
What is anovulation and its causes. Signs and symptoms of anovulation. How to treat anovulation in women

What is anovulation and its causes. Signs and symptoms of anovulation. How to treat anovulation in women
Diagnostic methods and methods of treating anovulation. Pregnancy with anovulation.

Anovulation is a hormonal disorder in which the ovary does not release the ripened egg into the abdominal cavity. If we say that it is anovulation, in simple words, then first of all it should be noted that this is a condition in which a spermatozoid cannot fertilize the egg, so pregnancy is impossible. We will talk about the reasons, signs and treatment of pathology further.   

What is anovulation in women

The female childbearing system operates normally until the egg regularly leaves the follicle. This logical process is known as ovulation. Conception can take place only during this period. With anovulation, the sperm does not have to fertilize the sperm, since the ovary does not burst and continues to hold the ripened egg. The menstrual cycle can be normal.

In some cases, anovulation for relatively regular menstruation is diagnosed if a woman suffers from oligomenorrhea. Such a term indicates short -term (less than 3 days) meager menstruation, which are potential harbingers of amenorrhea - a state when menstruation disappears completely. In other cases, anovulation is accompanied by a partial or complete absence of a monthly cycle.

With anovulation against the background of menstruation, the woman lives calmly and feels good until she begins to engage in pregnancy planning. The indirect signs of pathology are considered to be a slight amount of blood during critical days or painful sensations in the pelvis. More accurate information about the availability of ovulation is usually provided by a special test, which can be bought at each pharmacy.

Types of anovulation

Depending on the factors affecting the state of the female reproductive system, the chronic and physiological form of disorder is distinguished.

Chronic or pathological anovulation

This is a serious disorder, the correction of which requires combined and prolonged treatment. Pathology is based on chronic diseases of infectious genesis, hormonal malfunctions. As a rule, factors are related to the development of the disease that directly or indirectly intervene in the physiological process of egg development. We list the main reasons for the anovulation of this type:

  1. Hormonal disorders (for example, due to the presence of prolactinoma-a volume-quality tumor affecting the pituitary gland).
  2. Extremely heavy physical activity for the body. Exhausting workouts sooner or later cause a violation of the monthly cycle. On this basis, the hypothalamus responsible for the ability to conceive a child suspenses the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones and ovulation no longer occurs.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome due to progesterone deficiency and increased estrogens. In connection with the pathology of the ovarian walls, become denser and do not break to free the ripened egg.
  4. Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex.
  5. Anorexia.
  6. Obesity.
  7. Thyroid dysfunction.
  8. Stay in conditions of severe stress.

The following symptoms are determined by chronic anovulation:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • violation of the monthly cycle;
  • the extinction of PMS-signs, if the menstruation is preserved;
  • hair growth according to the male type;
  • frequent uterine bleeding;
  • lesion of the skin of acne;
  • breast diseases;
  • warray of hair, eyelash and eyebrows.

Physiological anovulation

The diagnosis of “physiological anovulation” is relative, since the disorder cause natural processes in the female genital area. Among the reasons for holding the eggs, doctors call the follicle:

  • short time after childbirth;
  • lactation (prolactin does not allow eggs to ripen);
  • pre -Pububate age;
  • the approximation of menopause.

Symptoms of physiological anovulation is as follows:

  • delays of menstruation;
  • the appearance of extra pounds;
  • lack of a yellow body during the second phase of the cycle;
  • progesterone deficiency.

How to treat anovulation: the need for timely diagnosis

The first suspicions of the lack of ovulation appear when a woman’s long -term attempts to get pregnant every time ends unsuccessfully. With untimely detection and treatment, anovulation can lead to infertility. To clarify the condition of the woman and obtain the most accurate clinical picture of the disease, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • blood test for the study of hormonal indicators;
  • ultrasonic monitoring of the pelvic organs and “thyroid gland”. Ultrasound with anovulation allows you to give an objective assessment of the state and work of the endocrine glands;
  • MRI of the skull;
  • determining the basal body temperature is an effective way to find out the exact day of ovulation at home. To do this, you need to measure body temperature daily. This is done at the same time early in the morning. The output of the egg from the follicle is accompanied by an increase in temperature - up to about 37 degrees in the second phase of the cycle.   The purpose of such observations is to track the dynamics of body temperature several cycles in a row. If there is no ovulation, the curve on the graphics almost does not change and does not indicate the beginning of the lutein phase;
  • laparoscopy. The diagnostic operation is carried out under general anesthesia in extreme cases. Surgical intervention takes about half an hour. The doctor makes three miniature incisions in the abdomen: one incision near the navel, two others where the ovaries are located. The rehabilitation period after laparoscopy is short -lived, and the woman is sent home for 5 days after the operation. The result of laparoscopy is the increased ovarian activity.

Treatment of anovulation

When an anovulation disorder acquires the status of an official diagnosis, comprehensive measures are used to treat the patient. If the trigger for the development of the disease has become the activity of pathogenic microorganisms or infections, a woman is prescribed immunostimulants, antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory drugs. In some cases, antibacterial drugs in combination with antimicrobial are also present in the therapeutic program.   For the prevention of the development of vaginal dysbiosis, they do not forget about the preparations of beneficial bacteria, which act as if tightening the mucous membranes of the internal genital organs with a reliable protective membrane.

Next, they begin to eliminate the endocrine causes of the problem.   With a competent approach, anovulation is well lend itself to treatment:

  • the consequences of polycystic ovary syndrome are restored using a minimally invasive operation called Laparoscopy. We have already mentioned how and for what it is being carried out. In most cases, ovulation after surgery of this kind is returned;
  • in cases in which the operation is ineffective, hormonal stimulation remains the main weapon against anovulation. One of the most popular drugs that are prescribed for this purpose is Clostilbegit. His reception is justified in the first half of the monthly cycle. After the dominant follicle ripens, the patient is injected with hCG, under the influence of which the egg ready for fertilization is in the abdominal cavity. In the second phase of the monthly cycle, Duphaston and Utrozherata are prescribed during anovulation. These drugs contain progesterone and stimulate pregnancy. The doctor prescribes a dosage individually;
  • if it is established that the problems with ovulation began on the basis of excessive body weight or the extreme exhaustion of the patient, all the forces of the doctors and the patient herself are directed to the normalization of food behavior of the latter;
  • in some cases, oral contraceptives lead to the long -awaited conception, after the abolition of which the ovaries double activity.

If a woman wants to see two strips on the test in the very near future, the entire treatment program can be adjusted for the implementation of this goal. In the case when all the measures taken do not bring a positive result, a woman can always use the services of auxiliary reproductive medicine.

The technology of IVF, or extraperational fertilization has proven itself during anovulation. The procedure, which is based on the use of donor oocytes, gives hope for happy motherhood to patients with the most severe types of reproductive functional disorders. Women who at one time decided at all costs to give birth to a child are called Eco in the most effective way to achieve a goal.

Treatment of anovulation by folk remedies

All methods are good in the treatment of serious diseases, however, we note right away - the spectrum of folk methods of treatment in the fight against anovulation is extremely narrow, although it has the right to exist. Be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using a tool. To give an egg, a push for leaving the follicle can be tried to try to take decoctions of various herbs. Among the most commonly used plants in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, we note the following:

  • sage;
  • highlander bird;
  • boron uterus;
  • linden;
  • tamus ordinary;
  • adonis.

The combination of sage and Borovaya uterus is considered the most effective. The sage decoction begins to drink immediately after the completion of menstruation and up to the moment when the egg should be released (the first phase of the monthly cycle). During the second phase of the cycle, they take a boron uterus.

The state of the woman’s reproductive system during anovulation is also beneficial for physiotherapy, taking polyvitamin preparations, and baths based on essential oils.

Hirudotherapy, which has been practiced in the treatment of female diseases since ancient times, deserves special attention. In the list of indications for the use of such a non -trivial method, endocrine and pipe infertility, as well as syndrome of polycystic ovary, are included.   Lying in anovulation are effective thanks to the unique composition of their saliva. The biological fluid contains the richest complex of active components that relieve inflammation and normalize hormonal background in the female body.

Aovulation prevention

Unfortunately, there are no specific measures to prevent the development of such a complex disorder. The only thing that can be advised to the beautiful half of humanity is to try to maintain health as a whole with all its might. Every woman will not hurt:

  • attend all planned examinations in a antenatal clinic;
  • responsibly to follow the instructions of the doctor in the treatment of inflammation and infectious infection of the external and internal organs of the genitourinary system;
  • systematically play sports;
  • monitor the variety of diets;
  • correctly alternate work and rest.



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