
How to prepare for a face plasmolifting. How plasmolifting is carried out, the face after plasmolifting is a photo before and after

How to prepare for a face plasmolifting. How plasmolifting is carried out, the face after plasmolifting is a photo before and after
Modern cosmetology does not stand in one place, but constantly develops and is replenished with all more advanced rejuvenation methods. One of the latest developments is plasmolifting - the use of their own blood cells to preserve youth and beauty.

For the sake of beauty, every woman is ready to go for a lot: tolerate a large number of injections, to withstand a long rehabilitation period and always look for a more convenient and effective way to maintain youth and beauty of the face. The cosmetology market every year is replenished with new means and methods that are aimed at eliminating the first signs of aging and skin fatigue. Many prefer to use creams, masks and serums, while others resort to more radical methods and prefer to refresh their face with injections and hardware cosmetology.

About 10 years ago, the methodology of plasmolifting of the face appeared, which is aimed at stimulating the processes of rejuvenation in a natural way. In the process of plasmolifting of the face and neck, injections with blood plasma are introduced under the skin, which contains platelets that deliver proteins to the body tissues.

In this article, we consider the features of the procedure for plasmolifting of the skin of the face, as well as note the basic rules for preparing for this procedure.

What is plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is a modern cosmetological procedure for rejuvenating the skin and preserving freshness and beauty. It differs in the use of natural injections that are introduced under the skin, so the procedure is considered low -traumatic and highly effective. With the help of injection of blood plasma, it is possible to affect the deep layers of the skin, which, in turn, has an anti -aging effect on it, improves its condition and makes it elastic.

The plasmolifting method is an innovative procedure in non -surgical plastic, which has been very popular in recent years.

A couple of decades ago, the methodology of autohemotherapy was widely used. It consisted in the introduction of an intramuscular man of his own blood from Vienna. This was used for medical purposes. It was this technique that became the basis for the emergence of an innovative methodology - plasmolifting. Autohemotherapy was significantly improved and supplemented and immediately received widely used as an effective tool in the fight against aesthetic and cosmetological problems. Plasmolifting has incorporated a huge amount of advantages and minimized various side effects and reactions of the human body, since the blood plasma of blood is used in the process.

The technique received significant improvement thanks to two Russian scientists - R. Akhmerov and R. Zarudia, who proposed to use blood injections to eliminate skin problems. The results of the study were simply impressive, due to which after some time plasmolifting began to be widely used in various fields of medicine: cosmetology, trichology, gynecology, traumatology, and dentistry. The method of plasmolifting of the face, the results of which impress anyone, has become a constant service of beauty salons since 2004, when it was officially patented.

If you compare the result before and after the face plasmolifting, it becomes clear that the effect is tangible, which is achieved due to the introduction of its own blood cells - platelets. In fact, plasmolifting is the release of plasma from the patient’s own blood, which contains a large amount of platelets, fibrin and collagen participating in the construction of new cells and tissues in the human body. It is the platelets of their own blood that stimulate stem cells to develop a substance that activates the regeneration and renewal of tissues.

The essence of the plasmolifting procedure

To understand how the face plasmolifting is made, it is important to understand the essence of the process itself, how the skin rejuvenation occurs.

Plasmolifting is a procedure for the introduction of injection in the muscular layer of patient plasma. The internal processes of the human body slow down with age, which leads in slow regeneration of cells, withering of the skin and wrinkles. Thanks to this technique, platelets entering muscle tissue activate metabolic processes and stimulate cells to accelerated regeneration. The innovation feature of plasmolifting is the use of not vitamin cocktail, as in mesotherapy, but a pure plasma of the patient, isolated from his blood.

Specially treated plasma is additionally saturated with vitamins and amino acids and introduced using a syringe into the problem areas of the skin of the face, neck. Plasma can also be saturated with molecules of collagen and elastin to give the skin elasticity and elasticity. When the platelets interact with cells in blood vessels, special substances are produced that fill these cells with growth factors. All this leads to the restoration of cell regeneration, saturation of the skin with moisture, an increase in the amount of naturally produced hyaluronic acid. In addition, it is worth noting that the effect of face plasmolifting is noticeable almost immediately after the procedure.

Facial plasmolifting is one of the most natural cosmetic procedures, during which no foreign substances are used. Blood is the most effective and natural stimulator of rejuvenation of the body, which are part of which platelets give our skin a second life and youth.

Types of plasmolifting and their features

Plasmolifting is a popular skin rejuvenation procedure, which is extensive used by representatives of the fair sex. In modern cosmetology, there are several types of this technique that are divided depending on the area of \u200b\u200bapplication, as well as on the combination of various skin rejuvenation procedures. Consider the features of each type of this innovative procedure.

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200buse, plasmolifting can be the following varieties:

  • Facial plasmolifting. This type of procedure is considered the most popular and often used, since withering of the skin on the face is especially noticeable. Using plasmolifting, you can noticeably moisturize, rejuvenate, refresh your skin, make it more toned and elastic.
  • Neck plasmolifting. The neck is another part of the body that is especially susceptible to the manifestation of signs of aging, which can quickly ruin the appearance of any woman. From the patient’s blood, plasma is released and driven through a centrifuga, after which it is enriched with vitamins and amino acids and introduced into the muscle tissue in the neck. This procedure promotes smoothing wrinkles and makes the skin of the neck elastic.
  • Hair plasmolifting. Hair is another problematic part of the body of every woman. Any stress, nervous state, experiences can affect the structure of the hair, which leads to loss and brittleness. Today, there are many different masks and emulsions for hair restoration, but the most efficiency can be achieved using the plasmolifting procedure. It is carried out to strengthen, restore hair growth and reduce brittle level.
  • Plasmolifting of the neckline. A beautiful and well -groomed neckline is the pride of any woman, so it is so important to monitor and care for this part of the body. Using plasmolifting, you can not only smooth the skin in the neckline and make it elastic, but also remove the stretch marks that appear in the chest area after the birth of the baby.
  • Plasmolifting of intimate areas. This procedure is used to enhance the effectiveness of anti -inflammatory therapy, as well as to correct the shape and size of the genital organs and to improve the vaginal mucosa.

This classification is considered conditional and determines the most popular areas of plasmolifting.

Classification of plasmolifting depending on the combination of methods:

  • Normal plasmolifting. Only injections with blood plasma are used.
  • Laser plasmolifting. It is considered a combined type when at the beginning injections with plasma are used, and then a laser is used to eliminate skin defects.
  • Enriched plasmolifting. This is a procedure using injections that contain blood plasma, enriched with especially active platelets. Due to this, the effect of the procedure manifests itself more quickly.
  • Ozone plasmolifting. To carry out such a procedure, the patient’s plasma is enriched with ozone, which helps to saturate the human body with oxygen.

Advantages and disadvantages of facial plasmolifting

On the Internet you can find a huge number of reviews about plasmolifting of the faces that are left by enthusiastic patients of beauty salons. This procedure has a huge number of areas of application besides cosmetology, and, accordingly, many advantages. However, like any other procedure, plasmolifting is characterized by the presence of a number of negative qualities that you need to know if you want to try this technique.

Advantages of face plasmolifting:

  • The effect after the plasmolifting procedure is visible almost immediately, which many methods of rejuvenating the skin of the face do not have.
  • Using plasmolifting, you can remove acne and post -acne. This may need only a few sessions.
  • The plasmolifting procedure copes well with small and mesh wrinkles, and also significantly reduces age and facial wrinkles. This will avoid surgical intervention in order to rejuvenate.
  • With age, the skin becomes an emergency, so plus plasmolifting is the ability to tighten and align the oval of the face.
  • This procedure will be an excellent solution to eliminate and reduce various scars, scars and stretch marks. Especially such a procedure will be useful to young mothers who suffer from a large number of stretch marks.
  • Using the plasmolifting procedure, you can raise the skin of the face skin and rejuvenate it for 5-10 years.
  • One of the advantage is the alignment of the general tone of the skin of the face.
  • It is worth noting that with this procedure, an almost zero risk of infection, since the patient is introduced by his own plasma.
  • There are practically no allergic reaction and immune conflict.
  • The effect of the plasmolifting course lasts about 2 years.
  • During the plasmolifting procedure, it is strengthened by human immunity due to its own plasma.

Disadvantages of face plasmolifting:

  • Of the disadvantages of plasmolifting, one can note the appearance of small hematomas at the injection site. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure during vacation so that there is more time to recover.
  • Plasmolifting is painful, which for many can become a decisive factor when choosing a rejuvenation method.
  • Sometimes there is a risk of auto -infection - this is a situation where infected cells that do not make themselves felt in the human blood are in the human blood, but after introducing under the human skin they begin to activate.
  • The plasmolifting procedure is quite expensive and therefore not everyone can afford, especially since several sessions may need to achieve the necessary effect.

Indications and contraindications to face plasmolifting

Facial plasmolifting is a cosmetological procedure that has a number of indications and contraindications for conducting, which must be adhere to in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and adverse reactions.

Indications for plasmolifting:

  • The rejuvenation procedure using plasma injections is indicated at the first signs of flabby skin.
  • If you have the first small wrinkles and you want to remove them, then in this case the face plasmolifting is also suitable. Deeper age and facial wrinkles, this procedure will help reduce.
  • Plasma injections for the skin will help remove various scars and scars that spoil the appearance, as well as traces of stretch marks that most often occur after childbirth or severe weight loss.
  • The plasmolifting procedure is shown with an uneven face tone and excess pigmentation.
  • Since, when plasma enters muscle tissue, all metabolic processes are activated and the production of hyaluronic acid is accelerated by naturally, the procedure easily copes with dry and peeling skin. This is also facilitated by the use of plasma injections enriched with ozone during the injection procedure.
  • Age -related changes in the skin of the face are one of the main indications for the plasmolifting procedure of the face, because this procedure is aimed precisely at the restoration and acceleration of metabolic processes in the body and regeneration of skin cells.
  • Plasmolifting is indicated in rehabilitation after deep peeling by any method.
  • This procedure can help with severe sunburn, as platelets restore the process of skin cell regeneration and moisturize it.
  • In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, you can also use plasmolifting of the face.
  • The procedure is shown to people who smoke a lot, since this habit leads to a violation of metabolism and the inability to remove toxins from the body. Because of this, the skin acquires an earthly shade and acne.
  • With a strong manifestation of acne and acne, the plasmolifting procedure is indicated.

Plasmolifting of the face - contraindications:

  • There are many nuances and recommendations, a face plasmolifting in which you cannot carry out.
  • The procedure is contraindicated in case of manifestation of inflammatory processes on the skin in the form of suppuration.
  • In chronic diseases, this rejuvenation procedure cannot be carried out.
  • The heart failure and disease of the vascular system are also the strictest contraindication to the plasmolifting of the face.
  • Hypertension.
  • Plasmolifting should not be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • With menstrual bleeding, it is also not recommended to carry out this cosmetic procedure.
  • Blood diseases, for example, reduced or increased coagulation, can also become an obstacle to the procedure.
  • Autoimmune diseases or general deterioration in the state of immunity.
  • The procedure is contraindicated in cancer and various neoplasms.
  • Do not rejuvenate in this way in viral diseases, as well as with hepatitis.
  • Contraindication is an allergic reaction to components or materials that are used during the procedure.
  • Do not carry out a face under 18 years of age, in some sources there is a figure under 26 years old.
  • Diabetes and epilepsy sugar are also categorical contraindications for the plasmolifting procedure.
  • You can not carry out the procedure while taking various antibiotics.
  • Platelet dysfunction is also considered a contraindication.

Preparation for a person plasmolifting

The plasmolifting procedure is carried out with human blood and plasma, so the preparatory stage plays an important role.

  • First of all, it is necessary to find a suitable clinic that has a license to conduct such activities, as well as permission to work with blood and appropriate equipment. Choose a clinic very carefully, which has only positive reviews and a good reputation.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will examine you and identify possible contraindications.
  • You will also have to take some tests: a general clinic blood test, a biochemical blood test, examination for viral hepatitis, HIV and other viral diseases that are transmitted through the blood.
  • The doctor must evaluate the coagulation indicators of your blood, since the main material used during the procedure, your blood and plasma isolated from it. If necessary, additional studies may be prescribed.
  • About 2 days before the procedure, it is recommended to refuse alcohol and cigarettes, as well as all fatty and heavy foods. The procedure itself is done on an empty stomach, so it is best to carry out it in the morning.
  • Also, in 2 days it is necessary to stop taking medications that contribute to blood thinning.
  • During the week it is necessary to stop making peels and various scrubs that injure the surface of the skin.

Plazmolifting technology

  • First of all, it is necessary to treat the skin of the face. For this, it is important to carefully remove all the cosmetics with a detergent, and then wipe your face with chlorhexidine.
  • Further, the processed areas of the face are lubricated with a special analgesic drug, this can be a cream or gel. To enhance the anesthetic effect on a short period of time, the face can be closed with a film.
  • At this time, the doctor takes from the patient from 20 to 100 ml of blood, but no more. Blood is placed in special tubes.
  • The resulting test tubes with blood are placed in the apparatus of a centrifuga, where the material taken is processed for about 10-15 minutes. After this time, a liquid is separated from the blood, which is a plasma. It has a yellowish tint, translucent and loose in texture. This is what allows you to rather easily introduce it under the skin.
  • The plasma is typed with a syringe and begin to chop the face according to the scheme chosen by the doctor, which can vary depending on existing problems.
  • During glorification, the doctor can change the needles to minimize pain.
  • At the end of the procedure, the skin of the face is wiped with saline and dried with napkins, after which a soothing cream or gel is applied to the skin.
  • One procedure can occupy an average of 40 to 60 minutes, it all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • On the question of how often to do a face plasmolifting, it is worth noting that it all depends on a specific problem. On average, 6-7 sessions may be required to obtain a qualitative result, while the gap between them should be 10-14 days, and sometimes 25-30 days. After the end of the plasmolifting course, the result can last an average of 1.5-2 years.

Facial plasmolifting - video

Facial skin care after plasmolifting

This procedure is associated with injections, and this is always skin injury. When conducting several procedures, it is important to put the skin in order to the next. Therefore, it is so important to observe the proper care of the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and carefully engage in recovery.

  • In the first two days, it is strictly impossible to use decorative cosmetics, as well as creams, scrubs, gels. Also, you can not wash and comb if the procedure was carried out on the hair follicles.
  • At first, you can’t visit a bath or sauna, walk in a solarium and just be under direct sunlight.
  • On the first day, a manifestation of pain is possible. In this case, it is allowed to apply cold compresses to the injection sites, but this must be done carefully, without pressing.
  • You can not do massage or other procedures that are associated with pressure on the skin or other interventions.
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol or smoke.
  • It is not recommended for several days to return to the drugs that thin the blood.

Effect of plasmolifting

  • Mimic wrinkles are gradually smoothed.
  • The skin becomes more fit and elastic, so that the face looks younger for about 5-10 years.
  • Thanks to the active production of collagen and elastin, the skin tone increases and its tone becomes brighter and fresh.
  • After plasmolifting, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, which prevents acne and acne. Old acne gradually pass.
  • After the procedure, the skin is noticeably moistened and refreshed.
  • Pigmentation on the skin of the face completely disappears.
  • The metabolic processes in the skin are significantly restored, and the regeneration of skin cells and damaged areas of the epidermis is also accelerated.
  • Scars and scars are noticeably resolved, stretch marks become less noticeable.

Reviews about the use of facial plasmolifting

Professional opinion about the effectiveness of the procedure is quite blurry and vague, since doctors are still considered the results of plasmolifting dubious. There is no reliable data that this procedure separately from other methods can bring the desired result. It is believed that the term "plasmolifting" is more often used for marketing purposes so that the manufacturers buy fillers in combination with the patient's plasma. Despite this, on the Internet there are a large number of positive reviews on this procedure.

  • Eugene. I wrote down my daughter for plasmolifting, who has long been trying to fight acne. We conducted 3 procedures plus additionally recorded peeling. The result is amazing, the skin became clean and smooth, there was practically no trace of acne. We are very pleased that we decided to go to the procedure.
  • Tamara. With age, serious changes on the skin began to appear. She became sluggish and flabby, her face seemed to blur. I don’t want to go to the scalpel, so I decided to sign up for a face plasmolifting. The doctor prescribed me 4 procedures, after which I was younger for exactly 5 years, no less. I am very pleased with the result.

Facial plasmolifting - photo

The effect of face plasmotherapy photos before and after the procedure

Today there are a huge number of methods that are aimed at preserving the youth of the skin. Not all of them are associated with surgery. It is one of the safest and the plasmolifting procedure of the face.



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