
How to make a scrub from black dots at home. Black scrub from black dots. Best Face Scrub from Black Points

How to make a scrub from black dots at home. Black scrub from black dots. Best Face Scrub from Black Points
Natural scrubs will help get rid of black dots at home.

Black dots - the problem with which many girls face, regardless of age, features of the skin and care of the face. Get rid of black dots without squeezing and natural homemade scrubs can help without expensive tools. They deeply clean the pores and allow you to return the beauty of the skin. From this article, you will learn about the impact of scrubies, the rules of their use, as well as find many simple recipes for scrubics from black points.

Impact scrub on black dots

Any body scrubs are made to update the skin and clean the pores. However, black dots are deep contaminants, and to combat them a stronger impact is required. Scrubs designed to remove black points have a more intensive impact on the skin. This means that it is necessary to use such scrubs and with caution in order not to injure the skin. Before applying should be thoroughly washed, and after removing the scrub - apply a moisturizing cream. In compliance with these conditions, the scrub from black points will only bring positive results.

Scrubs from black points have the following impact on the skin:

  • open pores, making them accessible to purification;
  • remove fat and dirt from the pores due to large abrasive particles (for example, gravy or sugar grains);
  • contribute to the normalization of the work of the sebaceous glands and prevent the formation of new black points;
  • give the skin additional nutrition due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • with long use, scrubs improve the complexion.

You will see a certain effect after the first application, however, to completely get rid of black points, it may take some time. Scrubs should be made infrequently, but regularly. Optimally to make scrubs for the face with a frequency once a week.

Why scrubs are so effective and require such caution in use? As part of any scrub, the main thing is abrasive particles. It can be salt, soda, grain particles or nut shells. It is they who in the process of friction about the skin allow you to open and clean the pores. Therefore, when cooking scrubies, you should not use a blender - you just grind your ingredients overly and do not receive a proper effect.

How to apply scrub from black dots

Use such scrubs is caution, because they have a sufficiently strong impact. To avoid unwanted consequences, such as irritation, microtraumas of the skin or inflammation due to infection, follow the simple rules that are shown below.

  • Before applying the scrub, it should be thoroughly wash the skin.
  • Then you need to displeate the face to open the pores and allow scrub to work more effectively. To do this, the steam bath or hot compress is suitable. You can use clean water or herbs champs - most useful for skin chamomile or nettle.
  • Apply a scrub on the skin surface.
  • Starting with finger pads to rub the scrub on the inflamed sections of the face with soft massaging movements. It is this application that allows abrasive particles to purify pores.
  • Often, black dots arise in the so-called T-zone, which includes the lower part of the forehead over eyebrows, nose and chin. If your black dots are concentrated in this area, there is no need to rub the scrub on the cheeks so as not to injure delicate skin.
  • After 1-2 minutes you need to wash off the scrub cool water. It is impossible to use means for washing, it will be enough clean water.
  • Then apply a light moisturizing cream on the skin to prevent possible irritation.

With proper use, the scrub is perhaps the most reliable and successful tool from black points that can be applied at home. An alternative to him may be manual cleaning of the face on a sparkling skin, however, in such a way even more risks injure the skin and incur infection. In addition, the scrub is a faster remedy, because you rub it in all inflamed areas. Moreover, antiseptic substances in the scrub will prevent the re-appearance of black dots.

Homemade scrubs from black dots

Scrub against black points can be prepared independently from simple ingredients or buy a ready-made means. Finished scrubs are sold in large network supermarkets, cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Nevertheless, even the most expensive and proven funds will not be more natural than scrubs cooked with their own hands. The home scrub will allow you to remove black dots and at the same time be confident as ingredients, save and avoid possible allergic reactions.

The simplest scrubs can be prepared from products that are always at hand. Therefore, the manufacture of scrub and its application together will take you no more than five minutes. There are no clear rules of cooking scrubes - you can simply mix those useful skin products that are at home. It is necessary that large abrasive particles are attended, such as salt, coffee, sugar or seed particles.

How to make a home scrub from black dots: General Tips

When cooking scrub at home, use the following tips:

  • The optimal amount of ingredients for a good scrub is 2-4 substances. Do not mix too many different products and make scrub assisted.
  • Products that will affect how abrasive particles should be half of all ingredients in scrub.
  • If you use salt or sugar, you do not need to abundantly dilute the scrub water. Otherwise, the grains dissolve and will not create the expected effect. Instead of water in these cases, oil can be used.
  • A good scrub should remind a paste on the consistency. No need to make it too liquid or too dry.

  • A few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil can be added to the scrub - they will give the to the tool a pleasant smell and will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

To quickly prepare a scrub for the face of black dots, you can use simple recipes for home scrubics.

Scrub from black spots and soda

This is perhaps one of the simplest scrubs from black dots. Soda softens the skin and contributes to the disclosure of pores, and soda particles along with salt help remove contamination. Please note that such a scrub dries the skin. When dealing with black dots, this salt quality will be useful - it will help to regulate the salo-waste and avoid the accumulation of skin fat in the pores in the future.

To prepare such a simple scrub, do the following:

  • Take one tablespoon of soda, pour it into a small container.
  • Dilute the soda with water or oil by adding a floor spoon of the liquid. It is better to choose olive, arana, castor, linen or grape oil for domestic scrubs.
  • Stir soda with liquid before receiving a homogeneous consistency.
  • Pour another tablespoon of a large sea salt.
  • Stir all the ingredients.

Now the scrub of salt and soda is ready. Saw face skin before the procedure. Apply salt and soda to problem areas of the skin of the face, start gently rub to the massaging movements of the fingers. Leave the scrub on the skin for a couple of minutes so that he will affect. Then wash all the cool water without soap and apply the usual face cream. After any scrubs with salt, moisturizing creams are suitable, so as not to cut the skin. However, it is not worth choosing creams with a dense oily texture to not clog the opening pores again.

Scrub from black dots from honey and cinnamon

This is another simple scrub of two ingredients. Honey and cinnamon not only help clean the skin, but also saturate with vitamins and microelements. For such a scrub it is worth taking fresh liquid honey - then you will not need to additionally dilute the mixture with water or oil.

How to make a scrub made of honey and cinnamon:

  • For one-time application, there is enough one tablespoon of liquid honey. Put it in the prepared dishes.
  • If you have cinnamon powder, just pour out one spoon of seasoning in honey. If you want to use cinnamon sticks, then for starters need to be chopped using a knife or spoon.
  • Mix honey and cinnamon - your scrub from black dots ready.

In the same way, like most other scrubs, to apply honey with cinnamon stands on the steaming skin, and wash off with cold water. It is still not recommended to use soap and gels for washing, but honey sticks to the skin, so it may not be easy to wash off with one water. In this case, the best solution will be micellar water or any lotion for gentle removal of makeup. Such means will help get rid of the residues of the scrub and provide the skin with the necessary effect after peeling.

Scrub from black dots with yogurt, salt, lemon and honey

Yogurt can also be a good base for a home scrub. Such a scrub deeply cleans the skin of the face and gives it the necessary meals. Despite the fact that in this scrappy there are more ingredients, to make it as easy as previous homemade.

Please note that you need a thick natural yogurt without additives. Use ready-made yogurts with sugar and fruit is undesirable, as they do not contain such a quantity of nutrients as natural options. Liquid yogurt should not be used either, otherwise the scrub will be not the consistency.

Scrub based on yogurt:

  • Take half a spoon of thick natural yogurt and post it into a suitable container.
  • With the help of a grater, grind the fresh lemon zest and add half spoons to yogurt.
  • Add a bit of honey and mix thoroughly. Make sure the consistency turned out to be sufficiently thick.
  • Now pour a few pinch salts and mix all the ingredients again. Such a scrub can be applied to the skin.

The lemon zest and salt have a drying effect on the skin and help regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. Nevertheless, with such a scrub you can not be afraid to cut the skin, because yogurt will give enough moisture. Irritation after such a successful scrub happens extremely rare. This is a great gentle option that is suitable for all skin types.

Coffee scrub from black dots with salt and oil

Coffee scrub is another way to get rid of black dots. This recipe is based on oil and is well suited for dry and mixed skin. Coffee scrub with salt and butter deeply cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, and also leaves a pleasant aroma of coffee.

How to cook this scrub:

  • Take a tablespoon of ground coffee. Best of all suitable fresh coffee coffee. It is not necessary to use soluble coffee for scrub, because it will not give any proper purification, no food to the skin.
  • Add a teaspoon of grape, olive or argan oil to coffee. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Add a spoonful salt, mix again the scrub, and apply on the face.

The scrub of the three ingredients effectively removes pollution, and you will see a positive result after the first application. This scrub will be quite intense, so it is necessary to apply it to damaged thin skin, prone to irritation. If you fear for the result, add a bit of yogurt or honey - so the scrub will be softer.

Scrub from black dots with oat flakes, orange and clay

Clay is an excellent tool for deep skin cleansing. Cosmetic clay can be bought on any pharmacy or in a major supermarket - usually it is sold in small bags, which are enough for 2-3 applications. Clay masks are useful for skin, however, if you want to fight black dots and get rid of them as quickly as possible, it is worth combining clay with other ingredients. Crumpled oatmeal and zesto orange are perfectly suitable for scrub.

How to prepare clay-based scrub:

  • Clay quickly freezes, so it costs to start with the preparation of other ingredients. Grind oatmeal with a knife or mill. For simplicity, you can also use large-grinding oat flour. You will need a teaspoon of flakes or flour for one-time application.
  • Sitty lemon zest about the same quantity as oatmeal.
  • Mix two products.
  • Add a tablespoon of clay, mix everything and quickly apply on the face until the clay has time to start to stick. The remaining clay hermetically spare into the cellophane package so that it can be used the next time.

Keep this scrub on the face until the clamp gets up. Then rush to cool water and apply cream. Such peeling is an excellent prevention of blackpoints, acne and inflammation, so it is worth applying it not only to problem areas of the skin, but also on the whole face.

Scrub from black dots with salt, honey and cocoa

Sweet lover will certainly appreciate this delicious scrub. Many know that natural cocoa is a very useful product, including for the skin of the face. Peeling using cocoa powder, salt and honey helps to update the skin and clear the pores deep. In addition, this procedure will be pleasant.

Cocoa face-based scrub:

  • Take a tablespoon of honey and lay out in the prepared dishes.
  • Add natural cocoa powder to honey and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Now add a tablespoon of salt. You can apply a scrub on your face.

In addition to the deep pore cleansing, such a scrub exfoliates dead skin cells, provides deep nutrition and moisturizing. After use, the skin will be clean, tender and smooth. To maintain the effect, it is worth doing such a peeling every 7-10 days.

Scrub from black dots with oat flakes, sugar and aloe

This is another simple variant of the scrub against black dots. Aloe juice is known for its healing properties, and many this plant stands on the windowsill at home. From aloe, sugar and oatmeal can be made a useful scrub, which gently affects the skin.

How to make a scrub of oatmeal, sugar and aloe:

  • Grind oatmeal and add some water so that they soften.
  • Add a tablespoon of sugar.
  • Cut a small piece of aloe, grind it with a knife and add to the resulting mixture.
  • Stir all the ingredients and apply on the skin.

This scrub acts softly and is suitable even for sensitive skin, although it may be necessary to remove pronounced black points to remove several applications. Also, thanks to the properties of aloe juice, the scrub has an antiseptic effect on the skin and prevents the formation of inflammation in the future.


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