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Home scrub for face and body from soda. How to make a scrub of soda and other ingredients, recipes, reviews

Home scrub for face and body from soda. How to make a scrub of soda and other ingredients, recipes, reviews
Soda allows you to deeply cleanse the skin without causing irritation. It can be used separately or in combination with other ingredients.

Soda -based scrubs are an excellent peeling home remedy that allows you to cleanse the skin, make it softer and silky and prevent inflammation. Soda -based scrub is a fairly gentle remedy, so it is suitable for any skin. In addition, such a scrub is much more accessible than expensive cosmetics. In this article you will learn more about the action of soda on the skin, and you can also familiarize yourself with the recipes of home scrubs.

Soda -based scrubs action

The action of any scrub is based on the removal of keratinized skin particles using small abrasive particles. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more smooth and soft. Before the start of the summer season, it is especially recommended to start peeling so that the tan goes more evenly and stays on the skin longer. In addition, scrubs perfectly cleanse the skin, including complex contaminants in the pores.

Scrubs are often made on the basis of sugar, salt or soda. Soda is a sufficiently soft remedy that will allow you to exfoliate the skin without injuring or irritating it. A scrub based on it is suitable for any type of skin, it can be applied to both the body and on the face.

Soda -based scrub will allow you:

  • to carefully cleanse the skin, exfoliating the keratinized layers;
  • soda softens the skin and promotes the disclosure of pores, so effectively fights black dots;
  • soda -based scrub will deeply cleanse the skin from any contaminants;
  • the antiseptic properties of soda prevent the re -appearance of black dots, acne or acne;
  • soda restores pH balance of the skin, supporting the correct microflora - this is especially important for the skin of the face with frequent use of decorative cosmetics;
  • such a scrub will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • soda scrub contributes to the healing of microcracks of the skin and prevents possible inflammation.

The use of a scrub from soda

As you can see, soda itself has a favorable effect on the skin and helps to cope with many problems. It can be used one - just dilute soda with water. You can also add different other useful ingredients and make scrubs that are best suited to take care of your skin: after all, a lot depends on individual characteristics.

Nevertheless, soda is a fairly universal tool for deep cleansing the skin of the face and body. You will see the first results after a single use. To maintain the health and beauty of the skin, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once a week for normal skin and once every 10 days for thin sensitive skin.

Please note that more often scrubs are required in the summer. This is due to the fact that when we walk in summer clothes, the skin is polluted faster. The increased sweating and exposure to sunlight also plays a role, as a result of which the process of dying cells and skin renewal is faster.

Another criterion indicating the need for regular scrubs is the constant wearing of makeup on the face. Even the best gels for washing and removing makeup sometimes do not remove small particles of foundation. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of black dots and acne, it is recommended to periodically do deep cleansing of the skin with scrubs with soda.

Rules for applying a scrub with soda

Despite the fact that soda is a rather gentle remedy, it, like any basis for a scrub, contains abrasive particles. It is thanks to them that the extension of the upper layer of the skin and deep cleansing is achieved. However, with improper use, you can injure the skin and learn irritation. To avoid this, use simple tips for applying a scrub to the face and body.

Rules for applying a scrub from soda to face

  • The scrub is applied to the main facial muscles: to the surface of the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. If you make a scrub against black dots, you can apply it only to inflamed areas of the skin. Usually it is the so-called T-zone: the lower part of the forehead, the skin on the nose and on the chin most often suffers from black dots, small acne and acne.
  • Apply scrub with fingertips. It is better to do this with soft massaging movements so that abrasive particles are felt on the skin.
  • When applying a scrub on the nose, move from the nose to the wings of the nose. When applying on the cheeks, massage the skin from the nose towards the temples. When processing the forehead and chin, perform movements with your fingers from the center to the edges.
  • When peeling the face, it is also recommended to apply a scrub around the neck and on the neckline.
  • No need to apply a scrub to the surface of the eyelids, the skin under the eyes and lips - the skin there is very delicate, so abrasive particles can injure it.
  • Do not hold the scrub on your face longer than 10 minutes. The optimal time for a scrub of soda is 2-3 minutes. During this time, Soda will have time to act and will not cause irritation even on problem skin.
  • Rinse the scrub with cool water to close the pores and calm the skin. Do not use the soap immediately after the scrub.

Rules for applying a scrub from soda to the body

  • It is recommended to apply a scrub to the whole body.
  • First, apply scrub on your arms and legs, and then on the body.
  • Rub the scrub on the skin with wide circular movements.
  • The scrub on the body can be kept on your face, because the skin is not so sensitive. A specific time will depend on the recipe. A scrub of soda can be kept for about half an hour, but it will be enough for cleansing a few minutes.
  • Rinse the scrub with the body also preferably cool water.

Homemade soda soda soda recipe

Despite the fact that often scrubs are prepared from several ingredients, facial and body peeling can be made with the help of soda alone. In order to use a scrub on the face, neck and neckline, 2 tablespoons will be required. To deeply cleanse the skin all over the body, it is worth taking a glass of soda.

Diluting soda for a mask is best clean, cleaned water at room temperature. The ratio of the amount of water to the soda should be 1/2. Your scrub should resemble a paste in consistency. No need to make it too liquid so that it does not flow through the body. Nevertheless, do not make it too thick so as not to injure the skin with dry grains of soda.

If your goal is to clean the pores and get rid of black dots, you can dilute soda with warm water. It will contribute to the disclosure of pores and the effective removal of pollution. Instead of water, you can also use natural juices, dairy products and decoctions of herbs - chamomile and nettles are considered especially useful for the skin. They will give the skin additional nutrition, moisturize it and saturate it with vitamins and microelements.

Do not draw a scrub in advance for weeks ahead. Although, if you dilute soda with water, it can be stored under the film, nevertheless, the best solution would be to prepare a scrub before each use. Breeding soda will not take you much time at all. If you have a tight schedule, dilute soda, apply it and wash it off in just 10 minutes.

Other options for scrubs based on soda

Based on soda, you can make a huge variety of scrubs by adding soda soda that will be most useful to you and are suitable for the features of your skin. You can yourself come up with a scrub recipe that will help fight your problems and take care of your skin. Almost any natural products have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and saturate it with certain useful substances. Honey, lemon, pepper, yogurt, oatmeal, vegetable oils, coffee, cocoa, salt, carrot juice, orange zest, clay and colorless henna are a small list of those products that are often used in scrubs.

When choosing a scrub for yourself, make sure that you do not have an allergy to certain ingredients. For example, nut oils, citrus or honey can cause an allergic reaction on the skin and lead to unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, only proven products are worth applying to the body.

Despite the fact that soda is a fairly neutral option suitable for all skin types, not every product can be considered the same universal. It is worth paying attention to the properties of the ingredients that you add to the scrub. For example, lemon juice has a drying effect and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, pepper increases skin tone and improves blood circulation, and carrot juice saturates the skin with the necessary vitamin B, which gives smoothness and elasticity. If you are not sure which scrub is best done for your skin type, use ready -made recipes for simple and effective scrubs.

Soda -based scrubs for normal skin

There should not be ingredients that dry the skin in such scrubs. Especially intensive nutrition will also not play a big role. The purpose of such scrubs is to maintain the health and beauty of the skin, moisturizing and cleansing. Most such scrubs are completely easy. For normal skin, you can try the following scrub options.

Scrub with soda, yogurt and honey

In order to make such a scrub, you need to mix these three ingredients. Make sure that you do not have an allergy to honey or lactose. It is better to use liquid homogeneous honey and natural yogurt without sugar, fruits and other additives. Yogurt should be thick so that the scrub turns out to be the desired consistency. These products perfectly complement each other, providing comprehensive care and nutrition of your skin. Prepare this home scrub as follows:

  • Take yogurt, honey and soda in proportions 1/1/2.
  • To begin with, carefully mix yogurt with honey and put in a separate container.
  • Then begin to pour soda, thoroughly mixing the entire mass so that the grains of soda are distributed evenly.
  • When you received a lot of the desired consistency, you can apply a scrub to the face and body.

What effect will such a scrub give? You already know that soda has mitigating properties, promotes deep skin cleansing, restores pH balance and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In turn, honey has an antiseptic effect - it prevents inflammation, fungal infections, and also fights excellently with acne - in particular, with acne. Honey also has a healing effect and will be useful if there are microcracks and other damage on the skin. Moreover, honey is a storehouse of useful substances, vitamins and trace elements that are so necessary for any skin.

Yogurt provides the skin with sufficient moisture, without making it fat. So you can maintain the condition of the skin balanced. In addition, yogurt saturates the skin with fatty acids and perfectly prevents acne and irritation.

Scrub with soda, vegetable oil and carrot juice

This is another scrub that will help maintain the skin in good condition. It is no secret that carrot juices are useful for the health of the skin, hair and nails. The fact is that carrots are rich in vitamin B, which is responsible for female beauty. This vitamin is best absorbed in a fat environment, so it is recommended to breed this scrub with oil. Olive, argan oil or grape seed oil is suitable.

  • Prepare vegetable oil, carrot juice with pulp and soda in 1/2/3 proportions.
  • Mix oil with juice and pulp.
  • Add soda by mixing your scrub to a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply scrub to the skin.

In addition to deep cleansing, this scrub will provide the skin with moisture and nutrition. This is achieved due to vitamins contained in carrot juice and proteins, which are rich in vegetable oils.

Soda -based scrubs for oily skin

Excessive release of fat threatens not only an excessive luster of the face, but also possible inflammation. Burning skin is polluted faster, forming black dots. Also, bacteria develop faster in the pores of oily skin, which in turn cause small acne or acne. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to restore the normal balance of substances in the skin and adjust the work of the sebaceous glands. This can be achieved using the following scrubs.

Scrub with soda, coffee and lemon zest

Coffee is a healthy skin product that is very part in scrubs. Croats of fresh ground coffee can also be used as abrasive particles. In addition, coffee has a large amount of nutrients and antiseptic properties. Lemon zest is one of the few ingredients that effectively dry the skin without causing irritation.

  • To prepare this scrub, take soda, coffee, lemon zest and water in a ratio of 2/1/1/2.
  • First dilute soda with water.
  • Then add fresh ground coffee and mix everything until smooth.
  • Then prepare the zest with a knife or grater. You can use dry zest, but fresh will act more efficiently.
  • Add the zest to the total mass, mix everything and you can apply a scrub to the skin.

This scrub will help make the skin softer, elastic and toned. It will also allow to balance the work of the sebaceous glands and prevent the development of inflammation. The scrub is equally well suited for both the face and the body. This drying scrub will be especially relevant in the summer season.

Scrub with soda and clay

Clay is a useful product that is often used for masks. Clay disinfects the skin, saturates it with minerals and gives hydration, while eliminating excessive fat content. These beneficial properties of clay in combination with abrasive particles of soda will provide comprehensive cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition for your skin.

To make such a scrub is very simple: clay is sold in pharmacies, cosmetic stores and large supermarkets. One bag is enough for a full-fledged body scrub or 3-4 face scrub. Store an open clay bag should be sealed so that the contents do not dry out.

  • Mix clay and soda in a ratio of 1/1.
  • If the mass is too thick, add a little water.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin.

This scrub has an anti -aging effect, perfectly exfoliates dead cells and moisturizes the skin, giving it a healthy look without oily shine. If you suffer from acne, a scrub of soda and clay will also help to solve this problem.

Soda -based scrubs for dry skin

Dry skin is another common problem. Dryness of the skin can occur due to various factors: regular tanning, lack of nutrients, constant wear of makeup or poor water quality for washing. The following two scrubs will help clean and moisturize the skin, as well as provide it with the necessary nutrients.

Scrub with soda and vegetable oil

This is a very simple, but effective scrub for nutrition and moisturizing the skin. All you need is to dilute soda with vegetable oil. It is better to choose cold pressing olive oil, grape seed oil or argan oil.

  • You can take soda and oil in a 2/1 ratio.   If the mass is too thick, add clean water.
  • Mix everything and apply to the skin.

Vegetable oils contain the necessary proteins and vitamins, which provide the skin with comprehensive nutrition. For the best effect, you can mix different oils or alternate them. Such a scrub will carefully cleanse the pores, minimizes the risk of irritation, make the skin noticeably more elastic and tightened. You will find the effect of this scrub after the first application.

Scrub with soda and pulp avocado

Avocado -based scrub with soda is another effective and natural way to carefully cleanse the skin and moisturize it additionally. Avocado pulp promotes deep moisture, saturates the skin with vitamins and proteins.

  • You need to take avocado and soda in a ratio of 1/1.
  • Mark the avocado to a homogeneous mass.
  • Carefully mix avocado with soda.
  • If necessary, add a little water so that the consistency of the scrub resembles a soft paste.

This natural scrub very carefully cleanses the skin and moisturizes it without the risk of excessive fat content. The texture of the avocado softens the effect of abrasive particles of soda and makes the scrub suitable even for very dry, thin and damaged skin.

Black dots soda scrubs

Based on soda, you can also prepare effective scrubs from black dots. Such scrubs should work more intensively than ordinary ones, since it is not easy to remove deep pollution from pores. Often small abrasive particles of soda are not enough to get rid of black dots. It helps to soften the skin and open pores, however, to remove pollution, additional components are required. For example, you can use sugar or salt.

Scrub with soda, sea salt and oil

This is a very simple, but popular scrub that helps get rid of black dots. Large particles of sea salt during friction on the skin are removed from pores, and oil allows the skin to give additional nutrition and moisturizes.

  • Take a tablespoon of soda, a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This amount is enough to apply a scrub to the face.
  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • Gently heat the mixture in a water bath.

This scrub can be applied to the entire skin of the face or only to problem areas. Most often, the T-zone suffers from black dots. In this case, the scrub can be distributed along the forehead, nose and chin. Please note that scrubs from black dots must be applied to pre -steamed skin, and washed off with cold water. Sometimes to combat black dots are not enough single use of scrub. The procedure should be repeated once a week.

Scrub with soda, sugar, cocoa and oil

The scrub from black dots can also be made with the addition of sugar and cocoa. Unlike salt, which gives a drying effect, this scrub is better for dry damaged skin. Sugar will clean the pores, and cocoa and vegetable oil will make the skin smooth and soft.

  • Take soda, cocoa, sugar and vegetable oil in a proportion of 1/1/1/2.
  • Heat the oil in a separate container.
  • Mix all the ingredients and quickly apply to the face so that sugar particles do not dissolve completely.

Such a scrub can also be applied to the whole face or only to problem areas. Perhaps, after such intense scrubs from black points, additional care will be required. Rinse the scrub with cool water without using soap, apply a light moisturizer that you usually use and refrain from using decorative cosmetics for several hours.

