
Homemade scrub for soda face and body. How to make a scrub of soda and other ingredients, recipes, reviews

Homemade scrub for soda face and body. How to make a scrub of soda and other ingredients, recipes, reviews
Soda allows you to deeply clean the skin without causing irritation. It can be used separately or in combination with other ingredients.

Soda-based scrubs are a wonderful homemade feeding agent, allowing cleaning the skin, make it softer and silky and prevent inflammation. Soda-based scrub is a rather gentle means, so it is suitable for any skin. In addition, such a scrub is much more affordable than expensive cosmetics. In this article, you will learn more about the action of soda on the skin, and you can also familiarize yourself with the recipes of domestic scrubs.

Soda-based scrubics

The effect of any scrub is based on the removal of damaged particles of the skin with small abrasive particles. Due to this, the skin becomes smoother and soft. Before the beginning of the summer season, it is especially recommended to begin to make peeling so that the tan lay smoothly and kept on the skin longer. In addition, scrubs perfectly clean the skin, including complex pollution in the pores.

Scrubs are often made on the basis of sugar, salt or soda. Soda is a sufficiently soft tool that will allow you to exhaust the skin, not traumating and not irritating it. The scrub on its basis is suitable for any type of skin, it can be applied to the body and face.

Soda-based scrub will allow you:

  • make a careful cleansing of the skin, exfoliating damaged layers;
  • soda softens the skin and contributes to the disclosure of the pore, so it becomes effectively fighting with black dots;
  • soda-based scrub deeply cleanse the skin from any contamination;
  • the antiseptic properties of soda will prevent the re-appearance of black dots, acne or acne;
  • soda restores the pH balance of the skin, maintaining the correct microflora - this is especially important for the skin of the face with frequent use of decorative cosmetics;
  • such a scrub will help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • soda scrub contributes to the healing of skin microcracks and prevents possible inflammation.

Application of soda scrub

As you can see, the soda itself has a favorable effect on the skin and helps to cope with many problems. It can be used one - just enough to dissolve the soda with water. You can also add different other useful ingredients and make scrubs that are best suited to care for your skin: after all, much depends on individual characteristics.

However, soda is a fairly universal means for deep cleansing the skin of the face and body. First results you will see after one-time application. To maintain the health and beauty of the skin, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once a week for normal skin and once every 10 days for fine sensitive skin.

Note also that more often scrubs are required during the summer. This is due to the fact that when we go to summer clothes, the skin is faster than polluted. Also plays a role also increased sweating and exposure to sunlight, as a result of which the process of dieting cells and skin updates is faster.

Another criterion indicating the need for regular scrubies is the constant wearing makeup on the face. Even the best gels for washing and make-up removal means sometimes do not remove fine particles of the tonal cream. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of black dots and acne, it is recommended to periodically make a deep cleansing of the skin of the face using scrubs with soda.

Rules for applying scrub with soda

Despite the fact that the soda is a rather gentle agent, it, like any basis for the scrub, contains abrasive particles. It is due to them that the exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin and deep purification is achieved. However, if possible, it is possible to injure the skin and learn irritation. To avoid this, use simple tips on applying scrub to face and body.

Rules for applying scrub from soda on face

  • Scrub is applied to the main facial muscles: on the surface of the cheek, forehead, chin and nose. If you make a scrub against black dots, you can only apply it to inflamed areas of the skin. Usually this is the so-called T-zone: the lower part of the forehead, the skin on the nose and the chin is most often suffering from black dots, small acne and acne.
  • Apply the scrub pads to the fingers. It is better to make it soft massaging movements so that abrasive particles felt on the skin.
  • When applied to the scrub on the nose, move from the bridges to the wings of the nose. When applied to the cheeks, massage the skin from the nose towards the temples. Processing forehead and chin, perform your fingers from the center to the edges.
  • When peeling a person, it is also recommended to apply a scrub on the neck and on the neckline line.
  • No need to apply a scrub on the surface of the eyelid, the skin under the eyes and lips - the skin is very gentle there, so abrasive particles can injure it.
  • Do not hold the scrub on the face longer than 10 minutes. The optimal time for Soda scrub is 2-3 minutes. During this time, Soda will have time to act and will not cause irritation even on the problem skin.
  • Wash out the scrub cool water to close the pores and calm the skin. You should not use soap immediately after scrub.

Rules for applying scrub from soda on the body

  • Apply the scrub recommended for the whole body.
  • First apply the scrub on your arms and legs and then on the torso.
  • Crop the scrub on the skin wide circular movements.
  • The scrub on the body can be kept longer on the face, because the skin is not so sensitive. Specific time will depend on the recipe. Soda scrub can be kept about half an hour, however, it will be enough to cleanse several minutes.
  • Dish scrub from the body also preferably cool water.

Soda's homemade scrub recipe

Despite the fact that often scrubs are prepared from several ingredients, peeling face and bodies can be done using Soda alone. In order to use a scrub on face, neck and lines of the neckline, 2 tablespoons will be required. To deeply clean the skin throughout the body it is worth taking a glass of soda.

Dilute soda for a mask is the best clean filtered room temperature water. The ratio of the amount of water to soda should be 1/2. Your scrub should resemble a paste on the consistency. No need to make it too liquid so that it does not glare by the body. Nevertheless, you should not make it too thick, so as not to injure the skin with dry grains of soda.

If your goal is to clean the pores and get rid of black dots, you can breed the soda heat with water. It will contribute to the disclosure of pores and efficient removal of contamination. Instead of water, you can also use natural juices, dairy products and grasses pilerapers - daisy and nettle are considered especially useful for skin. They will give the skin extra food, moisturize it and be saturated with vitamins and trace elements.

You should not direct the scrub in advance for a week. Although, if you dilute the soda with water, it can well be stored under the film, still the best solution will be prepared by the scrub before each application. Breeding soda will not take you a lot of time. If you have a tight schedule, make soda, apply it and wash away you can have time in literally in 10 minutes.

Other soda-based scrubics

Based on soda, it is possible to make a huge variety of scrubies, adding the soda of the ingredients that will be most useful to you and fit on the peculiarities of your skin. You can independently come up with a scrub recipe that will help to fight your problems and take care of your skin. Almost any natural foods act positively on the state of the skin and saturate it with those or other useful substances. Honey, lemon, pepper, yogurt, oatmeal, vegetable oils, coffee, cocoa, salt, carrot juice, orange zest, clay and colorless henna is a small list of those products that are often used in scrubs.

Selecting the scrub for yourself, make sure you have no allergies to certain ingredients. For example, nut butters, citrus or honey can cause an allergic reaction on the skin and lead to unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, only proven products are applied to the body.

Despite the fact that the soda is a rather neutral option suitable for all skin types, not every product can be considered as universal. It is worth paying attention to the properties of the ingredients that you add to the scrub. For example, lemon juice has a drying effect and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, pepper increases the skin tone and improves blood circulation, and carrot juice saturates the skin with the necessary vitamin B, which gives smoothness and elasticity. If you are not sure which scrub is best done for your skin type, use the ready-made recipes for simple and efficient scrubs.

Soda-based scrubs for normal skin

In such scrubs there should be no ingredients drying the skin. Especially intensive nutrition will also not play a big role. The purpose of such scrubes is to maintain the health and beauty of the skin, moisturizing and cleansing. Make most such scrubes are completely simple. For normal skin, you can taste the following scraping options.

Scrub with soda, yogurt and honey

In order to make such a scrub, you need to mix these three ingredients. Make sure you have no allergies on honey or lactose. It is better to use liquid homogeneous honey and natural yogurt without sugar, fruits and other additives. Yoghurt should be thick so that the scrub turns out the desired consistency. These products perfectly complement each other, providing comprehensive care and nutrition of your skin. Prepare this home scrub as follows:

  • Take yoghurt, honey and soda in proportions 1/1/2.
  • First, thoroughly mix the yogurt with honey and lay out in a separate container.
  • Then begin to pour out the soda, thoroughly mixing the whole mass so that soda grains are distributed evenly.
  • When you got a lot of needed consistency, you can apply a scrub on face and body.

What effect will give a similar scrub? You already know that the soda has mitigating properties, contributes to deep skin cleansing, restores the pH balance and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.

In turn, honey has an antiseptic effect - it warns inflammation, fungal infections, as well as excellently fights acne - in particular, with acne. Also honey has a healing effect and will be useful if the skin has microcracks and other damage. Moreover, honey is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and microelements that are so necessary any skin.

Yoghurt provides sufficient moisturizing skin, without making it fat. So you can maintain the condition of the skin balanced. In addition, yogurt saturates with fatty acids and perfectly prevents acne and irritation.

Scrub with soda, vegetable oil and carrot juice

This is another scrub that will help support the skin in good condition. It is no secret that carrot juices are useful for skin health, hair and nails. The fact is that carrots are rich in vitamin B, who is responsible for women's beauty. Best of all, this vitamin is absorbed in a fatty environment, so it is recommended to dissolve this scrub oil. Olive, argan oil or grape bone oil.

  • Prepare vegetable oil, carrot juice with flesh and soda in proportions 1/2/3.
  • Mix the oil with juice and pulp.
  • Add soda, stirring your scrub to a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply a scrub on the skin.

In addition to deep purification, this scrub will ensure the skin moisturizing and nutrition. This is achieved at the expense of vitamins contained in carrot juice and proteins that are rich in vegetable oils.

Scrubs based on soda for oily skin

Excessive selection of fat threatens not only an excessive brilliance of a person, but also possible inflammation. Overall skin is faster, forming black dots. Also in the pores of oily leather, bacteria develop faster, which in turn cause small acne or acne. That this does not happen, it is required to restore the normal balance of substances in the skin and adjust the work of the sebaceous glands. It is possible to achieve this with the following scrubs.

Scrub with soda, coffee and lemon zest

Coffee is a useful skin product that is very used in scrubs. Fresh ground coffee grains can also be used as abrasive particles. In addition, coffee has a large number of beneficial substances and antiseptic properties. Lemon zest is one of the few ingredients that effectively dry the skin without causing irritation.

  • To prepare this scrub, take soda, coffee, lemon zest and water in a 2/1/1/2 ratio.
  • First, spread the water soda.
  • Then add fresh ground coffee and mix everything to uniform color.
  • Then prepare the zest with a knife or grater. You can use a dry zest, but fresh will act more efficiently.
  • Add the zest to the total mass, mix everything and can apply a scrub on the skin.

This scrub will help make the skin softer, elastic and taped. It will also balance the work of the sebaceous glands and will prevent the development of inflammation. The scrub is equally well suited for both the face and body. Especially relevant, this drying scrub will be in the summer season.

Soda and clay scrub

Clay - skin-beneficial product, which is often used for masks. The clay disinfects the skin, saturates it with minerals and gives moisture, eliminating from excessive fat content. These useful properties of clay in combination with abrasive particles of soda will provide comprehensive cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition for your skin.

Make such a scrub is very simple: clay is sold in pharmacies, cosmetic stores and large supermarkets. One bag is enough for a full-fledged body scrub or 3-4 face scrub. Store outdoor clay bag needed hermetically packaged that the contents do not dry.

  • Mix clay and soda in a 1/1 ratio.
  • If the mass turned out too thick, add some water.
  • Thoroughly mix and apply on the skin.

This scrub has a rejuvenating effect, perfectly exfoliates dead cells and moisturizes the skin, giving it a healthy look without fatty glitter. If you suffer from acne, soda and clay scrub will also help solve this problem.

Soda-based scrubs for dry skin

Dry skin is another frequent problem. Skin dryness may occur due to various factors: regular tan, lack of nutrients, constant wear of makeup or poor water quality for washing. The following two scrubs will help clean and moisturize the skin, as well as provide it with the necessary nutrients.

Scrub with soda and vegetable oil

This is a very simple, but efficient scrub for nutrition and skin moisturizing. All you need is to breed soda with vegetable oil. It is better to choose the olive oil of cold spin, grape bone oil or argan oil.

  • You can take soda and oil in the 2/1 ratio. If the mass is too thick, add clean water.
  • Mix everything and apply on the skin.

Vegetable oils contain the necessary proteins and vitamins that provide the skin of complex food. For a better effect, you can mix different oils or alternate them. A similar scrub carefully cleanse the pores, minimizes the risk of irritation, makes the skin noticeably more elastic and tightened. The effect of this scrub you will find after the first application.

Scrub with soda and flesh avocado

Avocado-based scrub with soda is another efficient and natural way to carefully clean the skin and additionally moistened it. The flesh of avocado contributes to deep moistening, saturates the skin with vitamins and proteins.

  • You need to take avocados and soda in a 1/1 ratio.
  • Move avocado to homogeneous mass.
  • Carefully mix avocado with soda.
  • If necessary, it is worth adding a little water so that the scrub's consistency resembled a soft paste.

This natural scrub very carefully cleans the skin and moisturizes it without the risk of excessive fat. Avocado texture softens the effect of soda abrasive particles and makes a scrub suitable even for very dry, thin and damaged skin.

Scrubs based on soda from black dots

Based on soda, you can also prepare efficient scrubs from black points. Such scrubs should work more intensively than the usual, because it is not easy to remove deep contaminants. Often the small abrasive particles of soda are not enough to get rid of black points. It helps to soften the skin and open the pores, however, to remove the contaminations require additional components. For example, you can use sugar or salt.

Scrub with soda, sea salt and butter

This is a very simple, but popular scrub that helps get rid of black dots. Large particles of sea salt in the process of friction about the skin are removed contamination from the pores, and the oil allows you to give the skin additional nutrition and moisturizing.

  • Take a tablespoon of soda, a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This quantity is enough to apply a scrub on face.
  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • Slightly warm the mixture in the water bath.

This scrub can be applied to all the skin of the face or only to problem areas. Most often, the T-zone suffers from black points. In this case, the scrub can be distributed over the forehead, nose and chin. Please note that scrubs from black points need to be applied to pre-steamed skin, and wash off with cold water. Sometimes to combat black dots there is not enough single application scrub. The procedure should be repeated once a week.

Scrub with soda, sugar, cocoa and butter

The scrub from black points can also be made with the addition of sugar and cocoa. Unlike salt, which gives a dry effect, this scrub is better suitable for dry damaged skin. Sugar will allow cleaning the pores, and cocoa and vegetable oil make the skin smooth and soft.

  • Take soda, cocoa, sugar and vegetable oil in proportion 1/1/1/2.
  • Heat the oil in a separate container.
  • Mix all the ingredients and quickly apply on the face so that the sugar particles do not completely dissolve.

Such a scrub can also be applied to a person or only to problem areas. Perhaps after such intense scrubs from black points of the skin, additional care will be required. Wash the scrub cool water without the use of soap, apply a light moisturizing cream that usually use, and refrain from using decorative cosmetics for several hours.


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