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Black cumin oil

Black cumin oil
Black cumin oil. Benefits and use.

Black caraway seeds for several millennia in a row is widely used in folk medicine of the East to maintain health and beauty. This plant is found in many countries. Black caraway seeds, or chernushka sowing, Kimin, Kalindzhi, as well as the Roman coriander (there are more than a dozen other names depending on the places of growth) - is an annual herbaceous plant with small trihedral seeds of dark color.

Composition and beneficial properties of black caraway

Black caraway seeds are widely cultivated as a spice, has a bitter spicy aroma and tart binding taste. It is actively used in the preparation of rye bread (sprinkled with loafs), sauerkraut is baked with cable, used when pickling vegetables, meat is baked with it, added to soups, cheeses and a variety of pastries. One of the first famous liquors - the famous “kummel”, prepared on the basis of caraway seeds, was created back in the 16th century as a drink that improves digestion.


The greens of the wabbage have long been used for vitamin deficiency, the fruits in healing fees and tinctures, in perfumes and soap -breeding. It is known that Arab women eating caraway caraway seeds in a mixture with black pepper and honey as an aphrodisiac. The popularity of black caraway seeds in folk medicine of different countries is due to its numerous healing properties. Caraway seeds have a general strengthening and immunizing effect on the body, and also has a fairly wide range of useful action in protection against many diseases.

Essential oil extracted from black caraway fruits is successfully used in pharmacology, medicine and cosmetology. Black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant of the same name using the cold pressing method. The use of this technology retains the maximum of the beneficial properties of the plant.

Black caraway oil contains vitamins, trace elements, as well as valuable organic acids, beta-carotene and other beneficial substances. According to the results of independent studies, some fatty acids that make up this oil can only be found in seafood. Black cumin oil positively affects the functioning of the thymus gland, thereby stimulating human immunity. From here comes the undoubted benefit of the use of this oil - with regular use, the composition of the blood is updated and the composition of the bone marrow is improved, the manifestations of allergies are reduced. Also, black cumin oil is effective for dermatological diseases, gastrointestinal and acute respiratory infections.

How to choose the right oil of black cumin


The most appreciated oil produced by the first cold pressing method. To decide where to buy black cumin oil, it will be useful to take into account some nuances:

  • Black cumin oil produced in Egypt is widely found on sale. This is due to the balanced combination of “quality-price”, and these manufacturers of essential oils are well known in our sales market. Black caraway oil has been imported from Egypt for more than ten years.
  • The oil of production of Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and Algeria is characterized by a soft taste and excellent quality. Black cumin oil from Saudi Arabia, as well as the UAE, is positioned as a premium product, its cost is quite high.
  • Other manufacturers (European countries, Russia, Ukraine) mainly use imported raw materials for squeezing black caraway oils, since the climatic conditions of these countries are not optimal for ripening this plant. Often, a fairly high price of black cumin oil in these manufacturers is due to overhead transportation costs.

Depending on the production method, the following varieties of black caraway oil oil are distinguished:

  • by geographical attribute - according to the place of cultivation of the plant;
  • according to the composition - for example, the so -called “royal” oil of black caraway seeds (it contains 30% of Ethiopian black cumin seeds and 70% of Syrian caraway seeds), “essential” oil of black caraway seeds (a mixture of Syrian and Ethiopian cumin seeds). Mixing is carried out to obtain the optimal ratio of taste characteristics and effectiveness;
  • the oil of the first cold pressing, as well as the pressing oil without mechanical filtration, including a natural precipitate in its composition;
  • 100% pure black caraway seeds or mixtures with additives - for example, adding 30% of olive oil softens the taste of black cumin oil and contributes to its better absorption.

Black cumin oil use

Black cumin oil has pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, mycoseptic, anti -inflammatory and tonic effect.

Regular use of black caraway oils inside is recommended for healing the body, increasing immunity and fighting many diseases. Effectively affects diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive and genitourinary systems, metabolic disorders, as well as for viral infections. The use of black caraway oils gives a tangible effect:

  • in the fight against hypertension - reduces blood pressure and reduces the level of harmful cholesterol;
  • in the fight against atherosclerosis, cerebral circulation disorders;
  • in diabetes mellitus, black cumin oil regulates blood sugar levels, is involved in the synthesis of insulin;
  • with helminthiasis;
  • with dysbiosis, for the prevention of colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach, biliary disease and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • in case of violations in the operation of the reproductive system, to enhance potency;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • it has a calming effect and relieves spasms with bronchial asthma.

Black caraway oil is used externally:

  • to care for oily, problematic and inflamed skin, with acne, as well as for mature skin;
  • for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases;
  • with inflammatory diseases of ENT organs (with rhinitis, sinusitis, SARS);
  • for the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • to improve the condition of the hair (cares, effectively moisturizes, enhances hair growth, prevents the appearance of premature gray hair);
  • as an anti -inflammatory, soothing and restorative agent in skin diseases (allergic dermatitis and neurodermatitis);
  • to normalize blood circulation, increase skin elasticity, to combat edema and stretch marks;
  • for rubbing with crepe and pain in the joints.

Contraindications to the external use of black caraway oil oil are almost absent. It should be noted that this tool is a potent concentrated drug, and it should be used with caution externally undiluted. Carefully study the instructions for the use of black cumin oil.

Application for hair

Eastern women traditionally use black caraway oil to maintain the beauty of their hair, because it contains a real storehouse of nutritious and moisturizing substances. Black caraway oil strengthens hair, effectively fights dandruff and early gray hair. It is not recommended to use this oil for healing hair in a pure undiluted form (in order to avoid possible allergic reactions).


Recipes for hair masks with black cumin oil:

  • To give dull and lifeless hair silkiness and shine, mix caraway seeds, olive oil and onion juice in equal amounts, warm the resulting mixture a little and apply to the hair. This mask must be kept for half an hour, then rinse the hair thoroughly.
  • Against the section and hair loss, prepare a mask of black cumin oil, low -fat cream and olive oil (take all components in equal proportions), apply to the hair and carefully massage the scalp. After a quarter of an hour, wash your hair with warm water.
  • To stimulate hair growth, mix cable, burdock and castor oil (half a tablespoon), add the yolk of one egg and a couple of drops of patchouli or lavender essential oil, stir thoroughly and apply for half an hour, then rinse.

  Application for weight loss

Black cumin oil is successfully used for weight loss in the form of a dietary supplement and in home beauty recipes to increase skin elasticity and reduce the volume of critical zones. This oil accelerates regeneration and improves the appearance of the skin.


To reduce weight with black cumin oil, you need to switch to a lighter diet and minimize the use of carbohydrates, in addition, you should take black cumin oil according to the scheme below.

In the first month:

  • 1 and 4 weeks - in the morning, take 1 tsp. oils, drinking a glass of water;
  • 2 weeks - in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals, take 1 tsp. oils, drinking a glass of water;
  • 3 weeks - take in the morning 2 tsp. Oils, drinking a glass of water.

In the second month:

  • 1 week - in the morning to accept 1 tbsp. l. oil on an empty stomach without water;
  • 2 weeks - in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals, take 1 tbsp. l. Oils without water. Keep in mind that the daily intake of fats in food must be reduced to 20 g;
  • 3 weeks - 20 minutes before meals before breakfast, lunch and dinner, take 2 tsp. oils, not washed down with water;
  • 4 weeks - before breakfast and lunch, take 1 tsp. oils.

After the course of the course, black cumin oil should be taken every other day as part of salads or adding to drinks. The given technique guarantees weight loss by 2 kg monthly, is effective for accelerating metabolism, normalizing blood sugar and reducing appetite.

To enhance the effect, massage with black cumin oil is recommended:

  • To reduce the volume of the body - mix 150 ml of black caraway oils with 5 drops of grapefruit oil and 3 drops of jasmine oil, and then massage the problem areas, moving from ankles to the waist, devoting to each area for several minutes;
  • To increase the elasticity of the skin - 200 ml of black caraway oils mix with 10 drops of natural menthol or peppermint mint, massage problem areas. Perform the procedure in the morning before breakfast.

The contraindication to this massage is individual intolerance to black caraway oils, as well as the presence of mechanical skin damage.

  Application in folk medicine


Black cumin oil recipes:

  • For the treatment of a runny nose - lubricate the wings of the nose outside, as well as moisten cotton rollers (turundas) with black cumin oil and place in the nose for 15 minutes.
  • For the treatment of otitis media - in order to relieve inflammation, as well as for pain relief, place a cotton turunda moistened in black cumin oil in the ear.
  • With a cold, accompanied by an angry cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, rub the back and chest with a mixture of olive oil and black cumin oil (in a proportion of 5: 1). Take the oil of black caraway seeds for 1 tsp.  3 times a day for a week.
  • For the treatment of diarrhea 2 times a day, take half a glass of kefir mixed with 1 tsp. Black caraway oils.
  • A remedy for flatulence and swelling of the stomach - add a few drops of black caraway seeds to tea.
  • With a stomach ulcer, take a decoction of flax with black cumin oil, prepared as follows: add a tablespoon of flax seed to a glass of water, bring to a boil, warm over low heat for two minutes, and then add a teaspoon of black cumin oil. Drink a glass of infusion in two tricks (in the morning and evening).
  • With helminthiasis - regularly lubricate the anus with caraway oil oil.
  • For the treatment of prostatitis - a mixture of pumpkin oil and black cumin oil (1: 1) take one teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • For pain in muscles and joints - mix a small amount of black caraway oil oil with olive oil, use for rubbing.
  • To improve memory-add 7 drops of black cumin oil and a little honey to a mint glass of a mint decoction, use on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day.

How to drink black cumin oil

The recommended daily dose is no more than one or two teaspoons of black cumin oil for treatment and prevention.


Children over the age of 3 years are allowed to give black cumin oil in the next dosage:

  • from 3 to 5 years - half of h. l. per day;
  • 5-10 years-no more than 1 tsp;
  • children over 10 years old - no more than 1.5 tsp. per day.

Black cumin oil should be taken half an hour before meals (drinking half a glass of water) or consumed immediately after eating.

Black caraway oil is a very effective therapeutic tool with the effectiveness proven clinical research. Positive reviews about the use of black cumin oil and the growing demand for this product convincingly indicate in favor of the use of black caraway oil oil.

Contraindications for use

Like most plant drugs, there are some contraindications to the use of this essential oil:

  • it is forbidden to take pregnant women-black cumin oil may harm during pregnancy due to the presence of plant hormones in the composition;
  • after the transplant transplant operations, implant rejection may occur;
  • allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

  Black cumin oil, beneficial properties (video)



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