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Drinking diet menu

Drinking diet menu
Drinking diet is an effective program for cleaning and weight loss, lasting from one week to four. Its principle: you drink when you want to eat and when you want to drink. The main rule is not to chew. Read about the advantages and results of such a diet in this article.

Judging by the name of a drinking diet, it is not difficult to guess that the method of weight loss is based on the use of liquid, and liquid products in this nutrition system become the main diet for the entire period of the diet. You can drink water, juices, milk drinks or broths. The advantage of this technique is that it not only cleanses the body, transferring it to a new mode of operation, but also allows you to lose weight.

Drinking diet in theory

Some women are so strongly puzzled by the idea of \u200b\u200blosing weight that for the sake of several lost kilograms they are ready to go to extreme measures - even to refuse food. It was for such desperate that a special drinking diet was developed, the results of which are pleasantly surprising. With proper compliance with the requirements of the diet in just one day you can lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight.

The essence of the drinking diet is that without receiving solid food, the gastrointestinal tract of a person rests and gets rid of everything superfluous. First of all, this means that there is no feeling of severity and a crowded stomach, and in addition, the body perfectly digested liquid "food", not allowing a new fat to form. The fundamental ingredient of the diet is ordinary water, which saturates and allows you to quench hunger for a while. You can drink a lot of water, which in response will not bring a single calorie. In addition, with good digestion of liquid food, metabolism is quickly activated, and the stage of quick weight loss occurs.

For those people who need to lose weight by 5 or less kilograms, a drinking diet for 7 days is suitable. This time is enough for excess fat folds on the sides, and the size of the hips decreased by a couple of centimeters. Within a week, the body will immediately feel lightness, you will have a good mood. There will be forces and energy, which used to go to the process of digesting food. If the body normally entered the new mode of operation, you managed to lose weight, but the result is not yet impressive, then you can continue the course of the drinking diet and extend it up to 30 days. You need to be a real daredevil with iron willpower in order to dare to withstand four weeks of a truly hard diet. Naturally, before deciding on a responsible step, you need to get a therapist’s consultation and undergo a complete medical examination so that the consequences of the diet are not deplorable for some organs.

happy Young Woman Drinking Milk Over Grey Background

All the changes that occur in the human body throughout the diet can be divided into several stages:

  • during the first ten days, hollow organs are cleaned. Normal phenomenon is the appearance of white plaque in the tongue;
  • in the next decade, the kidneys and liver are updated, they are cleaned. Discomfort may appear in the zone of these organs;
  • for the past 10 days, the body undergoes the process of cleansing at the cellular level.

It is important to understand that a drinking diet consists of a very strict and limited menu, which means that the body will need support. Throughout the course, you need to take biologically active additives and special vitamins.

Types of drinking diets

We are talking about the methods of combining mono -diet with conventional drinking. For example, a chorough drinking diet is based on daily use of 150 g of black chocolate, which needs to be washed down with coffee. When combining it with a drinking diet, instead of a hard ingredient in chocolate, cocoa without sugar is added to the diet, which is allowed to drink in an amount of at least six cups per day. In the breaks between the techniques of this drink, you need to drink water, up to 1.5 liters. The duration of a chok-drink diet is from 3 to 7 days, and in a week you can lose more than 4 kg.

Drinking chocolate diet for 30 days is considered the most severe, but effective option. The results of the full course are minus 12 extra kilograms in four weeks. The amount of chocolate drink based on cocoa and milk increases to 8 cups per day, while you can additionally drink everything that is drunk. It is forbidden to use sugar.

Pros of drinking diet:

  1. According to doctors, the main advantage of such a diet is the willpower that a person produces throughout the entire period of “starvation”. From a medical point of view, there are no more positive points, since such a cardinal detachment from solid foods does not in the best way affect the work and health of the human internal organs.
  2. The opinions of doctors do not coincide with the reviews of those people who have already lost weight on a drinking diet. With such a diet, kilograms simply fly away, the body is cleansed, and the stomach decreases in size, so that you want to eat very little after the diet.

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Unfortunately, for most losing weight, a drinking diet turned into an armful of additional health problems. Such as:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • tearfulness;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • the stomach is very difficult to switch to hard food after a drinking diet;
  • avitaminosis.

As a rule, half of the lost weight at maximum speed arrives again due to return to the usual diet. After leaving the drinking diet, there is a wild desire to eat what had to be abandoned for so long.

Pregnant women, as well as people with impaired kidney work, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, drinking diet are strictly contraindicated.

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Drinking diet

Having dared to experience the purifying power of the liquid, the first question that can arise is that you can drink on a drinking diet? The answer is all except sweet carbonated drinks, fatty drinking yogurts and strong coffee.

It is better to give preference to the following liquids:

  • non -carbonated water in the amount of 1.5 liters per day;
  • green tea, coffee, decoctions of herbs without sugar;
  • broth cooked on chicken meat, fish or vegetables;
  • kefir with a low percentage of fat content, milk, fermented, yogurt;
  • freshly squeezed juices from oranges, apples and grapefruits;
  • compote or jelly.

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Drinking diet for a week: approximate menu

So, as mentioned above, in 7 days you can lose 5 kilograms. Stock up for this period by all permitted types of drinks to maximize your diet, and it was at least a little nicer to experience the rules of a hard diet.

  • 1st day: we drink only dairy products, with fat content of not more than 2%;
  • 2nd day: It is allowed to enjoy the broths. You can even cook liquid puree soup;
  • The 3rd day is dedicated to vegetable and fruit juices (only not store, but prepared at home);
  • 4th day: it is recommended to drink green tea with lemon, black tea with milk;
  • The 5th day of the diet is advised to spend on a fruit jelly. You can add ugly compote to the diet;
  • 6th day: again drinks from milk;
  • on the final day of the week we go to the broth.

In addition to the permissible menu, a diet with drinking days implies daily water consumption as “snacks”.

You need to get out of the diet carefully and very smoothly. If its duration was 7 days, then the exit is about a month. The next day after the end of the course, start with a small portion of oatmeal, and let lunch remain drinking. In this mode, spend 3 days, then gradually begin to drive low -fat products into the diet: boiled eggs, yogurts, cheese, fruits, vegetables, bread.

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Useful tips:

  1. During the course of the diet, it is important to monitor the chair. You need to go to the toilet daily, while there should be no diarrhea.
  2. You can repeat the drinking diet only next year so as not to injure the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If side effects are found in the form of weakness, dizziness and nausea, you need to interrupt the diet.
  4. It is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol, acute seasonings, as well as fatty liquids.

Do not forget to maintain your body by taking vitamins and trace elements that can be purchased at any pharmacy. After the diet, the temptation will grow to enjoy your favorite high -calorie dishes, however, before you seduced, think about what is more expensive for you: the desired figure of a dream, or a minute pleasure. Do not give up your dreams, follow these recommendations and then certainly a drinking diet will benefit you.

Drinking diet. Video



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