
Is it possible to teach to say a wavy parrot. How to choose a talking wavy parrot. How to teach to say a wavy parrot at home

Is it possible to teach to say a wavy parrot. How to choose a talking wavy parrot. How to teach to say a wavy parrot at home
How to choose a speaking wavy parrot to teach to say a wavy parrot of a boy and a girl.

A long -standing dream of having a talking wavy parrot at home can be a reality if you make efforts and teach the bird to talk. This is quite possible, since the birds of this breed are trained, and if you patiently learn your little pet, everything will work out.

Wavy parrot or parrot Ara, Jaco? Can I teach to say a wavy parrot? Wavy parrots are more difficult and longer, large (for example, Ara) is faster. But our task is to teach to talk a little bird. And this is quite realistic if patiently to talk with the parrot on a day. If you adhere to systematic training, then after a few months or six months, the bird can speak. Sminted parrots come across, which in a couple of months make the first successes. The minimum term of training is 2-3 months, during this period of daily training, the wavy parrot can say one or more words. Further successes will manifest itself more and more active.

How to choose a wavy parrot to speak

To buy a new friend, go to specialized stores. You need to choose a bird not only according to external data, which you like, but for the bird to be healthy.

When choosing a parrot, you must take into account:

  1. The age of the bird.
  2. Is the bird healthy.
  3. How she looks.
  4. The degree of activity.

For example, if a bird sits on a pole of a drunk, feathers stick out in different directions and their damage is visually visible, it seems that the wave of unwells. If healthy parrots are in the same cage with a sick bird, they can also soon become infected and get sick. Therefore, you should not buy such birds.

A female or a male? Excitious parrots boys are better studied and literally “grab” any information on the fly, unlike girls. Therefore, if you want to quickly teach the bird to talk, you need to buy a male. It will be very difficult to independently choose a male wave to a person who has never seen parrots before. Ask the sales consultant to show you where the boys are and where is the girl. Visually, they seem the same, but you can learn to distinguish the male and the female can be tried.

How to choose a male: look at the site located above the wave of waves, at the place where the nostrils are located. In males, the skin in this place is painted in a blue pale or bright, saturatedly blue color. In a female, this part of the skin is devoid of bright color, the wax can be pale brown or beige. But here, there are features if the choice of the parrot fell for the period of molting, in this period, the waxy birds become blue during this period. In order not to get confused, it is advisable to ask the seller or breeder who is in front of you, and at the same time ask when there was the last molting. After molting, the girls' color of the voskovitsa will manifest itself only after a couple of months.

This is interesting: in a female, a speech apparatus is developed in the same way as in boys, but males are more quickly and better to lend teach than females. This is due to the fact that girls have other tasks: they need to choose a partner. If attachment is established between the breeder and the female, and it can be easily taught to talk.

How to choose a speaking wavy parrot:

  1. The age of the bird also matters. If you learn to talk a young bird, the success will be immediate. Young individuals are more easily trained, so you need to buy a young wavy parrot.
  2. How to choose a young bird: young individuals have a drawing on the back, head and forehead is clear. If the drawing is no longer so clearly visible, most likely, the wave has already turned six months and he survived one molting.
  3. In order to teach a wavy parrot to talk, the age of the bird should be 5, maximum 6 weeks. At this age, waves are better trained and adapt faster to new habitats.
  4. When choosing a parrot, pay attention to the color of the eye of the bird, if they are black - in front of you is a young individual. If there is a iris or light bordering - an adult bird.
  5. We look at the tip of the tail: if the tail feathers are short, this means that the bird is still young.
  6. Bright feathers and light beak are a sign of poultry maturity. It must also be taken into account when choosing a wavy parrot.

Are there any norms and signs by which you can choose a speaker? Will the girl of a wavy parrot speak or is it better to buy a male right away? Alas, even the most experienced breeder cannot advise buying a particular bird and guarantee that it will be 100% talked at. Everything will depend on your efforts and systematic classes.

What can advise you in the store:

  1. Choose a young male bird. Parrots live on average about 10-12 years. You need to choose a bird from 28 to 35 days for training.
  2. The color of the plumage should be as close as possible to the natural, since with light plumage, males are worse lend itself in training.
  3. The bird should be healthy and active.
  4. Before training, you need to establish close contact with the parrot and achieve trust.

This is interesting: if you yourself took the birds, from the brood only the weakest chick that you fed you can become the best student, as he will try to please his breadwinner.

How to teach a wavy parrot to speak

About talking wavy parrots, they tell a lot of interesting cases, some people do not believe that you can teach the bird to talk. But if desired, everything is possible, you only need to really want to.

So, the bird is chosen, now you need to provide a parrot of good living conditions and you need to start with a market or a store. Make sure that the bird is not afraid of street noise when you take it home. Place the waves in a cardboard box with holes made in it, so the bird will not see what is happening around the street and scared.

At home, you need to give the bird to get settled. Prepare a comfortable cage with wooden sides for a wave. The cell can be of any size, but so that it is quite spacious and not low. The cage must be washed with warm soap with warm water, pour boiling water, if it is not new. The new cage also needs to be prepared and washed with soap.

Preparation of a cell for the maintenance of a wavy parrot:

  • wash with soap with warm water, pour boiling water, if the cage contained birds (for example, if you bought a used cell);
  • on the bottom you can lay several sheets of clean paper or a newspaper;
  • set the poles to a different height. The thickness of wooden crossbars is not more than 20 mm. You can make them yourself from maple, birch or linden. Such branches of birds like to bite, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to periodically change the poles;
  • you should not clutter the cage toys, put only a ladder, a mirror and a bell;
  • you also need: a sand box, a piece of chalk or lime, a drinking bowl and a feeder. It is necessary to feed the bird with special grain food;
  • change the water 1-2 times a day, since the bird will not only drink, but also arrange water procedures.

Wavy parrots can be taught to speak, but not immediately after the purchase. Your pet needs to get comfortable in a new place and get used to his nickname. Choosing a name for waves, the word should be vowel and hissing sounds. For example, the most popular nicknames for parrots: “Kesha”, “Gosha”, “Tosha”.

Before starting classes with a bird, you need to make friends. The parrot should be fearlessly sitting on the hand or on the shoulder, respond to his voice. If the contact is established, then the parrot is good to tame. So that the bird is not scared, at first you need to engage in half, the bright light scares them. Start getting to know the wave a few days after the purchase, but for now, let the parrot stay in the cage for a couple of days. You can talk to him in a calm, affectionate tone, put a smoothly hand to the cage so as not to frighten the bird.

If you can calmly open the cage door and put your fingers on the pole next to a bird sitting, and it will not be scared - this is very good! You can offer her a treat right from her hand. If you do not work out at first, do not be discouraged, you need to meet and get used to each other. Then everything will work out! It is desirable that one person also deal with the bird at the same time, then the result can be achieved faster.

How to teach to say a wavy parrot at home

If you were already trying to learn to say a parrot, but nothing came of it, you even doubted whether wavy parrots say? No need to despair, young birds can be taught to talk, only you need to gain patience.

How to teach to say a wavy parrot of a boy:

  1. After emotional contact with the bird is established, it is time to start daily classes. You need to choose one word, the first word that your pet will say after a while. For example, his nickname.
  2. You need to pronounce the word clearly and several times in a row, look at the parrot so that the bird understands that this appeal refers to it. Speak slowly, but emotionally, so that the bird is interested and wants to repeat it. Every day at one time you need to pronounce one word with a calm intonation so as not to confuse the wavy parrot.
  3. They said the word, pause. If the bird is located to study, it will answer you in its own language. Continue training every day and after a while you will hear similar sounds to the word you said, and after a couple of months - the word itself.
  4. When are wavy parrots start talking? Usually, if the training goes smoothly, the bird is not scared, after 2 or 3 months you can hear the response word. Be sure to praise the pet in the learning process, not only with affectionate words, but also by treating.
  5. You should know that the bird cannot understand the meaning of words, it only builds a connection: “sound” and the situation. Therefore, if your classes have already been successful, you heard the first word from your “student”, you can attach other words.
  6. Gradually, you can tie words and phrases to a particular action: for example, feeding, rest. It is important that the bird understands what is happening around and building associations. At first, simple words and phrases are enough: “Hello”, “Good morning”, “Kesha wants to eat”, “Tosha good”, “So far”.

Wavy parrot in the house: how to teach to speak quickly

Is it possible to teach a parrot to talk in adulthood? It turns out that birds study at any age, only one faster, while others are longer. Only when it comes to adult females, they almost do not lend themselves to training. Therefore, in order not to waste time in vain, to train to say better males.

We teach the bird to clearly pronounce the words:

  1. All are talented, both people, animals and birds. Only one bird on the percussion can be low, and in the other it is high. If you see that the bird is trying, encourage it. It happens that the wavy parrot is hackite and does not want to engage, then you need to postpone classes, perhaps the bird is already tired.
  2. It is best to teach a bird to teach colloquial speech alone, without a shade, then the parrot will hear only one speech of a person and absorb every word without being distracted.
  3. The room should be quiet, turn off the TV so that the bird is not distracted.
  4. It is forbidden to increase the tone for the parrot, pay attention to the behavior and mood of the pet. Perhaps the bird is already tired and then it's time to complete the lesson. It is enough to deal with 15 minutes every day to have a result.
  5. At the time of the lesson, if the parrot is in the cage, you need to remove the toys and hide the mirror, then you need to return everything back and watch the bird. The wave can work out new words, looking in the mirror.
  6. After the bird begins to speak separate words, other family members can be connected to classes. In children, it is good to make contact with pets, but the child will need to explain that the parrot is a pighile bird and you can’t shout loudly and make sudden movements. It is important to make friends with the bird and then everything will work out.

Learning a wavy parrot to talk: important moments

To make the classes easily, and the learning process is not delayed, these recommendations will help you:

  1. The first words that you can train a parrot: nickname and greeting. Choose simple short words in which there are hissing sounds.
  2. Gradually, the parrot is expanded, to teach it to new words, phrases. You can even learn a verse of a song or a short quatrains. No need to force the bird to study if it is not ready to listen to you. It happens that the bird likes some words, but she stubbornly does not want to pronounce others.
  3. If you take long breaks, the bird can forget everything. She will stop clearly pronouncing words. Therefore, regularity is important. If you squeeze the female into the cage, for a while your talker can shut up, as it will pay attention to the female and with great pleasure to twist in his own language. Continue classes so that the bird does not forget your speech.
  4. If the parrot mutters something slurred, how long to wait for the result? Perhaps you are in a hurry, you need to continue classes and soon you yourself will hear the result.
  5. The record of the voice will help to speed up the learning process? Your voice or other person’s speech in the record can turn into a background, if you turn on the recording very often. 15 minutes a day, if on this day you cannot personally deal with your pet.

Teaching a wavy parrot of human speech is a complex task, but fulfilling. Only if you are patient and attach zeal, you can succeed. Good luck!

Talking wavy parrot. Video



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