
Love sugar from cough - benefit, harm. How to cook burnt sugar from cough - recipe

Love sugar from cough - benefit, harm. How to cook burnt sugar from cough - recipe
The benefits and harm of burnt sugar. How to make a cough medicine. Recipes of syrups, lollipops for children and adults

Cough appears at a cold not only in children, but also in adults. This side phenomenon prevents the usual lifestyle, delivers discomfort and even interferes with sleep. It is quite natural that the cough must be treated and the sooner, the better. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of various drugs that will help to quickly get rid of cough, but they are not always suitable not only at cost. Almost all drugs have one significant disadvantage - a side effect. We treat one, and the whole body suffers later. So that this does not happen, let's remember the recipe of our grandmothers who prepared a cough medicine on their own from ordinary sugar.

Love sugar from cough. What's the secret?

To prepare a cough medicine, you need the usual sugar to melt, is called such a sugar "Logue". Why does he help get rid of cough? The fact is that simple sugar has a crystalline form if it is absorbed in this form, it can scratch the inflamed mucosa. When sugar proceeds to another condition when heated, eating such a product as a medicine, you can cure a dry cough. Logging sugar launches organism exchange processes as a fast source of carbohydrates. Therefore, by using this product, you can get rid of dry cough and translate it into the "wet."

What does a sugar medicine look like? As soon as sugar starts to melt, it becomes drumming or viscous, it changes its shade. When heated, ordinary sugar becomes therapeutic and under the influence of saliva helps soften the inflamed throat.

The use of burnt sahara from cough

The benefits of this medicinal product are easy to use. You need to take a little sugar and simply dissolve in the mouth. Such a sweet medicine very likes to children. By the way, the initially burned sugar from cough was preparing a sick child. Children do not like to drink bitter medicines, and sweet lollipops are very happy. This medicine well softens the mucous membrane, helps to facilitate the state of the patient with a dry cough, suitable for the treatment of pharyngitis (with different forms) and well displays a sputum.

The cost of such a medication is minimal, because it will be necessary to make it the manufacture of the entire spoon of conventional white sugar, as well as auxiliary ingredients that will be found in every home.

List advantages:

  • quickly removes the bouts of dry cough;
  • cases cough in a short period - within 3 days;
  • suitable for children who do not want to take pharmacy medicine.

The cost of homemade medication from cough is kopeck, and the cooking process is very simple.

Love sugar from cough. Reviews:

Love sugar from cough. Harm

This medicinal product refers to traditional medicine, which, as you know, are not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

What can be harvested by burnt sugar and what you need to know before starting treatment:

  1. Not every dry cough can be cured with burnt sugar. If this is a cold phenomenon, then the home medicine will help to cope with the ailment, and if it is a serious illness (such as tuberculosis or pneumonia), then sugar can harm. Therefore, before you decide on such treatment, it will not be superfluous to consult with the attending physician.
  2. For children under 2 years old, it is undesirable to give such a medicine, because all inflammatory processes at this age flow rapidly and inflammation can quickly spread.
  3. Melted sugar - the product is harmful, affects not only on the figure, but also on the state of the teeth. Therefore, you should not abuse delicious medicine.
  4. Absolute contraindication - diabetes mellitus. People who have this ailment is prohibited from the use of sugar in any form.
  5. The caloric content of the product is very high, in one lollipop contains up to 300 kcal, and this is a lot!
  6. In large quantities, pinching sugar derives from the body by trace elements (calcium) and vitamins, and if they abuse this product, this harmful habit can lead to the development of serious blood diseases.

How to cook burnt sugar from cough

The ways of cooking a simple medication from cough several. All of them are simple, on cooking is given to a minimum of time. It is important to understand that it is not necessary to prepare such a medicine, because the fresh is always tastier and more useful.

Kashel's burnt sugar recipes: standard lollipops can be prepared, make a syrup with the addition of herbal tinctures or a semi-winged cough medicine.

How to make a burnt sugar from cough:

  1. We will need 1 tbsp. Of ordinary white sugar, some water and literally a drop of vegetable oil.
  2. We do the medicine so: first prepare a saucer, lubricate it with vegetable oil. If you have special small molds, excellent, you can pour molten sugar in the form, there will be beautiful lollipops.
  3. Cook a small frying pan - it should be dry! Pour sugar into it, put on the stove. War down on slow heat until sugar starts to melt.
  4. As soon as it turns out the thick mass of a beautiful caramel shade, you need to pour it into a prepared form. By the way, the form should be chosen without angles, because it is very problematic to dissolve a lollipop with sharp edges and so you can injure the oral mucosa.
  5. Wait until the lollipop grabs, let it lie on a saucer or in shape. If you pour lollipops into shape, insert thin wooden spats - it turns out cute lollipops on a beautiful amber shade chopsticks.

Love sugar from cough. How to cook dairy lollipops. And again nothing complicated, because the principle of cooking medicine from cough is the same, only you need to prepare pre-milk and pour it into a glass or in a cup. Milk should be cold. After the sugar is melted and acquired a beautiful caramel shade, it just needs to pour into a glass with milk. Due to the fact that the temperature of the products is different (sugar - hot, and the milk is cold), the lollipops are grabbing bubbles. Such a drug looks pretty, only when absorbing will have to be careful not to damage the mucous membrane. This recipe is more suitable for adults and children over 5 years old.

Does the burnt sugar from cough help? In this you can see personally, if you prepare a medicine for this recipe. Instead of ordinary lollipops we will prepare a pasty medicine from cough. It will help faster to soften the irritable throat in the event that when absorbing sugar candy, there is a pain.

How to prepare a delicious cough medicine:

  • it will take 1 tbsp. white sugar;
  • a piece of butter, water or cream - to choose from;
  • you need to pour sugar into a skillet, turn on the slow heat heating, constantly stirring, wait until sugar acquires a beautiful caramel shade;
  • to this sugar mass you need to add a piece of butter or cream. If you see that the mass is thick, add a bit warm boiled water;
  • it turns out a plastic drug mass. It can be shifted into the form, or store in a tightly closing container, a glass jar.

Sugar-based syrup recipes:

  1. Melt a tablespoon of sugar, pour a glass of water (boiled and warm) to the pan, stirring, wait for boiling, then cool. Such a medicine must be stored in a cool place, only you need to pour it into a glass bottle or jar. How to accept: with a starting attack of dry cough.
  2. The second method is similar, only fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey are added to the water.
  3. The third way to prepare a syrup: melt a large spoonful of sugar, pour with a glass of warm water with the addition of onion juice (grate on the shallow grater 1 on the bulbs). Take this not too tasty and fragrant medicine is necessary in a sip every 30 minutes.
  4. Vodka with burned sugar from cough: it will take 9 tbsp. Sugar that needs to be poured into a saucepan (use for cooking domestic medicine only enameled dishes!), Put on the stove, turn on the weak fire. With constant stirring, melt sugar, pour the glass of warm water (necessarily boiled), mix. Be careful, because when water is poured into hot sugar, then a cloud of hot steam is formed. You can shoot from the plate with a saucepan, put on the table so that the mixture is slightly cooled. In the warm medicine, it is necessary to pour 20 g of vodka, mix. How to take medicine: on a large spoon every 2 hours during the day. Children, pregnant and feeding such a medicine is prohibited.
  5. How to prepare cough syrup with herbs: brew a pre-chamber (a glass of water - 25 g of dry thyme). The decoction needs to be strain through a sieve or gauze, add sugar (2 glasses), a large spoonful of honey. Put the mixture on the stove, wait for boiling. Stirring, waiting for thickening, immediately pour according to pre-prepared molds. It turns out cute lollipops that can be given to children. If you take 1 cup of sugar, then a pasty medicine will be.

Treatment of coughing with burning sugar is pleasant and inexpensive. It only needs to be understood that only palm sugar will not help get rid of cough, a comprehensive approach is needed. The body will need your help: more rest if you feel weak - lie, rinse the throat, drink a lot of fluids, do not overcoat and be healthy!


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