
What to do with sunburn. First aid with sunburn. Funds from sunburn, how to treat solar burn at home

What to do with sunburn. First aid with sunburn. Funds from sunburn, how to treat solar burn at home
When and what can be cured solar burns yourself, and in what cases it is better to consult a doctor.

Horny summer days each are associated with a sea beach, campaigning in the mountain or agriculture at the cottage. This list can be continued for a long time, but also of these events will be enough to spoil their rest, getting a sunny skin burn. This phenomenon is very often found, because many of us are not visited in winter solarium and do not go to rest in warm countries. On the contrary, we work for whole days in the office, at the factory or engaged in the house. As a result, our skin becomes sensitive to UV rays, and at the first "meeting" with the hot sun - burns. About how to prevent sunburn and what to do if it happened, we will talk in this article.

Types and degrees of sunburn

Sunny burn - skin damage as a result of an excessive effect of ultraviolet, followed by inflammatory factor. This is caused by the body's short-wavelength beams, which can affect the surface balls of the epidermis.

But do not forget about the long-wave rays of the type UV. Unlike UV-c, which are unable to penetrate deep down, long rays go deep into the skin, hitting the inner layers of connective tissues, causing various diseases.

There are two types of burns - sunburn face (body) and sunburn eye burn. With body burns, we meet most often, especially during the holiday season. But the face burns can be obtained even without visiting the beach. Sometimes enough just walk under the scorching sun, because the face is not covered with clothing, and cosmetics do not always have properties to resist ultraviolet. This is the most dangerous kind of burn, because the face that often flashes faster. This phenomenon even has a special name - photobore.

The second kind of burn is infrequent and sometimes not even noticed, but it does not reduce its health hazards. By burning the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye can be in the sun without glasses, and this can happen not only in summer, but also in winter. To suspect the sun burn eye on their redness and burning sensation. Such an injury may in the future cause cataracts or myopia.

Distinguish 4 degrees of burning, which depend on what state is the skin after sunburn:

  • 1 Degree - I know, probably, everyone: the skin swell a bit, "burning", blushes, and soon begins to get itching and peeling.
  • 2 The degree - the above features join a plurality of small blisters, it can increase the temperature slightly. When contacting with burnt leather, pain and discomfort marked.
  • 3 Degree - very strong burn, accompanied by tissue necrosis, less often - addition of bacterial infection.
  • 4 Degree is a strong coat harbing. It happens extremely rarely and only in people with 1 and 2 phototype of the skin.

For clarity, you can estimate the degrees of sunburn in the photo:

Solar burns and skin phototype: What is the relationship?

The skin in all its properties is different from different people and therefore in different ways perceives the sun rays. Some may not sleep with a clock under the scorching sun and equally acquire a dark skin shade without redness and bubbles. Others - for half an hour can "burn" with all the ensuing consequences. Such an individual skin peculiarity is determined by its phototype.

In nature, 6 main phototypes are distinguished with individual susceptibility of ultraviolet rays and laser radiation.

  • 1 Type (Fair "Celtic") - the most sensitive. It includes people with white skin and blond or red hair. The skin can have a light blue or reddish tint, there are freckles, and eyebrows and eyelashes are always bright. Even a few minutes in the sun without a protective cream provoke a strong sunburn. Their skin, as a rule, never acquires a dark shade and needs to use creams with a high SPF factor.
  • 2 Type (Light "EUROPEAN") - also has a high susceptibility to ultraviolet, but with a reasonable and dosed stay in the sun, it is quite possible to light up without burns. Type includes people with light or dark hair, and the skin of the ivory. Get a "chocolate" tan with the owners of this photoTip will not work, but if you make an effort, golden chill is quite possible.
  • 3 Type (Medium Light "Light Mixed") - European. Holders of this type have brown and blond hair, dark eyes, beige skin. It sunk such a skin better compared to the first two types, it easily acquires a light brown tan, and if burns - only peeling and easy redness appears. But ointment from sunburn may still need.
  • 4 Type (MEDIUM Dark "Dark Mixed") - more resistant to ultraviolet, lights easily. For him, a characteristic olive shade of the skin, without freckles, but often with white pigmentation (melanin deficiency). If the skin burns, everything costs short-term redness.
  • 5 Type (Skindark "Brown") - burns in exceptional cases. These are people with dark bronze leather, which, when tanning, acquires a dark chocolate tint.
  • 6 Type (Dark "Black") - the most resistant to UV rays. These are people with black leather and dark eyes. They actively produce a huge number of melanin, so they can be all day under the scorching sun without fears. With such a phototype of the skin there may not arise solar burns in no child or in an adult.

Sunny Burn - Characteristic Symptoms

After a long stay in the sun, it is not always immediately clear that you burned. Sometimes the first symptoms can be marked after 30-40 minutes. But most often you understand that they got a burn, a few hours later, and even longer.

Sunburns are accompanied by bright characteristic features that can be understood that you sunbathe too long. The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of the resulting burn and the sensitivity of your skin.

  • With moderate burning, a pronounced disease of the damaged skin plot will be present, distinct hyperemia, itching, the feeling of heat. When touching the skin will be very hot. After 2-3 days, the skin acquires the former look with a slight tank.
  • After a more intense tanning, a sun burn will appear and blisters will appear, and when you click on them there will be a serous separated. They can be small with clear boundaries or merge into large shapeless blisters. Solid crusts can also appear under which liquid accumulates. During their damage, deep layers of epidermis are noticeable, resembling a fresh wound.
  • If the process has acquired a severe degree of lesion, headache may appear, vomiting, sharp rise temperature, loss of consciousness. The presence of such symptoms suggests that you have a sunburn and a thermal blow. In such a situation, the treatment with folk remedies or anti-spare creams is unacceptable and need to immediately apply for medical care.

If you are just a bit burned and your skin has just blushed and zudit, you can do the folk remedies or creams from the first-aid kit. With more severe burns, it is better to turn to a dermatologist, especially if the burn is accompanied by the appearance of bubbles with blood or too much.

First aid for thermal and sunburn

Burns, regardless of their extent, need to be treated and treated. They can provoke the scarring of the skin, the injection of infection, the development of pigmentation and keratosis. This is especially dangerous if there are skin diseases, such as psoriasis or vitiligo. In addition, when burning a face, deep wrinkles may appear, the scars and the tone of the face may vary.

First aid for sunburn should be in such events:

  • If you are afraid of what has already burned, hurry to hide in the room. Even being in the shade of an umbrella or in the pavilion, you are still exposed to ultraviolet. It is important that the room is cool. To do this, turn on the air conditioner or make a draft.
  • Visually assess the degree of skin damage. If there is only redness and itching, you can resort to folk methods, and if bubbles immediately appeared - you definitely need to go to the dermatologist. From the degree of damage directly depends on how to treat solar burns, so it is important to actually assess your condition and the possibility of conducting therapy in the home environment.
  • As soon as you got to the house, take a cool shower. This will help reduce body temperature, calm the burnt skin, remove swelling, anesthetic. If only one piece of leather has burned hard, for example, a hand or foot, hold it under the jet of cold water for 3-5 minutes. If it is a back or stomach, you can apply a cold compress. At this stage it will be the best remedy for sunburn. Ice for this use is prohibited.
  • After the soul, blot your skin with a soft towel. Easy burn with cream or lotion (without alcohol!). Help aloe juice, calendula ointment, chamomile decoction, a means with hyaluronic acid. Note that it is impossible to smear burns with burns - they slow down the regeneration.
  • Wrap the affected segment with a marry bandage, while it is not covered with it.
  • With severe pain you can take an anesthetic.

To treat the sun burn at home is acceptable if it is 1 or 2 degrees, while feeling satisfactory, no traces of infection of the blister (liquid transparent without pus), temperate pain syndrome. If you have a burn of 3 or 4 degrees, you are sick, you lose consciousness and starts a strong heat, it is important to immediately contact the hospital where you will be the first help.

Treatment of sunburn at home

An insignificant skin burn is enough to lubricate any means after a tan or cream with a light texture, and then a couple of days to avoid staying in the sun. During this time, the skin will restore independently, it will take redness and itching. But if the skin suffered a little stronger, it will have to lie down.

  • The most effective is the remedy for solar burns with panthenol (for example, Panthenol spray, Bepanten ointment). This substance activates the natural regeneration of damaged cells of the epidermis. The tool is absolutely harmless, does not have adverse reactions and contraindications, suitable for kids and pregnant women. Used for burns low and medium severity.
  • If the burn is accompanied by the strong formation of blisters, swallowing wounds or dry bleeding cracks, it is advisable to use solk sector. This is a solution in ampoules, which quickly heals a different kind of damage to the tissues. For the same purposes, methyluracil ointment with paraffin will fit.
  • Help the skin will refresh the natural antioxidant - tocopherol. Buy a liquid solution of vitamin E in a pharmacy and lubricate them damaged skin instead of a cream from solar burns.
  • Often the burn is accompanied by pain and heat. To improve well-being, you can drink aspirin tablet, nourofen, diclofenac.
  • With extensive skin burning, it is worth drinking an antihistamine drug. It will speed up recovery, since the burn is a kind of allergic reaction to ultraviolet. Suprastin, Laratidin, quite fit.
  • If the skin in the burn site is very dry and peeling, you need to handle it with a lot of aloe vera or Kalaumin. At the same time, follow sufficient drink.

In case of serious skin damage, antiseptic assistance may be required during sunburn. At home, these drugs can be used:

  • Fasting ointment - perfectly heals both fresh and complicated burns. Furacilin antimicrobial substance is present, syntomicin antibiotic and anesthesine annesthetic.
  • Miramistine or chlorhexidine - a wide range of action. Instantly kill fungi, coccus flora, viruses, while not irritating the burned skin.
  • Agrosulfan is a means based on colloid silver. Applies only for burns 1-2 degrees.
  • Olocaine - an antiseptic with an anesthetic effect. He disinfects the skin, eliminates pain, removes swelling.
  • Rescuer - Balsam with sea buckthorn oil. Suitable with minor burns accompanied by dryness and cracks.

Solar burn - Treatment with folk remedies

Easy solar burns are successfully treated with simple ways using a screwdriver. As a rule, these are products that can always be found in the refrigerator, regardless of the season. Knowledge of such disadvantageous ambulances with a burn strongly helps, especially if it is not possible to go to the pharmacy kiosk or call the doctor.

So, what to do with a sunrobe, if there is no panthenol or cream after tanning:

  • Potatoes - First Help from Burn. Sutitate the raw root root on a shallow grater, impose a cleaner on the burn, after 20 minutes, wash with cold water. Redness, pain and heat weaken significantly.
  • Sour cream / kefir / cream - these dairy products with high fatty helps perfectly with light burns. You need to smear damaged skin, updating the ball every 2 hours.
  • Aloe is a universal cellean on the windowsill. Cut a couple of leaves, scroll them and mix with milk. Apply a remedy for a burn 3-4 times a day. It can be felt like a slight tingling on the skin.
  • Yolk - it is boiled, then they are painted in a frying pan, and then impose on burned skin. This method is suitable for any type of burn under the condition of skin integrity.
  • Cucumber juice is moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Toted cucumber with juice applies to the skin. It is uymet itching, cool and remove pain.
  • Lavender oil - compress with a pair of oil drops will reduce and dry blisters, tighten the wound.

I would like to recall that solar burns by folk remedies can be treated only with weak and moderate damage to the dermis. In other cases, medical care is always required.

What is forbidden to do with sunburn

  1. It is strictly forbidden to apply any alcohol-containing drugs and cosmetics.
  2. It is not recommended to wash the burn with soap, gel for the shower and other detergents for the body.
  3. It is impossible to smear the skin with fat cream, butter, lotion. This will block air circulation, will strengthen the thermal effect, accelerate the reproduction of the microbes.
  4. Contraindicated combing, breaking, shaking blisters. This is fraught with the development of infection and the scars in the future.

Sunburns are not only painful, but also a dangerous skin condition. Boil the tanning tools in advance and ignite your stay in the sun, according to your skin photo. It will save you from serious consequences after sunbathing.

Video "First Aid with Sun Burn"


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