
SELL Diet for weight loss

SELL Diet for weight loss
Slim diet for weight loss: Features of the diet, types and types of power charts, example of a diet for a week, results.

Many are accustomed to the idea that beauty requires victims. Especially through it, those who took up their figure and decided to improve its forms with diets and exercise. But it turns out, it is not necessary to suffer at all, you can choose such versions of diets, which will perfectly thicken the feeling of hunger and at the same time dissolve extra kilograms.

One of these directions in nutrition is a protein diet for weight loss. Its diet mainly consists of a large amount of food rich in protein, but poor carbohydrates and fats. Such food perfectly pacifies the ragled appetite, gives enough energy, allows you to lead an active lifestyle and at the same time lose extra kilograms.

Thus, the essence of the protein diet lies in the rapid weight loss and gradual restructuring of the body under a new food style, allowing to achieve weight stabilization and improvement of health indicators.

Protein products perfectly complement the raw, steamed or boiled vegetables and fruit, which saturate the body with vitamins and fiber. You can use herbs, lemon juice, spices to add flavor acuity, as well as to salt your meals. By the choice of fruit should be taken very meticulously, because not all of them contribute to weight loss.

Features protein diet


  1. A diet rich in protein, ideal for athletes and people performing hard physical labor. This diet is good inhibits weight gain in pregnant women, because the severe restrictions they are contraindicated. Many men, and some women can not resist the pleasure of regularly eat meat, fish and dairy products, which does not allow them to adhere to stricter rules. Therefore, the weight loss on the protein diet can be a stick - lifesaver for people who want to buy the slender shape and have no problems with this at the medical unit.
  2. Protein diet can accompany your daily routine no more than 2 weeks, the best option - from 7 to 10 days. The result after such a diet-resistant enough, may be sufficient, and 1 approach to achieve optimal weight and shapes. Then you can return to normal diet with restriction of fried and fatty foods, sweets, sweet pastry.
  3. But if you decide to repeat the weight loss rate, then this can be done no earlier than 4 - 6 months after the first approach.
  4. A diet rich in protein, can not be abused, because she, too, has its drawbacks. In the digestion by the human body of a large amount of protein amplified the kidneys, which can lead to failures in their operation. To prevent such troubles, it is necessary to use at least 2 liters of fluid per day, preferably simple or mineral water.
  5. Prolonged exposure to the protein diet and uncontrolled use of protein products can lead to brittle nails and hair, dry and pale skin, fatigue.
  6. With such a diet you do not need too much focus on the number of calories coming from the food. It is not necessary to limit yourself to a diet with an energy value of less than 1200 calories, or it can weaken the body.
  7. To prevent disruption at the protein diet allowed to pamper yourself once a week a small portion of your favorite foods. If you adhere to all the recommendations, the result is an effective weight loss up to 10 kg for 14 days at a varied and tasty diet without exhausting desire to eat.

What can and what is impossible in a protein diet


The slimming protein diet menu may contain the following ingredients:

  1. Chicken meat, beef, as well as offal.
  2. Low-fat fish.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Egg proteins.
  5. Several art. l. Garnish from oatmeal or buckwheat cereals, a little bread.
  6. Vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and others.
  7. Fruits: Apples, Oranges, Mandarins, Lemons.
  8. Safety herbal tea, fastening coffee, mineral water.


  1. Semi-finished products.
  2. Canned food.
  3. Sweets.
  4. Fatty products.
  5. Potatoes, corn, legumes, beets, carrots.
  6. Juices and compotes from fruits, sweet carbonated drinks.
  7. Sugar and its substitutes.

Follow the graphics in the protein diet


  1. The protein diet menu is recommended to break on 4 - 6 meals for the day. In the morning you need to give the body to wake up and have breakfast 30 minutes after waking up, and dinner need to organize quite early - for 3 hours before bedtime it is no longer worth it.
  2. In the morning - up to 2 hours, it is necessary to enjoy buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. As an alternative, you can eat 1 piece of bread. 1 - 2 apples or citrus series representatives are also recommended.
  3. After lunch, the diet includes protein dishes in combination with vegetables. Vegetable salad is allowed to season 1 - 2 tbsp. l. Linen oil 1 time per day.

Approximate diet Protein diet for 1 week


  1. The menu of the protein diet is designed so that the person does not experience discomfort from the annoying desire to eat, while cooking dishes will not take much time.
  2. If the plank is raised high, then the proposed diet of the protein diet can be extended by 14 days:
    • morning: 150 g of cottage cheese, herbal tea. As a snack - slicing 1 orange;
    • lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken and 2 pieces of bread;
    • afternoon snack: half a cup of yogurt;
    • evening: 200 g Fish for a couple, fresh vegetable salad.
  3. Approximately this principle can be all the following diet days. To make as much variety as possible, you can alternate cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir for breakfast and afternoon school, as well as different types of meat or fish for lunch and dinner. You can also prepare different garnish from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. From vegetables you can cook a lightweight soup or knock the stew, and fresh salads can be simply used in any quantity.

Belk Diet Duucana: Principles


  1. Experienced French nutritionist Pierre Duan, knowing all the subtleties of the influence of food used on the human body for 30 years, has developed his unique system, which was subsequently named in his honor.
  2. The Duucan technique consists of several phases and allows you to establish metabolism, learn how to eat more competently and lose weight. The basis of the diet, developed by a nutritionist, is a lot of animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs and a small amount of carbohydrates. The developed system occurs a gradual transition from a strictly protein diet to a protein-carbohydrate diet.
  3. It allows you to lose weight, without experiencing annoying attacks of a brutal appetite and not counting calories. A diet can be long enough and take up to several months. During this period, the body is rebuilt under the new diet and gets used to it.
  4. The diet does not lead to a decrease in vital energy and the ability to focus, does not cause stress for the human body.
  5. In addition to the recommendations for meals, Dr. Duan gives other tips, which cannot be neglected if you want to get the maximum effect and avoid possible complications for the body:
    • daily need to use at least 1.5 liters of simple water;
    • to regularly add oat bran as a dietary supplement, their number is negotiated separately at each stage of the diet;
    • every morning to charge;
    • daily walk on the street for 30 minutes or more.

Phases protein diet dukana

picture of Perfect Housewife Serving Dish With Meat

Dyucana diet consists of 4 stages, each of which applies its approach to the diet. Without a clear fulfillment of all the requirements of each phase, you should not count on a decent result.

Phase Ataka

  1. At the first stage there is a rapid decrease in weight and body volumes. The attack phase implies a clear execution of sufficiently strict rules, on which the number of dropped kilograms depends.
  2. The attack phase menu consists of saturated protein products, including fermented milk, with minimal fat content.
  3. The side effects include weakness and dry mouth, which does not require correction, but only indicates the effectiveness of the system. Nevertheless, if your well-being deteriorates noticeably, it is necessary to reduce the first stage to a minimum, and if well-being is stable, then we try to reach the maximum allowance.
  4. The duration of the phase is established depending on the weight you wish to reset:
    • less than 20 kg: from 3 to 5 days;
    • from 20 od 30 kg: 5 - 7 days;
    • more than 30 kg: 7 - 10 days.
  5. That is, the first phase of the Duucan protein diet is not recommended to delay longer than 10 days.
  6. At the 1st stage, the menu should consist of the following products:
    • be sure to use 1.5 tbsp. l. oat bran every day;
    • beef meat, veal, chicken, turkey, ham;
    • calf by-products;
    • seafood;
    • fermented milk products with low fatness percentage;
    • eggs;
    • garlic, onions, seasonings, salt.
  7. The good news is the ability to combine all of the above products in any way.

Phase alternation

  1. The stage of alternation consists of two options for the diet menu, which consistently go one by one. The first option of the diet includes only protein products, and the second - protein products in combination with vegetables.
  2. The duration of alternation periods should be the same, for example:
    • 1 day of protein food - 1 day of protein food with vegetables;
    • 3 days of protein write - 3 days of protein food with vegetables, etc.
  3. If you want to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, you can choose any number of days for alternation, and in the case of the presence of excess weight more than 10 kg, you only fit the scheme 5 after 5.
  4. How much the second phase will last - it is necessary to calculate according to the formula at the rate of 1 a ramped kilogram at the first stage - 10 days of the second stage. For example: We looked at 3 kg - the second phase lasts 30 days.
  5. The alternation phase helps consolidate the results of the attack phase and prevent the re-set of weight.
  6. The second phase menu consists of the same components as on the first phase of the system, plus vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, cabbage, radishes, pepper, eggplant beans and even mushrooms. Vegetable dishes can be used in raw form, as well as boil, cook for a couple or bake.
  7. In addition, in the second phase of the DUKAN system, you can:
    • it is necessary to consume 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
    • low-fat cheeses - 30 g;
    • fruit, exception - bananas, sweet cherry and grapes;
    • cocoa, starch, cream for 1 tsp;
    • sunflower, linen or olive oil for frying - very slightly slightly;
    • 2 slices of bread;
    • 50 g of wine.
  8. These products can be used no more than 2 species per day, and products from the first phase can be mixed at will.

Phase fixing

  1. This period is necessary for the stabilization of the weight established in the first 2 phases. The number of reinforcement phase days is calculated similar to the alternation phase: 1 kilogram of excess weight of the first phase is 10 days 3 phases.
  2. At the same time, an even greater variety is made in the menu, in addition to the products of 2 previous phases, potatoes, rice, pasta are used 2 times in 7 days.
  3. It is important to adhere to 1 Conditions: 1 day per week It is necessary to make protein, just like at the first stage. In this case, the use of oat bran should be increased to 2.5 tbsp. l. in a day.

Phase stabilization

  1. The stabilization phase lasts ... the rest of life. Here you should adhere to a few simple rules:
    • the amount of veil of simple water per day is not less than 1.5 liters;
    • 3 tbsp. l. oat bran daily;
    • daily need to have protein, fruit and vegetable components in the diet, as well as some cheese and bread, and 2 any dishes rich in starch;
    • 1 day per week should be a purely protein, as in the first phase of the system.
  2. Performing these hard conditions, you can have a stable weight throughout your life.
  3. Anyone who conscientiously tried the DUCAN system on themselves, unanimously talk about the high performance of this method. Weight under this system leaves gradually, so stretch marks are not formed on the skin. In addition, the metabolism is improved, the condition of the internal organs and the taste preferences are changed in the direction of useful products.
  4. Having a lot of unacceptable for other diets of sending, the DUCAN system does not lag behind other more stringent response. It is no longer just one of the ways to acquire elegant forms, but a whole scientific approach, the effect of which is proved and analyzed.

Using the principles of a protein diet can not only lose weight, but also change the habits in nutrition, which will definitely lead to the improvement of the entire body and improving the quality of life.


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