
How to tie a vest. Schemes, Description of knitting vest

How to tie a vest. Schemes, Description of knitting vest
Knit very easy. This article will tell you how to learn.

In the modern world, people are fashion hostages, which dictates our rules, ranging from clothes and ending in a lifestyle. Stops Stamps are the same dresses, identical jeans, identical shoes and so on. The difference is only in the brand. In addition, most things sold in stores are not completely designed for our climate. Therefore, in order to stand out from the crowd, putting the beautiful thing, and at the same time retaining health, learn to knit.

Knitted vest do it yourself

Knitting is divided into two types:

  • with the help of the spokes;
  • with the hook.

Most popular is an knitting with help spit. Infirst, this is most simple way. AND, insecond, he allows to knit more diverse things, for example coffs, vests, skirts, sweaters, scarves, socks and even slippers.

Spokesthis is simple tool for needlework. They there are short, long, thin and thick. Their choose v addiction from type and models things, which collect to knit. Also essential role playing thickness woolen thread future products. A business v volume, what one the end spokes always pointed. If tip will too much spicy, he maybe split a thread. WITH another parties, too much thick the end also maybe bring many salmon. Diameter and prying follow pick up v addiction from thickness thread for knitting. But there is and exceptions. For vyatki pattern or dense loves can take thin spokes for tolstoy thread. If necessary to tie openwork or lovely blights, then make vice versa, take spokes big diatera and thin a thread.

Spokes there are different species. Highlight next:

  • Straight spokes. Need, when elements products knit on queues, a after connect v one whole blights. One the end spit sharp, on second, stupid cover, located limiter, fromper whom loop not slide.
  • Circular spokes. The view allows straightaway to knit whole product. V basic, they intended for vyatki on circle. But with help them can to knit and on straight. Circular spokes present by himself two normal spokes. Between nimi. gone flexible cable. Diameter spit varied from 1,5 before 20 mm. Length connecting cable maybe to be miscellaneous. More often total used little length for vyatki gorlowin. Long spokes applied for create pillow. Circular spokes there are plastics and metal. More often total used metal.
  • Stockullet spokes. it flexible spokes. Set consists from five things. They intended only for knitting stocking, socks, varezhek and others products, v which knitting occurs on circle. Everything spokes one length. Better use straightaway four spokes, a fifth slip loop.
  • Auxiliary. it straight spokes sO special bend in the middle. He allows loop not digging at crossing units.

Consider the needles by type of materials from which they are made:

  1. Plastic. The view material allows to be spics neumless. At knitting they not dirty product. Such spokes choose for big of things. Better use diameter not less 4 millimeters, otherwise spoke maybe break, what will lead to lose loop.
  2. Metal. Spokes have special coating, that allows free move loop. Such view material costs choose at work with mocher and wool, a also with other threads natural origin.
  3. Ebene. it self expensive spokes. Other titlespokes from « pink tree ". They have coating wax, what allows loop easily move. AND most main, the material allows not bending spics after for a long time knitting.

Exists two systems spit, a exactly american and european. At american system diameter spit fluctuate from 0 before 15 mm. Self thick spokes call Jumbo.. Their diameter from 17 mm. A here spokes for lace determines other numbering. She consists from some zerule, then there is from 0 before 0000. System, used v Europe, far simpler. Each spoke it has mine room from 2 before 10 mm.

Knitting begins with togo, what a thread fastened on big and indicate finger leva hands, remaining three finger her pressed to palm. At it is keep necessary both end thread. Now, v right hand take two spokes and we enter their below v loop on big finger, further capture a thread, lying on indicate finger and stretch a thread across loop on big finger. Now big finger capture free the end thread and movement «to to yourself» tighten loop, but not too much tight. Farther  such same manipulation continue kit loop. When kit loop completed, one from spit pull out and take v right hand. Thread holds leva hand.

Go to knitting first row. First edge loop drag and drop on right spitu. Now, left right right spice cling second loop and across hERE think workers thread. Received loop drag and drop on right spitu. V total working thread turns out on second finger leva hands. Subsequent loop suggested already with this thread. Last hellet knit pouring way, then there is working thread reduced on second finger leva hands and knit with right left.

To knit spokes easily and fascinatingly, main adapt. Usually all start with socks or scarves, this is self simple products. After togo how general methodik knitting heavy, can move on more sophisticated products. Consider how to tie a vest to beginners.


How to tie a vest

Knitted  vestthis is very beautiful, not only for everyday socks, but and for holidays thing. Vest can wear allwomen, men, children. it simple thing, that obligated to be v everyone wardrobe. Necessary decide only with thread, for whom vest designed, select pat., take off merki. with man, select yarn and spokes to her.


How to bind the neck of the vest

Cutout vests can be different. Most often use the following Gorlovin options:

  • V.figurative neckline. Delim. number loop popolam. Celebrate marker middle. After of this forming ski. with each parties, starting out from mid.. Ski. form way ubapet peltec.
  • Square neckline or care. Use circular spokes. Celebrate loop on corners, number must to be equestrian. Further necessary to knit about three santimeters rubber, at it is corner loop and previous remove on spitu facial. Next a loop knit facial, after what pulls out across two removed pets.
  • AND most simple necklinethis is neck boat. His not necessary specially slip, this is simply edge products, which the covers decallet.

Most. popular is an V.figurative neckline. He never not will out from fashion. Such neck allows dress up under vest any type of sweatshirts from blouses with collar before coffs with neckline.


How to tie a sleeve for a vest

V basic w. vests at all no sleeveless. except those cases, when model it has fitted sleeve. But such vests meet extreme rarely.


How to tie a vest knitting needles for a woman

In-first, necessary decide sO his figure:

  1. If female slim, suitable vest with transverse pattern, a thread middle thickness.
  2. Full better stop choice on elongated village with vertical stripes. it will allow seem slimming. Yarn costs select dark gamma.
  3. Women with small growth not costs use thick thread, large patterns and pictures.

Insecond, I must understand for what goals will vestIf planned wear product on work, then follow use monophonic thread muffled flowers v classic style. Wear vest on blouse or diver. Combine with skirt, trousers  or classical jeansFor recreation suitable anyone model vests. Can combine various colors yarn. For holiday use bright yarn or stop choice on restrained colors, but with addition brilliant thread.


How to tie a vest: scheme

Exists huge number scheme for needlework with big. Can to be original and come up with whatthen note. But if you newbie and yet not at all have dealt with v types and methods vyatki, take advantage one from proposed scheme.

This model vests simply nakhodka for any fashionista. She suitable woman any age and any complex. Her can combine how with classical trousers and skirt, so and with ordinary jeans. Though jeans for a long time already become classic and full fits v business style clothes. except togo, lilac colour always actual v anyone time of the year. This model can additional jijource or not very throw blood.


How to tie a children's vest

Vestvery comfortable and practical thing for child. She fits for socks practically v any season, from low morozov before warm weather. Open kid under hERE stylish bodik. or simply blouse.

Better total begin work with pattern v natural magnitude. Vest for child can to tie on two spics, but after have to sew details on side seam. To receive whole product, necessary to knit on circular spics  or five spokes. Choose second way, vest without shvov looks like far aesthetically.

Next stepthis is choice pattern. If will several patterns, necessary draw up scheme knitting each details.

Do vest more interesting can next methods:

  1. Take yarn several color, catch dark and light tints, to vest looked bright.
  2. Use knitted overhead pockets, for example, how showing on figure below.
  3. Add cord on name or, if age kid allows, on neck.
  4. Success applique, for example, image kottenka., puppy or tigrenka.
  5. Highly original look sleeveless with hoodie..


How to tie a vest for a boy

For big fidget v rather weather no better clothes, how knitted vest. She maybe to be stylish and fashionable, at it is top not shot movement your his son. Decorate vest can whichsomething emblem or applique, depicting one from favorites super heroes your his chad..

Pay attention to the drawing below. To to tie this model, notnecessarily have big an experience v knitting. Everything very simply and available.

To baby not mERZ winter, take yarn from 100% wool. But not forget, what purely woolen things very capricious v care. Erase only hands v cool water. Drying produced on horizontal surface. So thing will longer keep form and please eye.

If same vest designed on warm time of the year, to you suitable cotton. But necessary take into account, what cotton yarn wait far more.


How to tie a vest according to the scheme for a girl

Girl always should to be princess., that deserves wear only self beautiful, self original and self fashionable things. Can use various bright colors yarn or take more moderate pastel gamma, that emphasize all sophistication and tenderness you daughter.

This model vests will do your little modnitsa irresistible. TO vest gentle pink colors can add bezel on head with small pink  band. There is several options sleeveless. On presented scheme sleeve absent. To vest looked more interesting, make sleeve bellol. it additional image present little lady.

Use one of the ways to decorate the vest, described above. For example, add white yarn for mating gum. Improvise.


How to tie a male vest

Male vest in fashion is always. It can be used both in a business style and in everyday. Jeans or classic pants - everything will suit her. You can also use a knitted vest with a cradle in the style of Casual.

The proposed model betray your young man even more charm. An interesting pattern and simplicity of mating will not bring much trouble to you. The color of yarn can be any. Stop your choice on the classic range: Gray, light blue, dark blue, black or as presented in the picture, brown. These are universal colors that are easier to combine with other shades.


How to tie a hook vest

Vest can to tie and without spit at aid hook. it too very simple technique.

How and v needlework with help spit, necessary right pick up hook. They there are metal, wooden and plastics. For beginners better pick up tool small diatera. By length hooks there are short, length from 12 before 15 cm, and longfrom 35 before 45 cm. Also exists various diameters, which defined v millimeters. home part hookthis is head, on her and determined the size.


Not costs take hook sO too much little head, she maybe raise finger. But not costs stop choice and on too much tolstom crochet. Loop will be stretch, what comprehensive knitting.

Hook should to be thinkish nutka about v 1,52 times. Thin hooks, diameter from 0,5 before 1,5 mm knitted openwork products, such how napkins.

After togo, how have dealt with v technique knitting crochet, can try their forces on proposed models. it model very gentle, practically all consists from ažura. She suitable for any weather v addiction from togo, what you orete under hERE. Colour vests universal, his can combine with coffee and blouses different shades.


Knitted vests: photo

Exists huge number models vestos and needless, which you you can to tie. There is schemes simple, there is comprehensible, there is those, which designed on masters. But, to happiness, knitting —  this is such amusing view needlework, which the very quickly can master. Check out magazines, sites v internet and choose that model, that to you like. except togo, you you can browse v hERE whatthen from myself. Add small hatch, change slightlyslightly drawing or style. V end ends can simply not changing nothing, buy little brush. AND yours vest will super original, emphasizing your individual and unique taste. Not necessary afraid, necessary act.

Choose ourselves for myself, what to you more on soul: spokes or hook. How to you simpler to knit. For start try to tie one and that same thing, but better different models, and spokes and crochet. Feel, with how personally to you simpler address. V end ends, tool for knittingthis is how tool v music. Exists so many set options for muizitis. Violin, piano, guitar, celloall on choice musician., whatwould to uncover his talent. So and v knitting. Maybe tools and smaller, but choice all same have to do.

Below for you, several more models of vests that will inspire you to knitting.


Knitted vest knitting needles: video scheme

Hard study technique knitting on words or simply reading text. Highly hard imagine v um, simply read v article, how right keep thread or what that pouring a loop. For more visual studies look video master class on knitting vests spokes.


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