
Hofre for short, medium, long hair - options for hairstyles with corrugation. How to make corrugation styling on your hair

Hofre for short, medium, long hair - options for hairstyles with corrugation. How to make corrugation styling on your hair
Hofre for hair is a fashionable styling option that is suitable for any type of hair and various lengths of curls.

A few years ago, when the corrugated corrugations only came into fashion, this type of curling was very popular. Today, corrugated strands on the hair have not lost their popularity and, all the same, are distinguished by beauty and unusualness. The only difference is that with the expiration of time, corrugation on the hair is more often done to lay various hairstyles and create volume at the roots. Nevertheless, girls do not rarely make corrugations on loose hair of different longs. Today we will talk in detail about what corrugation is and how to perform it on your hair correctly.

Hoofre for hair: what is it

Huffra hair today is the most popular way of hair styling. The greatest advantage of Hofre is that any girl can be without appropriate knowledge and preparations.   The only thing you need is forceps or an iron with special nozzles for corrugation, which create an interesting, unusual wavy effect. Depending on the magnitude of the waves on the nozzle, the curls can be small, like African, large, curly or with a light curl. In addition, the owner of the corrugation carrier can choose the density of the hairstyle, give the volume to the hair or slightly raise them at the roots.

It is worth noting that the corrugation can become a wand-lifesaver if your hair is “stale”, and it is not possible to wash your head. Indeed, thanks to a special temperature effect, fat evaporates, and hair acquires volume. By the way, even experts do not recommend gofre to clean hair, it is better that the procedure is carried out the day after washing the head. After all, then the hairstyle lasts longer, and the curls become more elastic and wavy.

It is worth noting that corrugation on the hair is an excellent alternative to a chemical curl or carving of hair. And if the effect is tired, then it can easily be removed by washing the head.

Devices for corrugation: Features

The advantages of corrugation on her hair over other hairstyles is that each girl can styling on her own. But, it is very important to know and take into account the features of devices for corrugation, because, depending on the desired effect and type of hair, a special device may be needed. In general, gofre devices are divided into two types:

  • hair corrugated forceps;
  • halfry Huffrains.

Hair horn

If you are the happy owner of the hair hooks, then you simply must know some tricks of this device to create a basal volume and exquisite hairstyle. First of all, you should pay attention to the temperature mode:

  • explate 210 degrees for hard, curly hair with a thick hair structure;
  • 180 - for weakened, thin or dry hair.

In addition, it is worth noting that if you want to raise your hair at the roots, you should not process it with tongs along the entire length. It is enough just to walk at the roots with a nozzle with small waves. Large corrugation on the hair is used to create the effect of volumetric waves.

Do not also forget about cosmetic thermal protection products. They can be in the form:

  • gel;
  • spray;
  • moussa.

In the case of using such funds, you will protect the hair from drying out and maintain their tenderness and silkiness.

Haundy ironing ironing

In general, Hofre's iron performs the same function as forceps. The phrase itself with a hair iron implies the function of the device to straighten the curls. To make winding waves or improves the basic hair volume, you need to additionally put on the iron special tesers of various shapes. The most popular nozzles:

  • stars;
  • circles;
  • hearts.

When choosing an iron gofre for hair, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • estimated life;
  • weight (the easier, the better);
  • power regulator;
  • the number of nozzles.

In addition, you should carefully look at the material from which plates and nozzles for ironing are made. According to reviews, it is best in operation by ceramic or titanium surfaces with an ion coating. Before buying the device, scrupulously examine the plates and each nozzle: there should not be pits or any other defects on them.

How to make corrugation on your hair

How to do corrugation on your hair? It is very simple, for this it is enough to purchase a hair styling device of this type and follow the instructions described above.

  1. Comb the hair with a brush, so that there are no tanks left.
  2. Make a habitual parting for yourself.
  3. Divide the strands on both sides of the head into upper and lower.
  4. Cut the upper strands with hair crab.
  5. Treat the curls with a thermal protection product.
  6. Place the strand between the plates of the forceps as close to the roots as possible.
  7. Closure the plates and hold them in this position for 10-15 seconds.
  8. Remove the plates and lower the device down to the end of the waves.
  9. Close again and hold the plates.
  10. Move down to the end of the strand.
  11. Treat the remaining locks in this way.
  12. Fix the lower strands with crab.
  13. Dissolve the upper strands and, if necessary, comb them slightly.
  14. Apply a thermal protection product to the upper row of hair.
  15. Closure the plates on the strands and the upper row closer to the roots of the hair.
  16. Move down the strands, each time fixing the forceps on the border of the ending of the waves.
  17. Treat the remaining hair in this way.
  18. Dissage the lower strands, comb the hair slightly, laying it in the desired position.
  19. Fasten the hairstyle with hair spray.

If you want to create a hair volume using corrugation, use a nozzle with the smallest teeth. The larger the cloves on the curling iron, the more pronounced the wave on the hair will be.

Huffrains: photo

Hofre on the hair looks great both on loose curls of different lengths and in the form of hairstyles.

Hofre for short hair

As a rule, with short hair we count the length of curls less than 10 centimeters. The corrugated pattern on the hair looks especially exquisite and as if tolerates the owner of such a hairstyle in the 20-30 years of the past century, making a gorgeous woman a vamp out of her.

Hofre for medium hair

Girls with medium -long hair are best chosen to choose a nozzle for corrugation with large or medium reliefs. Thus, you can give the hairstyle splendor and density. In addition, corrugation on medium hair looks great in collected form. For everyday socks, you can make hairstyle, for solemn events, a relaxed hairstyle with a hairpin on the back of the head is suitable.

Hofre for long hair

Long hair with a corrugated pattern looks especially impressive. Thanks to the puffy puffy, the hair looks even more impressive and great.

Hair styling with corrugation. Video



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