
How to cook pike in the oven - step-by-step recipes with photos. Stuffed pike baked in the overall whole. Pike recipe in the oven foil

How to cook pike in the oven - step-by-step recipes with photos. Stuffed pike baked in the overall whole. Pike recipe in the oven foil
To diversify your menu, we offer you everyday and festive pike pike recipes with a detailed description and photo.

Pike - an infrequent guest in the everyday menu. Her unfairly avoids the mistress due to severe dryness, bony and stable river smell. But once the pike was considered a tsarist dish! If you dream to cook pike pike dishes, but do not know how to do it, we will open you the secrets of cooking this fish.

How to cook pike. How to choose and clean the pike without hassle

Pike belongs to the detachment of predatory freshwater fish living in water bodies with an increased amount of algae. This explains her characteristic "marsh" fragrance. Due to the huge number of bones, pike refers to 3 varieties of fish, but this does not reduce its biological and dietary value.

The pulp pike does not contain carbohydrates, it consists of 99% of sexual proteins. Its energy value is only 84 kcal / 100. This makes a pike an important component in dietary nutrition, especially in diseases of the gastric path.

The use of pike makes it possible to restore the impaired nervous system, prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes and thyroid disease.

From a chemical point of view, pike is a very nutritious view of the fish, since it is a source of more than 20 useful minerals and some vitamins. It has especially a lot of folic acid, molybdenum, tocopherol, choline and phosphorus.

Pikes, in addition to difficulties in preparation, there are still significant drawbacks. First, the pike is a strong allergic provocateur, so if there is a predisposition to allergies, you need to be careful. Secondly, the pike actively sucks toxins and radionuclides from the reservoir, so it is important to be interested in where it was caught.

To cope with the preparation of a delicious pike, you need not just clean it well and bake. To begin with, it is worth choosing a quality product. Of course, the most delicious pike baked in the oven is obtained from a freshly angled instance. But if the fishing does not like you, you need to look carefully for fish before buying it.

The pike is realized in both live and cooled and fresh frozen form. From this, of course, its value depends. But here the main role plays the state of the fish, but the environmental friendliness of the place where it was caught. In any case, choose the fish suitable for you, relying on the external signs of the freshness of the goods.

You also need to look at the stew itself. Fresh fish is tight to the touch, she has pink gills, a smooth and intact, the tail is a little wet, the eyes are transparent. Pay attention to the smell - it should be unobtrusive, slightly pleasant, with notes of the reservoir.

As for the pike magnitude, it is better to buy a carcass weighing 2-2.5 kg. She will have meat more gentle and moderately dry.

When the purchase of pike is already behind, another important process is in line - the treatment of the carcass before cooking the pike in the oven. In order not to spend extra time and strength, try cleaning the fish in this way:

  • Wash several times and dried by a paper towel a carcass, place your head left on the cutting board. The board should be taken plastic, because the wooden is forever soaked with the smell of pike. You need to put a wet towel under the board so that it does not slide.
  • Sprinkle the tail of the pussy salt. This will allow you to secure it in your hand. All fins cut off kitchen scissors to avoid traumatizing spikes. It's not worth holding a fish for your mouth, there are a lot of sharp teeth.
  • A knife for removing a husk (you can take a regular knife) lay a carcass toward the head to the head. The knife should be under an acute angle, and not perpendicular to the adhesive. Try to make smooth unlight movements so as not to damage the skin. Note that the scales will be wanted very much, so remove the products and dishes away. Alternatively, you can lower the pike in the pelvis with water and remove the scaly under water. After cleaning, rinse the remains of the husks.
  • Now reap the cartilage, which is at the junction of the belly and head. Then make a shallow incision on the peritoneum, pull the internal organs. If they hurt, soda the cavity of the salt and rinse several times with water. Do not forget to remove the gills.
  • At the end, clean the air bubble and clots of blood that are under it.
  • If you prepare stuffed pike in the oven, carefully separate the flesh from the skins, without cutting off the head.
  • If the pike got large, it is not necessary to throw it into its liver and caviar, because they are edible. Just make sure that the gallbladder remains integer, otherwise the offal will be bitter.
  • It is necessary to clean the pike after purchase, if it is fresh, or immediately after defrosting.

If already at this stage you have difficulties, and you can't figure out how to clean the fish, and even more so how to cook pike in the oven in the foil, see the video on any culinary site. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet and it will greatly facilitate your task.

Or ask someone from acquaintances to show you the entire process of cleaning the pike, and then you will definitely cope with this process.

Secrets of cooking delicious pike in the oven

So that you have an impeccable pike, consider some important secrets:

  • So that the fish is evenly consolished, you need to omit it into the marinade for 15 minutes. For marinada, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. Salts in 1 l of water.
  • If you are going to prepare a pike in the oven, study the recipes, and only then begin to gut it and cut it. If you are incorrectly divided by the fish at the processing stage, you will have to look for another recipe.
  • You can remove the steady odor of trina in two ways: soak fish for 20 minutes in a weak solution of vinegar or in milk.
  • To binge a pike in the oven you need to use only a large salt.
  • Baked fish is well neighboring lemon and vegetables.

Cooking pike in the oven - Recipes with photos

Well, now you can go to the immediate cooking pike. Let's see what the pike recipes in the oven are the most interesting, which products may be needed and how long the fish is preparing in the oven.

Church in the oven with mayonnaise

This is a delicious and unusual pike dish. It will take glass or ceramic dishes with a lid. Foils and other aids do not need.


  • Pike - 1 pc. (approximately 2-3 kg).
  • Onions - 3-4 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise or cream - 50 mg.
  • Milk - 75 ml.
  • A set of spices for fish - ½ tsp.
  • Salt - taste.

Pike in the oven - step-by-step recipe:

  1. Carb wash, clean, divide into pieces of medium size.
  2. Vegetables Cut: onion rings, and carrot straw (you can grasp).
  3. Put in the glass form products with layers: Onions - Carrot - Fish.
  4. Make Sauce: Mix Milk, Salt, Mayonnaise (Cream) and Spices.
  5. Fill the pike with vegetable refueling, cover with a lid and shove into a heated up to 180 ° C overall cabinet for 60 minutes.
  6. 10-12 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lid to leave the excess moisture, and the vegetables are slightly twisted.

Pike in the oven in foil with vegetable assorted

This recipe is just a find, if you do not like to mess with cutting fish for recipes with fillet. Before cooking, do not forget to take advantage of the proposed ways to remove the smell and cleaning of scales. Do not miss the type of spices, such as celery and basil.

This time you need foil. Cut the piece with a margin so that you can close the pike tightly without lumen. Also do not forget to calculate the amount of foil for vegetables.


  • Pike - 1.5-2 kg.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 teeth.
  • Flour - 30 g.
  • Onions - 4 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 380
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Salt - taste.
  • Greens - ½ beam.
  • Black pepper, coriander - ½ h. L.

So, a step-by-step prescription pike in the oven:

  1. First sprinkle pussy with lemon juice plugged (especially inside).
  2. Then make the marinade: Still sour cream with salt, chopped garlic and spices.
  3. Take 2/3 of the marinade and abundantly spread the pike carcass. Leave it to marinate for 30-45 minutes. It is necessary that the fish completely agreed. As you will bake the pike in the oven, then without prior marinion, it will remain inside the unfavorant.
  4. During this time, poured rings, cut the carrots with slices.
  5. Take a prepared piece of foil. Initially, put vegetables, then pike.
  6. To 1/3 of the marinade, mix the chopped greens and flour, and fill the purchasion of the bolthous sauce.
  7. Put the fish on the tray and put it in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Pike in the oven with potatoes

Vegetables - the most suitable handbroker for pike. First, potatoes are easily soaked with fish juice, and secondly, it advantageously emphasizes the taste of the main ingredient.

The dish is obtained satisfying, appetizing and tasty. In this way, the pike can be submitted for a family dinner, and for a holiday. The recipe is so simple that you will definitely not have time to get tired in the kitchen.


  • Pike - 2 pcs. 1.5 kg.
  • Potatoes - 1.8 kg.
  • Carrots - 5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 360
  • Hard cheese with fatty at least 50% - 240 g.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Spices "Hmeli-Sunnels" - 1 tsp.
  • Greens any - 1 bundle.
  • Salt, black pen - to taste.

How to cook pike with potatoes in the oven:

  1. Prepare a pike: wash, remove the internal and scaly.
  2. Divide the pike to large portion slices (3-5 cm) and fold into the deep salad bowl.
  3. Add to the pike mayonnaise, spacing to taste, pour pepper.
  4. Give fish to wake at least 1.5 hours. As you prepare a pike in the oven by pieces, pickling will allow you to preserve a juiciness.
  5. During this time, prepare potatoes. Clean, and then cut it with circles or quarters. Cut carrots and onion with rings. Then saline vegetables, add spices and vegetable oil. Stir the ingredients.
  6. Put fish slices in the form, spread vegetables around them. Sauce residues pour into potatoes.
  7. Then fish with vegetables cover a thick grid of mayonnaise, soda cheese top.
  8. Bake the fish 60 minutes at a temperature of 185⁰С.

Pike in sour cream in the oven

Get rid of dry meat and achieve simply amazing pike juice with fatty homemade sour cream. This dairy product perfectly copes with its task, and the fish is fine, soft and fragrant.


  • Pike - 1 pc. average weight.
  • Home sour cream - 950
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Oil - 75
  • Muscate walnut - 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook pike in the oven:

  1. Study a plump carcass, soda her salt and leave at least a quarter of an hour.
  2. Then lubricate fish oil, wrap it in foil and shove it in the oven for 10 minutes. The temperature in the oven must be 220⁰S.
  3. Then remove the fish, put it in a refractory form, fill with sour cream and tightly cover with a lid or foil. Bake the fish for 30 minutes at a temperature 180⁰S.
  4. Sprinkle pike nutmeg and pour the lemon juice.

Dishes from pike - recipes in the oven

Pike can not just bake in the oven with vegetables or sauce. From it you can make fillets and cook baked rolls can be zafarshirovat pike or fish cut into pieces and cook them with spices up his sleeve. Variants have enough, so you should experiment a little to discover all the culinary excellence of the fish.

Pike fillet in the oven

Baked pike fillet with aromatic mushrooms in cream sauce becomes excellent dishes for dinner. For cooking, you can buy already butchered and frozen fillets.


  • Fillet of pike - 2 large halves by 700
  • Cream cheese - '75
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Green onion -3-5 twigs.
  • Mushrooms (mushrooms or oyster mushrooms) - 200 g
  • Lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • Cream - 115 ml.
  • Salt, herbs for fish - to taste.
  • Dill - 1/3 of the beam.

Recipe pike in foil in the oven:

  1. Washed fillets notch mesh, pour the oil.
  2. The oil fry mushroom slices (3 minutes), add crushed onion, garlic, cream and fry an additional 7 minutes.
  3. Mushrooms cool, mix with cheese, salt.
  4. On the foil, place one fillet at him stuffing, herbs and greens, cover with the second fillet, salt.
  5. Wrap fish in foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. when 220⁰S.
  6. After cooking, pour the pike citrus juice.

Stuffed pike, baked in the oven with photos

Zafarshirovanny predator - a delicious and unusual dish, decorating any celebration. Prepare this dish is much easier than it seems. Together with the preparation and baking it will take maxim 3:00. Besides it is possible to make gefilte fish for the day before the holiday that little bit relieve your cooking schedule.


  • Pike - 1.6 kg.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - '45
  • Onions - 2 pcs. mince + 1 pc. in broth.
  • Baton (stale) - 180 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 140 ml.
  • Olives - 10-15 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.
  • Cranberries or cranberries - a handful.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Greens - 5-6 sprigs.
  • Gelatin - '15

Cooking stuffed pike in the oven on a photo:

  • Fishing wash and pay off. Through the cut-off abdomen, remove the ridge. To do with sharp kitchen scissors, cut off the ridge part of the rib, then reap the pulp along the ridge, without damaging the skin.
  • Now cut the ridge near the head and tail, separate it from the pulp.

  • After that separate the remaining ribs from fillets. And cut the fillet from the skin.
  • If small bones remained on the skins, screame them with a knife.
  • Take a white thread and sew the skin in the form of a cover from the tail to the head, leaving the rubber 10-12 cm.

  • Now you will try on stuffing. First, soak bread into a container with milk.
  • Bow and teeth of garlic shredtit, and fry on cream oil until half-ready.
  • Shchuchye fillet with salt grind in a blender. Add roasted onions to it, pressed bread, as well as eggs, spices. And take a lot of blender.
  • If the minced is too liquid, add a handful of breadcrumbs.
  • Fill the minced fishes, but not very tight, then squeeze the hole.
  • Celling foils to spread the oil, put a fish with a permit down, make a few holes with a needle on the stew barrels.
  • Wrap your pike into a piece of foil and put it in 90 minutes.
  • Then pull the fish, let it cool a little.
  • Meanwhile, lean the broth using fish loss, carrots and onions.
  • Then in 200 ml of broth, intelligence gelatin.
  • Pike cut into pieces, cheat into the cooked broth. It will not give a stuffing to disintegrate.

  • Feed fish with lemon, berries and greens.

As you can see, you can prepare the most unusual and delicious dishes from the puss, without applying significant efforts and financial costs. Bon Appetit!

Recipe pike in the oven: video


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