
What you need to check when buying an apartment. How to check the transaction of the apartment when buying yourself. What documents to check when buying an apartment. How to check the apartment for cleanliness when buying

What you need to check when buying an apartment. How to check the transaction of the apartment when buying yourself. What documents to check when buying an apartment. How to check the apartment for cleanliness when buying
How to check the apartment when buying. Features of the legal audit of the apartment and documents. Where you can check the apartment when buying - all the advice you will find in the article.

Purchase of apartments - is a big decision. This procedure is carried out within a certain time period. In order to find a legally clean apartment and arrange the purchase with no errors, you need professional help, which is related to real estate. Today, however, not everyone is familiar lawyer or a realtor who can solve this issue. We hope that after reading this article, you do not make mistakes during the home buying.

How to check when buying an apartment?

When you touch this important question, you should know that it is necessary to check when buying an apartment. Most importantly, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  • Who exactly shows you the apartment. It is desirable that this man was himself the owner of the property.
  • How to check when buying an apartment neighbors who live in the same entrance.
  • View courtyard and staircase, the condition of these facilities.

If you have already firmly decided to buy a particular apartment, we have the question - how to check the cleanliness of the apartment on the purchase.

That you may not have encountered the adverse effects that are associated with the defense of the future of the deal, make sure to start the registration documents. But what documents to check when buying an apartment?

  • Title document. For example, a contract of sale or a contract of donation apartments and so on.
  • Certificate of state registration of property rights, which has been issued by the registration authority.

How to check before you buy an apartment through Rosreestr?

The most basic thing that needs to be in the document - this is a mark Rosreestra. It is considered a confirmation of the state registration of rights. In addition, you need to make sure that all documents related to the property that you are buying.

When you examine the technical passport of an apartment or a cadastral passport, compare the content in them to the condition of the property, you will be able to verify whether there is in the apartment or not illegitimate alterations. If they are, then the buying process can greatly complicated.

In the event that the redevelopment was insignificant, then you can legitimize it or return the original state. You must also be able to worry the question - how to check the heirs when buying an apartment, who is at that time the owner, are there any restrictions on other persons. To do this, you will need to take an extract from the USRP.

This document allows you to learn how to check the history of the apartment before buying starting from 98 years. The period before this year is described in documents that are issued RBTI. If you find that the apartment participated in several purchase and sale operations from the moment it was commissioned, then you will have to check out all transactions. They must be committed legally. Comparing every document we listed above, plus convincing the absence of contradictions, you will never be affected by the issue of disposal of purchase and sale in the future.

How to independently check the apartment when buying?

This stage is considered the most important. You are simply obliged to spend on it to maximize your own diligence, so that in the future you did not touch the problems and trouble.

So how to check the apartment before buying on the cleanliness of the transaction? What is it necessary for?

To begin with, you should know that in some situations during the purchase of housing, some buyers have disputes and conflicts that relate to the transaction, for example, after a certain time, the former owner decides to challenge the sold apartment. Consequently, if you want to learn how to check the deal when buying an apartment, plus avoid many problems, check all people who participate in this process.

You must touch such questions:

  • How to check the seller apartments when buying? It is especially careful to check the apartment owner. So you can avoid different risks (sale of apartments using fake documentation, by fake addressees). Before buying the seller should have such documents: a passport, a certificate that it is capable, power of attorney with a certificate. The second document, as a rule, takes the owner of the apartment, visiting the drug and psychoneurological dispensary.
  • How to check the realtor when buying an apartment? Is it possible to trust or not? This situation is a bit more complicated, because you will have to make sure that the representative has a genuine passport and notarized power of attorney without errors. In order to check the second document, you will have to visit the notarial chamber.

As a rule, disputes may still occur due to these grounds:

  • If a person appeared, who was previously absent, was not registered at this address.
  • If the registration of children who have not reached the age of adulthood is canceled, without the consent of the Board of Trustees.
  • If the former owner of the apartment was recognized as incapable in court. For example, due to the excessive use of drugs, alcoholic beverages, and so on.
  • If there are several heirs and arranged between them.
  • If the privatization of the apartment was framed with some violations and errors.
  • If information is hidden about the people who are inscribed in the apartment.

How to check the apartment buying in the secondary market?

On how to check the developer when buying an apartment, not everyone knows. Although we all start thinking about how to purchase our own housing and how to legally check the apartment before buying. Consequently, this issue is currently considered very relevant and serious enough.

Someone no longer wants to rent real estate, but wants to buy something to buy something, as it has become much more wage. But there are also such that financial capabilities do not greatly make it possible to appear that sometimes scares people before such a serious purchase.

There are several excellent options for purchasing your housing:

  • Buying an apartment at the expense of proposals of the secondary market.
  • Buying an apartment at the expense of proposals of the primary market.

In the second embodiment there is a high probability of deception. Special attention is paid to this issue - checking the developer, since often unscrupulous firms disappear in an unknown direction with the financial capabilities of investors, and leave after themselves unfinished buildings.

Where to check the apartment when buying, and what use methods? You can check the developer in the following ways:

  • Analyze and look for information about the developer on the Internet. This method is today considered the most affordable.
  • Contact the Association of Investors who have suffered, get information about the selected developer and its unfinished projects.
  • Also read the reviews of people who have invested their own finances. They may tell you how you can encounter problems while buying, which it is better to choose a company for a similar deal.

You may like the option - buying with a realtor. As a rule, realtors and other persons who are engaged in selling and buying real estate, check specific objects. They also evaluate the work of partners and organizations that cooperate with them.

You can simultaneously consult with a legal entity, which will also check the carefully transaction process. Of course, for the help of these individuals you will have to pay a round sum. Believe me, these people are serious about their work, they will surely help you, therefore, do not save on check.

And, the latest option - check the documents from the developers themselves. During the execution of the transaction, do not miss any moment. The more carefully your check will be, the less likelihood of problems. The developer company must necessarily have such documents:

  • License that allows you to build houses.
  • Constituent documents.
  • Documents in which the deadline for the construction of the house is specified, the date of its commissioning.
  • Resolution that allows you to conduct construction work.
  • Accounting reports.
  • Permission of the administration for construction.

If you have chosen a conscientious developer, it will definitely give you these documents.

What to check when buying an apartment in a mortgage?

Very often, buyers lack finances to pay the full amount during the purchase of an apartment. The acquisition of real estate in the mortgage has its own nuances. Consequently, the transaction process consists of two important coordination:

  • Getting the seller of the permission of the banking institution to alienate the apartment.
  • Approval of the buyer to draw up a mortgage.

It is easier to solve such a problem, having received a mortgage in the same bank. In this case, the bank is more loyal, because in fact it does not receive a profit due to the fact that the contract is terminated early. We offer you a complete instruction of how to check the reliability of the developer when buying an apartment.

In addition, you have to submit a package of documents, you will still have to ask for the most developed future at home to provide you with the following papers:

  • A document that confirms that the land plot is indeed the property of the developer.
  • Project documents.
  • Constituent paper.

From the very beginning, the security service of the banking institution will check the company-developer on whether the official construction is officially. Plus, the Bank will analyze the prospect of completion of construction work. The chance to get a mortgage increases significantly if the banking institution is an investor of this construction.

And all because the bank is interested in selling real estate and payback to its own investment. However, it is even easier if you decide to buy real estate from a company that has already received the accreditation of the bank.

Have you decided to buy housing? Do not retreat from your goal, strive by all the forces to her and then you will succeed.

Video: How to check the apartment when buying?


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