
Symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis

Symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis
Acute and chronic tonsillitis pose a great danger to human health, and getting rid of their consequences even more difficult. Read about the features of tonsillitis treatment in the article.

The hallmark of any cold is the sore throat. This is a physiological pattern: under the onslaught of harmful bacteria, the most unprotected organs of our body are the first to defeat. When the inflammation “clings” to the tonsils and takes the roots there, they say about tonsillitis. The disease has two development options: acute (then diagnosed with sore throat) and chronically tonsillitis. About 15% of children face this disease, tonsillitis in adults is a little less common (approximately 10%).

With tonsillitis, you need to contact an otolaryngologist - it is this doctor that will help you cure. High incidence rates are mainly associated with poor knowledge of the population about the specifics of the disease and methods of its treatment. Our article will help to make up for these gaps.

So, tonsils are the main goal of tonsillitis infection. These are paired formations consisting of lymphoid fabric, their location is a sip and nasopharynx. They are part of the human immune system, with their direct participation, hematopoiesis in the body develop. The infection is most often localized in the tonsils, since they perform the function of the protective barrier of the oral cavity. There are several types of paired tonsils: palatine (tonsils), pharyngeal and nasopharynx (adenoids), pipe and lingual tonsils, which is one person. The structure of the entire set of tonsils is the same. Their tissue is saturated with the so -called microphages, which adsorb and destroy pathogenic microorganisms that break into the body. Lymphocytes are also synthesized here, they glue harmful bacteria and expel them outside our body.


Tonsillitis affects palatine tonsils. The tonsils are an important element in a long chain of metabolic processes, so everything that their fabric absorbs is immediately distributed into other organs. A special dye introduced into the tonsils as part of the experiment, after a while, stained with the fabric of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and ovary. The conclusion is obvious: as soon as the tonsils fall ill - the whole body will suffer.

The causes of tonsillitis

  1. Tonsillitis is born on the basis of the active life of bacteria: most often, streptococci and staphylococci become the culprits of the disease. In the presence of certain predisposing factors (weak immunity, seasonal deficiency of vitamins, poor nutrition), the tonsils give up positions and can no longer resist the attack of pathogens.
  2. Another cause of tonsillitis is the microscopic injuries of palatine tonsils.
  3. When breathing through the mouth, the risk of getting tonsillitis is much higher than with nasal breathing.
  4. Diseases and pathological states of the nose (polyps, curvature of the nasal septum) violate nasal breathing and still doom a person to chronic tonsillitis.
  5. Often you can get sick after communicating with an infected person-the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. You can also become infected with direct contact with the pathogen through household items.
  6. All the time extension occurs. Normally, a throat of a healthy person contains a certain number of dangerous bacteria, which, after severe hypothermia or reducing immunity, begin to actively multiply.


Forms of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can develop in acute and chronic form.

Acute tonsillitis

Most often, an acute form of the disease appears due to the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. At the same time, if acute tonsillitis became the result of direct contact with the pathogen, in the absence of timely and proper treatment, it becomes chronic.

Acute tonsillitis, known as tonsillitis, is an infectious disease, which in the form of acute inflammation is localized on a lymphatic pharyngeal ring, namely on palatine tonsils. The main causative agent of tonsillitis of this form is the beta-hemolytic streptococcus of group A.

Chronic tonsillitis

This is a long inflammatory process that covers the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils. It can develop independently, as well as after sore throat, measles, scarlet fever and other diseases in which the mucous membrane of the pharynx is affected. In the chronic form of tonsillitis, simple and toxic-allergic varieties are distinguished:

  1. A simple chronic form of the disease is expressed exclusively by local signs (redness and sore throat).
  2. The toxic-allergic form of the disease is also manifested by unwell a general nature (cervical lymphadenitis, high temperature, disorder of the heart muscle).

When sluggish tonsillitis exacerbates, they also talk about sore throat.


Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of tonsillitis of different forms are slightly different from each other.

Signs of acute tonsillitis

  • Painful discomfort, which spills in the throat during swallowing.
  • A sharp jump in body temperature to dangerous indicators (39.5 - 40 0WITH).
  • Tonsil transformation: they significantly increase in size and become punts.
  • The formation of purulent traffic jams on the tonsils.
  • An increase in lymph nodes and pain in their location.
  • Severe headache.
  • A sense of general malaise.

Signs of chronic tonsillitis

  • The pain at the time of swallowing, which is especially painful in the morning.
  • A constant feeling of dry and sangs of the throat.
  • Dry cough, similar to allergic.
  • The putrefactive smell from the mouth.
  • Fast fatigue, which affects the quality of performance.
  • A slight increase in temperature, which is observed only from time to time.
  • Sleep disorder (difficulties with falling asleep, insomnia).
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Painful discomfort in the location of the lymph nodes on the neck.


What is the danger of tonsillitis

Too frequent exacerbation of tonsillitis does not bode well for a person. The disease has the ability to provoke the development of the following diseases with severe human health:

  • persistent inflammation of the connective tissue (rheumatism). The disease is a great danger to the joints, heart valves and the heart muscle itself (myocarditis and endocarditis), causes the development of heart failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • paratonosyllar abscess.

Features of the diagnosis of tonsillitis

During a visual examination of the patient, hyperemia and severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and tissue that surrounds them are detected. If you palpate the front ear and cervical lymph nodes, you can feel their strong increase, seal and soreness.

A clinical blood test for tonsillitis will certainly show leukocytosis (the number of lymphocytes rises to at least 20*109/l), the formation of a large number of immature leukocytes (the leukocyte formula is shifted to the left), an increase in ESR to 40 - 50 mm/h.


Tonsillitis in children

Children's immunity is in a state of active formation until the child reaches the age of 6. However, this does not mean at all that, having passed this line, the children stop sick. The body's defenses continue to improve up to adolescence, so the diseases that our children have to be transferred during this period can be listed for a very long time.

The disease of tonsillitis with the children's body does not stand on ceremony: penetrating the oral cavity, the pathogens of the inflammatory process practically do not meet a rebuff, so the tonsils instantly attack. A hemophilic stick and streptococcus are considered especially dangerous for the child, which enter his body with airborne droplets. Sometimes it seems that an Angina in the baby appears out of the blue, but this is not so: the protective forces of the children's immune system are still so imperfect that in the presence of the child it is enough to sneeze once to convey a dangerous disease to him.

Acute tonsillitis in children manifests itself with such symptoms:

  • sore throat, redness of his mucous membranes, throat swelling;
  • whitish plaque on the mucous membrane;
  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • refusal of food;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • increased and painful lymph nodes.


The basis for the treatment of acute form of the disease in a child is antibacterial drugs (amoxiclav, macrolides, cephalosporins antibiotics). Self -medication in this case is strictly contraindicated, since the consequences of tonsillitis in the form of rheumatism and other complications can cause irreparable damage to the health of the child. In addition to antibiotics, a small patient is prescribed auxiliary methods of treatment: rinsing the throat with decoctions of medicinal herbs and irrigation of inflamed tonsils with special aerosols with antiseptic and analgesic effect. In the absence of a complete treatment, the acute form of tonsillitis in a child becomes chronic.

The chronic form of the disease is poorly treated and in most cases the outcome is one - surgery. Surgical intervention should be tried to avoid with all its might, since after the removal of the tonsils the body remains without a strong protective “wall”, which the tonsils served him.

In a chronic disease, regular irrigation of tonsils with medicinal solutions is of great importance - this allows you to maintain the activities of pathogenic microorganisms in the fridation and prevent the exacerbation of tonsillitis. To support the weakened immunity of the child, the doctor will prescribe an immunomodulating therapy to a small patient of the 2nd year for a year.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy

  Unfortunately, future mothers are also not insured against this dangerous disease. Acute tonsillitis in a pregnant woman can be caused by an sore throat that she has illuminated in the past, or an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. We must not forget about such factors stimulating the development of tonsillitis as hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, communication with infected people. By the way, most cases of tonsillitis in women in an “interesting” situation occur on the basis of a chronic sinusitis and caries that is not cured before pregnancy.

Actively leaking tonsillitis is extremely dangerous for the intrauterine development of the fetus: in the early stages of pregnancy, the disease can provoke a miscarriage, and at a late period - severe toxicosis.

How to cure tonsillitis of the future mother? First of all, she must understand herself that fighting tonsillitis, guided by the advice of friends and traditional medicine, is strictly prohibited! The neglect of qualified medical care may result in premature birth. Only in the competence of the doctor to select medicines and combine them to compile a safe treatment for acute and chronic tonsillitis in a pregnant woman.


Unfortunately, you can’t do without antibiotics, but the specialist will prescribe the future mother the most secure of antibacterial drugs. The recovery can be closer as close as possible by washing and rinsing the throat with antiseptic solutions and decoctions of herbs (pharmacy chamomile, calendula, plantain). Physiotherapy is also useful - it will eliminate painful sore throat. In isolated cases, treatment ends with tonsillotomy (surgery).

In advance planning of pregnancy, a complete medical examination before a responsible event will allow a woman to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of angina at a time when she is already in position. Healthy nutrition, weather clothes, regular walks, a clear follow -up of a doctor’s recommendations - a guarantee of successful pregnancy and easy birth.

Treatment of tonsillitis

Today, the therapy of an inflammatory disease has two methods - medication and surgical. Of course, it is preferable to avoid operations, since the human body, devoid of tonsils, is completely defenseless before such severe diseases as bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections. The studies that were carried out on this issue confirmed that the removal of tonsils for tonsillitis at an early age in one way or another distorts the process of puberty in children and the formation of the menstrual cycle in girls. Therefore, surgery is justified only in cases where drug treatment of tonsillitis does not bring positive results for a long time, and the patient's condition on this basis is complicated by frequent sore throats and problems of rheumatic nature.

Conservative treatment of the disease begins with a clear definition of the nature of the pathology (acute or sluggish tonsillitis, exacerbation of its chronic shape), such as inflammation (catarrhal, phlegmosic, purulent tonsillitis), such as the pathogen (staphylococcus, virus, spirochet, etc.).

Inoperative treatment of this inflammatory disease is based primarily at measures to preserve the organ important from the point of view of immunity:

  • compliance with a diet sparing regime with a high level of vitamins and other beneficial substances;
  • compliance with the drinking regime with an abundance of various warm drinks - herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks;
  • systematic sanitation of tonsils;
  • removal of accumulated pus on the lips. Purulent traffic jams can in no case be squeezed out independently - in this way you can only aggravate your condition even more;
  • rinse of the oral cavity and throat, inhalation, irrigation of the mucous membrane with antiseptic liquid agents (sodo-salt solution, a solution of furatsilin, hexoral, rivanol);
  • resorption of medicinal candies based on menthol (strepusils, poivil, pharyngosept);
  • prevention of fever and removal of pain during swallowing using paracetamol, nimesil, ibuprofen;
  • conducting physiotherapeutic procedures for the speedy restoration of protective functions of the tonsils (processing the affected tissue of the tonsure, ultrasound, ultraviolet light);
  • passing the course of treatment with antibiotics.


Antibacterial drugs for tonsillitis have the right to prescribe exclusively a doctor. The specialist will do this only after it is convinced of the bacterial nature of the disease.

The most effective in the treatment of acute tonsillitis caused by streptococcus are antibiotics belonging to β-lactams. These are penicillin and cephalosporin preparations.

If the patient is allergic to penicillin, cephalosporins of the I and II generations are used (for example, coffdoxim, cephalexin) and aminopenicillins (amoxicillin, ampicillin). The latter in small patients are used with great caution.

Treatment of tonsillitis at home

Traditional medicine for sore throat and chronic tonsillitis should be an additional rather than the main type of treatment.

  1. Mix equal parts of calendula flowers, plantain leaves and wormwood grass.   Measure 1 tbsp. l. mixtures and pour it 1 tbsp. boiling boiling water. Boil the product for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Use a warm solution for rinsing a sore throat every 1.5 - 2 hours.
  2. Grate fresh beets on a fine grater, then squeeze the juice after a few layers of gauze. 1 tbsp. Combine the beet juice with 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar (pay attention to - not essence!) Pass the throat with a solution up to 6 times a day.
  3. The most effective medicine to get rid of inflammation of the throat and oral cavity is recognized as basil oil. Add 3 - 5 drops of the product to 1 tbsp. warm boiled water and rinse the throat 4 times a day.
  4. Brew strong, scattered tea. Cool it exactly as much as you can endure the temperature. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. tea 1 tsp. Salt and use for rinsing several times a day. Purulent traffic jams will break through quickly and painlessly.
  5. Rinsing the throat with warm champagne will help to cleanse its mucous membranes of white plaque and remove pain. The procedure is repeated 10 - 12 times during the day.
  6. Grind 5 dry leaves of plantain and brew them 1 tbsp. boiling boiling water, then insist for 30 minutes. When the product is ready, rinse their throat every hour, having previously heated. If the solution is bitter, sweeten it with honey.

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How to stay healthy

When it comes to sore throat, the best way to treat than responsible prevention cannot be invented. We list the main postulates of a healthy lifestyle to prevent the development of tonsillitis:

  1. Constant stimulation of general and local immunity. The strong local immunity of the tonsils is based on a respect for them. Take care of the throat from the influence of irritating factors. They include dry and cold air, coarse, very dry or hard food.
  2. Put yourself from communicating with sick people who are the most dangerous source of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Cut the throat. For this, from time to time you need to delight yourself with ice cream and cold drinks. You need to drink and eat small leisurely sips. Tempting procedures are shown only to absolutely healthy people.
  4. In chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to regularly irrigate palatal tonsils with an antiseptic agent (for example, a solution of furatsillin) to destroy the colonies of streptococci and staphylococci, which, with the slightest decrease in immunity, begin to actively multiply. An antiseptic can be alternated with decoctions of medicinal herbs (nails, plantain, sage). After a month of active rinses, you need to take a mandatory break for 2 to 3 months.
  5. From time to time, do a preventive massage: slightly raise the chin up and with light strokeing movements of your fingers pass along the chin from the jaw to the chest. It is useful to perform this simple procedure before going outside or after eating a cold dish or drink.
  6. And, of course, do not forget about a healthy and balanced diet that will make your immunity to impenetrable armor for bacteria and viruses.


Features of therapy of acute and chronic tonsillitis





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