
How to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment, cars, houses, land. What documents and where to submit to return the property tax deduction for the purchase. Calculation of the amount of tax deduction for the purchase

How to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment, cars, houses, land. What documents and where to submit to return the property tax deduction for the purchase. Calculation of the amount of tax deduction for the purchase
The article describes the rules for obtaining property tax deductions for the purchase. What documents and which authorities to submit to get a tax deduction. How to calculate the amount of tax deduction.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who buy real estate, the law is guaranteed to give the benefit of tax. This is called such benefits - tax deduction (HB). What it is? What function does it perform?

Tax deduction when buying an apartment

So, what is the tax deduction when buying housing? Officially, any citizen of Russia, which is employed, receives its own SP with a deduction of Mon, which is 13%. Acquiring an apartment and other real estate, a person can return a certain part of the spent finance. It has the right to return 13%, only on the price of real estate itself.

The Law of Russia establishes such a limit feature of this price - 2 million rubles. This, of course, is not very pleased with people, because for such a price it is impossible to find anything. Consequently, if the selected apartment is much more expensive, the state returns the same 13%, but only with 2 million. You can easily calculate the percentage residue, it is 260 thousand rubles. When the property is bought in a mortgage, then a person gets another additional bonus.

A few years ago, namely in 2014, the tax deduction could be received no more than once. Those people who bought real estate up to 1 day of this year and could not collect 260 thousand, are simply uncomfortable. But those who have acquired real estate after this date have the opportunity to get a full amount of state support.

Suppose, in 2014, a room in a communal apartment cost 1500,000 rubles, and the refund was 195,000 rubles. A person who committed such a purchase, which decided to buy a one-room apartment, will already receive 65,000 rubles today, affected bye.

Tax deduction when buying in a mortgage

We already know that NV is a compensation of part of finance to a person who has spent on his own purchase on the account of previous taxes in the treasury of our country.

The tax deduction during the acquisition of real estate in the mortgage does not differ from cash. The main rules described in the legislation are as follows:

  • The largest permissible amount of tax deduction when buying is 2 million rubles.
  • The right of return is given, if the property is confirmed at the end of the year, which gives such a right.
  • All finance may be included: Personal attracted. It does not include overdue payments and penalties.

The mortgage tax agreement is considered as a fee, it provides for the contribution of additional finances. Tax return during the acquisition of real estate in the mortgage has its own advantage.

In addition, the person returns a refreshing tax against the first investments, he also receives 13% of the accruals (no more than 2 million rubles). This feature is provided if it was originally grounds.

Tax deduction when buying with maternal capital is the support of people from the state. In addition to acquiring certain real estate, people can use the money received for the following purposes:

  • Attach mom in the accumulative pension.
  • Invest finances to the future training of every child.
  • Improve your own life conditions.

Often people apply the common capital of the family to buy accommodation. However, the amount of the certificate does not always have enough, therefore, it is necessary to invest their own savings.

How to get a tax deduction when buying?

Obtaining a tax deduction when buying is a simple and accessible procedure. Return of tax deduction when buying a real estate is issued to people with regard to the amount of tax paid for the entire year. In order to get the whole amount immediately, it is necessary to have a fairly decent income or expect the promised approximately 3 years.

Methods for providing property tax deductions when buying two: due to either or thanks to the employer.

How to file a tax deduction when buying an apartment?

  • Due to either. After making a purchase, after a certain time, you go to nor. There you get 13% of the finance made by you in the previous year. This amount may not be able to cover the size of the entire amount, therefore, you have the right to apply again nor a year later. And so until the moment you do all the necessary amount.
  • In place, where a person is officially employed. After you have made a purchase, do not expect the completion of the tax period, you go to the employer, declare it so that income tax is not retained from your wage. Consequently, until the end of the desired term, a tax in the amount of 13% will not be removed from your salary, as previously happened.

Documents for tax deductions when buying

Tax deduction when buying a house, apartments and other properties requires submitting specific documents. The most important documents that you will need, such:

  • Application for tax deduction when buying an apartment. This document is considered important, it turns out only in nor.
  • The application that money goes to the bank account. This account should be specified immediately so that there are no additional problems.
  • Account in a banking institution, savings book, plus it is a copy.
  • Document confirming personality. Copy is also necessary.
  • Inn.
  • Declaration for tax deduction when buying.
  • Document from the place where a person works. If you worked on several firms or simultaneously in several jobs, then this will require a certificate of each employer.
  • The contract that confirms the purchase of an apartment at home. A photocopy is obligatory.
  • Receipts that confirm the payment of real estate costs.
  • If you need a tax deduction for the share of the apartment, then the act is required that the real estate was really transferred.
  • Extract received in the registration chamber. She confirms the fact that a person owns real estate.

Additional documents:

  • Mortgage agreement, plus it is a copy. In some situations, people are provided with a target loan, in order to make one or another purchase of living space. In this case, the contract is required. It has an item in which the finance disposal is referred to for the acquisition of real estate.
  • If the documentation is applied to obtain a HB of mortgage, then a certificate of interest is required. There are situations when you need to show receipts about the payment of a loan.

A list of documentation for tax deduction when buying an apartment with spouses, that is, with joint ownership, such:

  • The document in which the distribution to certain shares is indicated.
  • A document confirming marriage registration.

Also provided a tax deduction of pensioners when buying some real estate. But only if the pensioner was working in the previous 3 years, plus was a full-fledged payer of taxes. A person is issued compensation at the same time for 3 years. The pensioner itself also provides a pensioner certificate, plus it is a copy.

Is it possible to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment for children? Yes, you can. Then to the documentation must add documents for children.

How to make a tax deduction when buying an apartment quickly? It is just necessary that the documentation is framed without errors. Such a condition helps to avoid unnecessary rungun and problems. Copies of documentation are advisable to make a little earlier.

Tax deduction when buying an apartment: timing

So, it is possible to receive a tax deduction when buying a plot or apartment by two methods. We wrote about it a little higher. From what exactly the method of obtaining you select, depends on the allocation period of HV directly.

At the expense of the duration of tax deduction when purchasing:

  • Decided to get HB at the main job? Then the whole procedure will last about 30 days. You are aware of the employer and all other documents in the same year when you made a purchase. The inspector will check all documents, and after 30 days will tell you the size of the HB.
  • If you decide to get the right to tax deduction when buying an apartment and other real estate at the expense of nor, then the procedure will last about 3 months. When you get HB, it will depend on the correctness of the documentation.
  • When there is a chamber audit behavior, you will receive HB after 3 months. If all the documents were originally decorated without a single error, then you will receive money after 1 month.

Also, to get a tax deduction for the purchase of an apartment, you need to fill out a statement on the Internet. All documentation in the personal account of the taxpayer is drawn up, plus an additional person visits either. The design process will take about 1 month.

Tax deduction when buying an apartment: When to serve?

The Return of HB is drawn up (if a mortgage was obtained) in the year of official registration of property. When a person gets "green light", it automatically gets the right to independently dispose of HB at its discretion.

A person has the right to visit either a year later, 5 years old and even 10. But in practice, as a rule, people are trying to quickly at least regains to return to the spent finances, issuing a refund with the slightest opportunity. If the refund is planned to be issued by the employer, a person may declare HB in one year with the purchase of real estate, thereby paying compensation every month.

If a tax deduction is required when buying a land plot, for example, under construction, then you can turn to the end of the construction itself. The owner of the construction organization and the owner of the future housing should sign an act of receiving housing and its transfer.

Tax deduction when buying a car

No. It is impossible to get HB on the car. There was no such refund of funds in the country's legislation. In a word, a deduction from the tax man has a rule to get in any case, but if it comes to no vehicle.

This means that the return of funds during the purchase of a car is not even worth thinking. You just spend your own time in vain. Such a refund is not issued to anyone, even pensioners and those who need it very much.

However, there is one tax deduction option during the purchase of a car, only it has a completely different type. It is able to reduce the value of the tax base during the sale of real estate. It is issued to the seller, but only partially. The seller has the right to return finances by reducing the tax base in the future to pay the tax.

Tax deduction when buying an apartment: Sample

In the sample, you must specify the following data:

  • The period for which the tax should be issued.
  • Personal filler data.
  • The filler data specified in the passport.
  • The status of the application statement.
  • Human residence providing a statement.
  • Information that indicates human taxes, its payments made to the state treasury.
  • Cash receipts that citizen received over the past year.
  • Information about the purchase of an apartment or the construction of a diverse type of real estate.
  • Standard deductions.

We hope that having studied the specified information, you will not make mistakes when receiving a tax deduction. The main thing is to do everything on time and have relevant documents, since the state authorities will not tolerate delays and shortcomings.

Video: How to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment?


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