
What is fractional photothermolysis, reviews, photos before and after. How the procedure of fractional photothermolysis is performed

What is fractional photothermolysis, reviews, photos before and after. How the procedure of fractional photothermolysis is performed
Field photothermolysis - modern laser rejuvenation of the skin and elimination of undesirable cosmetic defects.

Every year, aesthetic non -surgical medicine is gaining more and more fans. And this is not surprising. The modern technology of laser radiation allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of many cosmetic problems and disadvantages, tighten and rejuvenate the skin without surgical intervention.

We are talking about such a hardware procedure as fractional photothermolysis. Laser grinding provides elasticity and tightness of the skin, elimination of age spots, wrinkles and scars, reduction of skin pores and correction of the contour of the face.

All about the innovative procedure: from the principle of action to the current contraindications, in this collection of material.

What is fractional photothermolysis?

Field photothermolysis is a cosmetological procedure for removing the upper layer of the skin by means of laser burning. Currently, this method of correction and rejuvenation of appearance is considered one of the most popular and demanded throughout the world.

  • In addition to the laser, the electrocoagulation method is also used, when the skin of the skin occurs using electric current. But, taking into account many contraindications and obtaining a not always expected positive effect, this method will be used less often than laser. A session of electrocoagulation is carried out only by a prepared specialist in a specialized clinic designed for this by the device.
  • Most often, a optical laser acts on the surface layers of the skin is used to conduct photographicization. Field laser photothermolysis in everyday life is often called "Fraxel". This is due to the name of one of the most popular laser apparatuses invented for photographicization in the United States.

  • As a result of the procedure, it is possible to appear on the skin of minor burns that do not cause discomfort and disappear over time.
  • As a result of the manipulations of the epidermis cells, they begin to regenerate intensely, and the skin is rejuvenated.
  • The laser procedure can be carried out at any age and at any time of the year.
  • Currently, there are a large number of varieties of apparatus for fractional photographicization: Bison More-Xel CO2, Fraxel Reliant Technologies, Fotona, etc. All laser devices are absolutely safe to use and have a convenient interface, which allows regulate the depth of action of laser rays.

The essence of the procedure of fractional photographicization, the principle of operation

The innovative procedure of fractional photothermia is an excellent alternative to non -surgical rejuvenation of the skin due to the action of laser radiation.

  • Such radiation is absolutely harmless and controlled.
  • The laser beam is fractional (divided) into hundreds of thin rays, which facilitates the work of a specialist and allows you to calculate the necessary intensity and depth of exposure.
  • Under the influence of laser rays, a partial (20-30%) destruction of the surface layer of cellular structures occurs. Such a process allows you to artificially stimulate the subsequent natural renewal of cells and the production of proteins valuable for the skin: collagen and elastin.
  • Together with proteins, such an important component of extracellular matrix as hyaluric acid is synthesized. Acid is part of the skin and takes an active part in the process of its restoration.
  • The technology of the influence of the laser is focal in nature, i.e. The destruction of cells occurs in a separately selected (problematic) area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, where hundreds of microscopic laser rays are directed. Such a point “burning” contributes to high selectivity, accuracy in the procedure and the smallest trauma.

  • During the procedure, the laser also destroys the pigment of the skin, and the cells that produce it. At the same time, healthy cells in no way “suffer” and the protective functions of the skin are not violated.

  • After the procedure, micro burns appear on the skin, which are quickly restored due to new, young cells.
  • The procedure does not cause painful or uncomfortable sensations. Immediately after the fractional photothermiasis, the skin looks red and swollen, but already on the third day these unpleasant consequences will disappear. In the first few hours after the procedure, the patient may experience light tingling and burning in places treated with laser, but these sensations quickly pass. After 5-6 days, the skin is completely restored, leaving no traces of cosmetic intervention.
  • To achieve the desired positive result, as a rule, it is necessary to go through several photographicization procedures.

Advantages of fractional photothermolysis

The modern market for cosmetic services offers a lot of various procedures for the rejuvenation and restoration of the skin. Unfortunately, some manipulations can be unsafe and have unpleasant consequences. In this case, the procedure of fractional photographicization is considered the least traumatic and has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Safety of hardware use of laser devices.
  • The contactlessness and sterility of the procedure.
  • The universality of the application of the method, both young and for fading skin.
  • The use of the method for any type of skin, including And very sensitive (century, neck).
  • The painlessness of the procedure, the lack of injection anesthesia.
  • Lack of age -related restrictions.
  • Improving the structural condition of the skin at the cellular level.
  • Deep rejuvenation and skin renewal, leveling of the skin relief.
  • 100% predictable final effect, with a minimum risk of complications.
  • The disappearance of age spots, minimization of scars and scars.
  • Lack of prolonged post -procedural rehabilitation.
  • The appearance of a positive result after one session, followed by an increasing effect.
  • Preservation of a positive cosmetic effect for 3-5 years and complete preservation of the result in the case of removing scars, scars.

Types of laser fractional photothermiasis

The procedure of laser fractional photographicization involves the use of lasers of 2 types:

  • Non -resigned.

This type of laser is absolutely not traumatic, affects the deep layers of the skin without damage to its surface. Thanks to such a soft gentle action, open wounds are not formed, and side effects are minimized. The functional purpose of the laser provides for the elimination of age -related changes on the skin, scars, scars and hyperpigmentation. Improving cellular metabolism and stimulating the production of proteins valuable for skin (collagen, elastin), the device helps to increase elasticity (turgor) and skin elasticity.

  • Ablative.

A laser of this type is limited by the effect on the surface layer of the skin, smoothing small (shallow) wrinkles and eliminating minor cosmetic defects. Under the influence of laser radiation, spot heating of the skin to a temperature of about 300 occurs 0C. This species is considered more traumatic and needs a longer rehabilitation and restoration of the skin. At the same time, ablyction photothermolysis is characterized by high efficiency in a relatively short time and requires only a few sessions to solve the problem.

Often cosmetologists use two types of laser at once, combining them with each other and getting the maximum effect of the procedure.

Fractional photothermolysis, types of devices

There are several types of laser devices designed to solve diverse problems.

  • Fraxel Re: Fine

A device with a soft, shallow degree of exposure, penetrating no more than 0.65 mm.  It is used for procedures in delicate and sensitive areas of the skin.

  • Fraxel Re: Pair

The apparatus of deep effects for the treatment of deep wrinkles and skin defects (scars, pigmentation). The tool is shown for oily skin type, with advanced pores. The use of a device of this species is often combined with lifting manipulations, which provides the optimal result - a fit of younger skin.

  • Fraxel Re: Store

The device is designed to eliminate scars, burns, acne, stretch marks and signs of photo starting. The laser depth varies from 0.4 to 1.4 mm. It is used for fractional photographicization of the eyelids: removal of excess skin on eyelids, bags under the eyes. The results of the anti -aging procedure of photographicization Fraxel Re: Store were highly appreciated by both specialists of cosmetologists and patients. The effect of the apparatus on the skin is often compared with the effect of plastic surgery. A laser of a non -alabel type penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, without damaging the hung layer of the epidermis. The rehabilitation period is 3-4 days.

A variety of the device is an improved model Fraxel Re: Store Dual, working on 2 laser rays.

  • Fraxel Clear and Brilliance

A fractional laser that regulates the depth and intensity of the effects of laser rays on separate areas of the skin. Suitable for working with delicate and sensitive skin (eyelids, palms, inner thighs). The device is indicated for use for leveling the tone of the face, eliminating small wrinkles and shallow folds.  It has a rapid rehabilitation period and the lack of serious side effects.

  • Fraxel CO2

The device is a fractional carbon dioxide used to eliminate acne, post -acne, scars, scars, wrinkles, pigment spots and skin tightening. The duration of the procedure using Fraxel CO2 is much larger than on other types of laser. However, the achievement of the necessary effect occurs much earlier-in just 1-3 procedures.

Indications for fractional photothermolysis

Indications for the procedure of fractional photothermia are cosmetic and medical problems of the skin:

  • Wrinkles.
  • Uneven skin relief.
  • Extended pores of the skin.
  • Failing, sagging skin.
  • Camedons, acne, acne, post -acne.
  • Rickeeping changes, scars, stretch marks (including in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands).
  • Skin hyperpigmentation, sunny keratosis.
  • Elastosis (atrophy) of the skin.
  • "Goose legs" in the eye area.

Laser therapy allows you to eliminate the first signs of skin aging, “polish” the places of stretch marks or scars, rejuvenate the skin, including in the neckline and neck, remove age spots, acne, acne, normalize the sebaceous glands, and ensure the lifting effect of the skin.


Contraindications to fractional photothermolysis

Intensive fractional thermal impact, like any other method of hardware correction, has a number of contraindications and restrictions. You cannot carry out the procedure in such cases:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Chronic skin diseases in the acute period.
  • The presence of implants.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, herpes, seborrhea, dermatitis, etc.).
  • Epilepsy and diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Improving body temperature.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Blood diseases and cardiovascular system.

In addition to the designated contraindications, fractional photothermolysis should not be carried out after the recently performed Pilling, visiting the solarium and mechanical dermabrasion (grinding). It is recommended to start a photographicization procedure no earlier than one week after the above cosmetic manipulations.

A contraindication to laser intervention may also be lidocaine allergies, in the case of anesthetic ointments based on this substance.

Rare complications and side effects after the procedure can be acne, erosion, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, swelling or allergies.


How fractional photothermolysis is performed

Consider the phased procedure.

  • Visiting a cosmetic salon or clinic begins with an examination by a cosmetologist who assesses the condition of the skin and problem areas, selects the type of hardware and the number of necessary sessions.
  • Before starting the procedure, the skin is cleansed and processed with any anesthetic. As a rule, ointments or gels based on lidocaine are used.
  • To ensure sliding the device, a special cream is applied on the skin.
  • For each skin zone (eye, eyelids, lips, body), a separate nozzle is selected, which differs in size and range of action.
  • The laser nozzle is pressed against the skin and is found horizontally and vertically, capturing the area with an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 2 cm 2.
  • The sensations during laser processing depend on the sensitivity of the skin. Usually, patients feel a slight burning or tingling.
  • The duration of the session, on average, takes from 30 to 60 minutes and depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area. The repeated procedure is carried out only after a few weeks, after the final regeneration of the skin.
  • At the end of the procedure, a special antiseptic cream is applied to the skin, which reduces swelling and hyperemia (redness).
  • The duration of the course of the sessions is determined by the cosmetologist, depending on the problem areas of the skin. The average anti -aging course for the face consists of 3 to 4 procedures, and the course on the processing of scars or scars from 6 to 8.

Skin care after fractional photographicization

To speed up the healing process and avoid side effects, it is necessary to observe the rules of skin care after the procedure.

Until the healing and restoration of the skin is recommended:

  • Do not go out to the open sun and in very windy weather.
  • Do not bathe in open ponds.
  • Wash with soft water using gels without alcohol content.
  • Apply decorative cosmetics with ultraviolet protection.
  • Do not use abrasive skin cleansing.
  • Apply a light moisturizer at night and in the morning.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

The first time after the procedure, redness and slight swelling are observed. This phenomenon is considered the norm and indicates the starting process of regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. In addition, peeling appears on the skin treated with a laser - an exfoliation indicator of the upper layer of the skin. For one week, the skin may also be subjected to the so -called “Zagar effect” when the skin color acquires a bronze tint.

In general, the rehabilitation period and healing rate depend on the individual characteristics of the human body.

Effect of fractional photothermolization

The result of the procedure will be smooth, fit, without wrinkles, pigmentation, scars or expanded pores, skin. Fractional photothermolysis helps eliminate irregularities and deprivation, reduce stretch marks and scars, improve the skin texture, and align the skin of the skin.

One of the main advantages of such cosmetic manipulations is that they are not short -term. The effect persists for many years. Moreover, positive shifts can be observed after the first session, and after the entire course the effect will improve significantly and fix it.

In cosmetology clinics where photothermolysis is performed, a comparative analysis of the condition of the skin is made before and after the procedure. For this, a special scanner fixes the size (depth, length, total area) of wrinkles, scars or age spots. Such a technique allows you to fully evaluate the results of a non -surgical cosmetological procedure.

Fractional photothermolysis, service cost

There is no strictly defined established cost procedure of photographicization. The price depends on many factors: the type and brand of the laser apparatus, the volume of the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the duration of the course of heat therapy, etc.

Average prices for one laser rejuvenation procedure are the following:

  • field photothermolysis of the face - from 25 thousand rubles.;
  • fractional photothermolysis neck, neckline, century-from 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • fractional photothermolysis of hands, legs-from 10-15 thousand rubles.;
  • field photothermolysis of scars, scars - from 1 thousand rubles. for 1 cm 2.

This laser procedure is not the cheapest in the field of cosmetological intervention, however, the preserved prolonged effect, not trauma and a number of other advantages have removed fractional photothermolysis to the rank of the most popular and welcome procedures.

Field photothermolysis, reviews

Currently, photothermolysis is one of the most popular and advertised hardware procedures for rejuvenation and correction of the skin.

The greatest demand among patients has a fractional photothermolysis of the face: removal of wrinkles, the second chin, elimination of hyperpigmentation and skin irregularities. And this is not surprising. There is probably not a single woman who would not want to look younger and more beautiful. This procedure is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery with a persistent positive effect and a minimum list of contraindications.

Reviews of patients who have tried the action of laser irradiation can be read on special beauty forums, discussed on "female" sites, etc.

Photothermolysis of the eyelid is the second in the statistics of cosmetologists a procedure that enjoys special attention among the fairer sex. The lifting of the eyelids, removal of bags under the eyes and other cosmetic problems are easily and completely solved through modern laser therapy. The most commonly asked question for fractional photothermolysis of the eyelids: "When will redness come?" Cosmetologists reply that the natural process of redness of the skin passes in the same way as in other areas of the skin and depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the number of sessions.

Most of the reviews of patients of different clinics and salons are unanimous in one: photothermolysis deserves a high rating and is one of the leading hardware procedures of modern cosmetology.

Summing up, it is important to note the tremendous advantages of photographicization with minimal intervention in the patient's body. In any case, when choosing a particular cosmetic procedure, the main thing is to carefully study the indications and contraindications to the procedure, get acquainted with the principle of action and the alleged manipulation effect, read patient reviews.

Fractional photothermolysis, photo before and after

Video: "Field photothermolysis"




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