
How to choose an epilator

How to choose an epilator
Epilators: types, characteristics, models, choice of choice

In pursuit of attractiveness, women are able to make any victims. One of them can be safely considered the removal of unwanted hair using the removal procedure.

If you are tired of monitoring the smoothness of the legs daily, then you should choose an epilator. Such a device will help remove the hair with the root, which will significantly extend the effect of smoothness and save your time. The epilator will become especially relevant during preparation for the beach season, because often there is not always the possibility of a full -fledged caring for yourself when you travel.

Since any procedure, epilation is quite painful, you need to know how to choose the right epalator, taking into account all your wishes and features of application. Popular brands offer a fairly wide selection of such devices that differ not only in external and price features, but also in their technical characteristics. In order not to overpay for a well -known name and beautiful design, we will consider in more detail the main functions of the device and popular models.


How to choose an epalator: basic characteristics

We determine all the main pros and cons of existing devices in order to choose the right epalator according to customer reviews.

How to choose an epalator: principle of operation

All models produced today can be divided into four main groups:

  1. Disk devices. The system of operation of such an apparatus is that the main mechanism consists of several discs that remove the hair. Rotating discs grab the hair and pull it out with the root, as with a tweezer.
  2. Tweezers. The principle of operation of such devices differs from the previous one in that instead of discs, the mechanism is equipped with small tweezers (from 20 to 40 pieces), which are located on the rotating part of the epilator in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Spring mechanisms. Such devices were carried out the very first for home hair removal and today are practically not presented on sale. Spirals and springs plucked their hair as they rotate. Such mechanisms are not strong enough and durable due to the rapid wear of the springs.
  4. With ceramic tweezers. From the cosmetology side, such epilators are considered the best, because they reduce sensitive skin irritation and are hypoallergenic. However, the cost of such devices significantly exceeds ordinary models with metal mechanisms.

Most women, judging by the numerous reviews on the topic of which epulator to choose, prefer the tweezers of the work, since such devices work more carefully. Disk devices work faster due to a higher speed, but less effective.


How to choose an epalator: power source

In order to most rationally choose an epilator for the legs, it is also recommended to pay attention to the type of operation of the device:

  1. Network. Such models of devices will be the least expensive, since they do not have an additional battery and work directly when connecting to the mains. Such a device for hair removal only legs at home is quite satisfactory, but for removing hair in hard -to -reach areas it will be somewhat uncomfortable.
  2. Battery. Such a device will cost more, but using it involves work without a direct connection to the network, which is quite convenient. On average, the leg hair removal procedure takes about half an hour, so you should choose a device with such a minimum of battery work. Modern manufacturers produce models with batteries for 20-60 minutes of continuous operation, and the charging process can last from an hour to a day.
  3. Combined. If it is supposed to use the device for all parts of the body, then it is recommended to give preference to devices operating both from the battery and from the network. For prolonged legs hair removal, you can use the network mode, but for individual sections - wireless work.


How to choose an epilator: anesthesia

When solving a difficult issue for women, which epulator is better to choose, you should pay special attention to a very painful process of this procedure. If the pain threshold is quite high, then during hair removal you can simply pull the skin so that the device is thoroughly pulled out. If your pain threshold is quite low, and the skin is very delicate, then you need to purchase a device with additional abilities for anesthesia:

  1. Cooling. Complete with the device can also be various mittens or cassettes for cooling the skin, which must be stored in the freezer before the procedure.
  2. Massage. Such nozzles allow you to prepare delicate skin for a painful procedure and thereby reduce sensitivity.
  3. Wet hair removal. There are devices that can be used directly in the shower, bathroom or using cosmetics for shaving and hair removal. Removing hair made of steamed leather will be much less painful than with a dry procedure.


How to choose an epalator: nozzles

The main head with tweezers for hair removal can be removable for better cleaning the device, as well as floating, double and washing. The double head allows the device to provide the greatest efficiency with lower energy consumption. Washing nozzle allows you to clean with sterile use tweezers.

The presence of additional nozzles for various types of hair removal will increase the price of the device, so you should determine which functions will be really useful to you, and without which you can do:

  1. Razor. The nozzle will allow you to use an epilator for shaving inaccessible zones and legs, when there is simply no time for thorough hair removal.
  2. Nozzle for individual hairs. This function allows only a few tweezers to work and pulls out individual hairs one at a time.
  3. Nozzle for heels. Such a special function allows you to exfoliate keratinized skin particles and fully prepare legs for the beach season.
  4. Nozzle for sensitive skin. This function is used for owners of sensitive skin and when hair removal, which involves partial closure and restriction of a certain number of tweezers.
  5. Peeling. The nozzle allows you to prevent undesirable hair in the skin after tearing them. This procedure is especially effective for sensitive skin, but the use of a special nozzle can be replaced with a rough scrub for the legs.
  6. Trimmer. The nozzle allows you to adjust the length of the torn hair and even perform intimate hairstyles in the presence of razor blades at the device.


How to choose an epalator: speeds

Budget and simple models have one or two speed speeds. More expensive devices are equipped with two or three levels of rotation of disks or tweezers for greater thoroughness of the procedure with the least temporary costs. Also, various speeds are used in skin hair removal with varying degrees of sensitivity.

Slow (less painful) mode allows you to remove longer, thick and hard hairs, and is also used in areas with increased sensitivity. Accelerated (more painful) mode is used for a more thorough and fast procedure for removing short, thin and weak hairs. Also, the use of several speed modes is relevant with constant hair removal, since over time growing hairs become thinner and soft and more efficiently removed only at high speed.

How to choose an epilator: tweezers

The quality and time spent on the procedure directly depends on the number of tweezers. If the number of tweezers reaches 48 pieces, then the hair removal will be more painful, but also the fastest and most thorough. If the tweezers are a little more than 12 pieces, then the procedure will be less sensitive, but each site will have to go several times.

Additional criteria for choosing an epilator

How to choose an epalator: noise level

Naturally, the quieter work of the device will be a pleasant factor for choosing, since a terribly rustling machine will not even psychologically set you up positively to such a sensitive procedure. The device also works more efficiently and faster, the more noticeable the noise produced. However, all manufacturers produce their devices with a noise level of at least 65 dB.

How to choose an epalator: weight

The weight of the device should be acceptable for use and not weight a brush so that your hand does not get tired ahead of time. Excessively lighter device is also undesirable, as it can slip out of the hands and lead to skin injuries. The epalator should be moderately tangible in weight and comfortable, so when choosing, do not hesitate to hold it in your hands when buying in the store.


How to choose an epilator: structure mobility

If you use the epilator only for the skin of the legs, then the presence of a floating head is not so important that it affects the cost of the device. In the presence of a floating head, there is no need to monitor the direct perpendicular location of tweezers due to the inclination of up to 25 degrees in both directions. Such a feature of the device is indispensable when using it for removal of hard -to -reach areas.

How to choose an epilator: flashlight

Some models without additional lighting are quite effectively cope with their work and, besides this, are cheaper. However, bright lighting is necessary for such a procedure and is not considered superfluous when choosing a device. A direct hit of bright light on the skin area allows you to see the most inconspicuous hair and make hair removal more effective.


How to choose an epalator: shape and size

In the instrument market for epilation, manufacturers represent a fairly wide selection of unique structures. When choosing the device, pay attention to its dimensions, since it will be inconvenient to use a large epilator at home, and too small can work less effectively or slip out of hands. The shape of the epilator should slightly repeat the bends of the palm, and the buttons should be conveniently located on the switching panel, but do not hit accidentally during operation.

How to choose an epalator: design

If you have decided on a set of basic qualities necessary for this special procedure, then the design and colors of the device will help you to make the final decision. As a rule, the most colorful and original performed models cost somewhat more expensive than simple classic ones. Therefore, first of all, pay attention not to the appearance of the apparatus, but to its technical characteristics and an additional set of accessories (nozzles, brushes, cosmetic bags and others).

How to choose an epalator: manufacturers

The last but important criterion affecting the solution of the issue of which epulator is better to choose - the price will allow you to decide on the necessary model.

How to choose an epalator: BRAUN Epalator

The SE 3170 model from the German manufacturer Brown (about 1691 p.) Is made of white-lilac plastic and is designed for dry hair removal. The power and operation of the device occurs directly from the mains. The device can operate in two high -speed modes with 20 tweezers and backlight.

In the kit, 2 nozzles (the main tweezers and rubber massage, lifting hairs), brush for cleaning, wire for the network are included. Pinzets of the epilator are metal, not moisture resistant. Massage rubber rollers allow you to remove hairs up to 0.5 mm long with perpendicular location.


How to choose an epalator: RHILIRS epulator

The NR-6540/00 model from the manufacturer Filips (Bosnia and Herzegovina) worth about 2068 p. It is made of white-gold plastic with a weight of about 0.5 kg and dimensions of 30*21*5.5 cm. A dry type-output-type epalator operates from the network in two speed modes. The main nozzle is equipped with 20 metal tweezers, and the kit includes a battery mini-epator, a hand-handed tweezer with a mirror and a backlight in a case and a brush for cleaning devices.

Metal parts are made with a protective coating for sensitive skin irritation. Disclosure of discs less than 0.6 mm with a minimum hair length of 0.5 mm. The epilizing nozzle is removable and washing, and the device handle is slightly curved for ease of use.


How to choose an epalator: RoWerta epilator

The YP 1030 model from the French manufacturer of the unauthorized (about 927 p.) Is made of white-pink plastic. The device is designed for dry hair removal and works from the mains in two high -speed modes with 24 metal tweezers without backlighting. The device is equipped with rubber massage balls for painkillers when hair hair removal from 0.5 mm, and there is a brush in the kit for cleaning the cutting head.


How to choose epilato: Ranasonis epalator

The ES-ED90 model from the manufacturer Panasonic (about 3738 p.) Is made of red and white plastic and is designed for dry and humid hair removal. The device works from the battery to 30 minutes and requires an hourly charging. The device is equipped with 48 metal tweezers located on the double system of discs of the movable head and operates at a reduced noise level of up to 65 dB at two levels of speed and with backlight.

An additional set of nozzles includes a razor, for peeling, a limiter for sensitive zones. The epalator with nozzles is supplied in a cosmetic bag with three lids for nozzles and a brush for cleaning the device. The device is waterproof and can be used using foam or gel.


How to choose an epalator: RemingTon epalator

The EP7030 model from the Chinese manufacturer Remington (about 4520 p.) Is made of gray-white plastic and is designed for dry and humid hair removal. The device works from the battery up to 40 minutes in two high -speed modes with backlight. The device is equipped with a comfortable anti -slip handle and a movable head with massage rubber rollers and 40 metal tweezers.

The following washing nozzles are included: for shaving, a limiter for sensitive areas, massage. The device removes hairs from 0.5 mm long with a dry or humid procedure, and completely waterproof. The epalator, a comb for the bikini zone, peeling gloves and a cleaning brush are supplied in a cosmetic bag.


How to choose an epalator: SATURN Epalator

The ST-SS1595 model from the manufacturer Saturn (about 1219 p.) Is made of lilac plastic and weighs about 400 g. The device is intended for dry hair removal in two high-speed modes with 30 metal tweezers. The device works from the battery to 45 minutes and requires charging for at least 8 hours.

In addition to the main nozzle for hair removal, the device has an additional razor nozzle. Metal tweezers are able to remove the shortest hairs from 0.5 mm long. In the kit for the epilator, a brush for cleaning tweezers and a transportation cosmetic bag is designed.


Video ties for buying an epilator

Recommendations from an expert will help you choose a good epilator for the future beach season:



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