
Is it possible to teach a wavy parrot. How to choose a speaking wavy parrot. How to teach a wavy parrot at home

Is it possible to teach a wavy parrot. How to choose a speaking wavy parrot. How to teach a wavy parrot at home
How to choose a speaking wavy parrot to teach a wavy parrot boy and a girl.

A long-standing dream to have a home speaking wavy parrot can become a reality, if you make an effort and teach the bird to talk. It is quite possible, since the birds of this breed are trained, and if patiently teach their little pet - everything will turn out.

Wavy parrot or parrot Ara, Jaco? Is it possible to teach a wavy parrot? Wavy parrots teach speeches harder and longer, large (for example, ARA) - faster. But our task, teach talking to a small bird. And this is quite real, if patiently talking to the parrot every day. If you adhere to systematic learning, then after a few months or half a year, the bird can speak. Frameful parrots come across, who after a couple of months do first successes. The minimum learning date is 2-3 months, for this period of daily training, the wavy parrot can say one or more words. Further, the successes will manifest everything more actively and more active.

How to choose a wavy parrot to speak

To buy a new friend, go to specialized stores. You need to choose the bird not only by external data, which I liked, but so that the bird was healthy.

Choosing a parrot, you need to consider:

  1. Poultry age.
  2. Healthy bird.
  3. How she looks like.
  4. The degree of activity.

For example, if the bird sits on the pranchok, the feathers stick together in different directions and visually visible their damage, it seems that the wavy of unhealthy. If there are healthy parrots in one cell with a sick bird, they can also be infected and get sick. Therefore, such birds should not buy.

Female or male? Wavy parrots boys are better learning speeches and literally "grab" any information on the summer, unlike girls. Therefore, if you want to quickly teach the bird to talk, you need to buy a male. Alone to choose the male wavy to a person who has never seen the parrots, will be very difficult. Ask the seller-consultant to show you where the boys, and where is the girl. Visually, they seem the same, but learn to distinguish the male and the female you can try.

How to choose a male: Look at the area located above the beak wavy, to the place where the nostrils are located. In males, the skin in this place is painted in a blue pale or bright, rich blue color. In the female, this piece of skin is deprived of a bright color, the flaw can be a pale brown or beige. But here there are its own characteristics, if the choice of the parrot fell on the period of molting, in the birds of the female kind during this period, the wischs become blue. In order not to get confused, it is advisable to ask the seller or breeder who is in front of you, and at the same time ask when the last molting was. After the molting of the parrots of girls, the color of the wax will manifest only after a couple of months.

It is interesting: the female speech apparatus is developed as well as the boys, but the males are faster and better leaving for training than female. This is due to the fact that girls have other tasks: they need to choose a partner. If attachment will be attached between the breeder and the female, and it will be easy to teach it to talk.

How to choose a speaking wavy parrot:

  1. The age of the bird also matters. If you have learned to talk a young bird, success will be immediate. Young individuals are easier to study, so you need to buy a young wavy parrot.
  2. How to choose a young bird: in young individuals drawing on the back, head and forehead. If the drawing is no longer so clearly visible, most likely, the wavy has already been half a year and he survived one link.
  3. In order to teach a wavy parrot to talk, the age of the bird should be 5, the maximum of 6 weeks. At this age, wavy is better trained and fastened faster to new habitat conditions.
  4. When choosing a parrot, pay attention to the color of the bird's eye, if they are black - in front of you a young person. If there is an iris or bright bordering - an adult bird.
  5. We look at the tip of the tail: if the tail feathers are short, it means that the bird is still young.
  6. Bright feathers and bright beaks - a sign of bird maturity. It also needs to be considered when choosing a wavy parrot.

Are there any norms and signs for which you can choose a speaking parrot? Will there be a wavy parrot girl talk or better buy a male? Alas, even the most experienced breeder cannot advise to buy one or another bird and ensure that it will be 100% talking. Everything will depend on your efforts and systematic classes.

What can advise you in the store:

  1. Choosing a young male bird. Live parrots on average about 10-12 years old. You need to choose for training a bird from 28 to 35 days.
  2. The plumage color must be as close as possible to the natural, since the males are worse with a bright plumage.
  3. The bird should be healthy and active.
  4. Before learning, you need to install close contact with the parrot and achieve trust.

It is interesting: if you yourself removed the birds, only the weakest chick, signed by you, can become the best student, as it will try to please your breadwinner.

How to teach a wavy parrot to talk

About talking wavy parrots tell a lot of interesting cases, some people do not believe that you can teach the bird to talk. But if you wish, everything is possible, you just need to wake very much.

So, the bird is chosen, now you need to provide a parrot of good accommodation conditions and you need to start from the market or shop. Take care that the bird is not afraid of street noise when you take her home. Place the wavy in a cardboard box with holes done in it, so the bird will not see what is happening around on the street and scare.

At home you need to enable the birds to bother. Prepare for a wavy woman with a comfortable cage with wooden sideboards. The cell can be of any size, but to be quite spacious and not low. The cage needs to be washed with vegetable soap with warm water, quivel if it is not new. A new cell also needs to be prepared and washed with soap.

Cell preparation for a wavy parrot:

  • wash out with soap with warm water, to quivek, if birds contained in the cell (for example, if bought used cells);
  • on the bottom you can lay several sheets of pure paper or newspaper;
  • stranchi set at different heights. The thickness of wooden crossbar is not more than 20 mm. You can make them alone from maple, birch or linden. Such branches of the bird love to gnaw, so be prepared for the fact that it will have to periodically change strands;
  • toys, it is not worth clinging the cage, put only a ladder, a mirror and a bell;
  • we still need: a sandbox, a piece of chalk or lime, a drink and a feeder. Feed bird needs special grain feed;
  • change the water 1-2 times a day, as the bird will not only drink, but also to make water procedures.

Wavy parrots can be learned to speak, but not immediately after purchase. Your pet needs to be mastered in a new place and get used to his nickname. Choosing a name for wavy, in the word should be vowels and hissing sounds. For example, the most popular nicknames for parrots: "Kesha", "Gosha", "Tosha".

Before the start of classes with a bird, you need to make friends. The parrot should be loyal to the owner's hand or shoulder, respond to the voice. If the contact is installed, then the parrot is well tamed. So that the bird is not frightened, at first you need to do in the semitime, the bright light scares them. Begin to get acquainted with the wavy a few days after the purchase, but for now, for a couple of days, let the parrot benefit in the cage. You can talk with him a calm, affectionate tone, to bring smoothly hand to the cage so as not to scare the bird.

If you can calmly open the cell door and put your fingers on the pranch next to the sitting bird, and it will not be afraid - it is very good! You can offer her delicacy right with your hands. If it is not at first get, do not be discouraged, you need to meet and get used to each other. Then everything will be obtained! It is desirable that one person does with the bird and at the same time of the day, then the result can be achieved faster.

How to teach a wavy parrot at home

If you have already tried to teach the parrot, but nothing came out, you even doubted whether the wavy parrots say? You do not need to despair, young birds can be taught to talk, just need to be patient.

How to teach a wavy parrot boy:

  1. After the emotional contact with the bird is unpaired, it's time to start daily classes. You need to choose one word, the first word that your pet will say after a while. For example, his nickname.
  2. I need to prove the word clearly and several times in a row, look at the parrot, so that the bird understand that this appeal relates to him. Speak slowly, but emotionally so that the bird is interested and wanted to repeat it. Every day at one time you need to pronounce one word calm intonation, so as not to confuse a wavy parrot.
  3. Told the word, take a pause. If the bird is located for learning, she will answer you in his own language. Continue workout every day and after a while you will hear similar sounds to the word you said, and after a couple of months - the word itself.
  4. When are wavy parrots begin to talk? Usually, if the training goes smoothly, the bird is not frightened, after 2 or 3 months you can hear the response word. Be sure to praise the pet in the learning process, not only affectionate words, but also a treat.
  5. You need to know that the bird cannot understand the meaning of words, it also builds the connection: "Sound" and the situation. Therefore, if your classes have already been crowned with success, you heard the first word from your "student", other words can be attached.
  6. Gradually, you can bind words and phrases to a specific action: for example, feeding, rest. It is important that the bird understand what is happening around and lined up the Association. At first enough simple words and phrases: "Hi", "good morning", "Kesha wants to eat", "Tosha is good", "while".

Wavy parrot in the house: how to teach talk quickly

Is it possible to teach a parrot to talk in adulthood? It turns out that birds are trained at any age, only one is faster, while others are longer. Only if we are talking about adult female, they are almost not learning. Therefore, in order not to spend in vain time, teach to speak better than males.

We teach the bird to clearly vote the words:

  1. Talented all, both people and animals and birds. Only one bird can be low, and the other is high. If you see that the bird is trying, encourage it. It happens that the wavy parrot Halturite does not want to do, then you need to postpone classes, perhaps the bird is already tired.
  2. Bird Training colloquial speech is best alone, without subside, then the parrot will hear only one person's speech and absorb each word without being distracted.
  3. The room should be quiet, turn off the TV so that the bird is not distracted.
  4. It is forbidden to raise the tone on the parrot, pay attention to the behavior and mood of the pet. Perhaps the bird is already tired and then it's time to complete the occupation. It is enough to deal with 15 minutes every day to be the result.
  5. At the time of classes, if the parrot is in a cage, you need to remove the toys and hide the mirror, then everything needs to be returned and watch the bird. Volvaistics can work out new words, looking into the mirror.
  6. After the bird starts talking to individual words, other family members can be connected to classes. Children are good to establish contact with pets, but the child will need to explain that the parrot is a buggy bird and can not shout loudly and do sharp movements. It is important to make friends with a bird and then everything will turn out.

Learn a wavy parrot to talk: important moments

For classes to pass easily, and the learning process was not delayed, these recommendations will help you:

  1. The first words that can be trained as a parrot: nickname and greeting. Choose simple short words in which there are hissing sounds.
  2. Gradually, it is necessary to expand the lexicon parrot, teach it new words, phrases. You can even learn a verse from a song or short quatrain. No need to force the bird to do if she is not ready to listen to you. It happens that some words like the birds, and others do not want to say hard.
  3. If you do long breaks, the bird can forget everything. She will cease to clearly utter words. Therefore, the regularity is important. If you hide a female into the cell, for a while, your tank can shut down, as it will pay attention to the female and with great pleasure twitter in his own language. Continue classes so that the bird does not forget your speech.
  4. If the parrot mumbles something vague, how long to wait for the result? You may have a hurry, you need to continue the classes and soon you will hear the result.
  5. Voice entry will help speed up the learning process? Your voice or some of the person's speech in the record can turn into a background if you turn on the recording very often. 15 minutes a day, if on this day you can not personally do with your pet.

Teach the Wavy Parrot of Human Speech - the task is complicated, but performing. Only if you are to be patient and attached to the diligence, you can succeed. Good luck!

Talking wavy parrot. Video


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