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Frameless diet for weight loss

Frameless diet for weight loss
A fermented diet is an effective, but rather difficult way to get rid of excess weight. If you are interested, then read this article, which will help to figure out the principles and advantages of such a diet.

A fermented diet does not imply a complete abandon of food, rich in carbohydrates, as many people actually think. When using this program, you do not need to completely deprive yourself of your favorite products, since the cardinal restriction is fraught with violations in the work of the whole organism. By correctly organizing its low-carb diet, you can achieve good results in the form of a dropped extra kilogram.

Description of a freight diet

The essence of a frantic diet is that a person loses weight from the deficiency of carbohydrates in the body. The theorem is simple: a set of mass occurs due to excessive consumption of products with a high content of simple carbohydrates, and energy is carbohydrates. Carbohydrate products contain many calories, so to lose weight, you need to eat a smaller amount of calorie food. This system is particularly relevant for sedentary people. In the body, such food is digested easily and for its processing takes at least costs, while the reserves of subcutaneous fat are only replenished. At that moment, when the carbohydrates are not enough, additional energy begins to distinguish between fats, the body is included in the state of ketosis, that is, carbohydrate starvation.

People actively engaged in sports eat food, rich in carbohydrates, as they can afford it. All the energy entered with these products will be spent on the next training session, and such food will not leave. Many bodybuilders, especially in front of various competitions or tournaments, practice a frantic diet for the "drying" of the body and gains of relief. People with a passive way of life are the opposite, due to the lack of loads, extra calories are reflected in the sizes of the waist.

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In its classification, carbohydrates are simple and complex. The first includes sugar, starch vegetables, sweet fruits, flour products, rice. Products from this category feed the body glucose, which causes a feeling of hunger, and as a result, a person eats and cannot control himself. Observing an invalid diet, you create such a diet, in which the key place is allocated only to complex carbohydrates. As a result, glycogen (animal starch) will begin to be recycled, then fat deposits. It is in this that the principle of a fleet diet is.

Observing a carloy diet, from its daily menu you need to almost completely eliminate not only carbohydrates, but also fats. These components do not replace each other, and complement, and equally negatively reflected on the total weight of the body. No need to refuse to yourself in protein food, which is a building material for our muscles. Losing weight, besides fat invariably leaves and muscle mass, to replenish which protein is just necessary.

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Results of a fearless diet

According to nutritionists and those people, such a nutrition system is really effective. If you stick to all the rules of the menu, every day you have a special cargo diet table, then within a week you can get rid of an average of 5 kilograms of excess weight. It is not necessary to hope only for meals, inclusion in your program slimming periodic sports exercises, you can achieve maximum success.

Benefits of Fantasty:

  1. The main plus of a flying diet is that it always gives excellent results. It is universal, because it allows you to quickly lose weight two days before an important event, and also suitable for long-term use.
  2. This diet does not require a sharp decrease in calories, which means that the body continues its work in the same mode, not undergoing stress. Fat is not postponed in emergency starvation mode as it happens with other diets.
  3. Frameless diet does not limit the consumption of protein necessary to maintain the elasticity of muscles, and recipes for the preparation of dietary dishes necessarily include protein. In addition, a large amount of protein contributes to the effective combustion of adipose tissue.

There is this diet and disadvantages. These include the following:

  1. It is important not to overdo the amount of protein food, the excess of which loads the kidneys and the liver.
  2. In food, rich in carbohydrates, contains not only fats, but also useful vitamins, trace elements and fiber, so necessary for normal intestinal operation. It is not recommended to keep a carbon black diet too long.
  3. Some people are hard to endure a new power system for themselves.

Having organized its diet correctly, you can not allow these troubles or reduce their negative impact on the body.
It is important to know that a fleet diet is not suitable for everyone. For example, people with renal or liver failure do not need to risk and sit on this diet. The already weakened organs will not be able to qualitatively and well cope with the processing of the shock dose of protein.

The following symptoms include possible side effects:

  • poor mood, apathy, irritability;
  • constipation due to lack of fiber in the diet;
  • reducing immunity and susceptibility to various infectious diseases.

health Eating and Weight Loss

Rules of a fermented diet

Rules of a fleshy diet:

  1. Each product must contain a small amount of carbohydrates. But, in general, their number should not exceed 125 grams per day.
  2. It is necessary to exclude a fiber from the diet to the maximum for a short period of diet.
  3. It is important to additionally take a vitamin and mineral complex to maintain vigor and energy.
  4. According to the rules of a carved diet, you need to keep the product consumed table. In order not to move away from the required diet, you need to record everything that has been eaten throughout the day, as well as calorie food.
  5. It is not recommended for a long time on a diet. Every two weeks need to do a three-day break and allow the body to relax. These days it is important to reduce to a minimum consumption of fats, but increase the amount of carbohydrates.
  6. The amount of fluid consumed during a frantic diet - at least two liters per day.

Frameless diet: products allowed

First of all, you need to give preference to beef and chicken meat, which needs to be prepared without fat. Best products to subjected steam processing. You can eat fish and seafood, chicken protein, as well as any milk and dairy products with low fat content. A little less, but still allowed there is a pork, lamb, sour cream, butter, fatty fish and sausage products. For the side dish, choose not starchy vegetables, refilled by olive oil. Soups and first dishes are better prepared without potatoes, crumbs and pasta.

The prohibited products include such types of products as:

  • bakery;
  • sugar and candy;
  • conservation;
  • legumes;
  • sweet yogurts;
  • honey;
  • fast food;
  • sweet fruits;
  • alcohol.

Buying products in the store, read the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on the labels. Remember that the process of weight loss began, no more than 125 g of carbohydrates should be present in the daily diet, and even less. Enter the table to be easier to follow your plan.

Sample menu

Deciding for myself to sit on a fleshy diet, first of all, start with the preparation of the optimal menu for every day. The number of food meals - up to six times and small portions. After eight o'clock in the evening, it is recommended to refuse snacks at all.

Breakfast: steam scrambled eggs from two eggs, a sandwich from one slice of whole grain bread with a piece of solid cheese. Protein cocktail.

Second breakfast: one carrot or cucumber.

Lunch: boiled or fried chicken breast (150 g), boiled brown rice (30 g), cheese slice (30 g), coffee without sugar (200 g).

Afternoon person: 100 g of protein cocktail, 30 g almonds.

Dinner: steak of dietary fish (120 g), portion of brown rice or buckwheat (50 g), lettuce leaves, refilled by olive oil (50 g).

Late dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), green tea without sugar (200 g).

At the very beginning, a headache may appear, which is characteristic, since the body begins to adapt to the new regime.

The optimal duration of the course is 7 days, after which it is recommended to withstand the pause and continue the diet again. With the competent observance of the rules of the diet, it will certainly benefit, you will lose weight and gain the desired harness without compromising health.

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Frameless diet. Video


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