
Swelling of the lower and upper eyelids - causes, symptoms. How to remove swelling of the eyelids at home

Swelling of the lower and upper eyelids - causes, symptoms. How to remove swelling of the eyelids at home
The article collects many recipes and ways to get rid of the swelling of the upper and lower eyelids. You will also learn about the symptoms of the edema of the eyelids and measures of the prevention of this state

Education of a century is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that both men and women can meet. This can happen for completely different reasons and persist for a different amount of time. Sometimes the swelling of the eyelids can be a symptom of medical problems in the human body. In such cases, any of your manipulations in the removal of swelling of the eyelids will be short -lived. You will have to solve the problem from the inside. In this article, we will consider the symptoms of swelling of both the upper and lower eyelids, methods of removing edema.

The swelling of the eyelids. What is it

Eyes are a very thin and sensitive part of the eyeball. The eyelids are designed to protect our eyes from possible mechanical damage. This is a kind of border between the outside world and the eyeball. What is swelling of the century? This is a simple accumulation of liquid in the upper or lower eyelids. As you know, our body contains a large amount of water. But as soon as the amount of water between the cells increases by a third of the norm, and edema appears. The swelling of the eyelids happens:

  • swelling of the upper eyelids;
  • edema of only the lower eyelid;
  • edema of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • swelling of the eyelids of one eye;
  • the edema of the eyelids of both eyes.

Also, swelling of the eyelids can be single or repeated. In order to accurately understand the causes and mechanism of the appearance of edema of the eyelids, it is necessary to accurately represent the structure of the century. It consists of 2 layers:

  • surface layer or skin-muscular;
  • deep layer or cartilage.

The edema of the eyelids can be recognized by the characteristic swelling, subcutaneous filling with water of the fabrics of the eyelids. The swelling of the eyelids can have a different nature:

  • inflammatory swelling of the eyelids. This type of edema is the most unpleasant and dangerous. It is accompanied by pain, redness, fever;
  • immimable swelling of the eyelids. This type of edema is not accompanied by painful sensations or redness. In the tissues of the century, liquid simply accumulates. Most often appears in the morning;
  • allergic swelling of the eyelids. The reason for the appearance is contact with the allergen. Such swelling appears sharply and quickly disappears when the allergen is removed.

The swelling of the upper eyelids. Reasons

The swelling of the upper eyelid is accompanied by the accumulation of excessive fluid only in the upper eyelid. The eyelid hangs over the eye, weights his eyes. The reasons for the swelling of the century over the eyes can be different. Among the most common can be called:

  • the effect of some allergen;
  • inflammatory process (barley, halazion, dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, boil, etc.);
  • mechanical damage to the eye, injury;
  • some diseases of the internal organs;
  • age -related changes, congenital features of the structure of the eye.

The constant swelling of the eyelids above the eyes is the reason to undergo an examination by a doctor. 

The swelling of the lower eyelid of the eye. Reasons

The swelling of the lower eyelid is popularly called "bags under the eyes." Most often, edema of the lower eyelid is found in two eyes at the same time and has non -inflammatory nature. Such a swelling of the century is also associated with the accumulation of excess fluid and can occur for completely different reasons:

  • violation of the diet, non -compliance with the diet;
  • improper lifestyle;
  • improper drinking regime during the day;
  • non -compliance with sleep and wakefulness;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of any vitamins, trace elements;
  • if a woman’s lower eyelid is suddenly swollen, then the problem can be hidden in “female” diseases;
  • the lower eyelid may swell if the insect is bitten;
  • the swelling of the lower eyelid can happen after a long load on the eyes, for example, after a long work at the computer, contemplation of the sun, bright snow, etc.;
  • certain diseases (diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, etc.);
  • the effect of any allergen;
  • fat hernia in the lower eyelid;
  • inborn features of the structure of the eye.

Typically, edema of the lower eyelid occurs in people over 30 years old, in the elderly. Morning edema subsides during the day. When the edema lasts all day and for a long time, it is possible that it is a fat hernia in the lower eyelid.

The swelling of the eyelids. Consequences

If the swelling of the eyelids appeared suddenly, then this is an occasion to think about your lifestyle on the eve. Perhaps you just drank a lot of liquids in the evening, slept a lot, etc. In such cases, the edema of the eyelids passes throughout the day. There are many folk methods that help remove such a swelling of the eyelids. There are also many options among cosmetics that help get rid of the effect of swollen eyes in a shorter time. If the swelling of the eyelids is accompanied by soreness, redness, the release of pus, an increase in edema during the day, then it is not worth it to put a trip to the doctor. If you ignore such a signal of the body, then you can wait for such consequences as:

  • glaucoma;
  • optic atrophy;
  • swelling of the eye;
  • elephantiasis;
  • feverish condition, etc.

Sometimes edema of a century can reach such an extent that the clearance between centuries becomes almost invisible, and a person loses the opportunity to see with this eye. In order to prevent such dangerous states of the eye, you need to contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner and start treatment.

Prevention of the emergence of swelling of the upper and lower eyelids

Doctors recommend adhering to a number of tips in order to prevent edema of the eyelids:

  • full nutrition with a minimum of spicy, salty, smoked dishes, carbonated drinks, etc.;
  • a full -fledged dream. It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time;
  • before going to bed, do not drink a lot of liquids;
  • limit the use of salt;
  • periodically take diuretic fees;
  • do not touch your eyes with dirty hands;
  • use only high -quality cosmetics that does not cause allergic reactions. Also an important point is thorough daily eye cleansing of cosmetics. To do this, you also need to use special cosmetics for demacking the eyes;
  • avoid hypothermia, staying in drafts.

How to remove the swelling of the eyelids

Of course, the correct treatment of swelling of the eyelids can be prescribed only if the correct cause of the appearance of this condition is established. The edema of the century can have an allergic, bacterial, non -inflammatory nature. The plan of medical measures in each of these cases is different:

  • if the edema of the century has an inflammatory nature, then treatment can begin with the use of antiviral or antibacterial agents. The doctor may prescribe eyes washing with various antiseptic solutions, laying antibacterial ointments, instillation of drops, etc.;
  • if the edema of the eyelids arose as a result of injury, then the injury is first treated. In the absence of an open wound surface, an application of a cold compress is possible. Antibacterial ointments or eye drops can also be prescribed to prevent further infection;
  • if the edema of the century has an allergic nature, then the primary task in treatment is the establishment of an allergen. The sooner you exclude contact with this allergen, the faster the recovery will come. The most common cause of allergic edema of the eyelids in women is cosmetics. Always observe personal hygiene and do not use the cosmetics of dubious quality, with an expired expiration date, other people's cosmetics. The doctor most often prescribes antihistamines, hormonal drugs with allergic edema of the eyelids;
  • if the edema of the eyelids has non -inflammatory nature, it is important to establish the cause of this edema. It is possible that it is enough just to normalize your drinking mode, sleep and rest, diet. If non -inflammatory edema is caused by fat hernia, then surgical intervention can help.

The swelling of the eyelids in the morning. Reasons

Swelling of the century in the morning is an unpleasant phenomenon that adults older than 30 years of age are most often faced with. The reasons for the swelling of the eyelids in the morning may be the following:

  • eating in salty, spicy food the night before;
  • the use of too much water the day before;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • non -compliance with sleep regime;
  • excessive smoking;
  • an uncomfortable body position during sleep, a dream “face in a pillow”;
  • the use of too much fat face cream the night before.

As a rule, the swelling of the eyelids in the morning is not isolated cases that do not cause much discomfort. Such edema quickly pass themselves or with the help of cosmetics, recipes of traditional medicine. If the edema of the eyelids appeared suddenly and became the companions of each of your morning, then you should see a doctor. This can be a signal of your body about some problems in the work of internal organs.

Swelling of the eyelids and tattoo

Such a newfangled procedure as eye tattooing can also provoke the appearance of edema of the eyelids. The following categories of people have a predisposition to the appearance of edema after tattooing:

  • people with too dry and thin skin;
  • people with an individual tendency to swell the eyelids;
  • people with a predisposition to allergic reactions to drugs.

Swelling of the eyelids after tattooing can be caused by factors such as:

  • a large depth of the introduction of the pigment;
  • incorrectly selected method of anesthesia;
  • low quality of the pigment;
  • non -compliance with hygiene rules during the procedure;
  • infection of infection in the eyelid.

The appearance of edema of the eyelids after tattooing is considered a variant of the norm. But the edema should leave itself approximately after a day. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations of a tattoo master according to the rules of personal hygiene. The preservation of the swelling and redness of the eyelids 1-2 days after tattoo, the appearance of pain, the release of pus-all this is the reason to see a doctor.

The swelling of the eyelids. Treatment

If you have addressed the doctor with the problem of the swelling of the eyelids, then the treatment will begin with revealing the cause of the constant accumulation of fluid for centuries. Depending on what the edema is caused, the following treatment methods can be proposed:

  • taking medications: eye drops, ointments (viniz, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc.), antihistamines, diuretics, etc.;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures. Micotopotalist stimulation of the deep layers of skin;
  • modern cosmetics (patches under the eyes, roller sticks, creams, serums, ointments);
  • massage. Massage in different techniques can be proposed;
  • traditional medicine;
  • surgical intervention is a radical way to get rid of constant “bags” under the eyes and hanging the eyelids.

How to remove the swelling of the eyelids at home

Traditional medicine can offer a wide variety of recipes for removing the swelling of the eyelids at home. The most important rule of any self -medication is excessive caution. With any swelling of the upper or lower eyelid of an inflammatory nature, be sure to consult a doctor. The same rule applies to the swelling of the eyelids in children. Self -medication even with the most harmless folk recipes is simply unacceptable. For example, allergic reactions in children can develop simply lightning speed. Among the most famous recipes for traditional medicine from the swelling of the eyelids can be called:

  • parsley. This plant is known for its healing properties, which can also save from the swelling of the eyelids. You can finely chop the parsley and apply the resulting mass on the eyelids. It is enough to wait 10-15 minutes and you will see a noticeable improvement;
  • parsley and sour cream. You can add a couple of spoons of sour cream to the crushed parsley and apply in a closed eyes with a thick layer. To increase efficiency, you can put a bandage or a cotton pad folded in several layers on top. Mask exposure time-15-30 min.
  • sage. Compresses from sage helps to relieve swelling of the eyelids. You will achieve even greater efficiency if these compresses are contrasting. Pour 1 tsp Sage boiling water, let the decoction brew. Then cool half of this decoction. Dip the cotton pads alternately in a hot or a cold decoction and apply to eyes for 2-3 minutes;
  • dill, chamomile, parsley. From such a combination of healing herbs, you can prepare another miraculous decoction in order to remove the swelling of the upper eyelids. Grinded herbs in equal parts (1 tsp) pour boiling water and let it brew well. Give a decoction to cool to a comfortable temperature for you. Then dip cottage pads in a decoction and apply to the eyelids;
  • chamomile. You can buy chamomile in bags in a pharmacy, pour it with boiling water and apply these bags by 10-15 minutes by 10-15 minutes. If you have a chain of chamomile, then you can prepare "home bags". Cut a small piece of gauze or bandage, pour a handful of chamomile flowers there, tie it in a bag. Pour such bags with boiling water, and then apply warm to the eyelids;
  • potato. Potato juice is able to quickly eliminate the swelling of the eyelids. You can grate the potatoes on a fine grater, put a little slurry in gauze and attach to the eye. You can also simply get the cotton pad into the juice from potatoes and apply to the eyes. The exposure time of such a compress is 10-15 minutes;
  • rose petals. If you have been given a beautiful bouquet of roses, then do not rush to throw out the flowers when they are wound. Dried petals retain a delicate aroma and the ability to help in the fight against swelling over the eyelids. Put 1-2 petals in a piece of gauze or bandage, lower it into hot water, and then apply for 5-7 minutes to the eyes;
  • ice. Ice cubes have long been a favorite means of many beauties to care for themselves. The ice is able to remove the swelling of the eyelids in a matter of minutes. To make such a procedure not only useful, but also pleasant, prepare ice cubes with herbs. You can put chamomile, sage, parsley in ice molds, pour water and freeze. With such cubes you can wipe not only the eyelids, but the whole face.

Now you know exactly how to remove the swelling of the eyelids above the eyes, what are the symptoms of the swelling of the eyelids, what recipes of traditional medicine are designed to relieve swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, how to get rid of the swelling of the eyelids in the morning, etc. Stay healthy and beautiful!



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