
Rules of weight loss upon Dr. Bormental

Rules of weight loss upon Dr. Bormental
In the article you will find valuable recommendations that will help you appreciate the Dr. Bormental diet.

Many people who are concerned about the extra weight of a woman probably heard of a diet with the sonorous name of the method of slimming Dr. Bormental, although not everyone had time to try her on himself. Reviews of this nutrition system are quite controversial: some are in full delight of the achieved effect, others take the effort into vain and the absence of the desired result. However, the universal way of weight loss for everyone has not yet been invented, therefore, an ideal diet that will make sure that you often have to look for a method and error. Our article will tell our article about the rules of weight loss in Dr. Barretail.

In 1992, a group of young Tomsk scientists developed a dietary method of nutrition, conventionally indicated as Dr. Bormental Diet. The scientific works of the famous doctor V. M. Bekhtereva were based on this method of weight loss. In 2011, the method was patented in the clinic "Dr. Bormental". Over time, the diet learned all Russia.

First of all, we will draw your attention to such a nuance: under the method of boronal, you can mean the method of psychological weight correction and directly diet. Both ways have to lose their fans. The psychological approach to the problem is based on the search for an effective motivation that would pushed the patient to a successful deliverance from unnecessary kilograms. This person will help a competent specialist who, during psychological trainings, tells the patient, how to understand himself and understand that it is preventing him to lose weight.

We will get acquainted with the Dr. Bormental diet: we learn the rules of its holding and the optimal menu for weight loss.


Principle of Slimming Slimming

The creators of this method assure that the border diet does not drive a person in the hard framework of prohibitions, and you will no longer have to edify yourself for an extra eaten piece. You can even radically change your familiar diet, only its daily energy value should not exceed 1000 - 1200 kcal. The reviews of the diet tested on themselves confirm that the daily rate for active and moving women is 1,200 kcal, and those who prefer to "hurry slowly" will be enough and 1000 kcal.


Yes, you understood correctly - from now on you yourself a nutritionist. Every day, revising your menu, choose the most preferred food for yourself, not forgetting at the same time to count on how much kilocaloria it will cost you. For convenience, it is necessary to use the product of the energy value of the products and small weights for weighing portions. Such a nutrition approach will very soon help you correctly arrange priorities, and you will understand that it is better to give preference to a large portion, which is based on low-calorie ingredients, than to enjoy a miniature portion from high-calorie products.


All products for slimming on a diet Bormental are familiar to you and your stomach: you can thicken hunger and restore forces by boiled meat, low-fat dairy products, egg proteins. Even on sweets and baking, there is no strict prohibition - just imagine! At the same time, it is necessary to behave intelligently, overlapping the portion of the delicacy of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.

It's important to know! Be prepared for the fact that the drift of Dr. Bormental is at first so much "surprising" your body that you will very quickly part with a certain number of extra kilograms. However, after a while, the weight will "become", as they say in the circles of losing weight. Do not despair - this is an absolutely natural and viable process, it is impossible to stop there!

To stimulate the body to further positive metamorphosis, it must be shaken, and here is the time to remember the unloading days. The most optimal product for unloading is considered to be kefir, which will help your metabolism wake up and resume the process of weight loss.

Rules of Slimming Diet Bormental

So, let's list all the fundamental principles of the diet, sticking to which you will be doomed to success:

  1. There are no hard restrictions in food. I want to eat chocolates - let yourself this little weakness. Just do not forget that in 100 g of the dark tiles of delicacies lies 540 kcal, which must certainly decide to their daily diet. Total you have another 660 kcal, no more. This approach makes it possible to think and analyze, creating, in fact, an individual nutrition system. Thus, by the method of samples and errors, you will gradually understand, from which products it is worth refuse, and what, on the contrary, to give preference, so that you do not go beyond the diet, and feel good. Studying your diet, you will soon notice that there are no more white bread and bull, potatoes, sausages and pasta, fatty milk and sour cream, butter. At the same time, you will not feel psychological discomfort from the fact that there are no high-calorie foods, because no one has canceled bonuses in the form of a piece of cake. Satisfying from time to time your appetite of such food, you will withdraw yourself from the stress zone.
  2. Once again we emphasize your attention on the numbers: 1000 - 1200 kcal daily - this is what you need to strive for. Learn the caloric content you need food on the food value table of the food value and fix the results in the diary.
  3. Eat 4 times a day, sticking to small gaps between meals (3, 5 - 4 hours).
  4. Conditionally divide your daily diet for such a coronality principle: 30% is assigned for breakfast, the afternooner - 10%, can be allowed for lunch 40%, we leave 20% for dinner. Do not forget about the "savous" second dinner (if you really want to eat) - 5 - 10%.
  5. Ensure yourself with a large number of net non-carbonated water - the required minimum is 2, 5 liters per day.
  6. In terms of weight loss, reduce the number of hazardous products such as sweets, pastry, pasta.
  7. You will also have to refuse to use oily, smoked, salty food, marinades and canned food.
  8. The most useful and healthy food is boiled, stew, baked, cooked for a couple. Remember this.
  9. The volume of the one-time portion should not exceed 200 g. Food intake Try to stretch for half an hour, and from the table to get up slightly hungry.
  10. In the system of food at the doctor, there is no place with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol will only slow down the process of weight loss.
  11. Increase the value of your diet due to protein products. Fish, meat and seafood should appear on your plate as often as possible. Also add vegetables with a large amount of fiber, not fatty dairy products and not sweet fruits.
  12. Take yourself for happing every week.
  13. During the diet, it is better to abandon intense physical exertion. Mastering a new nutrition system, the body should not test pressure in the form of additional energy consumption. If you go to the gym and do not want to change your mode, add another 200 kcal (1200 in total) to the daily diet.
  14. Sit at the table after 30 minutes. After waking up, and dinner for 3 - 3.5 hours before sleep.
  15. Despite the diverse menu for slimming Dr. Bormental, the diet can be recognized as rather tough. This means that you need to take care of your immunite, as well as the appearance of the skin, nails and hair - without a high-quality polyvitamin drug, we can not do. Vitamins can be chosen at their discretion.
  16. To stimulate the intestinal work and the prevention of constipation, drink 1 tbsp. l. vegetable or olive oil. The caloric content of these products in the weight control diary is not necessary.
  17. Adhering to the Dr. Bormental system, you need to remember the individual and often unpredictable reactions of the organism in the form of dizziness. This can happen if the blood sugar level decreases sharply. To prevent faint, you always need to have a glucose tablet.
  18. If you have not needed to leave the diet during weight loss. Just add an additional 200 kcal for the daily diet, drink more water and tea with lemon.
  19. If a long time is stubbornly stubborn in place, reduce the daily diet per 100 kcal.
  20. How to get out of the diet without sacrificing postroynevshey figures - that is, perhaps, one of the most pressing issues in women who have already achieved positive results on Bormentalja diet. Such a power system can be followed up until the arrow at the regular weights checkweighing not stop at the sacred figure. Complete diet, gradually increasing the amount of calories a day diet. So you can define personal facet, in which the weight will not increase.


Features of drawing up individual menus

Once again, at the time of weight loss method doctors Bormentalja you are your own dietitian. There is no universal list of products and the size of portions, which would need to adhere to, observing this diet. How can dive in so smoothly, so as not to feel psychological discomfort?

First you need to get the balance - and the usual kitchen, floor. To assess the energy value of food you want to cook all the ingredients you need to weigh it and calculate their caloric content of the table, and then determine the total caloric content of dishes.


When the dish is ready, you need to select a portion. It is also necessary to weigh and determine its energy value. Do not forget to fix the resultant figure in the diary - this will help you calculate the daily rate of the rest. Thus, whatever you want to eat during the day, subject to detailed analysis, based on common knowledge that make up the daily menu in the system doctors slimming Bormentalja.

writing in a diet and nutrition journal with orange to the side

At first, you might confuse a feeling that it's all too hard and takes a lot of time. However, the practice shows the opposite - 21 days (this is for a period in humans is formed by one or another habit) you could bring all the actions become automatic and you will not experience any discomfort.

Advantages and disadvantages of diet doctors Bormentalja

Following all recommendations diet developers can lose from 2 to 4 kg for 1 week. In this case, you will not need to exert great efforts to curb their hunger - will be enough to make changes in the diet according to their needs.

Bormentalja diet helps people to develop their own efficient power system for yourself. Many of these recommendations on nutrition into the habit, which contributes to maintaining healthy and fit figure for many years.

Speaking about the merits of a diet primarily distinguished:

  • lack of strict prohibitions and psychological peace of mind in this regard;
  • the ability to choose the products and dishes to your liking;
  • development of individual power system.

Happy young woman weighing herself on balance scale at health club

There are negative reviews:

  • constant monitoring calorie foods and dishes;
  • the need to carefully make information about the process of weight loss in a diary;
  • with prolonged exposure to the diet is that the weight of standing in one place 1 - 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the diet doctor Bormentalja

Such a power supply system in a certain way alters the body's metabolism, so is not suitable for everyone. We list the main contraindications:

  • people suffering from mental disorders;
  • woman waiting for the baby and breastfeeding;
  • adolescents under 18 and senior citizens over 60 years old;
  • people who are recovering from a heart attack, stroke;
  • and cancer patients suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • people who are actively involved in sports.

Sample menu for 7 days

With an indicative menu for the week the system doctors Bormentalja supply can be sure that this diet is quite "tasty" and nutritious.

  Breakfast (300 - 350 kcal)

100 grams buckwheat, 80 g of boiled meat, 100 g of cheese flavored 1 hour. L. honey, a piece of hard cheese, natural coffee cup.

Snack (100 - 150 kcal)

Lean vegetable soup or soup, seasoned sour cream (150 g), tea with marshmallow (1 pc.)

Lunch (400 - 450 kcal)

150 g vegetable stew, 200 g of steamed fish, 200 g fruit jelly, 50 g of dietary cookies.

Dinner (200 - 250 kcal)

150 g vegetable salad with seafood or 150 grams of fruit salad filled with yogurt, dried apricots, and walnuts, black tea cup, 1 - 2 cubic dark chocolate.

Snack at bedtime (80 - 100 kcal)

1 cup of yogurt and the dried toast.

Natural components of food, and do dishes can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is to maintain the necessary dietary energy, keeping the balance of protein and vegetable food by a decline in the number of light carbohydrates.


This power system will not make you bored and will not spoil the mood fresh and monotonous food. As part of the diet of Bormental can come up with the most original recipes. For example, here is one of them.

Vegetable stew with mushrooms

You will need the following ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 2 - 3 ps .;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs .;
  • carrots - 2 pcs .;
  • small onions - 2 pcs .;
  • boiled mushrooms (champignons) - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 15 g;
  • salt, pepper, garlic and spices - at will and taste.

Mushrooms and chopped small slices of tomatoes slightly fry on vegetable oil, then add chopped cabbage and carrots into the pan. Take all the ingredients about 20 minutes. During this time, cut the onions and pepper by half rings and add them to vegetables with mushrooms. After that, cutting the dish for another 15 minutes. on slow fire. After cooking, the dish should stand for about 30 minutes. Before serving on the table, vegetable mass with mushrooms is refilled by sour cream garlic sauce.


The energy value of a delicious dish is 500 kcal, and 100 g contains approximately 100 kcal. A large amount of genuine tissue, vitamins, trace elements and protein in the meter will quickly curb feeling hunger and raise the body with useful substances.

If, after reading this article, you caught fire the idea to test the Dr. Bormental diet, do not postpone this decision for later, try it right now, and the first positive results will not wait for a long time.

Secrets of effective weight loss. Video


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