
Dishes on the Easter table. What to cook on the Easter table - recipes with photos. How to decorate the Easter table. Set of easter table

Dishes on the Easter table. What to cook on the Easter table - recipes with photos. How to decorate the Easter table. Set of easter table
Easter is an excellent opportunity to cook the most delicious and unusual dishes, as well as come up with an original decoration for the table. Using your fantasy and a large number of ideas, you can create a unique feeling of the miracle.

Easter is one of the most long-awaited religious holidays. Millions of families are looking forward to the first days of spring who bring easter days. Usually it is started to prepare for this large holiday in a few weeks. Cleaning at home, cleaning of a private courtyard, preparation of a large number of traditional Easter dishes, a visit to the church is just a small part of pleasant hassle associated with this bright holiday.

Perhaps the most important part is a festive Easter desk with all family traditions, delicious dishes and beautiful design. Each hostess long thinks over the details of the design of the easter table, is an unusual menu and creates the Easter decorations with the household with their own hands. All this combines family members, making Easter holiday the most bright and joyful, which is the beginning of something light and good in the life of every believer.

In this article, we will look at the diversity of the menu on the Easter table, step by step, we describe the recipes with photos of some festive dishes. Let us give an example of the most vibrant and unusual options for the design of the Easter Table.

Traditions of Easter and Easter Table

All Orthodox believers call Easter holiday holidays and triumph celebration. Historically, it was so that this holiday is celebrated with a special scale and prepare for it is also very scrupulously. There are a large number of traditions that originate deeply in the past, but in recent years it is increasingly possible to meet special traditions. inherent in individual families. With the help of them, the Easter holiday can be made particularly unique and light. Let's look at some of the traditions of the Easter Table and the features of the celebration.

  • First of all, the Easter holiday itself has a number of traditions that have become peculiar rules or ritual preparation for the celebration. All preparations for Easter Sunday begins for the week. On Monday you need to complete the cleaning of your home. On Tuesday, it is important to wash and stroke clothes, tablecloths and handbones, as well as to shake clothes, as it cannot be sewed during a long time. On Wednesday, the hostess should be removed from the house all unnecessary garbage, as well as prepare eggs. In pure Thursday, according to traditions, before sunrise, you need to have time to swim in clean cool water. It is believed that it is on this day water possesses healing properties. On the same day, the Easter eggs and a cake oven can paint. Good Friday is a day without work around the house, without fun and music. On Saturday you need to cook all the dishes on the Easter table.
  • Traditionally, the most important Easter dishes are cakes and painted eggs. Each hostess owns its secrets to decorate Easter cakes and painting eggs. For cakes, the glaze and different springs are most often used, and the eggs are most often painted with natural products, such as laying husk or turmeric.
  • In addition to Kunichi, many mistresses prepare another thematic baking: biscuits in the form of bunnies and eggs, souffle cakes, berry pies.
  • By tradition, dishes from different vegetables, different types of meat should be present on the table.
  • In addition to the preparation of dishes, there are traditions and in the decoration of the Easter table. Since a long time, the center of the table occupied an Easter wreath with sharp eggs. Such a wreath can be made of trees branches, from fresh grass, which is specifically growing for this holiday.
  • Many hostesses decorate the Easter table with fresh blossomed flowers, for example, hyacinths.
  • Traditionally, the main colors of the Eastercap are yellow and green. No belief is connected with them, it's just the first paints of spring. With the help of a tablecloth or napkins of such colors, you can create a bright and joyful mood.
  • 2017 Easter table can be decorated with various crafts made with their own hands. It can be coasters for eggs, Easter baskets and wreaths, chickens and candles.
  • Our ancestors exhibited 48 different dishes on the Easter table, which symbolized 48 days of strict post. It was also accepted independently cook drinks. It could be a shotboard, kissel, homemade wine or beer.
  • The beautiful Easter table is an important component of the Easter holiday, so each family tries to do everything brightly and with a highlight.
  • Another tradition of this bright holiday is the exchange of dishes. Relatives on this day go to visit each other and be sure to carry Easter cake with them and painted eggs.

What to cook on the Easter table - recipes with photos

Recipes for the Easter table Each hostess chooses in advance, thinking over all the features of the preparation and preferences of their family. Easter is a holiday that completes a long 48-day post, so there should be many different dishes on the festive table. What to cook on the Easter table? It can be a variety of snacks, salads, meat and fish dishes, Easter baking and, of course, the most important dishes of this holiday are cakes and painted eggs.

We give an example of various recipes with photos on the Easter table that you can easily use in your preparation for this holiday.

What to cook on the Easter table. Recipe of Easter Kulich

Today on the Internet you can find just a huge number of different recipes for Easter cakes. These are cakes on a yeast dough, on curd, on sour cream. Each hostess chooses a recipe that the most suitable for her and the taste of such a baking is close. Consider the recipe of one of the most popular and delicious Easter cakes - Alexandria. Preparation of a silence from such a test requires a lot of time and effort. However, the result exceeds all expectations - cakes are soft, air and surprisingly fragrant. You can start their cooking in pure Thursday, the bleaching process itself is postponed on Friday.

Ingredients for dispears:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs;
  • yolk eggs - 2 pcs;
  • sugar sand - 350 grams;
  • creamy oil - 180 grams;
  • fresh yeast - 50 grams;
  • milk grained - 370 ml.

Ingredients for dough:

  • vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • tsukata of different types;
  • light and dark raisins;
  • orange zest;
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.;
  • flour sifted - 1 kg;
  • to taste you can add a pinch of cardamom, nutmeg and saffron.

Cooking process:

  • Work on the dough begins with the preparation of all ingredients for the peas. It is important that all products are room temperature, just that you will achieve ideal cakes.
  • At the beginning it is necessary to confuse yolks with sugar. Then gently add chicken eggs and slightly heated foiled milk. Mix everything well and add yeast.
  • Melt a little creamy little and also pour into the pole. All mix well again.
  • The tank with the jar can be sealed with a clean towel, then leave it in a warm place for about 12 hours.
  • Before cooking, Kulukhai needs to rinse and soak in a brandy raisins, after which it must be dried.
  • Add Vanillin, a little saffron and cardamom in the rising piping. Throw one orange on a small grater and also add the resulting zest to opaire.
  • Next, we gradually add a predetermined flour. To do not stick to the hand, you can lubricate them with vegetable oil or moisten with water. The dough must be mixed carefully, about 15-20 minutes. As a result, it should turn out soft and pliable, slightly sticking to the hands.
  • Leave the dough to relax a bit for 2 hours, pre-climb the film.
  • We again form the dough and add a raisin and candied in it, after which we unfold in paper or metal forms on 1 / s of their parts.

  • Give the test again to rise and send an oven to the oven heated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Then the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees and bake for another 25 minutes. Readiness Checking the toothpick.

What to cook on the Easter table. Painted Eggs - Methods of Cooking

  • Long husk. Eggs on the Easter table can be painted with onion husks. To do this, put the sickness itself in the saucepan (the more, the more intense the color) and fill it all with water. Then in the resulting solution in the usual way to weld the eggs. As a result, you will get beautiful dark burgundy or brown eggs. To make them more unusual, during the color, put on the eggs of lace or leaves of trees and wrap marley, then lower it into the solution. So you have eggs with a pattern.

  • Red cabbage. With the help of such a vegetable you will get Easter eggs of the light blue shade. You will need 2 kachan cabbage and floor liter of water, as well as 6 tbsp. vinegar. Patch the cabbage and put it in the jar, add water and vinegar and leave for 4 hours to appease. Pre-weld the eggs and after 4 hours lower them into the solution. Keep them about 4 hours in solution.
  • Food colorings. Before the holiday in the retail there is a large number of various dyes that you can easily paint Easter eggs in a variety of shades.
  • Thermal blinds. Another fairly common way to decorate eggs. In stores they are represented by a variety of species and design, so you will select the original design for your table without any problems.

What to cook on the Easter table. Salad Recipe "Easter Chicken"

Such a bright and sunny salad will certainly decorate your festive table and pleases your taste of loved ones and friends.


  • beef liver - 300 grams;
  • chicken Eggs - 3 pcs;
  • onions - 2 medium sized heads;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • canned corn - 100 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • oil and green onions for decoration.

Cooking process:

  • Originally prepare all the products for salad: boil carrots, liver and eggs, clean the bow.
  • Onions cut into cubes and fry on vegetable oil until golden color.
  • Beef liver cut into small cubes.
  • Clean eggs and separate yolks. Yolks need to decorate salad. Proteins cut into small cubes.
  • Clean carrots and also cut down the cubes.
  • Next, begin to collect our salad. Take a beautiful plate and lay out the first layer of the liver salad. Laying the liver in the shape of an egg.
  • From above, lay out a layer of roasted onions.
  • The third layer of salad - corn. Top to mark a little mayonnaise.
  • Next lay out the chopped carrots, and on top of its chicken squirrel. Loose a little mayonnaise.
  • The chicken protein layer can be sprinkled with salt.
  • In a small grater, take the yolk and proceed to decorate our chicken. Take the beak, paws, wings and corkscrew from carrots, eyebrows from olives, eyes from the squirrel.
  • Salat is desirable to stand.

What to cook on the Easter table. Recipe home buckhenin

Bujhenina is an excellent dish, the recipe for the Easter table has many owners. We bring to your attention the recipe buoy in mustard crust.


  • a good piece of pork - 1 kg;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • finely chopped garlic - 2 bl.;
  • vermouth - 3 tbsp.;
  • the root of ginger (ground) - 1/4 bl.;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Prepare all products: rush and dry meat, clean and cut garlic.
  • Next prepare meat. To do this, soda the meat of salt and pepper. Make small cuts throughout the piece and put the garlic slices in them.
  • Start the preparation of the mixture. Mix mustard, honey and yolk chicken egg. Add salt to it to taste and pepper.
  • Heat the oven up to 200 degrees. Place the meat on the tray and lubricate it with a mustard mixture with a brush.
  • Bake the meat for 20 minutes, after which, pour it evenly by Vermut.
  • Bake meat until ready for 40 minutes.

What to cook on the Easter table. Easter cookie recipe in glaze

Beautiful Easter baking will be the central decoration of any festive table, especially if you decorate it with a multi-colored glaze.


  • sifted flour - 600 grams;
  • natural honey - 250 grams;
  • creamy oil - 180 grams;
  • brown sugar - 125 grams;
  • ground ginger - 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp.;
  • chicken Eggs - 2 pcs (1 protein will go to the glaze);
  • dough breakner - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • orange and lemon zest;
  • sugar powder - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  • The dough is preparing on a steam bath. To do this, place the container on the stove and melt the butter in it, add sugar. Constantly stirring add honey, cinnamon, ginger, orange and cocoa.
  • Still all the time all the time, bring to a boil.
  • Remove from the heat and gently enter the yolks and add a sifted flour along with the bundle. Check the dough and leave it to relax in the fridge for the night.
  • In the morning, do the cookie preparation. Roll the dough and cut out any shapes of the billet for cookies. Use Easter Topic: Eggs, Angels, Bells, Chickens, Bunnies.
  • Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes. Give the liver to cool.
  • Prepare a protein icing. Beat the egg white with sugar powder to a dense state. Place in the pastry bag and start decorating cookies.
  • First you need to lift the contour, and then decorate the middle.

  • You can use various dyes to make the drawing more brighter and unusual.

In addition to the above dishes recipes, you can cook many others:

  • aspic;
  • meatloaf;
  • baked potato;
  • fish baked with sauce and others.

Options of the original design of the Easter table

The Easter table is the center of this big and bright holiday. Each hostess has a lot of different tricks and secrets for serving and decorating the table. Little pleasant little things and tastefully selected tablecloths and napkins will help you create a joyful and festive mood for all family members and guests. If you do not know how to decorate the Easter table, you can look into the Internet and to watch interesting and unusual ideas there. Below, we give several options for design and decorating a festive table that will help you decide on ideas.

Easter table setting options

  • You can serve your festive tablecloth and napkins of light tones. It will help you create an atmosphere of a clean and wonderful holiday. Alternatively, you can use purple and green shades that remind us of early spring.

  • Easter table setting is an important point of preparation for a feast. Therefore, special attention is paid to individual napkins. You can give preference to linen wipes with a beautiful pattern or embroidery, such as embroidered flowers. Napkins under the plates can be put in the form of an Easter egg - it will be unusual and remind guests about the holiday symbol. In this plan, you can use napkins in the form of chickens.

  • Tablecloths also need to pay attention. You can choose a one-photographic tablecloth of pastel tones, and you can give preference to unusual tablecloths. For example, a tablecloth with egg embroidery or holiday name.

  • Cutlery can also be issued original. Refine them with a beautiful ribbon or decorate the bows - Guests will like it. Alternatively, you can put the canteens in specially made pockets.

  • To give a festive feast of a special chic and sophistication, use cards with names. Your loved ones and guests will certainly like it.

  • Serving dishes You can use the usual white color or bright spring shades, such as orange plates or green.

Easter table decor options

In addition to the beautiful and festive setting, you can use a variety of decorative elements that will create a bright and joyful mood.

  • The central part of the table can be decorated with an original wreath made with their own hands. Such an ornament can be done with the children with the help of remedies. Flexible branches of trees or threads are suitable for a large number of multicolored tapes and beads.

  • In the center of the table, you can build a peculiar composition of fresh greenery and pyramids from Verba branches with blossomed quotes. In the greens can be placed painted eggs.

  • The festive Easter table will look just perfect using living colors or greens. These can be bouquets of flowers, gear wheat in eggs, greens in a basket with painted eggs.

  • Color bouquets can be made independently of paper. Extraly on the table will look semi-resistant tulips that resemble eggs. You can make them together with children, which will give this preparatory stage a special mood and can turn into a tradition.

  • You can put a small bunch of flowers on the individual plates of each guest or make a nest with eggs.

  • The festive table can be decorated with chickens figures, sewn toys in the form of bunnies or Easter eggs.

These are just a few options for decoring a festive table for Easter Celebration. You can embody a variety of solutions and options that will come up with your children or you along with them. Thus, the decoration of the table can become a kind of tradition for your family.

Easter is a holiday that unites all family members and creates a joyful and bright atmosphere. With love cooked dishes and decorated with their own hands the table will fill this holiday with a special mental sense.


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