
Corrugation on short, medium, long hair - options for hairstyles with corrugation. How to make styling corrugation on hair

Corrugation on short, medium, long hair - options for hairstyles with corrugation. How to make styling corrugation on hair
Corrugation for hair is a fashionable laying option that is suitable for any type of hair and different lengths of curls.

A few years ago, when the Corrug Clock was only entered into fashion, this kind of curling was very popular. To date, corrugated strands on the hair did not lose their popularity and, they are still distinguished by beauty and unusual. The only difference is that with the expiration of time the corrugation on the hair more often makes it for laying various hairstyles and creating an amount of roots. Nevertheless, girls are not rarely made by corrugation and on loose hair of different lengths. Today we will tell you in detail what kind of corrugation and how to perform it on the hair.

Corrug for hair: what is it

Corrugation for hair today is the most popular hair styling way. The greatest advantage of corrugation is that it can any girl without relevant knowledge and cooking. The only thing that takes is a forceps or an iron with special nozzles for corrugations, which create an interesting, unusual wavy effect. Depending on the magnitude of the waves on the nozzle, the curls can be small, by type of African, large, curly or with a slight twist. In addition, the winner of the Corrugation Corrugation can choose the density of the hairstyle, give the volume of hair or slightly raise them from the roots.

It is worth noting that the corrugation can become a wand-grinding if your hair is "not freight", and there is no possibility to wash your head. After all, due to the special temperature effects, the fat evaporates, and the hair acquires the volume. By the way, even specialists do not recommend doing corrugation on clean hair, it is better that the procedure is spent the next day after washing the head. After all, then the hairstyle holds longer, and the curls become more elastic and wavy.

It should be noted that the corrugation on the hair is an excellent alternative to the chemical twist or car ripple. And if the effect is tired, it can easily be removed by washing the head.

Corrugation devices: features

The advantages of the corrugation on her hair in front of other hairstyles is that each girl can layout independently. But it is very important to know and take into account the features of the devices for the corrugation, because depending on the desired effect and type of hair, it may take a special device. In general, devices for corrugation are divided into two types:

  • tongs corrugation for hair;
  • iron corrugation for hair.

Tongs Corrugation Hair

If you are a happy owner of forceps of the corrugation for hair, then you simply must know some tricks of this device to create a root volume and exquisite hairstyles. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the temperature regime:

  • expose 210 degrees for hard, curly hair with a thick hair structure;
  • 180 - for weakened, thin or dry hair.

In addition, it is worth noting that if you want to raise your hair from the roots, then you should not handle them with forceps along the entire length. It is enough just to walk in the roots of the nozzle with small waves. Large corrugation on hair is used to create the effect of volumetric waves.

Do not also forget about cosmetic heat protection products. They may be in the form:

  • gel;
  • spray;
  • mousse.

In the case of using such funds, you will protect your hair from drying out and keep their tenderness and silkiness.

Iron Corrugation for Hair

In general, the iron corrugation performs the same function as the tongs. The very phrase of hair iron implies the function of the device to straighten the curls. To get winding waves or improved the roasting volume of hair, you need to additionally wear special texture-texture-textures on the iron. The most popular nozzles:

  • asterisks;
  • circles;
  • hearts.

When choosing an iron brave for hair, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • alleged life;
  • weight (the better, the better);
  • power regulator;
  • number of nozzles.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully look at the material from which the plates and nozzles for iron are made. According to reviews, it is best to operate ceramic or titanium surfaces with ion coating. Before buying a device, scrupulously examine the plates and each nozzle: they should not be pits or any other defects.

How to make corrugated hair

How to make corrugation on the hair? It is very simple, for this, it is enough to purchase a device for laying hair of this type and follow the instructions described above.

  1. Drop your hair with a brush, so that it does not remain confused.
  2. Make a familiar sample.
  3. Divide the strands on both sides of the head to the upper and lower.
  4. Space the upper strands with hair grid.
  5. Treat the curls to the heat protection agent.
  6. Place the strand between the tongs plates as close as possible to the roots.
  7. Compact plate and hold them in this position 10-15 seconds.
  8. Open the plates and lower the device down to the end of the waves.
  9. Commit again and hold the plates.
  10. Go down to the end of the strand.
  11. Thus process the remaining strands.
  12. Lock the bottom straps.
  13. Displays the upper strands and take them slightly if necessary.
  14. Apply to the top range of hair heat protection agent.
  15. Compact plate on strands and upper rows closer to hair roots.
  16. Move down the strands, each time fixing the tongs at the end of the waves.
  17. Treat the remaining hair.
  18. Rotate the bottom strands, slightly adopt the hair, laying them into the right position.
  19. Secure the hairstyle with a hairpiece.

If you want to create hair with a corrugation, then use the nozzle with the smallest teeth. The more cloves on the catch, the more pronounced wave on the hair.

Corrugation for hair: photo

Corrugation on hair looks great both on loose curls of different lengths and in the form of hairstyles.

Short hair corrugation

As a rule, we consider short hair to be the length of the curls of less than 10 centimeters. The corrugated pattern on the hair is such a long look especially exquisite and seem to transfers the owner of such a hairstyle in 20-30 years of last century, making a chic Wamps woman from it.

Corrugation on medium hair

Girls with medium hair are best to choose a nozzle for corrugation with large or medium reliefs. In this way, you can give a hairstyle of puff and density. In addition, the corrugation on average hair looks great in the assembled form. For everyday socks, you can make a hairstyle, for solemn events a relaxed hairstyle with a hairpin on the back of the head will fit.

Long hair corrugation

Long hair with a corrugated pattern looks especially impressive. Thanks to the desired effect, the hair look even more impressive and great.

Hair styling with corrugation. Video


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