
Dishes on the Easter table. What to cook for an Easter table - recipes with photos. How to decorate an Easter table. Easter table setting

Dishes on the Easter table. What to cook for an Easter table - recipes with photos. How to decorate an Easter table. Easter table setting
Easter is a great opportunity to prepare the most delicious and unusual dishes, as well as come up with an original decoration for the table. Using your imagination and a large number of ideas, you can create a unique feeling of a miracle.

Easter is one of the most long -awaited religious holidays. Millions of families are looking forward to the first days of spring, which bring Easter days closer. Usually for this big holiday they begin to prepare in a few weeks. Cleaning the house, cleaning the private yard, preparing a large number of traditional Easter dishes, visiting the church - this is only a small part of pleasant troubles associated with this bright holiday.

Perhaps the most important part is a festive Easter table with all family traditions, delicious dishes and beautiful design. Each housewife has long thought over all the subtleties of decorating the Easter table, makes up an unusual menu and creates Easter decorations of the table together with the household with their own hands. All this unites family members, making Easter holiday the brightest and most joyful, which is the beginning of something bright and good in the life of every believer.

In this article, we will consider the variety of the menu to the Easter table, in stages we will describe the recipes with a photo of some festive dishes. Let us give an example of the most striking and unusual options for decorating the Easter table.

Traditions of Easter and Easter table

All Orthodox believers call Easter a holiday of holidays and triumph of triumph. Historically, it was so that this holiday is celebrated with a special scope and are also preparing for it very meticulously. There are a large number of traditions that originate deep in the past, but in recent years, special traditions can be found more and more often. inherent in individual families. With the help of them, the Easter holiday can be made especially unique and bright. Let's look at some traditions of the Easter table and the features of the celebration.

  • First of all, the Easter holiday itself has a number of traditions that have become a kind of rules or a ritual of preparation for the celebration. All preparations for Easter Sunday begins in a week. On Monday, you need to complete the cleaning of your home. On Tuesday, it is important to wash and stroke clothes, tablecloths and handbrakes, as well as darn the clothes, since it will not be possible to sew anything for a long time. On Wednesday, housewives should remove all unnecessary garbage from the house, as well as prepare eggs. On Clean Thursday, according to traditions, before sunrise, you need to have time to swim in clean cool water. It is believed that on this day the water has healing properties. On the same day, it is customary to paint Easter eggs and bake cakes. Passion Friday is a day without home work, without fun and music. On Saturday, you need to prepare all the dishes for the Easter table.
  • Traditionally, the most important Easter dishes are cakes and painted eggs. Each mistress owns her secrets to decorate Easter Easter cakes and painting eggs. For Easter cakes, icing and various sprinkling are most often used, and eggs are most often painted with natural products, for example, onion husks or turmeric.
  • In addition to Easter cakes, many housewives also prepare other thematic pastries: cookies in the form of bunnies and eggs, cakes, berry pies.
  • By tradition, dishes of different vegetables, of different types of meat should be present on the table.
  • In addition to cooking, there are traditions in decorating the Easter table. Since ancient times, the center of the table has occupied an Easter wreath with painting eggs. Such a wreath can be made from branches of trees, from fresh grass, which is specially tossed to this holiday.
  • Many housewives decorate the Easter table with fresh blossomed colors, for example, hyacinths.
  • Traditionally, the main colors of the Easter table are yellow and green. No beliefs are connected with them, it's just the first colors of spring. With the help of a tablecloth or napkins of such colors, you can create a bright and joyful mood.
  • Easter table 2017 can be decorated with various crafts made by yourself. It can be egg stands, Easter baskets and wreaths, chickens and candles.
  • Our ancestors exhibited 48 various dishes on the Easter table, which symbolized 48 days of strict fasting. It was also customary to independently cook drinks. It could be a shotgun, jelly, homemade wine or beer.
  • A beautiful Easter table is an important component of Easter holiday, so each family tries to do everything brightly and with a highlight.
  • Another tradition of this bright holiday is the exchange of dishes. Relatives on this day go to each other and will certainly carry Easter cakes and painted eggs with them.

What to cook for an Easter table - recipes with photos

Each housewife selects recipes for the Easter table in advance, considering all the features of the preparation and preferences of her family. Easter is a holiday that completes a long 48-day post, so there should be many different dishes on the festive table. What to cook for an Easter table? It can be a variety of snacks, salads, meat and fish dishes, Easter pastries and, of course, the most important dishes of this holiday - Easter cakes and painted eggs.

Let us give an example of various recipes with photos to the Easter table that you can use without any problems in your preparation for this holiday.

What to cook for an Easter table. Easter cake recipe

Today on the Internet you can find just a huge number of different recipes for Easter cakes. These are Easter cakes on yeast test, on cottage cheese, on sour cream. Each housewife chooses a recipe that suits her the most and the taste of such baking likes her loved ones. Consider the recipe for one of the most popular and delicious Easter cakes - Alexandria. Cooking a cake from such a test requires a lot of time and effort. However, the result surpasses all expectations - the Easter cakes are soft, air and surprisingly fragrant. You can start their preparation on a pure Thursday, the very baking process itself is postponed on Friday.

Ingredients for dough:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs;
  • sugar-sand-350 grams;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • fresh yeast - 50 grams;
  • musty milk - 370 ml.

Ingredients for the test:

  • vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • tsukats of different types;
  • light and dark raisins;
  • orange zest;
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.;
  • sifted flour - 1 kg;
  • you can add a pinch of cardamom, nutmeg and saffron to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Work on the test begins with the preparation of all ingredients for dough. It is important that all products are at room temperature, the only way you will achieve the perfect cakes.
  • In the beginning, it is necessary to rub the yolks with sugar. Then carefully add chicken eggs and slightly heated ghee. Mix everything well and add yeast.
  • Melt a little bit of cream and also pour into the dugout. Mix everything well again.
  • The container with the opara can be wrapped in a clean towel, and then leave it to approach in a warm place for about 12 hours.
  • Before cooking the Easter cakes, it is necessary to rinse and soak raisins in cognac, after which it needs to be dried.
  • Add vanillin, a little saffron and cardamom to the rising dough. Rub one orange on a fine grater and add the resulting zest to dough.
  • Next, gradually add pre -sifted flour. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, you can grease them with vegetable oil or moisten with water. The dough needs to be kneaded thoroughly, about 15-20 minutes. As a result, it should turn out to be soft and supple, slightly sticking to the hands.
  • Leave the dough to rest a little for 2 hours, previously covered with a film.
  • Again, crumple the dough and add raisins and centers to it, and then lay out into paper or metal forms in 1/b of their parts.

  • Give the dough to rise again and send to the oven heated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 25 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.

What to cook for an Easter table. Painted eggs - Methods of preparation

  • Onion husk. Eggs on the Easter table can be painted with onion husks. To do this, place onion husks itself in a pan (the more, the more intense the color will be) and pour everything with water. Then in the resulting solution, weld the eggs in the usual way. As a result, you will get beautiful dark-bearded or brown eggs. To make them more unusual, put lace or leaves of trees on eggs during color and wrap with gauze, and then lower it into the solution. So you get eggs with a pattern.

  • Red cabbage. Using such a vegetable, you will get Easter eggs of a light blue shade. You will need 2 streams of cabbage and half a liter of water, as well as 6 tbsp. vinegar. Chop the cabbage and put it in a jar, add water and vinegar and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Pre -boil the eggs and after 4 hours lower them into the solution. Keep them about 4 hours in the solution.
  • Food dyes. Before the holiday, a large number of various dyes appear in retail trade, which you can easily paint Easter eggs in a variety of shades.
  • Thermonacles. Another fair way to decorate eggs. In stores, they are represented by a very different type and design, so you will easily select the original design for your table.

What to cook for an Easter table. Salad recipe "Easter chicken"

Such a bright and sunny salad will certainly decorate your holiday table and delight your taste of loved ones and friends.


  • beef liver - 300 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • onions - 2 medium -sized heads;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • canned corn - 100 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • oils and green onions for decoration.

Cooking process:

  • Initially, prepare all salad products: boil carrots, liver and eggs, clean the onion.
  • Cut onion cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden.
  • Cut into small cubes with beef liver.
  • Peel the eggs and separate the yolks. The yolks will be needed to decorate the salad. Cut the proteins in small cubes.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into cubes.
  • Next, we begin to collect our salad. Take a beautiful plate and lay out the first layer of salad from the liver. Put the liver in the shape of an egg.
  • Put a layer of fried onion on top.
  • The third layer of salad is corn. Make a little with mayonnaise a little on top.
  • Then spread the cut carrots, and on top of its chicken protein. Make a little with mayonnaise.
  • A layer with chicken protein can be sprinkled with salt.
  • On a fine grater, rub the yolk and proceed to the decoration of our chicken. Make beaks, legs, wings and a carrot crest, eyebrows from olives, protein eyes.
  • It is advisable to brew salad.

What to cook for an Easter table. Homemade Buzhenin recipe

Buzhenina is a great dish, the recipe for which many housewives has a recipe for the Easter table. We bring to your attention a Buzhenin recipe in a mustard crust.


  • a good piece of pork - 1 kg;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • finely chopped garlic - 2 tsp.;
  • vermouth - 3 tbsp.;
  • ginger root (ground) - 1/4 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Prepare all products: wash and dry the meat, clean and cut the garlic.
  • Next, prepare the meat. To do this, grate the meat with salt and pepper. Make small incisions all over the piece and put garlic slices in them.
  • Start preparing the mixture. Mix mustard, honey and chicken yolk. Add salt to it to taste and pepper.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Transfer the meat to a baking sheet and grease it with a mustard mixture with a brush.
  • Bake the meat for 20 minutes, then pour it evenly with vermuth.
  • Bake meat until cooked for 40 minutes.

What to cook for an Easter table. Easter cookie recipe in glaze

Beautiful Easter pastries will become the central decoration of any festive table, especially if you decorate it with multi -colored icing.


  • sifted flour - 600 grams;
  • natural honey - 250 grams;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • brown sugar - 125 grams;
  • ground ginger - 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs (1 protein will go into the icing);
  • baking powder for the test - 1 tsp.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • orange and lemon zest;
  • sugar powder - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  • The dough is prepared in a steam bath. To do this, place the container on the stove and melt the butter in it, add sugar. Constantly stirring, add honey, cinnamon, ginger, orange and cocoa zest.
  • Stir the entire mixture all the time, bring to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and carefully enter the yolks and add sifted flour along with the baking powder. Knead the dough and leave it to rest in the refrigerator for the night.
  • In the morning, make cooking cookies. Roll out the dough and cut off the cookies for cookies with any molds. Use Easter topics: eggs, angels, bells, chickens, bunnies.
  • Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes. Let the liver cool.
  • Prepare protein glaze. Beat the egg protein with powdered sugar to a dense state. Place in a confectionery bag and start decorating the cookies.
  • First you need to circle the circuit, and then decorate the middle.

  • You can use various dyes to make the drawing brighter and more unusual.

In addition to the above recipes of dishes, you can cook many others:

  • aspic;
  • meat roll;
  • baked potatoes;
  • baked fish with sauce and others.

Options for the original design of the Easter table

Easter table is the center of this large and bright holiday. Each housewife has in stock many different tricks and secrets for serving and decorating the table. Small pleasant little things and tastefully selected tablecloths and napkins will help you create a joyful and festive mood for all family members and guests. If you do not know how to decorate the Easter table, you can look on the Internet and spy of interesting and unusual ideas there. Below are several options for designing and decorating a festive table that will help you decide on ideas.

Easter table setting options

  • You can serve your festive table with a tablecloth and wipes of light colors. This will help you create an atmosphere of a pure and beautiful holiday. As an option, you can use purple and green shades that remind us of early spring.

  • Easter table setting is an important moment in the preparation of the feast. Therefore, pay special attention to individual napkins. You can give preference to flax napkins with a beautiful pattern or embroidery, for example, embroidered flowers. Napkins for plates can be put in the form of an Easter egg - it will be unusual and will remind the guests of the symbol of the holiday. In this regard, you can use chickens.

  • The tablecloths also need to be given attention. You can choose a plain tablecloth of pastel colors, or you can give preference to unusual tablecloths. For example, a tablecloth with embroidery of eggs or the name of the holiday.

  • The cutlery can also be designed in an original way. Tie them with a beautiful ribbon or decorate with a bow - guests will definitely like it. As an option, you can put the dining rooms in specially made pockets.

  • To give a festive feast of special chic and sophistication, use names cards. Your loved ones and guests will certainly like this.

  • Serving dishes can be used by the usual white color or bright spring shades, for example, orange plates or green.

Easter table decor options

In addition to beautiful and festive serving, you can use a variety of decorative elements that will create a bright and joyful mood.

  • The central part of the table can be decorated with an original wreath made by your own hands. Such a decoration can be made with children with the help of improvised means. Flexible branches of trees or threads are suitable for a large number of multi -colored ribbons and beads.

  • In the center of the table, you can build a kind of composition made of fresh greenery and a pyramid of vertta branches with blossomed “cats”. In greens you can place painted eggs.

  • The festive Easter table will look just perfect using fresh flowers or herbs. It can be bouquets of flowers, sprouted wheat in eggs, greens in a basket with painted eggs.

  • Bouquets of flowers can be made independently from paper. Half -rushing tulips that resemble eggs will look great on the table. You can make them together with the children, which will give this preparatory stage a special mood and can turn into a tradition.

  • On the individual plates of each guest, you can put a small bouquet of flowers or make a nest with eggs.

  • The festive table can be decorated with chickens figures, sewn toys in the form of bunnies or Easter eggs.

These are only a few options for decorating the festive table to celebrate Easter. You can realize a variety of solutions and options that your children will come up with or you are with them. Thus, decorating the table can become a kind of tradition for your family.

Easter is a holiday that unites all family members and creates a joyful and bright atmosphere. With love, prepared dishes and a do -it -yourself table will fill this holiday with a special mental meaning.



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