
How to knit a vest. Schemes, description of knitting vests

How to knit a vest. Schemes, description of knitting vests
Knitting is very easy. This article will tell you how to learn this.

In the modern world, people are hostages of fashion, which dictates our rules, from clothing and ending with the way of life. Shops stamp the same dresses, the same jeans, the same boots and so on. The difference is only in the brand. In addition, most of the things sold in stores are completely not designed for our climate. Therefore, in order to stand out from the crowd, putting on a beautiful thing, and at the same time preserving health, we learn to knit.

Knitted vest with your own hands

Knitting is divided into two types:

  • using knitting needles;
  • with a hook.

Most popular is knitting with help spokes. Inthe first, this most simple way. AND, insecond, he allows knit more diverse things, for example sweater, vests, skirts, sweater, scarves, socks and even slippers.

Knitting needlesthis simple tool for needlework. They there are short, long, thin and fat. Their choose v dependencies from type and models things, which gathering knit. Also important role playing thickness woolen threads future products. Case v volume, what one end knitting needles always pointed. If tip will too much spicy, he maybe dress thread. WITH another parties, too much thick end also maybe bring many trouble. Diameter and pointedness should select v dependencies from thickness thread for knitting. But there is and exceptions. For knitting pattern or dense fabric can take thin knitting needles for fat threads. If need to tie openwork or quiet canvas, that we do vice versa, we take it knitting needles big diameter and thin thread.

Knitting needles there are different species. Select the following:

  • Direct knitting needles. Need, when elements products knock by queues, a then connected v one whole canvas. One end spokes pointed, on second, dull tip, located limiter, fromfor whom loops not slide down.
  • Circular knitting needles. Given view allows straightaway knit solid product. IN mainly, they designed for knitting by circle. But with help them can knit and by direct. Circular knitting needles represent yourself two ordinary knitting needles. Between them goes flexible cable. Diameter spokes varies from 1,5 to 20 mm. Length connecting cable maybe be different. More often all use small length for knitting the neck. Long knitting needles applied for creation placed. Circular knitting needles there are plastic and metal. More often all use metal.
  • Poster knitting needles. This flexible knitting needles. Set consists of from five things. They designed only for knitting stocking, socks, mittens and others products, v which knitting is happening by circle. All knitting needles one lengths. Better use straightaway four knitting needles, a fifth knit loops.
  • Auxiliary. This direct knitting needles cO special bend in the middle. He allows loops not sprink at crossing links.

Consider the knitting needles according to the type of materials from which they are made:

  1. Plastic. Given view material allows be knitting needles weightless. At knitting they not they are dirty product. Such knitting needles choose for large things. Better use diameter not less 4 millimeters, otherwise spoke maybe break, what will lead to loss loops.
  2. Metal. Knitting needles have special coating, which allows free move loops. Such view material costs choose at work with moher and wool, a also with others threads natural origin.
  3. Eben. This the most dear knitting needles. Other nameknitting needles from « pink wood ". They have coating wax, what allows loops easily move. AND most the main thing, given material allows not bend knitting needles after for a long time knitting.

Exists two systems spokes, a exactly american and european. At american system diameter spokes hesitates from 0 to 15 mm. The most fat knitting needles called Jumbo. Their diameter from 17 mm. A here knitting needles for lace determines another numbering. She consists of from alone zeros, that there is from 0 to 0000. System, used v Europe, much easier. Each spoke has mine number from 2 to 10 mm.

Knitting it begins with togo, what thread fixed on big and index finger left hands, the remaining three finger her they press to palms. At this hold necessary both end threads. Now, v right hand we take it two knitting needles and enter their below v loop on big finger, next we capture thread, lying on index finger and we stretch thread through loop on big finger. Now big finger we capture free end threads and movement «to yourself» tighten loop, but not too much tight. Further  such the same manipulations we continue kit loops. When kit loops completed, one from spokes we pull out and we take it v right hand. Thread adheres to left hand.

We cross to knitting first rows. The first sick loop we drag it on right knitting needle. Now, left right right knitting needle we catch second loop and through her pull out working thread. Received loop we drag it on right knitting needle. IN condition working thread turns out on second finger left hands. Subsequent ones loops knitted already with this thread. Last loop knit the wrong way, that there is working thread crossed on second finger left hands and knit with right left.

Knit knitting needles easily and fascinating, the main thing adapt. Usually all start with socks or scarves, this the most simple products. After togo how general methodology knitting learned, can cross on more complex products.  Consider how to knit a vest with knitting needles for beginners.

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How to knit a vest with knitting needles

Knitted  vestthis very beautiful, not only for everyday socks, but and for holidays thing. Vest can wear allwomen, men, children. This simple thing, which obligated be v everyone wardrobe. Need to decide only with those, for whom vest designed, choose pattern, take off merki with man, choose yarn and knitting needles to her.


How to tie the neck of a vest

The cutout of the vest may be different. Most often, the following neck options are used:

  • Vfigurative neckline. Divide quantity loops in half. We celebrate marker middle. After this we form bevels with each parties, starting from middle. Bevels formed by the way successions loops.
  • Square neckline or square. Use circular knitting needles. We celebrate loops by corners, quantity must be the same. Next need to knit near three centimeters elastic band, at this corner loops and the previous one remove on knitting needle facial. The next loop knit facial, after what experienced through two removed loops.
  • AND most simple necklinethis neck boat. His not necessary specially knit, this just territory products, which covers decollete.

Most popular is Vfigurative neckline. He never not it will come out from fashion. Such neck allows put on under vest any type jackets, from blouses with collar to sweater with a cut.


How to knit a sleeve for a vest

IN mainly u vests at all no sleeves. Except those cases, when model has happened sleeve. But such vests meet extremely rarely.


How to knit a vest with knitting needles for a woman

In-the first, need to decide cO his own figure:

  1. If woman skinny, suitable vest with transverse patterns, thread average thickness.
  2. Holny better stop choice on elongated vest with vertical stripes. This will allow seem slender. Yarn costs choose dark gamma.
  3. Women with small growth not costs use fat threads, large patterns and drawings.

Insecond, you need to understand for which goals will vestIf planned wear product on work, that should use monophonic threads muffled flowers v classic style. Put on vest on blouse or turtleneck. Combine with skirt, pants  or classic jeansFor rest suitable any model vests. Can combine different colors yarn. For holiday use bright yarn or stop choice on restrained flowers, but with adding shiny threads.


How to tie a vest: diagram

Exists huge quantity schemes for needlework with yarn. Can be original and come up with whatthat own. But if you newbie and more not at all i figured it out v types and methods knitting, use one from proposed schemes.

Given model vests just find for any fashionistas. She suitable woman anyone age and any complexion. Her can combine how with classic pants and skirt, so and with ordinary jeans. Although jeans for a long time already steel classic and quite fit v business style clothes. Except togo, lilac color always actual v anyone time years. Given model can addition jewelry or not very throwing brooch.


How to tie a children's vest

Vestvery comfortable and practical thing for child. She fits for socks practically v any season, from fierce morozov to warm weather. Dress baby under her stylish bodik or just blouse.

Better all begin work with patterns v natural size. Vest for child can tie on two spokes, but then we'll have to sew details by lateral seam. To get solid product, need to knit on circular spokes  or five knitting needles. Choose second way, vest without seams it looks much more aesthetic.

Next stepthis choice pattern. If will some patterns, need to make up scheme knitting each details.

Do vest more interesting can next ways:

  1. Take it yarn several color, combine dark and light shades, to vest i looked brighter.
  2. Use knitted overhead pockets, for example, how shown on figure below.
  3. Add lacing by bottom or, if age baby allows, by the neck.
  4. Sew application, for example, image kitten, puppy or tigrenka.
  5. Very original look minkers with hood.


How to knit a vest for a boy

For big fidgets v unobtrusive weather no better clothes, how knitted vest. She maybe be stylish and fashionable, at this absolutely not cooked movements yours son. Decorate vest can whichsomething emblem or application, depicting one from loved ones super heroes yours chada.

Pay attention to the picture below. To tie given model, notnecessarily have big experience v knitting. All very just and available.

To baby not merz in winter, take it yarn from 100% wool. But not forget, what purely woolen things very capricate v care. Emerate only hands v cool water. Drying produced on horizontal surfaces. So thing will longer hold form and to please eye.

If the same vest calculated on warm time years, to you suitable cotton. But necessary take into account, what khlopkova yarn will leave much more.


How to tie a vest according to a scheme for a girl

Girl always must be princess, which deserves wear only the most beautiful, the most original and the most fashionable things. Can use different bright colors yarn or take more moderate pastel gamma, which he emphasizes all sophistication and tenderness yours daughters.

Given model vests will do it yours small fashionista irresistible. TO vest tender pink colors can add rim on head with small pink  a bow. Eat some options sleeves. On presented scheme sleeves absent. To vest i looked more interesting, make it sleeve bell. This complement image real small lady.

Use one of the ways to decorate the vest described above. For example, add white yarn to knit an elastic band. Improvise.


How to knit a men's vest

Men's vest in fashion always. It can be used both in a business style and in everyday. Jeans or classic trousers - everything will fit her.   You can also use a knitted vest with a casual -style jacket.

The proposed model will betray your young man even more charm. An interesting pattern and ease of knitting will not bring much trouble to you. The color of the yarn can be any. Stop your choice on the classical range: gray, light blue, dark blue, black, or as shown in the picture, brown. These are universal colors that are easier to combine with other shades.


How to crochet a vest

Vest can tie and without spokes at help hook. This same very simple technique.

How and v needlework with help spokes, necessary right pick up hook. They there are metal, wooden and plastic. For beginners better pick up tool small diameter. By length hooks there are short, length from 12 to 15 cm, and longfrom 35 to 45 cm. Also exist different diameters, which determined v millimeters. Home part hookthis head, by her and determined size.


Not costs take hook cO too much small head, she maybe wound finger. But not costs stop choice and on too much tolstoy hook. Loops will be stretch, what it will complicate knitting.

Hook must be thinner threads approximately v 1,52 times. Thin hooks, diameter from 0,5 to 1,5 mm knitting openwork products, such how napkins.

After togo, how i figured it out v technology knitting crochet, can try their strength on proposed models. This model very tender, practically all consists of from openwork. She suitable for any weather v dependencies from togo, what you dress under her. Color vests universal, his can combine with sweaters and blouses different shades.

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Knitted vests: photo

Exists huge quantity models vests and restiles, which you you can tie. Eat schemes simple, there is more complicated, there is those, which calculated on masters. But, to happiness, knitting —  this such amusing view needlework, which very fast can master. View magazines, sites v internet and choose that model, which to you like. Except togo, you you can bring v her whatthat from myself. Add small hatch, change a littlea little drawing or style. IN end the ends can just not changing nothing, buy small a brooch. AND your vest will super original, emphasizing your individual and unique taste. Not necessary afraid, need to act.

Choose yourself for myself, what to you more by soul: knitting needles or hook. How to you easier knit. For beginning try it tie one and that the same thing, but better different models, and knitting needles and crochet. Feel, with how personally to you easier address. IN end the ends, tool for knittingthis how tool v music. Exists so many sets options for musion. Violin, piano, guitar, celloall on choice musician, whatwould open his talent. So and v knitting. Maybe tools and less, but choice all the same we'll have to do.

Below you are several more models of vests that inspire you to knit.


Knitted vest with knitting needles: video scheme

Hard study technology knitting on words or just reading text. Very difficult introduce v mind, just after reading v article, how right hold thread or what such the wrong loop. For more visual study look video master class by knitting vests knitting needles.



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