
How to dilute mascara

How to dilute mascara
What can and what you can not dilute the dried mascara.

Sometimes with sadness you have to state the fact that your favorite mascara does not paint out as before and dries in front of the eyes. Many beautiful girls who emphasize the natural beauty of their eyes faced with such a situation. Of course, you can easily buy a new mascara of even the same brand, although, if you look at, and the old still may well serve. As a result, it will be no worse than a new one, but the same familiar, native. It remains to understand how to carry out such manipulation, and what can be useful, and what, on the contrary, harmful.

Mascara of eyelashes: types


Today, almost any girl uses mascara in her makeup, staining and lengthening eyelashes. And it's not just that it is fashionable and modern, it is also beautiful and helps to elegantly emphasize their individuality.

Mascara rarity


  1. Our moms and grandmothers used their masses. Previously, of course, this achievement of cosmetology looked completely different. More resembled a tile or briquette. Such a mascara was saturated and very thick.
  2. To make eyelashes with her, a special tassel was necessary to initially wet, and then smear the contents and apply a black mixture on the cilia. Of course, such cosmetics served as for years, which was practical and economically, but not very aesthetic.
  3. The composition of the carcass of the 90s did not include chemistry and strictly corresponded to the norms of production of such products. At the same time, this kind of cosmetics had to dilute with water or saliva, which does not fully comply with hygiene standards.
  4. Probably, today, somewhere else, you can find remnants in the form of briquettes of the Soviet carcass, but in mass production this product irrevocably disappeared from the shelves of modern cosmetic stores.

Mascara modern


  1. Modern tubes with mascara appeared only in 1957 and immediately won popularity thanks to convenience and practicality.
  2. A new mascara in the oblong tubes was not necessary to constantly wet. It was much more convenient than the previous one and quickly won popularity in the market, thereby pusing her briquette predecessor.
  3. Now there is no limit variety of BRACMUI. And this concerns not only the shape of the tube itself, but also new-fashioned patented brushes, as well as the textures of the most painting base. Waterproof, extensive, flourishing, volume, curling - each occupies a worthy niche among buyers.
  4. However, together with the convenience, discomfort came. The contents of Burasmatiki quickly lose its properties quickly, dries and taken by lumps, which is negatively reflected in the effect of its use.
  5. On the one hand, it can be seen that the mascara is still quite suitable for use, and on the other hand, she took to the lumps and no longer cries so good. In addition, it can even be taken by pieces on the eyelashes themselves.
  6. Of course, it is clear that sooner or later even the most favorite cosmetic equipment for the eyelashes dries down or end, but the fact that its consistency can be restored or bought again, cannot but rejoice.
  7. It remains to understand how to dilute the mascara in the tube, so that the cilia after meikapa looked is also attractive as on the first day of use.

Than dilute the dried mascara: ways

  1. Usually mascara of any manufacturer and prices after some time becomes too thick and even dries at all. Due to its availability, not many beautiful ladies are attempting to solve this problem. But this is not only possible, but also necessary, because the mascara after simple manipulations becomes almost as new and serves as its mistress faithfully and the truth is still long enough.
  2. The subject of our conversation will not be rare dry cosmetics, and the most popular equipment for eyelashes of the new sample is mascara in a tube with an original tassel, which also enjoy schoolgirls, and beautiful moms, and grandmothers.
  3. Only purchased mascara has a sufficiently liquid, slightly viscous consistency. In just a couple of weeks of use, the mascara is thick in the brassum, becomes viscous and lumps in it. It seems there is still a lot in the tube to please our eyes, but it dries and no longer gives the desired effect to adjust the shape and the length of the cilia.

How to dilute mascara water


  1. If you look at the magazines about fashionable and beautiful, or scroll through the leading cosmetology editions, then they can find a lot of advice on professionals for what to dilute the dried mascara. So, it is recommended to simply add directly into the tube a bit of warm water. This method is definitely practical, does not require financial costs and is quite simple. But there is an opinion that this is not particularly hygienic, and not practical at all.
  2. We all know that water in our communication networks does not differ too high quality. It dwells in a huge number of various pathogenic microorganisms and quite a few bacteria. Including in running water a large number of chlorine, which is also not for the benefit of our fragile eyelashes. With a warm temperature, microorganisms quickly multiply and can be a serious threat. As a result, the risk of enhancing infection in the region of the mucous side is extremely high. And in certain situations even a great probability of developing conjunctivitis - an unpleasant infectious disease eye disease.
  3. Moreover, the water will make a mascara of liquid, but at the same time will lead to the fact that its consistency will become uneven. Instead of a high-quality carcass you, most likely, get a tool with lumps, and this is not what we strive for. In addition, water is a liquid that evaporates fast enough, which means that the mascara will quickly thicken again.
  4. If there is no other way out and it is not clear how to dilute the thickening mascara, resorting to some other way, then you need to act neatly:
  • water to dilute carcasses first need to boil and give it to cool;
  • to properly dose water, it is better to arm a pipette, it will allow you to count the drops added to the tube with a car.
  • then you need to shake mascara, so that the contents of the tube mixed well;
  • diluted with water mascara is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.
  1. It must be recognized that boiled water cannot be considered completely the same in different regions of the country. It can have a peculiar mineral composition, which sometimes affects an annoying eye. It is better to stock with distilled water and use it for such purposes. It completely lacks any impurities and it is also completely sterile.
  2. However, even distilled water can be an excellent environment for the development of a pathogenic flora. Only the ladies of the unlock to allergies can dilute mascara without fear.
  3. As an alternative tool, you can try ordinary tea. Several droplets of a hard boiled drink are sent to the tube. In addition, the brush is also dipping. Just do not forget it before it needs to be thoroughly rinsed in warm boiled water.
  4. And one more substantial moment, if the mascara dried, and how to dilute it is not clear, then it is necessary to apply water only when the mascara is water-soluble. Waterproof mascara is impossible to dilute with water, for this you will need other means.
  5. Remember, the mascara is more likely losing an acceptable consistency than more water you added to it.

Paraffin as a way to dilute mascara


  1. Slightly dried mascara can be diluted before the initial state, if it is accurately known for its composition. It is not so difficult, because it is usually contained on the packaging or the bragism itself.
  2. If in the ingredients of your beloved carcass, which comes in disrepair, you found paraffin - bring it in a sense to be easily. To do this, just tighten the tube and put it in hot water for a couple of minutes. Then threaten the contents well. After such uncomplicated manipulations, your mascara will again acquire the necessary consistency.
  3. After some time, she still thirsty again, and if it does not end, you can reanimate it in this way again.

How to dilute mascara eye drops


The above methods can be supplemented with some other techniques. As a salvation, ordinary eye drops can help.

  1. You just need to choose drops containing soothing components and some additives.
  2. This method is also good because the drops can eliminate not only eye irritation, but also help with the arrow-allergic manifestations on the mucous membrane.
  3. The use of droplets eliminates eye infections, because they are completely sterile and act on microbes destructive.
  4. In order to dilute cosmetics, you can use such well-known brands such as visiting, opthalghel and other analogs designed to moisturize the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
  5. Modern eye drops can be easily purchased in any pharmacy. This means that the dried mascara will not deliver unnecessary trouble, it will be possible to breed instantly.
  6. However, it should be noted that the eye drops and liquid for contact lenses require caution when adding to the mascara. The fact is that despite all its attractiveness, they can all also give very unpleasant side effects in the form of irritation. At the same time, the test on the sensitivity of the eyes will not take before, and the troubles will not be wrapped.

How to dilute mascara liquid for contact lenses


Contact lenses have very useful properties. It is absolutely hypoallergenic. In composition, this liquid differs little from tears. The method of dilution of carcasses with liquid for contact lenses is considered the best. This substance has a pronounced antibacterial character, and, it means that the mascara can be breeding without any fears.

Tonic for removing makeup as a means for dilution of carcass


  1. Many experienced make-up artists are extremely recommended to dilute mascara, any way, but especially the means for removing makeup.
  2. Before taking advantage of the tonic, make sure that there is no alcohol in its composition. Remember that the tonic of one manufacturer by properties can be very different from the other. They can also act different ways and are not always useful for the skin, what to say about the eyes.
  3. Often tonic are affordable products that contain components of chemical origin. They can cause allergies, strong irritation, as well as itching on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.

Is it worth diluting the dried mascara?


  1. Usually new, or only an open mascara is used to three months. After this period, it is necessary to simply throw it away and buy a new one.
  2. It is absolutely no matter, a tube has opened with a car. Every day or the remedy was applied only a few days a week. To save your own health and beauty, you do not need to dilute the eye. It is better to just buy a new Brasmatic, the benefit of modern production facilities of cosmetology brands satisfy demand with interest.
  3. Trying to improve the contents of tubes in any way, first of all, you need to take care of your health, and only then about savings.
  4. If the shelf life of the carcass has long been expired, it is necessary to get rid of it without unnecessary regrets.

What should not be used to dilute mascara

  1. Some methods are simply catastrophically suited to resuscitate carcass. Their use is even categorically prohibited by cosmetologists of any level. Not only that losing a commodity look, the mascara does not cope with the task of the eyelashes correction, so also causes strong harm to eyes, undermining your health.
  2. We recommend not under any circumstances to add lotions, tonic and other means containing alcohol to Brasmatic. They cause not only irritation and redness of the eyelids, but also the strongest itch. You can even get a mucosa burn, and it will be very difficult to cope with it later.
  3. Boldly apply liquids having a neutral composition. Not bad to use and disinfecting.
  4. Alcohol also leads to a rapid drying of the eyelashes, it destroys their structure itself. Cilia begin to quickly fall out, their density is lost and a beautiful view. If you have found alcohol as part of the carcasses, then the consequences of its use will also require a long-term reduction with the use of regenerating compositions. To do this, you can use the rapid oil and tincture of healing herbs.
  5. Experts are also strictly prohibited to apply hydrogen peroxide to resuscitate carcass. This tool is completely incompatible with any eye cosmetics. Its use threatens the strongest burns of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
  6. Also can not be added to the mascara olive and any other vegetable oil. First of all, they are not sterile and can cause serious eye inflammation. In addition, oil thickens with time, which will make the use of a carcass impossible. It will be spread not only by centuries, but also to get into the eyes, that is quite dangerous.
  7. Although we described this method at the beginning of the article, but a very dangerous method is also to dilute the mascara of the eyelace. Millions of microorganisms live in the oral cavity. People suffering from caries or periodontitis, it is also forbidden, since the infection falls into the eyes and causes various diseases. When wetting the brush saliva, conditions are created in the tube for the rapid development of the pathogenic flora, which causes allergies to its worst manifestations.

Health needs to be preserved, treat it as carefully and prevent any diseases. Only so you can achieve an attractive appearance. In any case, it is not necessary to save on your own health. Mascara in our time is not as expensive to refuse to buy a new bracmatics. Remember, diluting mascara with something, you change the composition provided by the manufacturer. As a result, you receive not only other properties of the contents of the tube, but also increase the risk of diseases, even with full observance of hygiene.


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