
The benefits, harm and contraindications of beetroot kvass. How to cook beetroot kvass at home. How to drink beetroot kvass

The benefits, harm and contraindications of beetroot kvass. How to cook beetroot kvass at home. How to drink beetroot kvass
The benefits of beetroot kvass for health. How to drink beetroot kvass. How to cook beetroot kvass at home - a recipe.

Kvass is a traditional refreshing drink with a centuries -old history. In the days of ancient Rus', all people quenched their thirst, regardless of well -being and class belonging. The recipes of natural “energy” with honey, vegetables, fruits and rye bread parents passed on to children from generation to generation. The most long -standing recipe for beetroot kvass is considered, which has a powerful healing energy.

Beetroot kvass: secrets of chemical composition

A beet -based drink is incredibly useful - its composition is largely similar to the composition of fresh root crop. The positive properties of beetroot kvass are also largely dependent on the products of lactic acid fermentation. No matter how much this vegetable “elixir” is prepared, its composition always contains a large number of group B vitamins, ascorbic acid, niacin and vitamin K. And even beetroot kvass is the richest source of valuable chemical elements (potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, manganese, copper, magnesium), without which the normal work of the human body is impossible. Beetroot saturates the drink with flavonoids, phytoncides, acids and glucose, as well as antioxidants and anthocyans.

During the bending, special microorganisms appear in the product that stimulate fermentation, and also suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and the development of the putrid process, which, of course, is only to the benefit of your health. It turns out that a glass of beetroot drink will not only save you from thirst, but also make up for vitamin and energy reserves, strengthen the protective forces and increase the body's resistance to various pathogenic bacteria.

The rarest and valuable trace elements in the composition of beetroot juice are considered Rubidia and Cesium. Active components are directly involved in the normalization of high blood pressure.

Remarkable properties of beetroot kvass

Specialists who studied the influence of the active substances of the root crop on human health have concluded that the systematic use of beetroot kvass will protect you from the following dangerous disturbances:

  • arterial hypertension. No matter how unusual it sounds, beet kvass is considered the first help in the treatment of a hypertensive crisis - after 20 minutes after drinking the drink, the pressure decreases significantly, or even returns to normal. The course of treatment with beetroot kvass will help hypertension for a long time to stabilize his condition;
  • atherosclerosis and other vascular pathologies. A drink prepared on the basis of beets helps to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the bloodstream. In addition, the use of kvass favorably affects the state of blood vessels: expands gaps, preventing the blockage, and establishes their rhythmic reduction;
  • violations in the work of the urinary system. The healing drink prevents the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary sphere, accelerates and facilitates the elimination of stones from the kidneys and liver;

  • digestive dysfunction and pathological weight gain. The use of kvass in the most beautiful way is reflected in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the activity of metabolism, and burns harmful decay products in the body. Beetroot kvass for people who are ruthlessly fighting overweight, is another point in the program to achieve a beautiful figure;
  • iron deficiency anemia. Thanks to beetroot kvass, iron and a whole complex of vitamins enter the body, and a person has a chance to forget for a long time what dizziness and general malaise are;
  • the antioxidants in the root of the root strengthen the walls of the cells, preventing their premature destruction;
  • the value of beetroot kvass is also that its regular use improves the condition of nails, hair and skin;
  • the vegetable drink has a slight sedative effect. This can be felt immediately if you suffer from insomnia.

Well, a pleasant bonus to all of the above is the excellent property of beetroot kvass to quench their thirst and fill the body with life -giving energy even on the most sultry days.

Preparation of beetroot kvass

For a healing tool you will not have to run to the store or pharmacy, because it is prepared by the housewives in their own kitchen. We will share with you the most famous recipes for homemade private kvass.

Beetroot kvass without the use of yeast

Recipe No. 1. Classic beetroot kvass.


  • small beets - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • cold filled water - 2 - 3 liters.

Kvass is prepared like this:

  1. Wash the vegetables, cut the peel from them and cut with neat slices.
  2. Fill a beetroot mass of a 3-liter jar to half.
  3. Pour water into the jar to the level of the shoulders and cover it with gauze rolled into several layers.
  4. Leave the container with the future kvass in a cool place. Drive the first sample of the drink when the liquid is thrown (bubbles begin to rise from beets to the surface of the water).

To increase the benefit of the drink, together with beets, send 2 carrots cut into small slices to the jar. And you can make the taste of the finished kvass more original by mixing it with natural cranberry, currant, mountain ash or sea buckthorn juice. Source products, spices, salt or finely chopped fresh greens are also added to the beet drink for a variety.

When kvass is drunk, vegetables from the can can be added to salads and other dishes. In the remains of old yeast, it is allowed to add water to the new kvass until the liquid loses its saturated burgundy color.

Recipe No. 2. Beetroot kvass on a bread crust.

The following products will be needed:

  • large ripe beets - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 - 5 tbsp. L.;
  • rye malt bread - 3 dry crusts;
  • cold water - 4 l.

Cook kvass for this "cheat sheet":

  1. Peel the washed beets and chop the head on a coarse grater. Put the cut in a 5-liter jar.
  2. Next, put bread crusts, sugar and water to beet chips.
  3. Cover the neck of the container with gauze folded in 3 - 4 layers.
  4. Put a beetroot blank for fermentation in a warm place and leave a jar there for 4 days. Out of time, look into the container: if you see a muddy mold film on the surface of the water, immediately remove it.
  5. Strain the finished beetroot drink, pour into comfortable bottles and leave to be stored in the refrigerator.

Kvass, prepared according to this recipe, is not only drunk, but also prepared on its basis cold borscht and beetroot. Such dishes are especially relevant in the hot season.

Recipe No. 3. Beetroot kvass on raisins and lemon juice.

Drink products:

  • average beets - 2 - 3 root crops;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • light raisins - about 25 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • water - 5 l.

The procedure for cooking kvass according to this recipe is as follows:

  1. Put a pan with beets on the fire and wait for the water to boil. After that, make the fire quieter and boil the vegetable for about 7 minutes.  Cool water with beets in a pan.
  2. Pull the vegetable out of the pan, and add lemon juice and sugar to the cooled water.
  3. Free the beets from the peel and chop into small pieces.
  4. Put the vegetable cut on a baking sheet and put for several minutes in the oven to slightly dry the beets.
  5. Place the dried base for kvass in a 5-liter jar, then throw a handful of raisins and pour the previously cooked water.
  6. Close the jar with a lid with several holes, wrap the container in the blanket and leave for fermentation. When the first bubbles appear, strain the drink through gauze or small sieve and pour kvass into plastic bottles.

How to cook beetroot kvass with yeast

Beetroot kvass with honey and yeast.

For this option, you will need:

  • beets - 0.5 kg;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • dry rye bread - 2 crusts;
  • water - 3 l.

How to cook a beet drink:

  1. Cut the skin from washed beets, chop the vegetable on a coarse grater and hold beet chips in the oven for several minutes.
  2. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bin a saucepan and then pour quite a bit of water - only so that it slightly covers the beets.
  3. Put the pan on the fire and cook the vegetable until full.
  4. Strain the boiled beets, transfer it to a 3-liter jar and pour it with the remaining water.
  5. Also put honey, bread crusts and yeast in a jar. Cover the container with a dense but breathable cloth, and then put in a warm place.

Be prepared for the fact that thanks to the yeast, the fermentation process will begin 1 to 2 days after preparing the drink. Beetroot kvass on yeast retains its healing properties for 7 days (stored in a cool place), while non -annoying drinks are stored for about 3 days.

How to make beetroot kvass according to Bolotov

This method of preparing healing beetroot kvass is interesting to a set of ingredients - there are fermented milk products, thanks to which the drink is prepared by enzyme fermentation. The methodology was developed by our contemporary, talented scientist Boris Vasilievich Bolotov.

So, take the following products:

  • beets - 2 kg;
  • serum - 2 l;
  • sour cream - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking order:

  1. Freshly peeled from the peel, finely chop the way it is convenient.
  2. Highly heat the serum over low heat and mix with sour cream and sugar.
  3. Put the beetroot mass in a 5-liter jar and pour with a sweet milk mixture.
  4. Cover the neck of the jars with gauze cloth and put in a warm place.

The liquid will foam after about 1 day - this means that the drink was thrown successfully. Accept to note that enzyme processes develop simultaneously with mold, so after 2 to 3 days, carefully inspect the jar of kvass for mold. At the first signs, immediately remove the “unhealthy” foam and make sure that it does not appear. Look into the bank every 2 to 3 days.

A week later, beetroot kvass will begin to wander even more actively. It's time to rearrange the bank in a cooler place - a refrigerator or cellar is suitable. If you rearrange the drink in the refrigerator, then every night you will have to put it out of there and leave it at room temperature until the morning.

Fragrant living kvass can be treated to relatives and friends in 10 - 12 days. The enzyme fermentation method is unique in that the finished product contains a full -fledged complex of beneficial bacteria, which subsequently split into active enzymes involved in the life of all organs and systems of the human body.

How to take beetroot kvass

  1. If you want to drink, you can satisfy your thirst with a drink from beets at any time.
  2. To cleanse beetroot kvass with overweight, drink 1 glass of vegetable elixir in half an hour (maximum 40 minutes) before meals. To make the effect even more noticeable, nutritionists allow you to arrange fasting days on kvass 1 time in 7 days. Nothing but beetroot kvass, cottage cheese, apples and dried fruits, you can’t eat at this time.
  3. In order to generally improve the body, the vegetable drink is consumed a quarter glass 1 hour before sitting at the dining table.
  4. To cleanse the body, beetroot kvass obtained by enzyme fermentation, the drink is taken on an empty stomach three times a day: a quarter glass 2.5 - 3 hours before meals.

The maximum daily volume of kvass, which can be drunk without harm to health, is 1 liter. Exceeding the permissible norm, you create an additional load for the stomach and can cause a digestive system disorder.

Beetroot kvass: contraindications and harm

There is a list of diseases that, which, from the use of beetroot kvass, despite its amazing properties, it is better to refrain. These diseases:

  • exacerbation of diseases in the field of gastrointestinal tract;
  • urolithiasis;
  • digestive ulcer;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gout;
  • gastritis;
  • allergies to the components of beetroot kvass.

Also, when drinking a beet drink, side effects can be observed: diarrhea, acute abdominal pain, vomiting. When any anxious symptoms appear from the use of a natural medicinal drink, they immediately refuse.

Having complemented your diet by beetroot kvass, which was insisted at home, you will very soon notice positive changes in well -being, get rid of excess weight and effectively strengthen immunity. Be healthy!



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