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Fasting in Bragg

Fasting in Bragg
Fasting in Bragg is a system that is able to improve well -being and restore health, restore youth and flowering appearance.

Paul Bragg is the founder of the theory of starvation. The scientist found an approach to this process from the point of view of science and succeeded in the implementation of this system. At first he tried everything on himself and only then invited the followers to join him. Bragg argued that thanks to regular starvation, you can completely cleanse and improve the body, as well as to push old age as far as possible. Bragg’s book “The Miracle of Hungering”, in which he outlined his vision in detail: both the theory and the practice of starvation, quickly became a bestseller, which broke the sales records. And judging by the fact that every year of the followers of the idea of \u200b\u200bBragg is becoming more and more, his theory has taken root and fell in love with more than one million inhabitants of our planet.

Practice: What does starvation mean in Bragg?

Therapeutic starvation in Bragg is not a complete lack of food in human life. This is a healthy diet, which is fixed by fasting methods.

Paul Bragg was a physiotherapist. In adolescence, he was very ill, so he had poor health. Nevertheless, having become a physician, he developed his own system of cleansing the body, thanks to which his health became strong, and he himself safely survived until old age, remaining active, mobile, flexible and strong.


The principle of the main theory, which passes the invisible thread through the concept of “starvation along the Bragg” is the cleansing of the body of toxins that surround a person from all sides and negatively affect appearance and health. The theory of starvation in Bragg is clearly disclosed in the doctor’s book, where the principle and specificity of starvation of 24 hours, as well as a week and 10-day starvation, is described in detail.

You should not get involved in starvation very often - it is enough to starve once a week for a day and three times a year - a week (or 10 days each).

It is also worth attentive to the fact that you eat outside the fasting periods. Vegetables and fruits are not as useful as we think. This applies primarily to plants that “received” a lot of chemistry during growth: fertilizers and protection from pests does not benefit either vegetables and fruits, or people who then consume them. The fact is that all toxins and harmful compounds are absorbed primarily into the peel of plants, into their roots and leaves. Processing of plants (cooking, extinguishing, etc.) does not completely eliminate toxins, just like circumcision of the thick layer of the peel.

Stunning by Bragg: Duration

How many specialists, so many opinions. Until now, scientists around the world are arguing, what the optimal duration of the starvation course should be. Bragg himself was sure that it was not necessary to starve for 20-30 days. It is enough if you systematically starve for no more than 10 days. A prepared person who has already “got into the system” can try to live for 15 days.

In his book “The Miracle of Hungering”, Bragg claims that it is enough to refuse 24 or 36 hours once a week. After the body gets used to restrictions, it will be necessary to starve three to four times a year for seven to ten days. This will help the body - you will feel a surge of strength and energy.


Stunning in Bragg: Distilled Water

  • Hungry treatment is impossible without the use of distilled water for drinking. The composition of this fluid does not include various chemical compounds, so the body will not receive stones in bile or kidneys, and salt deposits on the joints also do not threaten you.
  • Distilled water is an absolutely clean fluid, so it is able to dissolve various compounds in the body and remove them painlessly for humans.
  • Distilled water is similar to rain water in tropics or subtropics - in those places where there are no large industrial facilities.
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    Fasting on Bragg: how to properly conduct a period of abstinence from food

  • Paul Bragg advises starvation meaningfully: for this it is necessary to prepare not only the body, but also the soul, free oneself from work, since abstinence from food can lead the body to easy ailment.
  • During fasting, try to move less - lie more, be in solitude.
  • If possible, walk in the fresh air, but if you feel dizziness, it is better to take a horizontal position.
  • During fasting, do not watch TV, do not read books, do not listen to the radio, give up noisy companies.
  • Drink as many distilled water as possible.
  • To quickly remove toxins from the body, add a third of a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice to distilled water - this will help the body get rid of toxins faster.
  • During starvation, the intestines work weakly or does not work at all - you should not worry about this, since all the functions will recover when a person begins to eat vegetable food.
  • During starvation, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth - this is due to the fact that the body gets rid of toxins, and a foul -smelling plaque forms in the tongue. But with each next course, breathing will become fresh and fresh - until the body completely get rid of toxins.
  • Fasting is an excellent prevention of various diseases, and all internal organs are cleared by refusal to food.
  • Fasting is useful for patients with diabetes, as it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.
  • Stunning by Bragg: how to get out of the system

    Stunning by Bragg: 24 hours without food

    As Bragg writes in the “Miracle of Hungering”, his system is not complicated, the most important thing is to make a way out of starvation correctly.

    The exiting menu of starvation is quite simple - you need to eat vegetables.

    • Make a raw carrot salad (grated) and cabbage (finely chopped), season the vegetables with freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice. Such a dish will quickly saturate the body and cleanse the intestines.
    • After the menu, you can diversify - eat light stewed and boiled vegetables: pumpkin, beans, spinach, tomatoes, celery, etc.
    • Refuse sugar and in general any sweets, as well as white bread, so as not to increase acidity.
    • You should not use heavy foods immediately after fasting: meat, fish, nuts, cheese.
    • A few days after fasting, do not eat acidic food.


    Stunning by Bragg: A week without food

    Fasting gives results if you do it periodically. But the cessation of starvation is a very crucial moment, especially if the abstinence from food is more than 7 days.

    A weekly starvation leads to a decrease in the stomach and intestines, in addition, the body simply weanes from food as such. If you immediately start eating the usual food, then this can lead to a hospital bed.

    • The first day. A week after the start of fasting, you need to eat tomatoes. Dip 4-5 tomatoes into boiling water, then peel from the peel is your breakfast. Tomatoes need to be eaten as soon as they cool down. There is nothing more on this day.
    • The second day. Breakfast consists of a salad of raw vegetables - it is best to use carrots and cabbage for these purposes - the vegetables are crushed, and then tucked freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice.
    • The third day. The menu introduce stewed vegetables. It can be spinach, tomatoes, celery, beans.
    • Day fourth. In addition to stewed vegetables, you can eat bread for food - however, you must first dry it.


    Stunning by Bragg: Diet

    When composing an individual diet, it is necessary to immediately exclude a number of products, such as sugar, bread, flour, confectionery, cheese, ice cream, chocolate, meat (with the addition of stabilizers and preservatives).

    Fasting on Bragg, approximate menu:

    The first day

    • The first breakfast.

    Fruits (only fresh), bread (but only made of whole grinding flour), honey (instead of sugar), tea (herbal), a substitute for coffee.

    • Lunch.

    Salad (fresh vegetables), fish or poultry (boiled or baked), vegetables (boiled), fruits (fresh), tea (herbal), a substitute for coffee.

    • Dinner.

    Salad (fresh vegetables), fruits (fresh), lean meat (boiled), vegetables (boiled).

    The second day

    • The first breakfast.

    Vegetables (fresh or boiled), fruits (fresh), egg (screwed), bread (dried, two pieces), tea (herbal).

    • Lunch.

    Salad (fresh vegetables), beef (baked), apple from apples, honey, tea (herbal).

    • Dinner.

    Salad (fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, leaf salad, beets + freshly squeezed lemon or orange), stuffed with rice (boiled), vegetables (boiled), dates, tea (herbal), and a substitute for coffee.

    The third day

    • The first breakfast.

    Fruits (boiled or fresh), a bun (from bran), honey, tea (herbal), a substitute for coffee.

    • Lunch.

    Salad (fresh vegetables), corn (boiled), potatoes (baked), apple.

    • Dinner.

    Vegetables (fresh or boiled), fruits (salad), meat, fish or poultry (boiled or baked), eggplant (baked), tomatoes (boiled), tea (herbal), and a coffee substitute.


    Bragg advice on nutrition

  • Never overeat!
  • Raw vegetables and fruits, grown with their own hands without the use of chemical compounds, or acquired from environmentally friendly areas, contribute to cleansing the body.
  • Eat in small portions.
  • The most nutritious food of plant origin is nuts (peanuts, cashews, walnuts, cedar and almond nuts) and seeds (pumpkin and sunflower seeds).
  • Refuse meat. If it is very difficult for you, do not eat meat more than two to three times a day.
  • As soon as you feel that you are starting to get sick, the first thing to refuse meat is.
  • Headache, flickering of “flies” in front of the eyes, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth - all these are the first signs that indicate the slagging of the body.
  • If your liver works with violations, exclude from your diet all the products that contain starch, sugar and fats.
  • Do not think that if you do not eat meat or any other products, then your body will not receive the substances that are contained in these products-seeds and nuts can serve as a source for them.
  • Harmful compounds that enter the body through malnutrition, crystallize and settle in the joints - this interferes with their mobility, and brings pain to a person.
  • woman with A Plate of Vegetable Salad in Hands

    Stunning by Bragg: harmful products

    Paul Bragg advises to get rid of such products forever:

    • sugar and all the products where it enters (starting from jam, ending with sweets);
    • sauces, ketchups, seasonings;
    • olive;
    • salty and sharp snacks (including crackers, nuts, chips, etc.);
    • refined oil;
    • margarine;
    • coffee and drinks from it;
    • alcohol;
    • tobacco;
    • pork;
    • smoked fish and meat products;
    • sausages and sausages;
    • bird (if it is not known what feeds it was grown on);
    •   flour products;
    • fried potatoes;
    • canned and frozen vegetables and fruits.

    It is also worth noting that Bragg, despite the fact that he was a doctor by profession, categorically opposed the use of increased doses of drugs. Aspirin, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antihistamines, and antispasmodics are especially harmful to the body.

    Stunning in Bragg and Weight

    Fasting is therapeutic, and since excess weight or lack of weight is most often a consequence of a disease, abstinence from food can bring your kilograms to normal. Yes, hungry, you can even gain weight!

    Completeness is a consequence of malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. In one course of seven-ten days of starvation, you can easily lose weight by at least 3-5 kilograms. But if there is a lot of excess weight, then you can lose weight by 10 kilograms, at least, this is stated by experts.

    But all the person does not depend on how much he eats, but how the food that he consumes and how his gastrointestinal tract is absorbed. If the work of the intestine is not established, then a person can “unremise” the supplied to the body, even if the nutrition is increased. In addition, too thin body is a clear sign of the disease that develops, thanks to toxins. But you can get rid of toxins with fasting!


    The diet developed by Paul Bragg is ideal in order to improve the body and remove slags. The author of the methodology himself called starvation the best, even the greatest cleaner, since health and longevity depends on the “general cleaning” of the body.

    Fasting on Bragg - Video lesson from the author of the methodology



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