
Types of chemical curvage

Types of chemical curvage
What is the haircut of hair

Coquette and exciting curls never come out of fashion. In addition, the owners of straight hair very often want to change their image, make a hairstyle lush and playful. However, wrap the hair with a catch or on hair curlers every day - the occupation is very tedious, taking a lot of precious time. Therefore, beauty salons offer contemporary beauties a lot of types of chemical curls, among which you can choose the appropriate hair type.

What is a chemical curling hair


Many girls, having heard about the "chemistry," remember the times of their grandmothers when the hair mercilessly spoiled in pursuit of fashionable curls, and everyone hairstyle looked equally. But the manufacturers of cosmetic drugs do not stand still: modern means for chemical curls not only gently affect the hair, but also help to create different types of curls: from soft barely noticeable waves to elastic spirals.

So, the chemical curl of the curls is the effects on the hair with special preparations. The effect is maintained for a long time due to the fact that keratin inside the hair takes into interaction with reagents, the hair structure is softened, and the curls obediently acquire the form that the stylist-hairdresser gives it.

Before choosing a type of chemical curling, the master must estimate the condition of the hair, considering how damaged and how they will affect chemicals on their health. Sometimes experts are recommended to pass the hair restoration procedure, and then subjected to chemistry, pick up the relaxing composition.

What you need to know about chemical hairs hair


  1. Contrary to the emerging opinion that heavy smooth hair cannot be chemical twigs, experienced masters are taken for working with such curls. However, the hair of this type may be needed special means of daily laying and drying techniques so that the curls manifest itself.
  2. If the hair is visible from nature, curls can be given another form using a chemical curling.
  3. Do not think that after a chemical curling, the hair will fall in beautiful curls themselves. In any case, you will need to lay them, as well as include additional tools for recovery in daily care.
  4. Hair becomes land. For those girls whose hair is prone to fatty of nature, it can even become a plus. But the owners of dry curls will need to think well before making chemistry.
  5. After a chemical curling, give preference to special shampoos and masks: in the lines of professional cosmetics are products for climbing hair.
  6. The times, when there was a few weeks between staining and twigs, remained in the past. Modern cosmetics make it possible to spend several hair procedures in one day.
  7. If you are painting your hair, then coloring needs to be done after curling: because under the influence of chemistry, the dye will repel almost 40-60% and the color will lose saturation.
  8. Before you decide on a twist, learn reviews about the wizard: Do not trust your hair to a person with a bad reputation, even if its services are cheap.

Types of chemical curling in the type of


Acid Chemical Curling Hair

Hairdressers are called most popular curling technology today. Actually, acid "chemistry" was made back in distant 70s. And modern beauties are proposed to be improved, and therefore more sparing their option.

The main active substance of the composition is glyceryl monotocholocolate (pH 6.9 - 7.2). Of course, an acidic way of exposure cannot be called completely harmless, but it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. The effect is saved to six months. But earlier than the effect of acid will end, it will not be possible to get rid of the curls.
  2. The chemical properties of the drug are such that he penetrates the bulk of the hair, but does not reveal his scales. Thanks to this, the hair after curling is destroyed only inside, and the external shell of porous and unprotected does not become.
  3. Kudri durable, elastic and have the same form - in the process of creating curls, they are fixed with the effect of high temperature and strong tension.
  4. Acid curl implies the creation of curls of any form at the request of the client.

Acid curling is well suited by the owner of straight and hard hair. But if your hair is thin, dry or weak, then under the influence of acid, they will begin to stretch, break and shape will not be held. Therefore, damaged hair with acid twist is not worth it.


Curving of hair with alkaline composition

Curling is done using a drug containing ammonium thioglycolate (pH of 8 to 9.5) - compound of glycolic acid and ammonia.

  1. Locks have an absolutely natural look. In the cabin you can offer three embodiments depending on the result you want to get:
  • standard composition to create elastic curls;
  • composition with natural extracts for additional hair care;
  • low-minded composition for modeling a light wave.
  1. The effect is less resistant than after acid curling (about three months).
  2. The composition penetrating the inside of the hair, reveals his scales. Therefore, the effects of high temperature during the procedure is not required, which means and the hair will retain more vitality.
  3. Another advantage of alkaline hair curling is its low cost.

Although the drug acts softer, but in no case cannot be redisched on her hair. This can end with a serious scalp and spoiled hair. Choosing the wizard, make sure it has skills to work with alkaline hair.

Alkaline curling will not suit the owners of hard straight hair - the composition is not strong enough to maintain the form of curls for more than four weeks. But with the laying of naughty soft strands, alkaline curls will cope perfectly.

Neutral haircut hair

This is the optimal method of chemical curling, which is suitable for all types of hair, even very soft. Such chemistry is more sparing than acidic, but gives a longer effect than alkaline. The chemical composition gently affects the curls, without causing their strong swelling and damage. In addition, keratines were introduced into the drug, which already during the procedure smooth out the hair scales, helping him to recover, remain elastic and flexible.

Locks have a natural look and keep two to six months depending on the structure of the hair. Gradually, strands are straightened, and the hair is returned to their previous state. In order for the curls longer, you will have to use special funds with a neutral level of pH, otherwise, after a couple of weeks, it will be strained to lose their shape.


Bio-curl of hair

The bio prefix means that the chemical mixture for curling includes active natural components that allow the hair to keep health during the procedure. Therefore, today this technique is considered the safest among those suitable for hair of different structures and length.

The preparation does not contain acids, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. The main natural component is cysteine \u200b\u200bprotein, related proteins in the structure of the hair. For the first time, such an active substance was introduced into the preparations for curling the Italian stylists at the end of the last century and since then is actively used worldwide.

After bio-curling, the curls will look well-groomed and not damaged. The effect will continue up to six months, and if your hair is curly from nature, then to nine. Bio-curl is carried out in several stages:

  1. The curl wind the desired shape and is treated with a protein composition.
  2. Next, the hair is distributed, which contributes to the concentration of the protein solution.
  3. At the end of the curl procedures are processed by means to restore the optimal acid alkaline balance.

Bio-curvage, like any other type of chemical curling, is not performed on dry and discolored hair, as well as in baldness.

Sparing amino acid curling hair

If there is a state of hair health in the first place for you, and I still want to twist the curls - try the amino acid twist. As it becomes clear from the name, the preparations contain amino acids and proteins that compensate for the harm from the effects of chemical components, and also have some therapeutic effect.

The main advantage of this technique is designed for use on thin, brittle and damaged hair. And only on them. Some specialists even argue that if you do a procedure regularly, you can not only maintain the beauty of curls, but also restore the hair structure.

As for the shortcomings, the result will last a couple of months, and at short hair and curls of medium length. But on enough long curls to make an amino acid twist will not be possible - curls will straighten under their own weight.


Carving - "Long-term laying" hair

This is quite fashionable now the technique of creating hairstyles: it is called "safe chemistry", the stylists promise that the hair after the carvering will not be spoiled, and the laying will be perfect for several months. But in fact, such definitions are the advertising slogans of the manufacturer's company: as part of the drug, of course, there are chemicals, otherwise the curls simply would not hold the form. That is, carving is a lightweight haircut of the hair, which is made by the preparation of "Osis Carving" from Schwarzkopf (exactly the name "Carving").

The carving procedure takes about one and a half hours: the chemical composition is applied on the strand, and then the wizard gives them a form by winding on the curlers.

Carving makes it possible to get curls of different shapes, as well as lift the hair from the roots to give the volume of hairstyle. Kudri hold up to two months, but they will still have to lay after each head wash. But if you wish, stretching your hair with a hairdryer, you can straighten them. The curls are straightened gradually, so you do not have to gripe hair.

Light chemistry do not make heavy and thick hair - curls will be straightened under their weight. Carving is contraindicated with the owners of weak and damaged hair discoloration. But for girls with healthy, the carving, inclined to fatty hair, will be a good option: the hair is not only covered, but also a little dried, so you don't have to wash your hair so often.

Ways to wind hair during a chemical twist

Kudri looks fashionable always, the main thing is to pick up such a form of curls that will suit you along the length and type of hair, the form of the face and will emphasize your personality. Types of curls that are created by a chemical twist can be viewed in the photo, however, consider that the result depends largely on the initial condition of the hair.

Vertical winding. Long spiral curlers are located vertically, and then curls are windows (from roots to the tips). Curls are obtained by spring, look good when laying gel with the effect of wet hair. Suitable for long hair. A significant disadvantage of this type of screwing can be considered that as the hair is growing, the boundary of the strand will be very noticeable and you will have to make complex styling.

Horizontal winding. Curls have horizontally to strands and wind it from the tips to the base. Frequently used curlers of different sizes to give strands a more natural look. Suitable for hair of any length to create a large or medium curling.


Spiral screwing. Separately wind very thin strains on special spiral curlers or needles. Locks are tight, and the hairstyle is very voluminous.


Circular screws. Cockles have vertically in a circle. Most often, this method of cheating is used for hair of medium length to give them volume.

Chess screwing. Designed specifically for short hair. Such chemistry will make it possible to make a hairstyle and give the right position with naughty strands. During curling curlers are arranged in a checker.

American curls. Performed with special big curlers. Locks are soft and natural. As the hair is growing, the border is barely noticeable.

Dust screws are applied when it is necessary to lift the curls after chemistry, as well as to give the volume with short hair.

Basics of hair care after a chemical curling

Curling is always a serious hair stress, whatever makeup you do not use during the procedure. Therefore, there will be additional care. In addition, if with "chemical" to contact the wrong, they can lose their shape.

  1. Hair of any type of chemistry will make dry. Therefore, regularly apply restoring masks for damaged hair. It can be both ready-made means and homemade masks based on natural plant ingredients.
  2. After a chemical curling, the tips of the hair are very often started. Purchase special incommable oils or emulsions that will restore hair and prevent their cross-section.
  3. In the summer, protect your hair with a headdress, as well as use special sunscreen sprays.
  4. Stretch your hair: rubber bands and hairpins can deform the curls.
  5. Well restore the structure of the hair after chemistry natural oils: olive, rapid, castor. Apply oil for half an hour before washing.
  6. In order not to injure the hair even more, try not to comb them immediately after washing - let the curls dry.
  7. When the hair is dried, comb their wooden crest with rare teeth.

Chemical Curling Hair: Video


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