
How to make a scrub made of coffee grounds at home. Coffee Ground Scrub for Face For Body, Hair

How to make a scrub made of coffee grounds at home. Coffee Ground Scrub for Face For Body, Hair
See the selection of a variety of scrub recipes from coffee grounds for face, body, hair, from cellulite.

Coffee is one of the most favorite drinks among the inhabitants of many countries. It raises the mood with his aroma, it is burtered by the body due to the content of caffeine and serves as an excellent reason for mental conversation. But he has many other advantages associated with the positive effect of coffee grounds on our face and body skin. Many pour her, perceiving as an unnecessary product, and very in vain. After all, it can be an excellent ingredient for home scrub. It will easily beat the store tools, thanks to unsurpassed aroma, naturalness and efficiency. If you want to experience all the advantages of the coffee scrub, we offer you a selection of the most relevant bodies for the body, hair and face.

Coffee Ground Scrub: Application in Cosmetology

Multiple clinical tests of coffee, like a cosmetic substance, fully confirmed its effectiveness. Therefore, many creams, scrubs, peeling gels are produced with coffee. Such means contain soft abrasive elements, carefully removing organized epithelial cells, without damaging the integrity of the skin.

With their regular use, blood circulation is enhanced, and the skin becomes soft, smooth tone, smoothness. Pores are deeply cleaned from pollution, making decorative cosmetics easily and keeps much longer. But even after the first application of the coffee scrap, a positive dynamics is noticeable.

The cooked scrub made of coffee has a cream structure. It contains abrasive microparticles of different diameters depending on the degree of grinding of coffee beans and adding other ingredients. In cosmetology, coffee is often combined with sea salt, fruit-berry bones, crushed nuts, laminaria powder.

The cooked scrub from the coffee grounds at home, compared to other means, has such advantages:

  • The speed of the expected effect - changes are visible after the first procedure.
  • Full harmless tools - can be used for children, and women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • The minimum of contraindications - is not recommended by the coffee scrub only with skin diseases and allergies for coffee.
  • Reduces the risk of formations on the skin - serves as the prevention of melanoma, psoriasis, papillomal growth.
  • Exhibits an antioxidant effect - updates and rejuvenates the skin.
  • It has an antibacterial effect - protects the skin from infectious rashes, the development of fungi.
  • Coffee thickness is suitable for all parts of the body - faces, heads, feet, etc.
  • It is a counter-toxic agent - cleans the skin from toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides.
  • Displays comaons - black dots on the face.
  • The financial availability of the product - coffee makers can receive this ingredient without excess costs, and if you do not drink coffee, you can buy it in any store at a low price.

Scrub made of coffee grounds. Useful features of coffee scrubies

Coffee grains have a very rich and versatile composition. That is why the coffee scrub not only cleans the skin mechanically, but also has a comprehensive effect on its condition. Various research observations and life experience of supporters of natural cosmetics established the following rejuvenating and nutritional properties of coffee:

  • The presence in the coffee grounds of tocopherol and fatty acids ensures that the skin's youth is maintained, preventing photo-based. They remove inflammatory manifestations and skin diseases.
  • The thickness of the coffee has a tightening lifting effect, especially in the eye zone. It removes "goose paws" and restores the turgor of the skin.
  • Sterols do not give the skin to lose moisture due to the impact of sun rays or natural aging. The skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  • Chlorogenic acid contributes to rapid regeneration of the epithelium. The skin is rejuvenating and stronger resists the action of harmful factors of the external environment (UV-rays, chemicals in cosmetics).
  • Caffeine accelerates blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, relieves inflammation, increases the tone of the vessels. Therefore, the scrub from the coffee ground helps cellulite.
  • Coffee thickness is an excellent natural excofolyant (cleaner). He without microtraums and irritation completely believes the old cell ball.
  • The colossal effect of coffee scrubs are provided if they are applied to heated skin or before applying basic masks and lotions.

Despite the availability of coffee grounds, it is actively used for expensive peeling procedures, wrapping, rejuvenating masks in spa and beauty centers.

Coffee Ground-based Scrub: Principles Use

In order for the prepared coffee scrub to provide the necessary effect on the skin, it is worth it to make it competent and properly use. So that you have an impeccable remedy, accurately stick to simple instructions:

  1. A thick in a dry container with a dense cover in the refrigerator up to 5 days. Extend the shelf life and facilitate the process of manufacturing scrap can be using coconut oil. Mix the oil and thick in the 1: 1 ratio and the base for scrub is ready. Such a mixture can be stored about 2 weeks.
  2. To strengthen the efficiency of coffee peeling, you need to properly brew coffee. Boil the water, pour coffee into the Turku, let him get drunk a little (1.5-2 minutes will be enough). Sugar, cream and other additives are not added.
  3. As the basis for the preparation of the scrub, it is advisable to use grain coffee (pre-ground). But already shredded coffee, but it is important to choose a quality product without impurities.
  4. The frequency of using the coffee grounds is selected by the type of skin: every 3 days for fat and 1 time in decade for dry.
  5. The body scrub is applied after water procedures using circular and moderately intensive movements.
  6. The scrub for the neckline and face zone is used after the removal of cosmetics and rubs into smooth surface movements, trying not to scratch the skin.
  7. After scraping, the skin is lubricated with cream or milk so that dryness does not appear.
  8. Screenshots of the coffee grounds are not shown to do in areas of skin with loved damage: scratches, acne, purulent wounds, cuts.
  9. For the comprehension procedure, only brewed ground grains can be used. Soluble coffee is definitely not suitable and does not bear any nutritional value for the skin.

Advice! For wrapping and anti-cellulite massage, a large number of coffee material is required. Therefore, you can collect thick for several days, and then cosmetic procedures already conduct. You do not know how to store coffee thick for scrub? Here everything is simple: the thick retains its properties of 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Making coffee peeling, you need not only take into account the degree of fatty / dry skin, but also its structure. For fine, inflamed, sensitive skin, choose fine coffee. And the problem, cooler skin, especially for anti-cellulite scribition, is suitable for a large coffee.

Coffee Ground Scrub- recipes

Most scrubs based on coffee grounds are universal. But when adding additional components, you can make scrubs for different skin types.

Coffee Scrub made of coffee grounds for dry skin

Coffee thickness intensively removes the remnants of contamination and cellular fat. Dry skin prone to peeling, tightening, inflammation, dehydration, her lipid ball is slowly restored. Therefore, for this type of skin it is recommended to conduct no more than 2-3 procedures per month. But it is possible to reduce such an anti-seeing effect of coffee to add moisturizing components, such as oils, cottage cheese, sour cream.

So how to make a scrub made of coffee grounds for exhausted dry skin:

  • Coffee and Curd Scrub - Mix a couple of spoons with 20 g of homemade cottage cheese. Optional Caps 2 Lavender Oil Droplets. Apply the mixture, massage the skin 45-60 seconds, after 8-10 minutes.
  • Coffee-Cinnamon Scrub - Connect 1 tbsp. l. Coffee grounds, ½ h. Cinnamon and sugar, 5 g of salts and 10 ml of apricot oil. Squeeze this mixture, wash in a few minutes.
  • Coffee-nut scrub - 2 tbsp. l. Coffee grouse Scroll with the same amount of nut flour (you can grind a cedar and walnut, cashew). Mass should be creamy. If it is too dry, make a few drops of olive oil. Apply light cotton scrub, after 7-10 minutes, smear mineral water.

Coffee scrubs made of coffee grounds for oily skin

Coffee for problem skin is an ideal essential substance. Simple recipes will help in 15 minutes to give the face a healthy look, remove the fat shine, reduce redness. At the same time, your skin will be transformed in terms of rejuvenation, especially if with coffee regularly use beekeeping products. The most popular recipe is a scrub from coffee grounds and honey, which can be prepared without strict adherence to proportions.

  • Coffee and Honey Scrub - In the steam bath, heat 25 g of bee honey (not boiling!), Then add 2 tbsp. l. Coffee grounds and 30 g of a suitable cream. Apply a scrub on the face, after 10 minutes, wash the remnants of scrub water.
  • Coffee-yoghurt scrub - As the basis, take 60 g of yogurt without fillers and pour into it a couple of spoons of ground coffee. Turn out the face with this mixture, praise a little on it with his palms, rummage when yogurt starts to fall.
  • Coffee-oat scrub - Grind 40 g of the "Hercules" flakes, add a couple of gone spoons and 25 g sour cream. The means to squeeze the face to complete drying, then remove the scrub gauze tampon dipped in the brave of the turn.

Coffee scrubs for any skin type

Scrubs for different skin types can be used without exception, they will not enhance dry or, on the contrary, too mooring the skin.

Universal Coffee Scrub Gush - Recipes:

  • Coffee scrub-gel - In the gel (foam) for washing, which you use, pour coffee, use as an ordinary peeling gel for the face.
  • Coffee-rice scrub - From rice, make flour, stirre up it with coffee grounds, and with the help of brewed coffee, bring the mass to suitable lugs. Apply gently scrub, then rinse with water means.

Scrub with coffee grounds for the body - recipes

all the recipes, which are applied to the face and décolleté are suitable for the body. But keep in mind that the body takes a lot more coffee grounds than one cup of espresso. Yes, and other ingredients will also need a lot.

  • Body cleaner - Take 15 g of coffee grounds for every 10 g of the shower gel. Apply a scrub on a massage glove and scraper the body while taking the soul.
  • Nourishing scrub for body - In 50 g of coffee grounds pour 1 tbsp. l. Glycerin and drip 2 drops of neuro and orange oil. Throw the body with a mixture of 5-7 minutes before the appearance of light redes.
  • Body scrub from stretch marks - Stir the ground coffee, dry algae powder and water in the 2: 2: 4 ratio. Apply a scrub on problem areas, massage the skin in deep smooth movements, wash the tool after 12-15 minutes.

Coffee Ground Hair Scrub - Recipes

Coffee thickness is suitable for cooking hair products. Coffee can refresh their color, make it rich. Also, coffee enhances blood circulation around the hair onions, which accelerates hair growth.

  • Tinting Scrub for Dark Hair - brew 3 tbsp. l. Ground coffee in 50 ml of boiling water. Apply this cleaner after cooling the scalp and hair over the entire length. Polyethylene cap and leave for 25 minutes or longer. Then wash your hair with warm water.
  • Scrub against dandruff - Replace for two weeks your usual shampoo such a scrub: 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. l. Coffee grounds, 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Apply a scrub on hair instead of shampoo and wash off warm water or decoction of herbs.
  • Hair growth scrub - Connect the handful of coffee grounds, ½ h. L. Ground red pepper, 2 tbsp. l. Tire oil. Apply a scrub on the roots of the hair 15 minutes every other day. The first few procedures will be accompanied by a strong discomfort in the form of burning scalp.

Coffee Ground Scrub Anti-cellulite - Recipes

If you need to get rid of the hated "orange" crust on the hips, it is not necessary to lay out a large amount of popular anti-cellulite creams. Using coffee thick, you will achieve excellent results.

  • Coffee-grapefruit scrub - Stir 40 g of coffee grounds, 3 tbsp. l. Sea salts and 50 mg of grapefruit juice (4 drops of grapefruit oil are suitable). Apply a scrub on cellulite skin, makes it up for 10 minutes, wrap the body with a film, after half an hour, take a shower.
  • Coffee-coniferous scrub - Take 2 tbsp. l. Groom, 30 ml of the shower gel, 1 drops of essential oil needles, cloves, and chablie. Apply according to the scheme described in the previous recipe.

How to make a scrub from a coffee ground with a rejuvenating effect

Cosmetics with coffee grounding can suspend the process of leather fading, give the face, the zone of the neckline and the press tightened and attractive appearance without signs of aging.

  • Coffee and Yellow Scrub - Take part of rye flour, part of the coffee grounds, 1-2 yolk, a couple of spoons of brewed coffee. The consistency of the scrub should be thick enough to hold onto the body and do not drain. Apply a lot to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body and hold no more than a quarter of an hour. Wash the scrub, apply the cream-matching cream.
  • Coffee and Pink Scrub - In any ratio, mix coffee thick and rose oil. Applicator or cotton disk spread the skin with the resulting scrub and leave for half an hour. Then we easily massate the body, wash the scrub tonic or water.
  • Coffee-Almond Scrub - 50 ground unearned coffee mix with 100 ml almond oil. Apply the mass on the face before bedtime every two days, while the tool is over. On average, 7-9 sessions should turn out.

Coffee Ground Scrub: Reviews

Women who often use coffee thick for scrubs, strongly praise such a home peeling method. If you believe them say, a couple of minutes after scrubling, the skin becomes an updated, shining, matte and moisturized. The old layer of the epidermis is fully exfoliated, black dots flex and smoothed fine wrinkles.

In addition to high efficiency, women focus on its cheapness. After all, many love to drink a cup of coffee, after which the next portion of the domestic spacing remains.

As you can see, the list of available variations of coffee scrubs is rather big and this is only a part of all available options. If you always have a coffee thick on your hand, experiment and prepare natural coffee scrubs for yourself.


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