
How to make wine from plum at home. Recipes for cooking homemade wine from plums step by step with photos

How to make wine from plum at home. Recipes for cooking homemade wine from plums step by step with photos
The article will offer the best recipes, how to make wine from the plums at home. Homemade wine from plums with step-by-step recipes and photos.

The plum wine is not often found on store shelves, since the mass production of this noble drink is difficult. But you can surprise your guests if you cook the wine yourself.

It is difficult to call a plum wine linen, it is not customary to serve in restaurants. But this does not mean that wine from the plums of tasteless. On the contrary, he has a very original taste and a thin fragrance. From ordinary plots you can cook semi-sweet or semi-dry wine, which will perfectly complement meat dishes. Sweet wine, cooked from the draining, is customary to serve for dessert.

How to make wine from draining

The most difficult in the home production of wine preparation from the drain, it is to get pure juice. In any varieties of draining a lot of substance that turns fresh flesh in the jelly-like mass. That is why there are no clean juice from the draining in the stores, but only nectar in which there is a lot of pectin. This is simultaneously disadvantage and advantage. There is a positive moment, in plums more sugar than for example, in apples. Because of this feature, sugar savings are obtained. Due to the fact that there are a lot of sugar in plums, fermentation will be intense.

Which berry should choose to make delicious wine? Any variety is suitable, but most of all the lovers of winemakers are popular for the "Ugorka" or "Hungarian". But even if this variety did not succeed in buying, nothing terrible, because from any plums there will be excellent wine.

Choose a ripe, such, which is about "burst", that is, overrone. Lost fruit fruits on the tree, they are still early to "ask for" a barrel with wine. Even better if the plum will be slightly brought, removed from the branches after the first short-term frosts. If you see that the berry began to shrore, just such fruits are ideal for the incarnation of our idea.

Preparation of raw materials: Fruits need to go through, remove all damaged, fired or infected with pests.

Wine from plum. Recipe:

  • take 10 kg of the securities of the plum;
  • sugar will be needed from 100 to 350 g per 1 l of the finished plum nectar. Sugar can be more or less, depending on the variety of drains. If sour - put more sugar, if sweet is enough and 100 g;
  • you still prepare pure purified water - for each kilogram of the prepared plum pulp, you will need 1 l of liquid.

How to make wine from plum at home:

  1. Preparation of harvest assembled. Plum comes with any, but dark varieties. The collection of fruits is at the moment when they begin to fall out from the tree. If there is an opportunity, the collected fruits need to be decomposed on wooden panels and grab 1-3 days in the sun. If this is impossible, then the method described above: plum after short-term freezers, just easily removed from the branches and is ideal for homemade winemaking. The collected fruits was prohibited! When you collect a harvest from a tree or to grasp the plum in the sun, a white film is formed on the surface - these are natural yeast, which will help to start the fermentation process. If we wash with a plum, the plum flesh (wort) will not wander, which means all efforts are in vain. Take a full responsibility for the preparation of the main ingredient: all torn plums will have to lean aside, as they can ruin all your future wine.
  2. How to get juice? Recipe for homemade wine from plum: winemakers recommend removing bones from draining. This time-consuming process, so for large parties will have to attract assistants. Remove the bone from the plum carefully and make sure that a lot of pulp in the garbage bucket along with a bone in the trash can. It is advisable to work in rubber gloves, as the acid existing in plums can negatively affect the condition of the skin of the hands and nails. The bones got, now you need to make a homogeneous puree mass from the pulp. Take advantage of the pusher or wipe the pulp through the sieve. Add conventional water to the resulting plum puree (well or from the filter). Proportions: 1 part of the flesh and as much water.
  3. Bottles with a plum mass need to be placed in a warm, but the shaded place (perfectly dark) for a couple of days. The room temperature should not fall below +18 degrees. When the room is too hot (more than +25 degrees), also not very good, since in both cases the fermentation process is suspended.
  4. Capacities with wort are needed to cover clean gauze, folded several times so that insects (midges and flies) do not fall into the drain mass.
  5. Mix the wort is needed every day in the morning and in the evening, use only wooden table appliances.
  6. How to prepare wine from the drain: after 2 days, changes will occur in the container: the juice from the pulp with the peel (it will rise), air bubbles and a small foam will appear. It is time to get to the filtering to remove the flesh. She fulfilled her work. To straighten the plum mass, it is necessary to prepare a cut of a clean gauze and a sieve. Clean juice without pulp to a glass bottle to put the future of wine wander.
  7. The fermentation process is impossible without sugar, so for each liter of juice, place from 100 to 250 g, if you want to make dry / semi-sweet wine, and if sweet, then from 300 to 350 g. For proper fermentation, sugar is made by parts, first half how the juice was overflowing into a bottle for fermentation. Sugar must be mixed in a small container with a small amount of juice. Sugar is quickly dissolved, as in the plum juice there is an acid.
  8. Fill out the prepared raw material for fermentation of a bottle of 3/4, to the top it is impossible to pour juice, since the foam is formed with active fermentation and carbon dioxide will be separated. According to the rules of winemaking, it is necessary to install hydraulic. Special devices can be searched in stores or on the market. A conventional rubber glove is suitable, only you need to make a fine needle micro-eye. Proper fermentation - in a dark warm place, at temperatures from +18 to +26 degrees. If everything is done correctly and the fermentation process is active, the glove will sweep.
  9. A week later, you can make the remaining portion of sugar. It is permissible to make the fourth part of the sugar in 5 days, then 5 days later, make the remaining portion. Sugar needs to be divorced in juice (take a little bit), and then pour the concentrated sugar syrup into the bottle, gently mix or shake the bottle for uniform distribution, put the shutter in place.
  10. Calculate for 2 months or 60 days. When the fermentation process is completed, the glove will fall, it means that the liquid does not release gas anymore. At the bottom a precipitate is formed. Just these 2 signals indicate that it is time to get into the filtering of young wine.
  11. When filtering a beverage (through a clean gauze, folded several times), overflow wine into clean glass containers (bottle or bottles). Try the finished drink if sugar is not enough for your taste, you can sweeten young wine.
  12. Preparation of wine from the drain is a labor-intensive process, but not complicated. Optionally, you can increase the strength of the drink, add alcohol and vodka to the young wine. Fortress at a maximum of 45%, you can add no more than 15% of the total volume. Such a fastener wine acquires a tougher taste, but it will be stored longer.
  13. The clarification process is not fast, it will take several months, or even years so that the noble drink becomes lighter. To speed up this process, the bottle with filtered wine needs to be omitted into the basement or put into any room, deprived of light (temperature + 6-16 degrees) and at first every 2 weeks filter wine. Single bottle is impossible, the drink must be overflowed through the hose in a clean bottle, leaving the sediment at the bottom. After a couple of months, it is possible to filter wine less often when a precipitate appears. To brighten the wine completely, it may be necessary for years, but absolute transparency is unrealistic, as it is wine from the drain.

Attention! If you see that on the 55-56th day, fermentation has not yet stopped, you will have to filter the drink to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant bitterness. After filtering, install the shutter and wait until the process is complete.

In order not to wait for a long time when the drink is brightened by a natural way, you can try to speed up this process.

Recipe for lightening wine from plum at home:

  • take fresh egg protein;
  • wake up gently with a wedge or fork;
  • add protein to wine, mix;
  • after 2-3 weeks, the protein pulls the pigment and falls on the bottom;
  • it is necessary to filter the drink again, it will be much lighter than 3 weeks ago.

Gelatin is also suitable: Powder Powder Packed in warm water, pour in wine. During the day, filter the drink every 6 hours. Package gelatin is enough for 100 liters of drink.

In addition to these funds, a bentonite is used in winemaking, it is introduced after gelatin and filtered after 21 days. But all these efforts do not give the expected result. Wine from the drain is very difficult to filter until transparency, and there is no point, because the drink and without clarification it turns out a saturated taste and aroma.

Now you are dedicated to all the subtleties of the process and know how to make wine from the drain. Keep such a drink in a dark glass bottle in a cool room for 5 years.

Wine from Dzer: simple recipe

How to make simple wine from plum so as not to spend so much time and effort? We offer a simplified way to prepare the drain and cooking of the drink.

Wine from plum to a step-by-step recipe:

  1. The collected plums should be sorted, you can not wash.
  2. Make a sharp knife on each fruit incision to the bone.
  3. Fold plums into a bottle layers. The first layer was folded, slept the sugar layer, but already too thick. Again a layer of drain - a layer of sugar and so to the top.
  4. Pour spring water (well or filter) into the bottle.
  5. Put the container in a warm place for 7 days, you can set capacity in the afternoon afternoon, under direct sunlight.
  6. A week at the bank should form a precipitate, wort is separated and mezga.
  7. Now you need to push the whole mass into another container, but just so as not to affect the precipitate. Need clean juice.
  8. Adding sugar with parts by 4, 7, 10 days. On the liter of juice from Dzhal, take 50 g. You do not close the jar with a lid, cover gauze.
  9. TU MEZGU (pulp with the skin) do not rush to throw away, add some fresh plums, water and sugar to this mass, mix. The updated wort can merge after 7 days, filter and squeeze the mezdu and add sugar. It turns out almost waste-free home production.
  10. Now you have got 2 wort, you need to wait for fermentation and merge. Connect all together early. After the juice was merged, you need to put it up for a couple of days, then to move away to get rid of the sediment.
  11. After this stage, you can combine both types of beverage in one container, filter, fill on the bottle.
  12. Capacities with young wine need to put in a dark and cool place for 2 months, after such an excerpt you will have a noble drink of a beautiful dark ruby \u200b\u200bwith a special tender taste and aroma. If you do not add alcohol or vodka, the drink strength will be 10-15%.

This is the easiest and fastest way to prepare wine from plums with bones.

How to cook useful wine from draining

Drink homemade wine is a real pleasure, because they made a drink with their own hands, put so much trouble and love. There are many recipes for cooking home wines from different ingredients, we will single out the most interesting and popular and tell you how to make a useful drink from the drain.


  • plum - 5 kg;
  • water purified, well or spring - 4 l;
  • raisin light - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 750

Wine cooking sequence:

  • fruits need to go through, squeeze bones;
  • fold the pulp in a saucepan, add water 1 l, mix. Cover the saucepan with a gauze cut, leave in a warm place for fermentation to the 3rd day. Each day, mix the contents with a wooden spatula.
  • the remaining water must be warmed to room temperature, dissolved sugar, add pre-washed raisins. All this should be poured into the pot, stir and leave for 3 days;
  • it is time to separate the juice from the pulp and pour it into the tank for fermentation. Do not forget to put a water seal;
  • when fermentation is complete, the drink you want to filter, pour into bottles. You can add sugar to taste;
  • send in the cellar wine on aging. After 3 months, remove the first sample.

This wine is soft, gentle, moderately sweet. You can drink 1/3 cup every day to prevent the purification of vessels and strengthen the body instead of wine.

Do yourself a plum wine. Video in two parts

Part one:

Part two:


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