
How to define your type of figures by parameters. Types of figures in women, photo. How to choose clothes on the type of shape - what to wear

How to define your type of figures by parameters. Types of figures in women, photo. How to choose clothes on the type of shape - what to wear
Knowing your type of figure, you can easily choose a stylish and current wardrobe. At the same time, you will not have to chase the false stereotypes regarding the standards of the figure.

Every woman is unique in its kind, the features of her figure are unique. However, scientists managed to allocate several types of women's figures, which allow us to classify our women according to certain features.

In total, a large number of types of figures are known, but there are only five main implements that received the names of geometric shapes or letters. Few know that accurately learning your type of figure, you will not have any problems with a beautiful and stylish dress. After all, it is not in vain that there are no ugly women - there is an incorrectly selected wardrobe. Knowing all the features of your bones, fatty sediments and muscle tissue, you can easily pick up an individual training schedule for yourself and choose the best style in clothes.

In this article, we will consider the features of the classification of types of figures in women, we describe the five main types of figures. And also tell me more detail how to determine the type of shape and how to choose the right clothes, based on the features of the body structure.

Features of the classification of female figures by type

It has long been proven that the features of the structure of the female figure are inherited. All other changes may be insignificant and depend on a certain way of life, food culture, physical exertion. You hardly manage to reduce the volume of the thighs if your type of figure is a pear and, on the contrary, if your figure resembles an inverted triangle, you are unlikely to be able to reduce your shoulders width.

In any case, the ideal female figure does not happen. In different centuries, completely different types of female figures were performed. In the Stone Age of the Standard, women were considered large-sized women, in the Middle Ages, the preference was given to a figure with a voluminous waist. And only in recent years, ideals and stereotypes have changed and ideal proportions appeared, which are 90-60-90. Many girls do not eat month and exhaust themselves with physical exertion in order to achieve such parameters. However, it is important to pay attention not to parameters, but on the proportion, from which the types of figures in women are folded.

Types of figures were classified based on the proportions of the female body. To determine its type of figure, it is important to take into account the ratio of the parameters of the shoulders, waist and hips. Currently, there are a large number of various classifications of female figures. Highlight a classic classification by similar shapes with geometric shapes or fruit. You can also select the classification on the wrist and the metabolic system of types of figures. You can also select several new different types of figures, which appeared due to changes in the features of the female body: broccoli, eggplant, nutmeg pumpkin.

Types of Figures in Women - Description

Consider the most popular and frequently used classification of the types of a female figure, where each type corresponds to a certain geometric figure in one case, a fruit in another case and the letter of the alphabet in the third case.

Type of Pear Figure

Sometimes in the literature you can find a little other names: the type of women's figure A-shaped, type of triangle shape. This type of female body shape can rightfully be called the most feminine and attractive. It is such girls and women who belongs to the complex, as it is impossible to suitable beautiful sexes - narrow shoulders, medium breasts, wider thighs. Most often, the owner of the type of shape of the pear has a longer upper body. It is characteristic of a flat breast or chest of small size, but a well-distinguishable waist, which practically does not accumulate adipose tissue.

When weight gain, fat in female pears accumulates primarily on hips, buttocks, caviar, in the bottom of the abdomen, less often in the waist area. But such a woman is always the owner of thin hands and the entire top of the body. At first glance, such a type of figure makes the impression that the top is much lighter than the lower part.

The lack of such a figure is a tendency to appear cellulite, which has long been the main enemy of a beautiful female body. Also, the shortcomings can be attributed to the fact that during the weight gain, the pear figure is becoming increasingly distinguishable, and the thigh area is noticeably dragged. Especially important to the owners of the type of triangle figure always correctly hold posture, otherwise all flaws will be even more noticeable.

Tips for the power regimen and training:

  • First of all, if you decide to change something in your figure, you need to carry out complex exercises.
  • For owners of the type of Figure Pear, it is important to pay special attention to weight loss in the field of legs and buttocks. Therefore, experts recommend using exercises sent specifically to these muscle groups.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the top of the body so that in the general figure looks harmonious and there was no accent on heavy hips.
  • Women with a figure of this type are very quickly gaining in weight, they are prone to completeness. Therefore, it is important to eat right.
  • Nutritionists argue, in female pears, metabolism is faster in the afternoon, so it is recommended to eat tightly in the evening. At the same time, in the morning and afternoon the volume of food cut.
  • It is recommended to eat more fruits, vegetables and cereals.
  • It is important to constantly monitor the amount of water drilled. The norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • Exercises suitable for women with a figure in the form of a pear: a jagged bridge, squatting with jumped, lunges with progress.

Figure type - hourglass

This type of figure is also called the "eight", "guitar" or "X-shaped type of shape." All these names describe, perhaps, the most ideal proportions of the female body. These are the most notorious 90-60-90, only values \u200b\u200bcan change slightly. In our time, this type of figure is considered a benchmark for women's beauty, even though it is mistaken, and at times and biased. For the owner of this type of figure, the same proportions of the parameters of the shoulders and the hips are characteristic, while the waist is very narrow, and sometimes even unnecessary.

Women with a figure hourglass always look good. When weight gain, fat accumulates in the hips and breasts area evenly, while the waist remains narrow. The most important lack of an hourglass figure is the appearance of "ears" in the hips area when weight gain. They can easily be removed during physical exertion and power adjustment.

Slender waist, medium-sized chest, slightly convex buttocks and slopes, the difference between parameters of 30 cm is the limit of dreams of many women, even with a completely different type of figure, whose parameters are not so perfect. Do not strive for this, probably it will never work. It is enough just to emphasize the advantages of your type of figure, and your body will become perfect.

Tips for nutrition and training:

  • Women with the type of figure Hourglass are recommended to balance their food. It is important to constantly maintain the weight so that the fatty tissue is evenly distributed throughout the body, and more specifically on the hips and chest.
  • You should not allow fasting, so you definitely get overweight through constant overeating.
  • Make the main meals from breakfast and dinner, and between them two light snacks are allowed.
  • Base your diet at dairy products, fish, fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to use exercises for all muscle groups so as not to distinguish any one part of the body. Only so you will have to preserve the ideal proportions of hourglass.
  • Instructors advise on aerobics, where various exercises are used: running, walking, bike, stepper and other common exercises.

Figure Type - Rectangle

This type of figure also has its own characteristics and far from the ideal. The woman of this type of shoulders, waist and thighs have almost the same parameters, for which such a physique of a rectangle is called. Sometimes you can meet other names characterizing the structure of the body, for example, a ruler or banana, or a n-shaped figure. This type is characterized by a rather wide chest, sometimes discovering the stomach and unhaperant hips with protruding pelvic bones.

Women with such a figure often resemble teenagers or even something like men. The main problem is a tendency to fullness, which leads to the complete absence of proportions between the shoulders, waist and hips. However, with constant loads and proper nutrition, you can achieve perfect parameters. Very often women with a type of figure. Rectangle can be found on the podium.

The figure of type N is most of all adjustments. Even with a slight effect of physical exercises, you can see the result. By nature, such women have very fitful muscles that are easy to form in the right direction.

Tips for nutrition and training:

  • The main problem of women with a rectangular figure - protruding stomach and lack of waist. Experts recommend effusively engaged in proper nutrition, use a low-calorie diet.
  • To obtain optimal proportions, it is important to abandon the use of salt, alcohol, in particular beer and sausage products.
  • The rate of metabolism in women of this type is average, so it is recommended to eat in small portions during the entire day.
  • In order to maintain this type of shape in perfect condition, it is important to regularly engage in physical exertion. Specialists advise to do a variety of exercises on the press. It is necessary to continuously work on the scope of the abdomen to achieve bends and the appearance of the waist.
  • It is also necessary to deal with power training, which are aimed at increasing the volume in the hips and buttocks to give a femininity figure.
  • Great women with a figure of a rectangular type of cardio exercise. This is a long jogging, walking.

Figure type - Apple

This type of female figure is often called other definitions: O-shaped type, oval, circle or rhombus, sometimes you can meet the name of the diamond. Typically, the owner of this type of figure is inclined to complete. Their characteristic feature is the same breast parameters and waist, which gives a figure similarity with an apple or oval. First of all, women with an o-shaped figure have a smooth line that goes from breast to the thighs, it is inherent slightly full of women.

Often such women have overweight problems in the abdomen and back. But they are the owners of a high and big breast, slender and long legs. In distant times, world-famous artists of such women wrote in their paintings, considering them a figure of reference. By nature, such women are characterized by grace and aristocraticity of posture.

You can easily make your own weapon. Make an emphasis on the face with the help of fresh makeup and dress the dress-case, beautifully emphasizing the hips line and slender legs.

Tips for nutrition and training:

  • Achilles of the fifth of women with a figure of an o-shaped type is the problem of excess weight. Most often, it appears in the abdomen and waist area.
  • To preserve normal proportions and combustion of excess adhesive tissue, it is recommended to strictly monitor its power. It is important to stick to a low carbon diet.
  • As the main food for women with an apple type figure, it is best to use fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat types of fish and meat, various colors made of solid grains, cottage cheese and kefir with low fatty percentage. The main thing is that all these products are rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements.
  • Regular physical exertion are also important.
  • It is recommended to perform exercises to the press, the abdominal muscles and the side muscles of the press. Specialists advise the following exercises: push-ups, berupt with jumping and bike.

Figure Type - Inverted Triangle

This type of figure in women is often called V-shaped, T-shaped, strawberry or carrot. All these names describe a shape with a thin waist, a medium breastfeeding, non-trap hips, however, with rather massive shoulders that make female figures like a male.

Women with such a type of figure are most common among athletes, for example, in swimming or tennis. This is due to the fact that all excess fat accumulates only at the top of the body: in hand, shoulders, chest and neck. In addition, the owner of this type of figure has long and slender legs. All these features lead to the fact that women can be very successful and hardy in sports.

Women with such figures are easy to notice. Very often, the upper part of the body has much massive and at the same time shorter. The legs of the winners of the finished triangle figures are almost always long and slender, which is the most important advantage of the body structure of such a woman.

Tips for nutrition and training:

  • Women with such type of figure also shown proper nutrition and strict adjustment of fats and carbohydrates. It is best to give preference to products with high content of fiber. It is also important to include as many protein as possible in its daily diet, while reduce the use of dairy products.
  • All workouts should be directed to balanced proportions of the upper body and lower. To do this, it is necessary to perform power exercises for building muscle mass in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hips and buttocks.
  • Recommended by the owners of the figure of an inverted triangle to do "Supersetta": lifting weights with a small amount of repetitions.

Photo types of figures from celebrities

World celebrities also do not possess the perfect figure, but they try to emphasize all the favorable features of their types of figures. Consider photos of the types of figures from different famous persons.

Figure type Hourglass - Sophie Lauren, Scarlett Johansson, Monica Bellucci, Melin Monroe, Holly Berry.

Type of Figure Pear - Christina Aguilera, Kate Winslet, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez.

Type of figures Rectangle - Mill Yovovich, Keira Knightley, Cameron Diaz, Lindsay Lohan.

Type of shape apple - Alla Pugacheva, Kelly Osbourne.

Type of shape Inverted triangle - Demi Moore, Rene Zellweger.

How to determine your type of figure

Make your figure perfect can every woman. You just need to find out exactly what type of figure you are owner. In order to determine the type of figure of a woman, you need to find a measuring tape, take a sheet of paper and pencil and proceed to measurements.

  • First of all, you need to measure your chest. To do this, take in the hands of a centimeter tape, attach it horizontally floor on top of the most ordinary bra without any foam rubber. The measuring tape should be held along the speaker point. At the same time, follow it to be strictly parallel. Parameters write on a sheet of paper.
  • The next step will be the measurement of the waist volume. For this, the measuring tape it is necessary to measure the narrowest part of the abdomen without its pulling.
  • Measure the volume of your hips along the widest and protruding part.

Next, deposit your parameters with a description to each type of shape:

  • The volume of your chest and the hips is almost equal, and the waist is less than about 20-30 cm - your type of shape hourglass.
  • Breast volume, thighs and waist is almost the same, then you are the owner of a rectangular type.
  • The volume of your breast is significantly less than the volume of your hips, then your type of punch shape.
  • Your chest volume is much larger than the thigh - the type of figure is an inverted triangle.
  • The volume of your waist and chest is quite impressive - your type of apple shape.

Can determine the type of shape online With the help of special Internet programs. To do this, enter the parameters of your body into special columns and click Calculate. The program itself will determine which type of shapes you have.

How to choose clothes on body type

As already noted above, there is no ugly figure - there is an incorrectly selected wardrobe. We give a few advice on the right choice of clothing in the type of figure in women. Having learned what to wear in the type of shape, you can competently and deftly combine outfits to emphasize all the advantages and hide the shortcomings.

How to choose a wardrobe - Type of Pear Figure

  • Clothes should emphasize the top of your body.
  • You will certainly select a few tops, T-shirts with open hands, without sleeves. With bare shoulders, with cutout.
  • Shirts and blouses with wide sleeves.
  • Blouses with a wide neckline, profitably emphasizing the chest.
  • Dresses in the type of figure The pear is suitable with an overwhelmed waist or with a ruffle under the chest line. You can also wear dresses with V-shaped neckline.
  • The bottom is preferred black of dense tissue.
  • From the assortment of skirts, give preference to pencils.
  • Pants are better to wear a little straight cut, with the extension from the hip.
  • Upper clothes are best acquired from dense tissue, and coats with overlays on shoulders can be performed.

How to choose a wardrobe - hourglass

  • This is the only type of figure that practically any clothes will suit.
  • Give preference to the wardrobe, which will emphasize the correct proportions of the chest and hips, and will also emphasize the thin waist.
  • Dresses Choose a fitted cut. The same can be said and top clothing type coat or raincoat.
  • It is also important to emphasize the waist with a belt, so choose shirts, blouses and upper clothes with a belt.
  • Bluffs and dresses with a fairly large V-shaped neckline.
  • From skirts you can stay on skirts-trapezes or skirts with an overwhelmed waist.
  • Pants and jeans are better to pick up straight.
  • The dress case and the dress with the smell will benefitably emphasize all the advantages of your figure.
  • Swimsuit on the type of shape Hourglass can be chosen absolutely any, here you need to navigate the features of the body structure.
  • Avoid bags of a baggy shape that will hide your shape.
  • From the wardrobe it is also better to remove pants and jeans with a low waist.

How to choose a wardrobe - type of figures rectangle

  • Choose clothes for this type of figure in such a way as to make the balance between the upper body and the bottom.
  • Upper clothes are best acquired by the damned, possibly with the belt.
  • Dresses-tubes, fitting dresses with open shoulders or with a smell.
  • Tight skirt in the form of a trapezoid or Sun skirt.
  • Tops and T-shirts are better to wear short sleeves or without sleeves.
  • To adjust such a type of figure, you can wear dresses, skirts, coat with a slash edge.
  • Blouses and blouses with oval or square neckline.
  • It is better to prefer clothing from dense and massive tissues that outlines the waist.

How to choose a wardrobe - type of figure Inverted triangle

  • Replenish your wardrobe with clothes that visually increases and focus on the legs and close an excessively massive upper part.
  • Blouses and blouses are better to choose with a V-shaped or oval neckline.
  • Sweaters, sweatshirts, shirts should be without excess volume and in sleeves.
  • Preferably wearing dark top and light bottom.
  • Outerwear should be slightly free, for example, a coat trapezium.
  • Pants or jeans are better to wear with low fit.
  • For business style, you can pick up tops or dresses with a bask at the thigh level. This visually increases their volume.
  • Skirts Choose with a large number of folds, fatin or with bulk pockets.

How to choose a wardrobe - Type of shape apple

  • In clothes for this type of figure you need to focus on slender legs and upper body, hiding the abdomen area.
  • Upper clothes are best wearing a trapezoidal form with a-shaped silhouette.
  • Dresses are also better to choose with a-silhouette, with a smell and an overwhelmed waist under the chest.
  • Wide knee skirts or a little longer.
  • Pants straight or slightly curved with an overwhelmed waist.
  • Give preference to one-photo clothing.

Do not chase ideals that are completely not suitable for your type of figure. It is better to do everything possible in order to highlight all the advantages of your body and hide disadvantages.


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