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Properties and use of avocado essential oil. Avocado oil for face, body, hair, eyes, nails, food. Masks with avocado oil

Properties and use of avocado essential oil. Avocado oil for face, body, hair, eyes, nails, food. Masks with avocado oil
The article is told about the characteristics and properties of avocado oil, as well as on the method of its use. Presented the recipes of masks.

Avocado oil is considered one of the most accessible types of essential oils. It can be used for regeneration, warming, sedative effect, as well as in therapeutic and cosmetology purposes. Sometimes unrefined avocado oil is used as a means against cellulite. Those who use this product, it is important to know that it is quite quickly oxidized, therefore antioxidant substances are added to it. Oil from leaflets, corporate inflorescences, as well as leather and fetal fetal cedos. An avocado oil of cold spin in its composition has many useful components, including important acids, vitamins and trace elements. About the characteristics and properties of avocado oil, as well as on the method of its application - we will describe further.

The use of avocado oil

Useful properties and specificity of avocado oil:

  • Avocado oil is a good antidepressant, which will help with problems with sleep, stress and emotional tension. It can reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Antibacterial oil properties make it possible to create an effective protective barrier from various infections and bacteria. It is capable of improving immunity and is a good antiseptic that effectively shows itself with a cold, flu and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For compresses and rinsing, avocada oil must be applied no more than 1 drops on a glass of water.
  • Avocado food oil has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to remove harmful toxins from the body, normalize the work of the stomach and improve appetite.
  • Avocado oil inside is used for intoxication and constipation. With it, you can cope with obesity. To do this, 1 drop of oil is added to 1 cup of juice. This tool can be used 1 time per day.
  • Sometimes avocado oil is used when cooking sauces, beverages.
  • This essential oil is used for oral hygiene. In particular, it is used to treat gum inflammation. It copes with stomatitis and helps with periodontal disease. By adding a few droplets of the product into the pharmacy agent, you can get rid of herpes on the lips and facilitate the condition of psoriasis, eczema and other types of dermatitis.

  • Avocado oil is a good prophylactic agent of cardiovascular diseases. With the help of it, you can normalize blood circulation, overcome obesity, clean the blood.
  • Useful avocada oil due to its composition. Vitamin E has a positive effect on women's health, the number of low density lipoproteins is reduced. The linoleic and oleic acid complex stimulates the immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes lipid exchange, improves the work of the heart and nervous system, and also effectively purifies the human body from various harmful substances, in particular, harmful toxins, slags, radionuclides, heavy metal salts. Antioxidant reutentorol contained in the product has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • If you add this oil into aromatic lamps in the amount of 3-5 droplets, it will be a great remedy for the prevention of colds.

  • The product has an excellent bactericidal property, has a positive effect on the skin, activates the healing processes of damaged tissues arising on the mucous membrane, and also improves the operation of the digestive system.
  • In addition to external effects, avocado oil can affect the operation of the internal organs. In particular, microclides are used in inflammatory processes in the intestine. When preparing the mixture use 10 ml of olive oil and 2-3 drops of avocadic oil.
  • It has a light diuretic effect, which is useful in inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. At the same time, the edema is removed and various disorders of the digestion are treated.
  • Use in everyday life. Avocado's essential oil is still well aware that it eliminates unpleasant odors in the house. At the same time, it disinfects the air and improves human performance. In order to aromatize the room with essential oil, you can use a conventional aromatic lamp or other means. It is believed that the room is 18 square meters. m is just 3-4 drops of product. They can be added to the water of the aromatic lamp or apply on the napkin and put on the heater of the room.

Avocado oil for body

Applications for beauty and body health:

  • Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, this oil is well suited for intimate hygiene. For the evening toilet, only 3-4 drops of the product and 50 ml of water are enough.
  • If you follow the diet for weight loss, then with the help of 5-6 droplets of this oil, it is possible to reduce appetite, while not causing harmful side effects. At the same time, it does not allow to accumulate in the body of an extra liquid, which helps to lose weight.
  • Avocado oil is used to prepare aromatic baths. For this, the bath is filled with water with water 37 degrees, add to it about 6-7 droplets of oil mixed with a spoon of honey. This bath is recommended not to take no longer than 8 minutes. After that, the body is wiped with a towel. Such procedures have a tightening and tonic effect.
  • Avocado oil is used to strengthen the tan. To do this, it is added to the body lotion.
  • Jojoba oil and avocado found their use in massage. To do this, it is enough to take only 3-4 drops of avocada oil, the same amount of jojoba essential oil. The mixture with massaging actions is applied to the skin for 6-7 minutes. Typically spend a course of such a massage lasting in 15-20 days. After that, they take a break, and repeat sessions again. By the same technology, avocado oil is used for massage hands.

Avocado oil for emotional state

The aroma of avocado oil helps perfectly with the nervous system disorders. In particular, it removes the stress, minimizes the effects of stress, and also relaxes and soothes. It is worth noting that it can return confidence, optimism. His aroma is beyond and helps with the decline of strength. Some people carry a aromatic medallion with them, and which is periodically added 1-2 drops of oil.

With this oil, the organism is rejuvenated, and due to the fact that it helps to normalize hormones, it is also used to stabilize the work of the nervous system. To do this, take an aromatic lamp and 0.5 liters of warm water. Add 4-6 drops of avocadic oil to water, and heated for 12 minutes. Usually it is enough to do it -2 times in 10 days. Thanks to the aroma of oil, you can cope with problems with sleep and with depressive mood.

Avocado Oil: Cosmetology Product Value

General description of avocado oil

  • With the help of an avocado oil extract, you can get rid of the scars that remain after deep acne. It can stimulate the outflow of lymph, as well as reduce swelling.
  • Useful avocado oil for the skin around the eyes. It regulates the functionality of the sebaceous glands, stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for restoring and maintaining skin tone.
  • Avocado oil for face. Suitable for treating problem skin. So, it is used for tightening and purifying pores. In addition, it makes softer with flapheld skin, which makes it possible to use this oil when peeling and flaws skin.
  • Helps avocado oil from wrinkles. The skin becomes more elastic and smooth. It is also useful in the fight against mimic wrinkles and can remove the tension in the muscles. With this oil, you can brighten the pigment spots.
  • Avocado oil is used to strengthen nails.

Masks with oil avocado for face

It's important to know! Test on sensitivity should be carried out before applying the product. It takes a drop of oil and applied to the skin behind the ear or on the bending of the elbow. In these places, the skin is the thinnest. If there is no redness and itching, the product can be applied.

Recipes with cosmetic oil avocado:

  • Cream with avocado oil. Standard dosage to enhance the positive qualities of cosmetics is usually 4-6 droplets for every 12 grams of the cosmetic base. Compositions with this oil is best used for sensitive, normal and dry skin.
  • To remove excessive oily skin, you can prepare a mixture with orange and auto oil, naolet. It takes 1-2 drops of each agent and mixed with 1 egg yolk. Keep not more than 12 minutes.
  • Avocado oil for cropped skin. You need to take 120 grams of water, add about 2-3 drops of oil and then put a cotton fabric into this mixture, which will be used as an applicator. Keep the tissue in the solution and then apply to problem areas that should be pre-covered with paper or some kind of insulant cloth. Compress usually keeps 20-25 minutes.
  • Avocado oil around the eyes can be used in combination with cucumber juice (0.5 tsp). So, you can reduce the signs of "fatigue" and swelling.

Avocado oil for hair

Hair masks with avocado oil:

  • Heat on fine fire 1 tsp. Avocada oil and 1 tbsp. Oil germs of wheat. After washing the hair, thoroughly rub the product in the roots, and then wash off.
  • Shampoo with avocado oil is shown to strengthen hair. You can add 1-2 drops of funds to your usual shampoo.

Avocado oil: Contraindications

Like many oils, avocado oil has its own contraindications:

  • In particular, it should not be used to pregnant women, especially in the first weeks.
  • In addition, some people simply will not be able to endure this smell, because it is quite specific and intense.
  • When using the product, it should not be mixed with oils that contain turpentine. In particular, it concerns cinnamon oil.
  • It can not be used for ulcers, hepatitis and gastritis. Moreover, even just to care for the skin.
  • In general, when it is applied it is very important to observe the dose. After all, its impact on the body is very strong. Best before that consult with the doctor.
  • When using essential avocadal oil, you should know that it cannot be applied to the skin when sunny. The fact is that it can accumulate sunlight, which may be the cause of sunburn.
  • In addition, if a person with increased skin sensitivity will use this oil for a long time and in a large dose, then this may lead to irritation and redness.
  • Most often reviews about the use of avocado oil is positive. However, sometimes there is an existence of allergic reactions to the product. Therefore, with avocadic oil should be cautious people who suffer allergies.

Avocado oil: video


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