
What is gymnastics in Hada - features, benefits, how is carried out. Contacribing gymnastics for the face of face - how to do. A set of exercises of gymnastics Had for the spine. Gymnastics Hadu Hadu

What is gymnastics in Hada - features, benefits, how is carried out. Contacribing gymnastics for the face of face - how to do. A set of exercises of gymnastics Had for the spine. Gymnastics Hadu Hadu
In this article, we will tell you in detail about what gymnastics is Hadu.

Had gymnastics is a revolutionary system of exercises developed by Zviad Arabuli, a native of Georgia. It helps to strengthen the muscles, rejuvenate the skin and recover after the injury. Zviad Arabuli himself tried on himself the gymnastics that he developed because he was sick all his life. We will talk more about this unique author's methodology in this article.

Gymnastics Hadu: essence, benefit

The exercises developed by Had are called gymnastics prolonging life. It treats numerous senile diseases, rejuvenates the body and helps to reduce weight. After morning gymnastics, you will immediately feel a surge of strength and vigor, by

Several basic principles of this gymnastics can be distinguished:

  • Exercises must be performed without auxiliary equipment. The task of a person who performs Hadu gymnastics should simply strongly strain his muscles so that they are loaded.
  • The duration of classes should not exceed 20 minutes a day.
  • A person must feel every muscle at the time of the exercise.
  • At the end of each lesson, a person should feel fatigue.

If you do not adhere to all the above principles, then the Hadu gymnastics, according to reviews, will not bring any result. And if you do everything right, then you will feel all the benefit from the Hadu gymnastics complex:

  • you will begin to lose weight, you have to improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • your muscles will become much stronger and stronger;
  • mosque will become flat and beautiful;
  • the mood will always be awake;
  • pain in the spine, especially if they were before, will disappear forever.

There are no contraindications for the implementation of gymnastics for Had for every day. It is prescribed to people who are in a wheelchair.

Had gymnastics: how are exercises for the muscles of the face

First, we will introduce you the essence of the anti -aging gymnastics Had for the face. With its help, all women will be able to slow down the aging process and keep the skin elastic and elastic. You don’t even have to use auxiliary cosmetics.

How such gymnastics is carried out:

  1. First, thoroughly warm the skin of the face. Just stretch your skin with your hands in different directions. Make it pink. It is very important that during this procedure before gymnastics, the eyes are open all the time, the same applies to the mouth.
  2. After that, work with eyebrows is carried out. You need to frown, then be surprised (lowering and raising your eyebrows).
  3. Pull your lips with a tube forward, while first make a good physiognomy, as if smiling, and then frown.
  4. Make a few circular movements with your lips extended into the tube.
  5. Looking in the mirror, reproduce the faces of yourself in reflection, as if you want to frighten yourself. During this process, turn your head to the right or left.

All of the above exercises will help you not only rejuvenate your skin, but also cheer you up.

By the way, after you open your face muscles, you can work on the muscles of the eye. The exercises in this case are very simple:

  • put with eyeballs to the sides;
  • bring with eyeballs up and down;
  • make a few rotations with eyeballs first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Gymnastics Had for the spine

Had gymnastics for women and men is intended. With its help, the muscles of the back are actively strengthened. For the spine, you should perform such a set of exercises:

  1. Become, bending in the back, and your feet spread shoulder -width apart. Imagine that you are holding a big bar in your hands. Make a few exhalations and breaths, as if you are raising a bar at that moment.
  2. Stay in the same position, start strain your hands as if you are doing a bench press. To do this, you can imagine that you have the same bar or several heavy dumbbells in your hands.
  3. Become, huddled. It is necessary that the legs be bent, and the breath should be deep - strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible so that you directly feel insignificant pain.

Gymnastics Hadu Hadu

If you want to strengthen the muscles of the legs, then we recommend that you use gymnastics Had Blitz:

  1. Become evenly, arrange as widely as you can, and pull the stomach into yourself. Hands must be stretched along the body. Make 10 deep squats, at this moment you need to give up your hands bent at the elbows, back. In addition, you need to take breath and exhale, as deep as possible.
  2. Remaining in the same starting position, stretch your arms forward. Imagine that you are going to dive. At this moment you need to strain the muscles of the whole body.
  3. Become exactly, straighten your hands to the sides. You need to go up on your socks on inspiration and threw back your head back, straining the muscles of the neck and legs.
  4. Put your feet shoulder -width apart, placing them as wide as possible. You need to make some deep squats. During the squat, the hands are taken back.
  5. Become straight, put your hands on the belt, and take one leg back, and then raise up, tightening the muscles of the knee joint as much as possible.

In fact, the varieties of exercises in the gymnastics of Hadu are more than 40, they are all similar to each other and aimed at training different muscle groups. Most often, doctors prescribe such gymnastics with such diagnosed diseases as:

  • arthritis with osteochondrosis;
  • violations of the joints and ligaments;
  • injuries and complex fractures.

In many modern medical centers, where they are rehabilitated by people with complex fractures and injuries, they practice gymnastics of Hadu so that patients are restored and recover faster.

Never in a hurry when you perform Hadu gymnastics, not speed is important here, but the quality of exercise. If during the training you will have weakness and dizziness, then stop and rest, and only then resume classes.

What exercises can hada make a sedentary?

If you have life circumstances so that you cannot move independently, and therefore are forced to be in a wheelchair all the time, this is not a reason to limit yourself in development - you can engage in training of the muscles of the hands and press. What is it? We will list you several exercises that will help you:

  1. Make a deep breath with your nose, and exhale with your mouth. You need to feel how the diaphragm opens.
  2. Without ceasing to do the previous exercise, add more hands to it. On inspiration, straighten them in front of you, and on the exhale, lower them down. At the same time, the muscles of the hands need to be very much strained.
  3. Dissage your knees to the sides (if possible), place your palms on them, and make a few tilts forward, and then the same amount of rise. Do not forget to constantly strain the muscles.
  4. Lower your hands down, work with your shoulders. First you need to make several circular movements forward, and then the same amount back.
  5. Straighten your arms in front of you and work with your fingers, strongly straining the muscles of the hands. Imagine that you are a cat that scratches.

At first glance, it seems that Hadu gymnastics is very simple. However, it very much depleted the forces of a person if it is correctly performed. We hope that our tips and recommendations on how to do exercises according to the methodology of a Georgian specialist will help you put yourself in order and improve your health.

Video: "Gymnastics Hadu"



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