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The benefits and harm of turmeric for weight loss. How to take turmeric for weight loss - recipes, results, reviews

The benefits and harm of turmeric for weight loss. How to take turmeric for weight loss - recipes, results, reviews
Do you have overweight? We offer you a lot of fat -burning recipes with turmeric and a detailed description of their use.

Slenderness goes to absolutely everyone, but not every of us boasts ideal forms. If excess weight is there, and in the gym to sweat reluctantly, you can get rid of a couple of extra pounds using turmeric. If you are interested in how to drink turmeric for weight loss, whether this eastern spice is suitable for everyone and when to expect the desired weight loss, read the article in which we will answer all your questions.

Turmeric - useful properties for weight loss

The beneficial properties of an amazing spice with an oriental aroma called turmeric can be told for hours. We are used to using it in the kitchen in the form of a bright yellow powder with a slightly spicy taste and spicy aroma. But in the nature of turmeric is the root, which is often called "yellow ginseng."

Turmeric is simply indispensable in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, prolong youth and is able to treat diseases. But many observations and experiments revealed another unique ability of this yellow powder - it helps to lose excess weight without much effort.

This spice contains a large supply of important nutrients. In particular, there are essential oils in Kurkum, the Kurkumin pigment, B vitamins, as well as potassium, manganese, a little iodine, copper and iron. Thanks to these components, turmeric has an extensive effect on the body, which leads to normalization of weight.

Note! Kurkuma, according to World Studies, was added to the list of anti -cancer substances and today is part of some drugs for the treatment of tumor processes.

The benefits of turmeric for weight loss are that:

  • The metabolic processes are accelerated, and adipose tissue breaks down more quickly.
  • Excess water from organs and muscles are excreted.
  • The intestines and kidneys are cleaned of dangerous toxins, which increases the efficiency of fat burning.
  • The slow metabolism of the intestine is activated.
  • New lipid deposits cease to grow.
  • Sugar levels return to normal.
  • Gas formation with strong flatulence is reduced.
  • The mood rises and depression passes, and, therefore, the excessive overeating on nervous soil decreases.
  • The desire to eat something sweet or fat is suppressed.
  • Kurkumin contained in turmeric, gently stimulates the outflow and excretion of bile. This significantly increases metabolism, which contributes to a faster and more easy disposal of extra pounds.
  • There is a doubling of heat production (thermogenesis) in the body. This causes increased burning of fat in the liver, renewal of its cell composition, detoxification.

Losing weight with turmeric - is it real?

The research center in America claims that this is quite real, but you still have to make a little effort. Here are the conclusions that scientists made as a result of the experiment on the participation of people who want to lose weight with the help of turmeric:

  1. If you do not limit the use of high -calorie products, turmeric will be powerless. Therefore, the key to a quick weight loss - turmeric, diet and at least a little fitness.
  2. The turmeric perfectly lowers the feeling of hunger, which allows you to calmly wait for lunch or dinner without a snack on the run by buns, nuts, and hamburgers.
  3. Spice gives fresh dietary dishes of new taste shades, which allows the body to produce gastric juice in sufficient quantities and more intensively digest food. And this also helps to burn lipids.
  4. The use of drinks with turmeric triggers metabolism, helps to consume energy on biological processes in the body, and prevents the formation of fat reserves.
  5. Kurkuma is unable to completely take on the process of eliminating excess weight, but with a regular combination with a diet, it is able to work miracles.

Turmoimus for weight loss - how to accept

Scientists still cannot accurately determine the daily need for turmeric so that the weight is steadily decreasing without harm to the body. But most opinions come down to one optimal amount of spices per day-from 500 mg to 3 g, which is equivalent to ½-2 teaspoon of powder. It is important to note that the daily use of turmeric below the lower border on losing weight does not affect in any way, and excess of the norm can provoke diarrhea or heartburn.

It is advisable to divide the daily dose into several tricks, pouring powder into soups, second dishes, coffee, sauces, drinks, or dilute in milk and consumed as a separate dish. You can drink turmeric, regardless of meal or combined with food.

Turmoor turmeric - recipes for home use

In order to lose weight, turmeric is often added to smoothies, tinctures, soft drinks and at the same time conduct special wraps with turmeric courses. For these purposes, fresh root or dry powder is used. You can also use turmeric in the form of essential oil. Consider simple but rather effective options for “turmeric” weight loss.

Recipe No. 1: milk with turmeric for weight loss

The main remedy for weight loss is a mixture of milk, turmeric and honey. After drinking the drink, fat burning, cleansing the skin from infectious rashes, strengthening nail plates, hair is observed. And if you drink this product hot, it cures a long cough and tonsillitis. Therefore, milk with turmeric is rightfully considered a universal medicine.

To prepare the drink, you need:

  • Milk - 180 ml.
  • Turmeric powder - 2 g.
  • Natural honey-7-10 g.

Dairy drink from turmeric for weight loss is prepared quickly and simply:

  1. In milk temperature, honey dissolves.
  2. Then the turmeric is poured and stirred to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Drink milk in the afternoon or before bedtime.

The first results appear only after several days of use. Nutritionists advise combining such weight loss with a sparing diet and light physical exertion. Such an integrated approach will allow you to lose weight faster, and at the same time give the skin the opportunity to tighten, and to acquire the muscles of elasticity.

Recipe No. 2: kefir with turmeric for weight loss

If you are a supporter of fermented milk products, you can give preference to a kefir and turmeric -based recipe. This cocktail will be able to replace a full dinner by reducing your daily calorie used and “drive away” excess weight. In addition, the lactobacilli present in kefir will strengthen the action of turmeric, and therefore weight loss will be advanced faster.

What will be needed:

  • Kefir (you can use home yogurt without additives) - 220 ml.
  • Turmeric - ½ tsp.
  • Bee honey (optional) - 10 g.

A cocktail is made for losing weight in this way:

  1. Liquid honey is added to kefir.
  2. The turmeric is poured and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Kefir is used in small sips for dinner instead of the main dish.

Recipe No. 3: ginger and turmeric for weight loss

Here is another way to prepare an infusion for weight loss. In this option, you need to combine turmeric, lemon and ginger. The drink is refreshing, aromatic and warming.

List of products:

  • Water - 1200 ml.
  • Fresh ginger-5-6 slices.
  • Lemon - 1 average fruit.
  • Turmeric - 3 tsp.
  • Sugar/honey to taste.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Cut the washed lemon in half, squeeze the juice, and cut the zest into pieces.
  2. Pour water, citrus juice into the stewpan, throw a lemon skin.
  3. Boil the mixture, add turmeric and sweetener (if you use honey, add it to a cold infusion).
  4. Remove from heat, add ginger.
  5. Take the infusion throughout the day in chilled form.

Recipe No. 4: turmeric and cinnamon for weight loss

Ginger and cinnamon also contribute to weight loss. Their combination with turmeric powder has a triple effect, and kilograms are just leaving before our eyes. The drink based on them reduces the level of glucose and stops its transformation into fat.

For the drink, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Boiling water - 360 ml.
  • Kurkuma - 2 g.
  • Chopped ginger - 18 g.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Flower honey - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Place spices in a deep bowl, pour boiling water.
  2. When the drink temperature drops to 37-40 ° C, add honey.
  3. Use the product in small portions throughout the day. So you will calm the appetite, activate the metabolism, and you will be cheerful and cheerful for a whole day.

Recipe No. 5: fruit smoothie with turmeric for weight loss

This option of using turmeric is probably the most delicious, especially if in the yard season of berries and fruits. You can make a smoothie several times a day, replacing them with heavy and high -calorie dishes. Based on your gastronomic preferences, you can choose any fruits for the season or use freshly frozen berries.

For a simple and very tasty smoothie, you need:

  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 large or 2 small.
  • Yogurt (it is better to take low -fat) - 180 ml.
  • Stevia honey or extract - 1 tsp.
  • Kurkuma-1-2 g.

To get a portion of the smoothie, just clean the fruits, immerse it in a blender, add yogurt, honey and turmeric, and then beat them until smooth. If desired, you can add a cube of mint ice.

Recipe No. 6: tea with turmeric for weight loss

The most amazing results during losing weight gives the use of multicomponent drinks that comprehensively solve the problem of excess weight. The next recipe is often called tea, but its composition is far from this drink and is quite peculiar, but very acting.

For turmeric tea is required:

  • Kefir/yogurt - 240 ml.
  • Fresh ginger root-20-25 g.
  • Honey - 30 g.
  • Black leaf tea - 2 tsp.
  • Kurkuma - 3 g.

Prepare tea like this:

  1. Tea sheet is brewed in a traditional way.
  2. Next, grated ginger, spices are added.
  3. Honey lies into the cooled drink, kefir flows.
  4. It is advisable to use turmeric tea before meals and before bedtime.

Advice! If there is no time to prepare special products, you can use water with turmeric for weight loss - dissolve 1 tsp. Powder in 200 ml of water and drink.

Recipe No. 7: wrapping with turmeric for weight loss

When excess weight is accompanied by the formation of cellulite, use turmeric for external exposure. Turmeric accelerates blood circulation, provides an active blood flow to the subcutaneous fat, improves the color and structure of the skin.

To make a mixture for wrapping, prepare:

  • Clay - 75 g.
  • Cinnamon - 8 g.
  • Water - 20 ml.
  • Turmeric-1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon or grapefruit oil-6-9 drops.

The process of preparing an anti -cellulite agent and the method of applying it to the skin:

  1. Dilute the clay with water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to her in turn.
  3. Apply the mass to the "problem" zones with smooth movements.
  4. Wrap the smeared seats with a cling film and cover yourself with a blanket.
  5. After 50 minutes, take a shower.
  6. Two or three procedures should be carried out per week.

Turmeric for weight loss - contraindications

Side effects after the use of turmeric are infrequent and mainly manifest in the form of nausea, diarrhea or strong dizziness.

But the list of contraindications for the use of turmeric for weight loss is much more:

  • Hypertension - Kurkumin helps to increase pressure.
  • Hormonal imbalance - increases estrogen synthesis.
  • A tendency to bleeding - liquefines blood.
  • Reduced sugar - turmeric partially blocks the absorption of glucose.
  • Age up to three years - can provoke allergic manifestations.
  • Liver diseases and pancreatitis - worsens the course of the disease.
  • Gallstone pathology - enhances the discharge of bile, and can cause the movement of stones.
  • Pregnancy - Kurkumin reduces the uterus.

Important! The turmeric should not be consumed as a means for weight loss with pills to lower cholesterol and drugs for hypertension.

Turmeric for weight loss - reviews

The usefulness of turmeric is confirmed not only by scientific research, but also by the experience of many women. On the Internet there are many responses about successful gaining harmony with the help of this oriental powder. In addition, women assure the stunning effect of turmeric on the condition of the skin of the body and face, and overall well -being.

Unfortunately, a huge desire to lose weight quickly, often pushes some women to increase the daytime use of turmeric, which ends with strong allergic manifestations and digestive impairment.

In the end, I would like to emphasize that turmeric is an excellent assistant in the fight against obesity and many diseases. But a positive result is possible subject to proper nutrition and recommended doses of spices. And the abuse of calorie foods and a strong hobby for turmeric, on the contrary, can greatly undermine health.

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