional exercises aimed at training all muscle groups;
  • circular training, including strength exercises and cardio (all of them are carried out in several approaches).

Advantages of crossfit classes

Crossfit complexes is a great way to put yourself in order and not only. You can name several obvious advantages of this training methodology for humans:

  1. The body develops comprehensively - endurance, strength increases, many reactions improve.
  2. A person who had never played sports before, feels literally after several training, that his body acquires athletic forms.
  3. The willpower develops. Even the one who already feels a breakdown in the process of training, he still continues to engage in, overdoing himself.
  4. Subcutaneous fat is intensively burned, because in just one, the training can be rid of 1000 calories (provided that you do everything correctly).
  5. Anyone can occupy crossfit, regardless of his age. At the same time, training is not necessary in the gym. You can deal with at home or on the street.

As for the disadvantages of this training methodology, it should be noted that they are not. They may arise if you do the wrong exercises incorrectly - overestimate your strength and capabilities, as a result of which you will get a severe injury. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you what exercises and how to do if you decide to seriously engage in crossfit.

Crossfit: Basic exercises for women and men

Crossfit training system includes a person of 3 main sets of exercises:

  1. Metabolic exercises:
  • complex jumps on the skating rope (we are talking about double and triple jumps);
  • jumps that are carried out through the bar;
  • rowing (it can be performed both on the simulator and without it);
  • running.
  1. Gymnastic exercises:
  • various kinds of squats;
  • stretching;
  • jumping into boxes of different heights;
  • training on the horizontal bar;
  • push -ups;
  • pull -ups;
  • stand on the head;
  • walking on the hands;
  • fold;
  • rise on a rope for crossfit.
  1. Power exercises:
  • bench press;
  • ball exercises;
  • work with weights

Immediately note that the whole training can last only 2 hours. They can only be carried out per week three times (with an interval of 1 day). It should be divided into such stages:

  1. Light cardio, which is an ideal scumbag, warming muscle.
  2. The main block of exercises (it should include any exercises that we listed above).
  3. High -intensity cardio.

Crossfit: Programs

Crossfit complexes are best tested on itself, based on the gender. The fact is that training for men and women can be built on different principles to train the necessary muscle groups. We will present you examples of crossfit training for girls and men

Crossfit program for men

Men love to look brutally. It is crossfit who can help them to achieve this appearance. We selected for all representatives of the strongest half of humanity a training according to this methodology. She will help to achieve the desired result in a short time:

  1. First, go over in any way convenient for you. It can be a run or squat.
  2. After that, go to the Fran exercise system (it should last no more than 10 minutes). That she includes:
  • first you make several emissions of a rod weighing 43 kg;
  • after that, pull up the maximum number of times that you can.
  1. Go to the system of exercises "terrible 50". The bottom line is that you need every exercise, which we will call further, perform 50 times:
  • jumping on the cabinet, the height of which is 60 cm;
  • pull -ups;
  • swings of the weight, the weight of which is 16 kg;
  • attacks;
  • bench press weighing 20 kg (in standing position);
  • throws of medicalballs;
  • berpy;
  • double jumping on the rope.
  1. Go to the Merf exercise system:
  • run the distance of 1.5 km;
  • perform at least 100 pull -ups;
  • Squeeze away from any surface 200 times;
  • make 300 squats;
  • complete the set of exercises with a run of 1.5 km.

Crossfit for girls

Women who have decided to try their hand at Crossfit should understand that these training are very complicated. They are allowed to make small pauses between each exercise for 2-3 minutes. But to achieve the desired result, it is still worth executing the below training program without pauses:

  1. First, just run in place for 1 minute. It will be a good warm -up for your body.
  2. After that, do 10 times by the bourgeon.
  3. Then run again for 1 minute in place. Although you can perform another cardio exercise.
  4. Make 20 push -ups.
  5. Repeat cardio.
  6. Make 30 any squats.
  7. Repeat cardio.
  8. Make at least 40 deep attacks.
  9. Repeat cardio.
  10. Finish the training of the press by swinging (this must be done at least 50 times).

Crossfit at home

I would also like to tell you separately how to engage in crossfit beginners. Before we describe in detail the training process itself, we will give you a few recommendations:

  • Download music for crossfit on your phone. It will give you a mood, which is very important during training. Many note that it is the correctly selected music that is an excellent motivation for starting a crossfit.
  • Choose for yourself high -quality and comfortable clothes for crossfit. Keep in mind that you will sweat, do a lot of exercises in which you will need to stretch, jump and run. For the same considerations, select sneakers for crossfit.
  • No equipment for crossfit needs to be purchased. Giri and bar can be replaced with something. The main thing is that these items are suitable for weight.

Now we will tell you what should be the training in crossfit at home for newcomers for a week:

  • For 5 minutes, take an interval running. After that, make 10 pull -ups and push -ups to stretch the muscles and joints.
  • After that, perform 20 jumps on a box, the height of which reaches 60 cm, work with a bar and weight.
  • Make exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs and arms. Be sure to download the twine and make folds.
  • Complete each training of cardio exercises.

Beautiful body and good health is the result of hard work on oneself. If you are ready to devote time to exhausting sports, then crossfit is for you. Spirit in spirit people usually break in the first training session. If you want to overcome this vice in yourself, then try to overcome yourself. It will be difficult only in the first lesson. The more you train, the better the DAC will manage to cope with crossfit exercises.

Video: "Crossfit training for weight loss"



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