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What to do to lose your hands

What to do to lose your hands
Beautiful and well -groomed hands make a woman much younger and more attractive. Caring for this part of the body is not complicated, but needs a systematic approach.

Hands are often a problem area for many women. It is they who are very difficult to lose weight. There are women, although slim, but their hands are complete. And this does not paint the figure at all. Indeed, it is much easier to achieve slender legs than pens. If you still decide to achieve perfect proportions, you need to take it seriously, since losing weight in your hands is quite real - you need to take a responsibility and seriously approach this procedure.

How to lose weight in your hands quickly


Skinny hands are beautiful, but not all women can boast of this. To put your hands in order, you need to spend a lot of time: exercises, diet, massage, etc. If you need to make at least a little more slimmer, that is, there are some tricks, thanks to which you can look good. The correct selection of clothes and accessories will help you with this.

In the cold season, there are no problems with full hands at all: all defects are perfectly hidden under sweaters, warm sweaters and, in general, clothes made of dense fabrics. And what to do in the summer, when you can’t cover your hands? Experts advise adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wear clothes with sleeves ¾.
  2. Wear clothes with tuning sleeves.
  3. Wear large jewelry.
  4. Wear hand accessories.

But you will not need these tips if you take a firm decision to lose weight in your hands.

What needs to be done to lose your hands


Women during losing weight are divided into two groups: one of them loses down from top to bottom (first shoulders and arms, and then stomach and legs), and the second from the bottom up (first legs and stomach, and then arms).

Full hands are a rather noticeable drawback of the figure. But hands will never be thick if there is not a single gram of fat on the body. And this means that the slimmer the figure, the more tightened your hands will be. And if you do everything right, then you simply cannot remain thick!

In order to lose your hands and shoulders, you need to observe a diet and perform special exercises, since only proper nutrition and physical activity will benefit. One is not compatible without the other. But as additional relaxation, you can use massage.

Physical loads for losing weight

Press and waist

  1. Full hands do not need strength exercises - from this they, on the contrary, will only recover.
  2. Cardione will help to lose weight in their hands. Classes on simulators are perfect.
  3. To throw off extra pounds and pull up your hands, you need light, but effective exercises, for example, aerobics or running - thanks to this, fat will melt and you will have the opportunity to pump muscles and pull up your hands.

Power loads for losing weight


  1. After the hands are losing weight thanks to cardio traffic or cardio loads, you can slowly begin to start strength exercises - this will give a beautiful relief.
  2. For embossed, beautiful hands it is necessary to develop triceps. If it is in a bad shape, then the hands do not look the best - the skin sags and becomes flabby.
  3. The best way to develop triceps is push -ups from a bench. This is performed as follows: take the emphasis lying from the bench, lift the body upwards and lower the elbows down. It is necessary to do first 2 approaches 5 times, then increase classes to 3 approaches 15 times. Exercise perform in a day. On average, one month is enough for you to notice the result.

Stretching for weight loss of hands


Power exercises are able to pump up hands so that this does not happen, you need to engage in muscle stretching after class. This will help to make hands more feminine.

Stretching is performed after exercises to relax and pull out the muscles. The procedure looks as follows: clasp your hands behind your back, then stretch with springy movements. First, you need to make sure that one hand is on top, then change their places.

If you need to lose your hands, stretching must be carried out regularly after exercise.

Diet for losing weight

How to get to a bastard-and-light-light-2

Physical exercises are not all, but only half the success. The second half is proper nutrition. Of course, you should not starve, but increase the amount of protein consumed and reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Eat more vegetables and fruits, give up flour and sweets.

Try to eat at least 5-6 times a day. In this case, the portion should be small.

By the way, experts say that this salad is able to help lose his hands the best. It contains a huge amount of nutrients, so it can generally be used as a vitamin salad:

  1. Tomatoes (vitamins A and C, as well as lycopines).
  2. Sweet pepper (vitamin A).
  3. Apples (fructose, vitamins, antioxidants).
  4. Raisins (fiber, protein).
  5. Cedar nuts (fiber, minerals, fats).

You can also poke into the salad: egg, avocado, cheese, cabbage, olives.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Cut tomatoes and pepper cubes.
  2. Boil an egg (if it is in your salad), grate. (By the way, one protein can be used, since there are fats in the yolk).
  3. Grate apples.
  4. Soak raisins in warm water for 15 minutes.
  5. If you decide to add avocado to the salad - cut it into slices, cabbage - chop, cheese - grate, drain the brine from olives.
  6. Put all the ingredients in the portioned cup, sprinkle with cedar nuts on top - the floor of the tablespoon will be enough.

Massage for weight loss of hands


  1. Buy a body cream and rub it daily into the upper part of the hands, making soft strokes, pinching and patting.
  2. Do your hand wrap. Use coffee, seaweed, as well as special mixtures for wrapping and improving blood circulation or for weight loss. The wrap at home is as follows: 70 g of coffee (natural, but ground) pour water (hot), in such proportions, to get a buzz. Take a little grit and dilute with gel or foam for bathing - make peeling. I will threaten to put in my arms, wrap with a film, wrap it with something warm and leave for 50 minutes.
  3. Contact the masseur specializing in massage for weight loss - it will help you lose weight even in your fingers, thanks to a special developed course.


This is a great remedy for your hands to lose weight and get rid of cellulite forever. Visit a pool with a certain regularity and soon you will open a change for the better.

Special exercises to lose your hands


Losing weight of the hands is a matter of time and desire. Here is a very simple, but very successful training, thanks to which you will get rid of fat deposits on your hands. The complex will not take you much time - only half an hour a day and you can no longer worry that you have problems with your hands.

  1. Be sure to monitor breathing - do not hold it, breathe evenly.
  2. If you want to drink, you can drink a little water right during the training.
  3. All exercises are performed standing and on half -bent legs.
  4. If we are talking about dumbbells, then you need to start with a weight of 1 kg, then increase to 2 kg.
  5. All exercises must be performed at least 30 times.

Perform a set of exercises every day.

  1. Starting position (I.P.): Standing, legs shoulder -width apart, one hand on the belt, in another dumbbell. Straighten the hand with the dumbbell. Raise the dumbbell up above the head, then lower it to the shoulder, get behind the head. Will return to I.P. The exercise must be very slowly performed, and the dumbbell is lowered as low as possible.
  2. I.P.: Standing, legs shoulder -width apart, lower your hands at the seams and press to the hips - in each on the dumbbells. Bend hands in the elbows, dumbbells closer to the shoulders, return to I.P. The exercise is performed slowly.
  3. I.P.: Standing, hands pressed to the chest, each in dumbbells. To make a lunge with one foot and throw forward your hand (the left leg is the right hand, the right leg is the left hand).
  4. I.P.: Standing, hands at the seams, each in dumbbells. Take both hands and one leg at the same time. Repeat the same actions with the other foot.
  5. I.P.: Standing, legs shoulder -width apart. Dip the case by about 80 degrees. Raise your hands with dumbbells to your shoulders.
  6. I.P.: Standing, legs shoulder -width apart, dumbbells in the hands. Rise on socks, raise your hands to the level of the face.
  7. I.P.: Standing, hands with dumbbells are raised at the level of the shoulders (parallel to the floor). Beat your elbows in order to form an angle of 90 degrees.
  8. I.P.: Standing, in the hands of dumbbells, hands in front of you, bent at the elbows (riser like a boxer). Box.

Here are what exercises must be performed in order to lose their hands.

Lose weight in your hands: tips in the end


  1. Water. Try to drink as much as possible clean water as possible: on average from 8 to 12 glasses per day. Thanks to the fluid, cleansing occurs in the body - it gets rid of toxins, and weight loss will move faster.
  2. Dancing. Half an hour per day of dance classes will significantly improve your well -being and will put your appearance in order - you will not even notice how your hands will lose weight.
  3. Take the bath as often as possible, since the skin is stored with liquid during our hygienic procedures.
  4. Refuse sweet carbonated drinks.
  5. Rate smoking!
  6. Homeopathy, vitamins and dietary supplements. Today, to reduce weight, there are a variety of drugs: they will help to lose weight, support the body and charge it with energy and all the necessary vitamins.
  7. If you tried, carried out all the recommendations, but nothing helped you (alas, unfortunately, there are such people), you can use the last chance - cosmetic surgery. Frankly, this procedure is very painful and fabulously expensive. It is necessary to contact a plastic surgeon only if, due to a large loss of weight, you have stretch marks, and the skin was very sagging.

How to lose weight in your hands. Video


Daria 15.02.2018 Answer

Girls, did you try Slimobost (in Google is easily located) for weight loss? The sister lives in another city, sent pictures -in three weeks -15 kilos, how she was transformed and noticeably built! What do you say?

Anna 21.02.2019

The massage helped me well, I turned to the dietary rod to the center of beauty and correction of the weight of Venus Sharipova and there they also offer massage and wraps. The weight helps to lose very well!
