
How to get rid of stretch marks on the chest

How to get rid of stretch marks on the chest
The article analyzes the causes of stretch marks on the chest, proposed ways of combating stretch marks with the help of masks, physical exercises and other elements of complex care.

Beautiful breasts for a woman are a separate item for pride. The elastic bust is framed by beautiful decolled outfits will provide you with a 100%success in the male. But how to avoid complexes if stretch marks appeared, or, speaking in the medical language, striae. Let's talk about this in more detail in this article. 


The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the chest

The main reasons why stretch marks appear on the female breast are:

  • A sharp change in weight. Rapid weight loss or a set of mass cause microcracks of the lower layer of the dermis.

Due to the rapid gain of mass as a result of pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs, metabolic disorders, skin, as very elastic material, has the properties of stretching and adapting to the existing weight. Microtrauma of the lower layer of the dermis at first have a bright pink or bluish color due to the rupture of the capillaries.

In case of weight loss, it often arises of sagging those areas of the skin that had previously been complete. Stretching on the chest, which appeared during excess weight, eventually become colorless, as shown in the photo, differ in color from the general shade of the skin and have the form of whitish scars.


The emerging stretch marks on the chest will turn pale over time, but do not completely disappear, because they do not get natural collagenic fostering and oxygen from the body, which is why they are often compared with scars.

  • Hormonal background violationwhich is most often observed during pregnancy.
  • During puberty, when the teenage girl rapidly grow, but there is no proper nutrition and the water balance is not observed.

Complexes about the appearance of stretch marks on the chest can be defeated in the following ways:

  • perform a sequential complex of preventive skin care;
  • stable engage in active physical exercises;
  • use the achievements of laser therapy;
  • correctly mask stretch marks with cosmetics or specially selected wardrobe.

Prevention of stretch marks on the chest

The main preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks on the chest are:

  1. Prevention of a sharp set or weight loss. For the whole organism, such shakes do not pass without a trace, including for the skin. Strengthenes of this direct evidence.
  2. Healthy dietsaturated with all the necessary vitamins and lipids, including collagen - a direct source of youth and skin elasticity. Carrots, pears, cabbage, white meat are a storehouse of amino acids and are recommended by dermatologists for daily use.
  3. Compliance with drinking balance. A plentiful drink helps to quickly remove toxins from the body and maintain the humidity of the skin.
  4. Daily contrasting shower It will help remove stretch marks on her chest and return it to the elasticity and tone, and if you supplement this procedure with self -massage of problem areas, the effect will be noticeable after 1 month.
  5. Massage. For the neckline, massage of stretch marks on the chest is perfect with circular progressive movements with the addition of cocoa oil, olive oil, and Altai mummy to ordinary nutrient cream. Saturated with fatty acids, such masks will help restore the elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the chest.
  6. Active physical exercises, visiting the pool, stretching will help maintain the muscles of the chest in good shape and prevent the appearance of striae.
  7. In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, it is recommended to wear special supporting linen or bandageto maximize the occurrence of additional load on the body.


Methods of combating stretch marks on the chest at home

Home complex care includes systematic practice with wraps, masks, scrubs, and stretch marks on the chest. Home breast care, even if it does not give too fast results, but the composition of the ingredients does not contain any chemistry and will not do any harm to health.

Using masks and compresses to remove stretch marks of the skin of the breast, it should be remembered that the ingredients are best absorbed if they are applied to clean skin with open pores, i.e., after a contrast shower, taking a bath or visiting a bath or sauna. The mask should be applied in circular progressive movements to the problem areas of the breast covered with strios.

Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, having previously covered the chest with a dietary film or a warm terry towel. Then wash off under a large amount of warm water or a decoction of chamomile, grease with a nutrient cream. Such care is especially relevant during pregnancy to maintain skin tone.

To your attention is offered masks for breasts from stretch marks, prepared at home.

Kefir-cheese deodorizing mask. The benefits of sour milk products for the skin have long been proved by dermatologists. A high percentage of fat amino acids of organic origin has an antibacterial effect and help to get rid of acne and other inflammations on the surface of the skin of the chest. Kefir can be replaced with ash, yogurt or sour cream. You will need to mix 5 tbsp. l. sour -milk product, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. chopped to the state of gruel of garlic.

A mask of starch and carrot juice. Such a mixture of products is not accidental. Keratin -rich carrots with gluten contained in starch, in tandem, have a restorative and tightening effect for the skin. The mask is prepared like this: mixing half a glass of carrot juice from 1 tbsp. l. dry starch. The starch should be poured slowly, stirring the juice to avoid receiving lumps.

Egg mask with protein. Beat to thick foam 2 egg protein, then enter there 1 tbsp. l. cream or sour cream and 1 stingy protein. Thanks to the bleaching protein texture, the skin will tighten, and sour cream will soften this effect.

Exploring anti -aging mask. Dilute half a glass of water at room temperature of 1 tsp. beer yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes until completely dissolved. Then enter 1 tbsp. l. cream or olive oil.

Cleaning cucumber mask. Grind 2 fresh cucumber to a porridge state on a blender or grater. Enter 4 fish oil capsules there, which is in the public domain in pharmacies. Mix thoroughly. Cucumber contains life -giving moisture for skin with stretch marks, and fish oil is a softener of organic origin.

Vitamin mask with aloe. Mix 3 tbsp. l. Aloe juice with squeezed capsules of vitamins A, E and C. Capsulated vitamins are on sale in pharmacies. Such a mask will help to smooth out striae and tickle the skin of the chest.

Fruit nutrient mask. Mix half a glass of juice of any fruit rich in vitamin C: lemon, orange, kiwi, etc. From 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Vitamin C is a source of collagen for the dermis and smoothes stretch marks.

Mask-scrub with white clay. Mix 4 tbsp. l. water from 1 tbsp. l. dry clay and 1 tsp. Sahara. It is best to apply such a mask with a special brush so that clay evenly falls on the skin of the chest.

Mask-scrub from ground oatmeal. Mix 4 tbsp. l. ground on a blender oatmeal from 2 tbsp. l. fat cream to a homogeneous state. Oatmeal has a powerful antibacterial and softening effect, and cream will help the mask get the texture of the cream for convenient application.

Coffee mask scrub. Mix 2 tbsp. l. Coffee grounds with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. In addition to a pleasant aroma, coffee is the basis of any scrub or peeling to deeply cleanse the pores, as well as exfoliating dead skin cells. Olive oil, saturated with vitamin E, has a smoothing effect, and also help to avoid dry skin with this method of cleaning.

Mask with Altai mummy. 2 tsp. Mummy mix with 2 tbsp. l. fat cream. Such a mask will not only save you from stretch marks on your chest, but also significantly rejuvenate your skin.

To prepare a mask mask, you can independently choose the ingredients, the main thing is the presence of any exfoliating component: salt, sugar, coffee grounds or soap with Lufa.

Methods of combating stretch marks on the chest: medication


It should be noted that the procedures with medical intervention are quite expensive.

To get rid of stretch marks on their chests, women are offered LPG procedures, mesotherapy and abdomenoplasty.

The most gentle way is LPG massage- This is vacuum therapy, which used to be used to remove scars and seams. In cosmetology, using such procedures, you can get rid of cellulite and stretch marks.

Mesotherapy  - This is not just massage of damaged areas of the skin, such procedures are accompanied by subcutaneous injections containing vitamin composition and collagen.

Abdomenoplasty - This is plastic surgery when the doctor removes the sections of the skin of the chest with striae. The rehabilitation period is the same in complexity as after the usual operation.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the breast

The female body contains 20% more adipose tissue than male. Female breasts are 60% fat and 40% of muscle tissue. The meaning of sports cannot be underestimated, since it is the movement that is a source of tone for muscle tissue. Therefore, if you train the muscles of the chest, it will be elastic and beautiful.

Performing this simple set of exercises, you can significantly strengthen the muscles, the chest, which, as a frame, supports the female breast.

Exercise 1. Starting position - standing on a solid surface, legs shoulder -width apart, bend your arms in the elbows and close the brushes “into the lock”. With the force to reap your palms about each other, so that tension in the muscles of the chest is felt. Perform 10-15 times 1-2 approaches.

Exercise 2. Starting position - emphasis on socks of the legs and knees on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, socks look up. Make push -ups so that the chest touches the floor, and the body line forms a straight line. Perform 15 times 1-2 approaches.

Exercise 3. Starting position - standing on a solid surface. Take a weighing weighing 1 kg into each hand (dumbbells or liter bottles filled with water). Extend your hands parallel to the floor, palms with dumbbells are directed down. Make “scissor” swings with your hands, crossing them in a swing. Perform 12 times by 2 approaches.

Exercise 4. Pulling up on a horizontal bar on outstretched hands. Raise the body on outstretched hands. Pulling up the maximum possible number of times. Recommended quantity - at least 10.

Exercise 5. Starting position - sitting on a flat, hard surface, legs together. The body and legs should form a right angle. Stretch with your hands to the socks. Perform 15 times 2 approaches.

Cosmocking cosmetic products and elements of wardrobe of stretch marks on the chest


The values \u200b\u200bof camouflage cosmetics for problematic breast care should not be diminished.

If you are eager to put on a neckline and you have a small but sagging chest, the Vander-Brand bra is best suited (with the “Push AP” effect), however, with a large massive breast, it is recommended to give preference to a delaying corset or a mask of elastic fabrics.

Next, you will need a tonal cream of 1-2 tones darker than your skin color on the chest; The powder with a shade, which you use for the face or cream-moss for the body with the effect of flicker.

From all of the listed set with any breast, you can create miracles and pierce in an open decolled outfit. So, the algorithm of actions will be as follows: after you put on the bra, the upper part of the chest in places where there are stretch marks, cover with a thin layer of tonal cream over the entire surface until an even color is obtained. Then powder this part of the chest. Instead of powder, you can also use a body mousse with a flicker effect, which with its brilliance and overflow will divert attention from unaesthetic stretch marks.

Video. How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy and not only

The beauty of the breast requires not sacrifices, but simply systematic preventive care. All complexes in women, according to statistics, arise from rejection of themselves, and not from the presence of stretch marks on the chest.

Tighten the romance with yourself, love yourself, do not forget that lazy women are rarely beautiful, take care of breasts, play sports and the result will not be long in coming!



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