
Peach oil using peach oil

Peach oil using peach oil
Peach oil must be in each first aid kit, in each cosmetics. This is a medical preparation, and a cosmetic, and hypoallergenic.

Peach oil is a natural product that is obtained from the peach seed nuclei, so its second name is often found - peach bone oil. Produce it by mechanical pressing of the bones to keep all the beneficial properties of the product. After that, the resulting mass is cleaned and filtered. The output is light, but at the same time nutrient oil, which is used both in medicine and in the cosmetology industry.

Peach oil and its properties


Purified peach oil is necessarily yellow, without outsiders and flakes. Color varies from pale yellow to light yellow. This oil is valued for its rich composition. It is present in vitamins P, A, E, C, as well as vitamins of group B; Useful macro and trace elements: iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Cosmetologists like this oil for the presence of such fatty acids in it, like olein, linoleic, palmitic and stearinovaya. These saturated and unsaturated acids are needed by skin cells for their normal functioning.

Peach oil has many diverse properties and destinations. It successfully fights inflammation, moisturizes and tones the skin, softens, and also has regenerating properties. This cosmetic oil is quickly absorbed, which contributes to a faster penetration of beneficial components into leather layers.

Peach oil has almost no contraindications (except individual intolerance). It is hypoallergenically, therefore, both doctors and cosmetologists often replace them almond oil, which is contraindicated to people with allergies to nuts. In addition, pediatricians often recommend that peach oil for babies skin care, which is undoubtedly a plus.

The use of peach oil in medicine


Peach bone oil very actively uses both official medicine and folk. In the instructions for using peach oil, it is said that it is most often used for outdoor use, for example, as a basis for therapeutic ointments or for massage. A little less often as antitoxic, laxative and cleansing agent (internal use).

The oil of peach bones has antiemetic, antioxidant, diuretic and adaptogenic effect. With regular intake, the body is easier to remove toxins, which is very important for the inhabitants of large cities. Also, this cosmetic oil normalizes the operation of the digestive and cardiovascular system. In comprehensive therapy, it helps to fight anemia, diseases of the genitourinary system, respiratory diseases, etc. With external use, this oil treats various kinds of inflammation, light burns and diallos.

Persician oil in medicine (application instructions):

  • In cardiovascular diseases, peach oil is an additional source of vitamins and nutrients. Use it inside 1-2 tbsp. l. a day while eating. It can also be safely added to food: refuel salads, add to porridge, baking.
  • Before eating 1 tbsp. l. Peach oil is recommended for stimulating the operation of the tract, during constipation, as well as a diuretic and choleretic agent.
  • 2-3 drops of warm peach oil will help with pain in the ears. Drink 2 times a day into every ear sink.
  • Before using peach oil for the treatment of rhinch, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasopherler. If necessary, rinse the nose with a salt solution or sea water. Then drip in every nostril 2-3 drops of warm peach oil. Repeat 3 times a day before the disappearance of symptoms. This is not a vasoconstrictor, so it's not worth waiting for a quick result. In the season, colds for the prevention of pumping peach oil in a nose 2 drops 1 time per week.


The method described above can be treated with a runny nose in pregnant and babies.

  • Peach oil is useful for the throat. In case of tonsillitis, it is recommended to handle inflamed almonds. This method of treatment is suitable for throat treatment in children, since peach oil has a pleasant aroma and does not cause disgust in contrast to other medicines.
  • Inhalation with peach bone oil is recommended for pharyngitis. Conduct twice a day. For 1 glass of boiling water to take 5-10 drops of oil. Breathing over the ferry from 10 to 20 minutes.
  • To restore damaged voice ligaments is also used peach oil. Doctors spend this procedure by irrigating voice ligaments with a special syringe. In folk medicine there is a good alternative: drip peach oil into the nose, thipping the head. The oil "goes down" on the nasopharynk and moisturizes damaged voice ligaments. This procedure is performed 1 time per day.

Peach oil in cosmetology


Peach oil is a self-sufficient cosmetics. But cosmetologists often use it as basic oil for the preparation of various cosmetic drugs. As a rule, essential oils are added in proportion 1: 1. This is done both to enhance the action of aromatherapy and to improve the efficiency of cosmetic procedures. The most common peach oil satellites in the recipes of cosmetologists is almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado, wheat embryos.

Properties of peach oil:

  • Peach oil is valued as a nutrient and moisturizer for the skin.
  • It contributes to the regeneration of the skin, therefore is often used in the manufacture of rejuvenating agents.
  • Due to the oil structure, this oil eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin.
  • Peach oil increases skin elasticity, and is also an excellent anti-cellulite agent.
  • Peach bone oil reduces irritation of inflamed skin.
  • With problematic skin - eliminates acne, cleanses and narrows the pores.
  • A big plus is its multifunctionality: peach oil feeds and stimulates the growth of eyelashes, softens and nourishes the skin of the lips, moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, nourishes dry and damaged hair, strengthens the nail plate.

Peach oil for face


Peach oil is Must Have for owner of dry, fading, sensitive skin, prone to inflammation and allergic reactions.

In winter, peach little becomes a defender of the skin of the face from the wind, snow, frost, that is, from aggressive weather factors. But even if your skin has undergone negative environmental impacts, peach oil will easily eliminate dehydration, peeling, etc.

The easiest way to use peach oil for face is to apply it instead of a night cream. Apply on the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline, taking the skin from other cosmetic tools and a fat layer. Better, if you do it immediately after the shower, when the skin is placed and ready to absorb useful substances from the oil.

Peach Oil Masks


Facial moisture mask

20-25 drops of oil warm in a water bath. It will not be an error if you get it in the microwave. Then take a clean wet cotton napkin or handkerchief, soak with warm oil and impose on the face. Top to cover with a towel. Mask exposure time 20-30 min. During the procedure it is better to lie down and relax. The result is elastic and moisturized skin. It is recommended to make such a mask once every 2 weeks.

For the skin of the eyelid

For this recipe you can use peach oil in its pure form. But to enhance the cosmetic effect, it is best to combine it with jojoba oil or avocado. Oil or mixture of oils slightly warm (as in the previous recipe). True to this mask will need 3 times less oil. Next, soak cotton pads and apply to eyelids for 15 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed. If you do it in the morning, after the peach oil it will be difficult to apply makeup on the eyelids. Mask to do 1 time per week in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. To eliminate the inflammation of the eyelids - if necessary, but not more than 2 times a week.

For lips

As in the previous recipe, you can take only peach oil or a mixture of oils. For example, 1 tbsp. l. Peach oil mix with 1-2 drops of essential oil Melissa, roses and lemon. Application procedure is similar to the previous recipe: Moisten cotton discs and make appliqué on the lips. This mixture will restore the elasticity and elasticity of the lips. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time a week in winter and 2 times a month in summer.

From wrinkles

1 tbsp. l. Heated peach oil mix with whipped egg yolk. Add 15 drops of vodka or alcohol in the mixture. Mask keep on the face of about 20 minutes. It can be used no more than 3 times a week. Suitable for the prevention of shallow wrinkles and to eliminate them.

From acne

1 tbsp. l. Peach oil mix with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Stir and pour into a glass bottle, be sure to be made of dark glass. Use as a tonic for problem skin. But, if the skin is dry, and there are still acne, then this remedy needs to be applied to night. The mixture of these oils has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Peach body oil


In the treatment and prevention of manifestations of cellulite, cosmetic peach oil is used very often. For example, this is a recipe for anti-cellulite means: on 1 tbsp. l. Peach Oil add 1-2 drops of citrus essential oil (orange, mandarin or grapefruit) and rub in massage movements into problem areas. To enhance the effect, additionally rub the skin with a washcloth or roller massager. And for the deterioration effect, you can add a coffee thickness to the mixture or some other abrasive in your desire.

Professional masseurs love to use peach oil in their work. Use it both in its pure form and in combination with essential oils. Proportions: on 1 tbsp. l. Peach Oil Add 1-2 drops of essential oils. The smell of essential oil is selected individually, but so that it harmonized with the smell of peach.

Peach hair


If your hair is damaged as a result of unsuccessful manipulations with dyes or other chemicals, then you are perfect for peach oil. It is recommended to care for dry and brittle hair, as well as a protective remedy for frost in winter, and in the summer - from the sun.

But its application does not end with applying directly to the hair, it can be rubbed in roots. Thus, peach oil nourishes hair bulbs with vitamins. And with regular use, the hair gives a well-kept view.

Peach Oil Hair Masks

For hair growth

Mix for 1 tsp. Peach and olive oil, add 1 tsp. drug "Dimeksid". The subtlety to use this mask is that all ingredients need to be mixed very quickly and also quickly apply for the entire length of the hair. Remove the hair under the film, top to tie a shawl or just put on the header. After 1 h wash off warm water with shampoo. Important! Due to the oily structure, the mask was harvested from the first time, so it is recommended to wash your head 2 times. Air conditioning is not necessary.

For dry and brittle hair

Depending on the length of the hair in a bowl, pour 2-5 st. l. Oil peach. Heat in a water bath, add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix thoroughly so that the essential oils are completely dissolved in the base oil. Apply on the hair and on the skin of the head with soft massaging movements, trying not to fill the hair. After 15-30 minutes, wash the head shampoo.

For the treatment of sequential ends

The sequencing tips can also be attempting to "secure" with peach oil. Finger tips rubbed into the hair 30 minutes before washing. And to enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of this oil to the air conditioner or hair mask.

Peach oil for eyelashes

When using peach oil to care for eyelashes, it is possible to observe such effects:

  • decrease in eyelashes;
  • fast growth;
  • glitter and velvety.

Methods for using peach oil for eyelashes two. The first way to be impregnated with warm discs with warmed peach oil and apply for centuries for 10-15 minutes. The second way: Take the used mascara, thoroughly wash the tube and pour peach oil there. It makes it easier to apply oil directly on the eyelashes.

Important! Do not apply too much oil on the eyelashes, otherwise it will be wary in the morning before your eyes. It is better in 5-10 minutes after applying to get into the surplus with a dry cotton disk. The required amount of oil will have time to absorb even during this short period of time.

Peach oil for nails


The use of peach oil in hand care helps to achieve two different effects at once. First, peach oil strengthens the nails, makes them shiny and elastic. And secondly, softens the cuticle, which can then be painlessly removed, without breaking his hands.

Use peaching oil for hands is simple: with the help of a cotton disk, apply oil into your hands, thoroughly rubbing into each individual marigold. In the process you can make hands massage. After 15 minutes, remove the surplus with a paper napkin.

The result - the cuticle grows slower, and nails, on the contrary, faster. Plus, the nails become stronger and healthier. The main thing is in such care - regularity: try not to miss a single day!

How to choose and store peach oil?


Peach cosmetic oil is better "working", if you choose and store it correctly. When choosing peach oil, pay attention to its composition. Oil intended for intake, should not contain any additives.

Store oil is better at room temperature, in a dark glass container, under a tightly closed lid. Bathroom, kitchen, as well as a fridge - these are those places where to store peach oil is categorically impossible. It should be dry and darkened place.

Peach oil mask. Video


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