
Diet pills

Diet pills
In pursuit of the perfect figure of a woman are ready to do everything possible and even impossible - at least they say so.

Today, many women experience dissatisfaction with their own weight. Having tried a lot of diets, they stop their choice on riding tablets. Many manufacturers of these drugs promise a rapid weight loss without starvation and physical exertion. Is it really true?

Slimming Tablets - Myths and Real Facts


Slimming Tablets: Is it possible to lose weight quickly with tablets

Most of the female half of humanity is constantly dissatisfied with their weight. It seems to women that they are unattractive because of unnecessary kilograms, so they try to lose weight in every way to like men. To do this, resort to all sorts of techniques and diets, as well as drugs to reduce weight, in particular - loss tablets. As far as they are effective and safe, we will try to figure it out.

Quite often women make a decision to buy a weight loss tablet when they need to quickly lose weight. For example, they are preparing for some important event of his life - a wedding or a date with a man.

Advertising such drugs guarantees a rapid weight loss almost a week. How real is it?

The fact is that diuretic products are often used in ribal tablets, thanks to which an excess liquid is derived from the body. A woman really loses weight, but not due to the loss of fat, but only due to the decrease in the amount of water. And if you stop taking the drug, lost kilograms will return. It is impossible to constantly take such pills, as this can lead to dehydration of the body. And this is fraught with serious consequences, up to the state of the coma.

Fast weight loss is not approved by doctors. According to nutritionists, the loss of excess weight should be gradually. The optimal option is one and a half or two kilograms per week. A too rapid weight loss can lead to the opposite effect - through time a kilogram will return to even more.

Side effects Slimming Tablets


Manufacturers of weight loss tablets argue that these drugs do not have side effects. In fact, it is not.

For example, fat-leading tablets in use prevent the absorption of feed from food - they simply are derived from the body. A negative consequence of such a reception of drugs is meteorism and as a result - fat stains with an unpleasant smell on underwear and other "surprises", which the intestine takes out of the body completely suddenly.

Also as part of such drugs there are Orlistat. According to the latest research, it has a toxic effect on the liver and kidney.

There are other side effects of such slimming pills. This is excessive fatigue, depressive states, as well as headaches and migraines.

Another component, which is often as part of the fat burning drugs, is caffeine. It helps to dump weight, thanks to the increase in metabolism. In such preparations, the caffeine content is much more than in coffee. Therefore, their reception can lead to excessive nervousness and insomnia.

Most women are confident that it is possible to use contraceptive pills for weight loss. However, without prior consultation with the doctor, such drugs may lead to negative consequences in the hormonal background of the female organism.

It is worth noting that in most weight loss tablets there are certain limitations in calorie diet, and physical exertion is also recommended. The question arises: if you can sit on a diet and limit yourself in food, and even play sports, do you need such pills at all? In essence, it is only a trick of manufacturers of drugs.

Natural components in slimming tablets

With regard to natural natural components contained in weight loss tablets, there are also questions. After all, the word "natural" does not mean safe. For example, a rather popular additive to the pill for weight loss - herb ephedra - a few years ago was forbidden to use, as it caused the cause of death due to the rapid increase in pressure during the reception of the drug. And the extract of bitter orange, which was also often used as part of the weight loss tablets, was also dangerous to health. It found a substance Sinefrine - the same as in the grass ephedra.

Varieties of pills for weight loss


All weight loss tablets can be divided into several types.

Food Replacement Tablets

This drug can be a substitute for one or several meals. Most of them make protein cocktails with vitamins.

The disadvantage - a long-lasting technique may cause chairs, a negative impact on the disability, manifestation of irritability and fatigue.

Tablets that suppress appetite

The principle of action of such a drug is an effect on the nervous system of the body, providing a dullness of a feeling of hunger.

The disadvantage - can lead to problems with sleep, constant irritability. Health problems may also arise in the form of headaches and negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

Tablets, providing a feeling of satiety

These drugs simply swell in the stomach and completely fill it. As a result, the illusion of satiety is created.

Disadvantage - chalk problems, irritability.

Diuretic products

Used often in pills and teas for weight loss. Principle of operation: During the drug from the body, an extra liquid is derived.

Disadvantage - short-term effect. Kilograms are quickly returned, fat still remains in the body. And the constant reception of the drug can lead to health problems. Loss of fluid can affect the cardiovascular system, lead to muscle weakness.

Laxative preparations

Often in pills for weight loss are used by laxatives.

The disadvantage is possible fast addiction. After the end of the reception, the normal intestinal operation is disturbed, which is fraught with chalk problems.

Blood absorption blocker

Slimming tablets contain substances that prevent fat suction. These may be enzymes that split fat and remove it from the body in its original form. Or various biologically active additives that contain chitosan. He absorbs fats and takes them out of the body.

The disadvantage is serious problems with the chair, constant irritation of the intestine.

Burners fat

Especially popular, as they contribute to the elimination of the fat already formed in the body. The composition of such drugs uses the bromelaine enzyme, as well as the extracts of guarana and garzenia fruits.

Disadvantage - low efficiency of the drug. These enzymes cannot cope with accumulated fat and remove it from the body. In fact, the effect of receiving drugs is nothing more than self-suggestion, which in combination with diet and physical exertion really leads to good results.

Most Popular Slimming Tablets


Today, the market presents a huge number of different slimming tablets. And the realized drugs have already compiled rather unambiguous statistics. What did the most popular drugs deserve their recognition on the Russian market, let's try to figure out. And for this, we consider in detail each of them.


One of the most popular slimming preparations. Sold in the form of capsules. He has an impact on the center of saturation in the brain. Because of this, a person does not want to eat for a long time, as a result of which the amount of calories consumed significantly decreases. Also, Reduxes also contributes to a more rapid metabolism in the body and fats splitting.

Side effects are a negative impact on the cardiovascular system, which is expressed in excessive heartbeat, increase pressure. Also observed an increased sweating, nausea, depression and irritability.

Reduxes can not be taken with hypertension and heart disease. Also has anti-conventional anti-other drugs.


This drug is aimed at blocking the absorption of fat organism. However, it is worth noting that fat deposits appear not only as a result of fats, but also carbohydrates. Therefore, people who eat flour products are hardly able to help such a drug. Judging by the reviews, the most frequent side effect when taking xenical is a large amount of fat and bleeding during defecation, a very liquid stool and abdominal pain, a stormy gas formation.


It is considered an analogue of foreign tablets of the Chinese company Dali. The preparation contains guarana and garganin extract, which have a tonic effect. Also in tablets there are bars, pumpkin powder and Topinambur, which allegedly fill the lack of nutrients in the body. However, the set of reviews indicate the mass of side effects when taking this drug. These are severe abdominal pain, insomnia, constant dizziness, liver problems and kidneys. In this case, the effect of the Lida is very controversial.


There are several species - teas, coffee, liquid concentrate, as well as pills for weight loss. Weight correction is achieved by reinforced metabolic products. The diuretic and laxative effects of the drug play a big role. However, this is fraught with negative consequences. After all, the liquid chair disrupts the intestinal microflora, it becomes the cause of nausea, pain in the stomach and reinforced heartbeat.

Mcz or microcrystalline cellulose

Finding into the intestines, it is not absorbed, but swells. At the same time, a person arises a sense of saturation. In addition, the MCC is a natural sorbent. Cellulose absorbs harmful substances and toxins. The side effect of this means can be called abdominal pain, as well as inflammatory processes and even bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thai Slimming Tablets

It is a separate line, since they have already covered many myths and legends. Allegedly in these pills put eggs of helminths and fill their drugs. In fact, as such a trademark with the name "Thai tablets" is not. And the sale of Thailand weight loss tablets in Russia is prohibited. Although the Thai product is eagerly fakes by our local businessmen. If you managed to buy real Thai pills, you only need to take them under the supervision of a doctor. IBS preparations of one of the Bangkok clinics are very popular. However, to find the manufacturer of not easy - addresses of this clinic somewhat and which one is real, is unknown.

The preparation includes vegetable components, as well as psychotropic substances that suppress the feeling of hunger and increase energy consumption. In Russia, they are recognized as narcotic substances, in some other countries they are prescribed for the treatment of obesity. The drug has many side effects, among which is a breakdown of sleep, nausea, dizziness, depressive states.

Are there effective weight loss tablets


In fact, no funds, including pills for weight loss, cannot bring the desired effect without the optimal nutritional and sports mode.

Many believe that it is enough to take "magic pills", while there is anything and lose weight. For the sake of this woman are ready to endure side effects in the form of constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, etc.

In fact, it is enough just to limit the reception of fats and carbohydrates, refuse to alcohol, drink enough liquid (at least 2 liters per day) and play sports. Observing these principles, the pills for weight loss may not be needed at all. If you still decided to resort to such drugs, it is worth knowing that they cannot be used during pregnancy, as well as people under the age of 18. And before receiving these drugs, it is necessary to consult with a specialist-nutritionist.

Slimming Tablets: Effect before and after



Nutritionists about weight loss tablets (video)


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