
What spices are suitable for weight loss. Recipes with spices for weight loss at home

What spices are suitable for weight loss. Recipes with spices for weight loss at home
List of spices for weight loss. Recipes of dietary drinks using spices for weight loss.

It’s never too late to put yourself in order and throw off a few extra pounds. Ways of losing weight today, as they say, a dime a pond - a pool, a gym, fitness, as well as a time -tested “classic” in the form of proper nutrition and calculation of calories. However, if you do not want to radically change your lifestyle, you can go even easier and simply stock up on a mixture of spices for weight loss.

We are all used to using spices and spices in the kitchen exclusively to give the taste and aroma of additional expressiveness dishes. But the potential of these substances is so great that their deliberate use will allow you to change your reflection in the mirror for the better. Of course, you should not completely abandon physical activity - moderate playing sports has not yet prevented anyone. If you approach the matter wisely, then extra centimeters at the waist will leave you in a matter of months.

The effect of spices on the process of losing weight

The influence of spices on the breakdown of fat deposits has been proved scientifically. This happens due to the specific qualities of burning substances in their composition. Spices:

  • derive salts and toxins from the body;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • being natural antibiotics, destroy viruses and pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • improve digestive quality;
  • reduce appetite;
  • normalize blood sugar;
  • surge the aging process in the body.

Fragrant seasonings reveal the greatest efficiency if you add them to the drink: tea, coffee, milk, kefir, mulled wine.

There are no secrets of how to use spices for weight loss. Spices will return harmony to you provided that they are competent. The main rule is moderation.   Please note that in matters of losing weight sugar, salt and vinegar are not comrades to you, despite the fact that they belong to the category of spices.

Never take too sharp and very smelling herbs in the evening, otherwise an indomitable feeling of hunger will visit you at night and will ruin your sleep.

List of spices for weight loss: from cinnamon to cardamon

Nutritionists assure that weight corrections to some extent contribute to all fragrant spices and spices, but there are a dozen “champions” that burn hated fat better than the rest. Let's find out which spices are suitable for weight loss most.

Cinnamon for weight loss

The list of leaders is headed by cinnamon - seasoning with an enchanting "warm aroma". The active substances of the cinnamon cortex control the content of glucose in the blood, in other words, do not allow sugar to turn into fat. The aroma of spices amazingly reduces appetite.

Excess weight is not so much “eaten” as it accumulates due to sharp changes in the amount of glucose in the body. Make blood sugar indicators stable cinnamon. It is enough to take ¼ - ½ tsp. Fragrant powder every day. After some time, metabolic processes in your body will accelerate by 20 times!

For a healthy stimulation of metabolism, do not forget about cinnamon when cooking salads, pastries, meat dishes and drinks (tea, coffee, milk). The tastier and most useful kefir with cinnamon in the morning on an empty stomach: add ½ tsp to 200 ml of sour -milk drink. cinnamon and ginger powder, and then lose weight to health!

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon: pregnancy, lactation, high temperature, exacerbation of stomach ulcers and 12-peremail intestine.

Cloves for weight loss

Regularly adding cloves to food, you will easier to transfer neuralgia, toothache, high temperature and weakened immunity. But owners of excess weight are most attracted to the ability of this spice to disperse the body's metabolism to unthinkable turns.

It is no coincidence that the cloves have such a stimulating effect: plant buds are a source of eveghenol essential oil. The substance acts on the receptors of taste in the oral cavity and thus drives thoughts about food. To lose weight, reduce the usual portions in half, and distract the body at this time with a clove drink: 1 tbsp. l. spices pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. After strain, divide into 3 parts and drink in a few minutes before each meal.

Contraindications to the use of cloves: gastritis against a background of increased acidity, stomach ulcer, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypertension, mental disorders.

Basil for weight loss

This fragrant mint grass has been widely used in medicine and cooking. It has a beneficial effect on the state and work of the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not know in vigor what bloating and bouts of colic is more often seasoning with fresh and dried basil. The active components of the grass contribute to the better absorption of nutrients by tissues of the body and extend the feeling of satiety. However, it is most effective for eliminating excess fat and fluid to take not grass, but basil seeds. They are sold in special online stores and are designed specifically for weight loss, not for landing.

They prepare the basil seeds like this: pour the required amount of seeds in a small amount of juice or milk and insist for 20-30 minutes until they turn into transparent balls with a dark grain inside. After you can add seeds to any dish (for example, dessert) or drink.

Contraindications to the use of basil: with caution - in case of violation of the heart muscle, diabetes mellitus, individual intolerance.

Ginger for weight loss

Listing which spices are suitable for weight loss, it would be unfair not to mention ginger. The ground seasoning cleans and regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and colon. Especially effective ginger destroys fat in the abdomen and hips.

To stimulate the dissolution of extra pounds, it is useful to prepare a ginger salad from time to time. You will need fresh orange zest, celery and ginger root in one part, lemon and baked beets in two parts, as well as three parts of carrots. Grind all the ingredients, mix and season with vegetable oil.

Contraindications to the use of ginger: high temperature, liver diseases, gallstone disease, gastritis, stomach ulcer and 12-perimal intestine, hemorrhoids, the second and third trimestra of pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding.

Rosemary for weight loss

The plant is rightfully considered one of the most effective in the list of herbs and spices that contribute to weight loss. Under his influence, metabolism is activated and increased burning of fats occurs. In addition, sauces, meat and vegetable dishes will not at all burden the stomach if they diversify their taste by a sprig of rosemary.

To control weight, drink tea from rosemary: mix dry rosemary and thyme for 1 tsp. And brew them in 1 glass of boiling water, then hold a quarter of an hour in a water bath and drink 50 ml before sitting at the dining table.

Contraindications to the use of rosemary: pregnancy, epilepsy, with caution - with hypertension and at first after a heart attack.

Curry for weight loss

The composition of this spicy mixture includes turmeric, coriander, ginger, cardamom, red and black pepper. The spice has a fat -burning effect thanks to a large number of turmeric. Its active component, kurkumin, regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques that disrupt blood circulation.

Moreover, the regular use of Indian seasoning reduces appetite and helps more easily tolerates hunger attacks. The main condition for weight loss using Carry is regularity. The powder of saturated taste is recommended to be added to food at least 3 times a week. If you use Curry on an ongoing basis, you can without much effort to throw off 1.5 - 3 kg per month. The seasoning perfectly emphasizes the taste of poultry, meat, rice and vegetables.

Contraindications to the use of Carry: individual high sensitivity to any component of the mixture, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired blood coagulation process.

Thyme for weight loss

Discussing what spices can be in weight loss, we will definitely mention the thyme. Tea and decoctions based on this plant are effective for diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis.   In addition, the use of thyme helps to normalize the state of the stomach during disorder, to get rid of intestinal bloating.

Dried thyme is best suited for body weight correction. From it you can make healthy and delicious tea for weight loss. To do this, pour 2 tsp into the teapot. any tea and ½ tsp. dried thyme, brew a mixture of boiling water and wait 10 minutes. Tea is drinking warm.

Contraindications to the use of thyme: pregnancy, oncological diseases, reduced blood coagulation.

Chile pepper for weight loss

For those who want to lose weight under a bright red skin of burning pepper, more than one surprise is hidden. Product:

  • stimulates the metabolic activity of the body;
  • removes excess fluid;
  • effectively blocks your appetite - you often eat, but little;
  • normalizes the level of glucose in the blood;
  • contains a substance of capsaicin, burning the calorie that are unable to need the body;
  • prolongs the feeling of satiety;
  • it successfully replaces salt, so that the process of losing weight becomes more productive.

Chile pepper, if desired, can be added to every second dish on the table, but some people are not able to get used to its too “aggressive” taste. According to reviews, this spice for weight loss can be added to a hot drink. Prepare it like this: 500 ml of boiled water pour a mixture of ginger, honey, lemon juice and ½ tsp. ground pepper chili.  Put the liquid with spices on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. After filtering, take half a glass before meals. This method of losing weight is continuously allowed to practice within 1 month, after the body should relax.

Contraindications to the use of chili pepper: mental disorders, convulsions, renal failure, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Witement for weight loss

With the help of this fragrant spice, you can subtly and unobtrusively emphasize the aroma and taste of a hot meat dish and baking. Caraway seeds also contributes to the process of losing weight. Temine seeds have a positive effect on the metabolism of the body thanks to:

  • improvement of absorption and splitting of fats;
  • increased motor function of the stomach;
  • stimulation of secretory activity of the stomach;
  • giving a laxative effect;
  • the elimination of toxins from the body.

Here are simple ways to use caraway seeds for weight loss:

  1. The spice is brewed with boiling water, like ordinary tea, and drunk before meals.
  2. It is useful to mix caraway seeds with another spice for weight loss - cinnamon. A hot drink is prepared from this mixture with the addition of a small amount of honey and take 3 times a day.
  3. Warm oil is seasoned with vegetable salads, and also added to fresh orange juice.

Contraindications to the use of caraway seeds: pregnancy, lactation, hypotension.

Cardamom for weight loss

It is believed that this Indian spice has no equal in solving the problems of excess weight. The ground cardamom is an excellent addition to meat and drinks during their preparation.

Cardamon seeds are rich in essential oils, vitamins and trace elements. Thanks to this composition, the spice helps to split fat cells, cleansing intestinal microflora and stimulation of metabolic processes. Regular use of cardamomon in food increases the general tone and enriches the energy depot of the body with new vigor. This is very relevant for people who do not think of themselves without training in the gym.

We offer you an interesting prescription of tea with spice for weight loss: pour 1 tsp. Cardomon seeds with 1 glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. The drink should be taken at least 2 weeks 3 to 4 times 30 minutes before meals daily.

Contraindications to the use of cardamom: chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you seriously think about healthy weight loss on spices, take the time to share your considerations with a therapist or nutritionist. The doctor will select a suitable diet for you, taking into account the features of your figure and individual needs of the body.

The best spices for weight loss. Video



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