
What is SMAS lifting

What is SMAS lifting
How to return youth to the skin

Over the years, the skin of the face loses the tone and attractive appearance: soft tissues in the cheeks, neck and chin are sag, the contour of the face is disturbed, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead are drawn, the skin of the eyelids becomes flabby. All this occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, bad habits, poor ecology and, of course, due to the development of various chronic somatic diseases. As a result, the skin ceases to develop the required amount of collagen and elastin, suffers from dehydration and lack of nutrients.

Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offers many options for preserving the youth of the face for many years. You can choose procedures in beauty salons or a more radical way - contacting a plastic surgeon.

What is SMAS lifting


Smas is not the name of the cosmetology procedure. This is a medical abbreviation in English, which is translated and deciphered as a “superficial aponeurotic system”. That is, it is a layer of collagen and elastin fibers, which are located on the facial muscles of the face directly under a layer of skin. The clarity of the human face, the presence or absence of folds and deep wrinkles depends on the state of SMAS. It is SMAS that is the first to feel age -related changes in the body, which are gradually reflected in the appearance of the face.

Smas-lifting is a procedure for rejuvenating and restoring the contour by tightening soft tissues of the face. The main difference between SMAS-lifting and other procedures to eliminate age-related changes in the fact that SMAS lifting has a deeper effect, while eliminating the pressure on the epidermis from the inside. Specialists in the field of plastic surgery note that the effect of SMAS lifting will remain 10-15 years, subject to proper care of the face, and even then the patient will look much younger than her biological age.

Such a lifting is carried out in the clinic of cosmetic surgery with a qualified doctor. To date, SMAS lifting is the most popular among women, however, the most difficult plastic facial surgery.

There are three main techniques for conducting SMAS lifting:

  • classic (surgery);
  • endoscopic (surgical intervention using an endoscope);
  • ultrasonic (using a special apparatus).

Operational SMAS lifting

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Up to 40 years, there is still no need for such a procedure, to improve the condition of the skin and the prevention of age -related changes will be enough cosmetic procedures. But later, at the age of 45-60, Smas lifting becomes almost the only way to return youth and attractiveness of the skin.

If you have decided on a long-complicated SMAS-lifting operation, then, first of all, you will choose a proven clinic that has appropriate licenses and an experienced plastic surgeon. Do not trust your health and beauty to a doctor whose qualifications you doubt.

The risk of surgical intervention is that if nerve fibers are affected, which can cause partial numbness, tissue necrosis or a change in facial features.

Smas-lifting: Indications

skin Check Before Plastic Surgery

  • deep wrinkles in the forehead and nose bridges;
  • the manifestation of deep nasolabial folds and vertical wrinkles on the cheeks;
  • omission of the skin of the eyelids and the outer corners of the eyes;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • sagging cheeks;
  • the effect of a double chin;
  • folds in the neck.

Smas-lifting: Contraindications

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blood coagulation;
  • oncological disease;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • serious diseases of internal organs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • bad habits (drinking alcohol or smoking).

Types of operations similar to SMAS lifting

  1. Ritidectomy is a skin tightening. It can be carried out under local anesthesia. The effect will last no more than 5 years.
  2. Lifting with pliacation. During the operation, SMAS does not move, but decreases due to stitching. Such an intervention carries a minimum risk of damage to the nerve fibers. The result will be noticeable for 8-10 years.

SMAS lifting: Preparation for the operation


In order to prevent complications during the operation and after the surgery, the surgeon needs to get complete information about the patient's health status. Therefore, before you go to the clinic to conduct plastic surgery, you need to visit your therapist and specialists of a narrow profile (if necessary), take blood tests (general, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and urine, make an electrocardiogram and fluorogram. Be sure to tell a plastic surgeon about all the drugs that you take, about the features of a change in blood pressure, possible allergic reactions and the presence of bad habits.

If during the preliminary examination there are no contraindications, the plastic surgeon proceeds to the study of the anatomical characteristics of the patient’s face, the condition of the skin. The possibility of conducting classic or endoscopic SMAS lifting is also discussed. The patient’s preparation for the operation begins 10 days before it is carried out:

  • it is necessary to refuse smoking and taking alcohol even in small doses in order to restore blood flow in the skin of the skin;
  • if possible, refuse to use drugs;
  • the day before the operation, go to liquid food (broth, kefir);
  • on the day of the operation, do not take food at all.

SMAS lifting: How the operation goes


Both classic and endoscopic SMAS lifting are carried out under general inhalation anesthesia. The operation lasts several hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

  • a cut is applied from the front edge of the ear to the occipital region (in the case of an endoscopic operation, only incisions are made for the penetration of the device);
  • with the help of the tool, the upper layer of the skin is exfoliated;
  • if it is necessary to remove fat, then it is carried out using a needle;
  • the doctor pulls up SMAS to the desired position and fixes with the help of several seams (these internal seams are absorbed after a while);
  • excess skin and tissues are excised;
  • it imposes cosmetic seams along the hair growth line.

When the manipulations are completed, a sterile bandage is applied to the face, which will be removed only after 3-5 days.

At the same time, other operations can be performed with SMAS lifting:

  • tightening of the neck muscles;
  • elimination of fat deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chin;
  • correction of the shape of the eyes and eyelids;
  • eyebrow tightening;
  • dEMOLETER Correction.

SMAS lifting: recovery after surgery


The most important rule for the patient after the operation is to observe all the recommendations of a plastic surgeon, otherwise the result may be worse than expected.

The first 4-6 days the patient remains in a hospital where daily dressings and additional therapy are carried out using drugs (mainly antibiotics and painkillers). When the edema begins to go (it completely leaves after 1.5 - 2 months) the patient can be written out to continue recovery at home. You can wash your hair and use cosmetic products on the fifth day. After 8-10 days, the surgeon removes the seams. And a woman can return to the usual rhythm of life only after a few weeks.

Rehabilitation after the classic Smas-lifting lasts about a month and a half, and after endoscopic it passes faster-you can recover in three weeks. To accelerate the rehabilitation process, various physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to the patient, including lymphatic drainage massage.

Within 2 months after the operation, the patient is prohibited:

  • visit the sauna, bath;
  • be in the open sun and sunbathe in the solarium;
  • play sports and transfer physical activity;
  • dye hair;
  • consume alcohol and smoke.

SMAS lifting does not affect the causes of age-related skin changes, but only fights with the changes themselves. To stimulate the production of your own collagen in skin cells, some time after the operation, you can undergo a biorevitalization course (hyaluronic acid injections) or laser rejuvenation.

SMAS lifting: possible complications after surgery

  • hematomas and swelling of the skin;
  • hair loss in the seam;
  • decrease in skin sensitivity;
  • the formation of seals under the skin.

All complications are temporary and pass, as a rule, after a few weeks.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting


Ultrasonic lifting is a non -surgical method of deep Smas luster, which allows women and men who want to restore the youth of their face, not to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

For more than 15 years, high -intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU technology) has been used in urology and gynecology to remove tumors: under the influence of a special apparatus, the structure of the neoplasm is destroyed while all other fabrics remain intact.

And only recently (in 2009) the ultrasound “came” into the sphere of anti -aging cosmetology and, it should be noted, made a coup in it. The first on the territory of our country was the Ulthera System ultrasound lifting apparatus (US production), and then the Dublo apparatus (South Korea production) was also certified.

The device using high -frequency sound pulses stimulates the thermal coagulation of subcutaneous tissue: SMAS is toned and compressed, pulling the contour of the face, the production of collagen fibers is resumed. Ultrasound directedly affects fabrics at a depth of 5 mm (just at this level is SMAS), while other, even the most modern cosmetological procedures, are able to stimulate only in the range of 1.5 mm. The result from the procedure is noticeable immediately and continues to increase within 3-4 months (this is how much the active synthesis of collagen fibers will last), the effect of about 2 years remains.

  • cheeks, eyebrows, corners of the lips and eyes rise;
  • bags under the eyes are eliminated;
  • the oval of the face acquires its former appearance;
  • the return of elasticity and tone to the skin;
  • a double chin leaves.

Ultrasonic lifting allows most patients to avoid plastic surgery, however, in rare cases, when the patient has large excess skin, ultrasound cannot help. Ultrasonic lifting can be used as a preventive procedure to stop the aging process or as a corrective technique for people aged not older than 50 years.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting: Advantages


  • depending on the needs of the client, the device can have an effect of different depths: on fatty tissue, deep layers of the dermis or SMAS;
  • correction of any area of \u200b\u200bthe face and body (including the area around the eyes);
  • the procedure is painless and even comfortable (only a light tingling is felt);
  • rehabilitation is not required after the procedure: you can return to ordinary life on the same day;
  • there are no scars left, as after the SMAS-lifting operating methodology;
  • ultrasound lifting safety for all body systems;
  • long -term special preparation for the procedure is not required;
  • anesthesia is not required;
  • the procedure can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • to obtain the effect, one procedure is enough;
  • the appearance of the skin improves.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting: contraindications


  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • herpes in the aggravation stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pacemaker;
  • epilepsy;
  • systemic diseases.

Ultrasonic SMAS lifting: How the procedure is carried out

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The whole process of ultrasound rejuvenation takes no more than an hour. First, the skin is cleaned of contaminants and decorative cosmetics. Then the doctor applies a special analgesic composition to the face and leaves it like a mask for half an hour. When an anesthesia is washed off, the skin is disinfected, and it is ready for the procedure.

Before processing, a special marking is applied to the patient’s face, which allows you to indicate the necessary zones of exposure to ultrasound. During the session, the doctor processes two subcutaneous layers: it acts with ultrasound at different depths. During the procedure, heat, light tingling and slight tension of the skin are felt. If pain occurs during ultrasound during processing, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it, and he will reduce the intensity of the effect, otherwise the injury of subcutaneous layers and the formation of scars are possible. In the end, a soothing and moisturizer is applied to the face.

Recovery after ultrasound SMAS lifting

  • it is not recommended to be in the sun without sunscreen for 1 month;
  • subject to intensive physical exertion;
  • wash with hot water, visit a sauna or bath for 3-5 days so as not to provoke the formation of edema;
  • use exfoliability and scrubs.

Smas lifting: photo before and after


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Ultrasonic SMAS lifting. Video



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