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Middle Piling of Faces at home. Middle chemical peeling - photo before and after

Middle Piling of Faces at home. Middle chemical peeling - photo before and after
Homemade Middle Piling is no worse than in the cabin. What is this type of peeling and how to conduct it at home.

Peeling is a sparing cosmetic procedure that involves complete cleansing of the skin from the outer keratinized ball of cells. This helps painlessly refresh the skin throughout the body in a very short time. There are three main types of exfoliation (peeling cleansing), each of which is designed to eliminate a specific problem. Superficial peeling solves small problems of young skin, deep - is aimed at maintaining youth, and the middle one - perfectly eliminates various cosmetic defects (scars, striae, scars). Today we will discuss the middle -willed peeling for the skin of the face, how to do it yourself, and how to care for cleansed skin after the procedure.

Middle Piling of Faces: Features of the procedure

Middle peeling is a mechanical scraping of keratinized cells of the epidermal and partially basal skin layer. Compared to a slight cleansing, which allows you to capture only the epidermis, the middle peeling is designed to correct the obvious skin flaws.

Middle peeling is considered a completely safe event. But this procedure is an aggressive introduction into a surface ball of the skin, therefore, it should be carried out only if there are direct indications, with the implementation of all the rules and recommendations of a cosmetologist.

The skin after median peeling quickly regenerates scraped cells, intensively emitting collagen. This process causes the effect of rejuvenation of the skin of the face. But this is not the only improvement in the skin from the procedure.

After peeling, the skin noticeably changes its original appearance. At first, she whitts, then inflams and blushes, and after 3-4 days-covered with brown crusts. After 8 days, the skin is completely updated. This period is called rehabilitation and lasts no more than 10 days. This is what the restoration of the skin of the face after median peeling by the days looks like:

Middle peeling shows the following cosmetic properties:

  • The oval of the face is pulled up, the covers become smooth and elastic to the touch.
  • Pits from acne disappear, scars are smoothed out.
  • Pigment spots are destroyed.
  • Pores narrow, fat gloss disappears.
  • Signs of aging are significant.
  • Mimic wrinkles are removed.

Interesting! The word "peeling" has English roots and comes from the word Peel, which sounds like "scrape." This cosmetic procedure spread even during the Egyptian pharaohs, and was considered one of the most effective anti -aging procedures.

To get the maximum and prolonged effect, cosmetologists recommend carrying out several procedures of median exfoliation. For dry and very sensitive skin, it is permissible to pass 2-3 sessions with an interval of at least 1 month, and for oily and problematic-4-5 sessions every 10-14 days.

To clearly evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning in this way, look at the photo how the skin looks after median peeling before and after the procedure:

What are the indications and contraindications for median peeling

Middle peeling, regardless of whether it is carried out in a salon or at home, must have good cosmetic prerequisites.

In what situations is the middle -nuclear peeling of the face:

  1. Deep scars after injuries, acne, acne.
  2. Striya.
  3. Dark circles around the eyes caused by the features of the structure of the skin.
  4. Age or facial aging - wrinkles, pigmentation.
  5. Hyperkeratosis is an excessive synthesis of epidermal cells, followed by impaired process of their separation.

There are several contraindications to the Middle Pincing:

  • The tendency of the skin to the formation of deep scars.
  • Inflammation of the skin of any origin.
  • Exacerbation of infectious diseases of the whole organism.
  • Oncology and diabetes of any type.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Warts and papillary growth.
  • All mental disorders and neurological deviations without exception.
  • Blood diseases, especially related to the problem of its coagulation.
  • Skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes).
  • A tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Freshly acquired tan.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Varieties median facial peeling

Middle peeling is performed using different tools and substances, therefore, by the method of influence on the skin, it is divided into three types:

  1. Median mechanical Pilling - mechanically cleaning using abrasive microparticles (scrubbing), masks, enzyme substances.
  2. Median chemical Piling - involves the application of certain acid -containing substances that, without mechanical exposure, dissolve keratinized epithelial cells.
  3. Median hardware - It is carried out by means of a special laser device that evaporates the existing moisture in old 8, which leads to their removal.

All types of peeling are based on the removal of an unnecessary ball of cells, which have long ceased to perform their functions. The skin, in turn, “responds” to a third -party effect with the rapid release of hyaluronic acid and elastin. And, as a result, the face after median peeling looks young, well -groomed, fit, without rashes and irritation on the skin.

There are no questions with mechanical peeling, because many of us make it using coffee thick, salt and purchased scrubbing gels. And the last two species leave some misunderstandings. Therefore, let's look at them in more detail.

Physical middle peeling

This type of peeling is carried out using devices equipped with a laser or diamond nozzle. Depending on the severity of a cosmetic defect, the following procedures are done:

  • Fractional thermolism - Processing of the skin area with single micluchs. This is the most careful way of cleaning in which the global irradiation of the epidermis does not occur.
  • Laser peeling - A laser beam of a certain length is directed to the skin, which fills the cells with energy, as a result of which the keratinized layer occurs.
  • Diamond dermabrase - This is a middle deep peeling, in which the skin is intentionally injured by a diamond nozzle. It is used to remove colloidal scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, keratosis.

Chemical Middle Pilling

Chemical cleaning involves the use of acids, less often - alkalis. The piling composition can be single and multicomponent, which depends on the depth of the median peeling.

Most often, such types of chemical peeling of medium depth are carried out:

  • Middle TSA peeling - skin treatment of organic trichloroxus acid, often in combination with fruit acids. The procedure has a cleansing, antimicrobial, whitening and regenerating effect.
  • Jesnerr Piling - skin processing with a three -component agent (resorceceine+ lactic acid+ salicylic acid) in order to activate the natural regenerative properties of wilting skin. During cleaning, 3 layers of the product with an interval of 5 minutes are applied. The skin renewal period lasts no more than 5 days.
  • Salicylic peeling - This is skin treatment with a 15 or 30% solution of salicylic acid. The method is ideal for eliminating increased fat content, gum, and infectious rashes. It is recommended to spend 10 sessions in the year of 2-3 courses of peeling.

Middle Pilling at home

With minor cosmetic defects that do not need deep cleaning of the skin, you can make a lightweight version of median peeling on your own at home. But peeling must be done carefully, given the possible intolerance to the selected component, the type of skin and the defect present.

Home Middle Pill is carried out in this way:

  1. The choice of a suitable tool.
  2. Cleaning the face of traces of cosmetics and skin fat. It is important 2-3 days before peeling to refuse to apply nutrient masks, lotions moisturizing gels.
  3. Application of a peeling mixture. The duration of the procedure depends on its composition.
  4. After the appearance of the Frost effect (the formation of the film on the face), the mixture is washed off.
  5. Application of a nutrient mask and leather treatment with a cream with a UV filter.

To prepare the peeling mixture, you can use the following recipes:

  • Salicylic mixture. Grind three capsules of acetylsalicylic acid into powder, pour 20 mg of water and mix a little honey. The mixture is kept on the face for 20 minutes and washed off.
  • Salt mixture. Prepare the mass from one part of salt, one part of the soda and two parts of the day cream. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed with soap or cosmetic milk. If a burning sensation appears, you can rinse your face with a decoction of chamomile or make a mask of oatmeal and milk (2: 1).
  • Lemon mixture. Dilute freshly squeezed citrus juice with a non -carbonated mineral water in the same ratio. Put several layers on your face with a cotton pad or a brush, wash it with cool water after 10 minutes.
  • A mixture with a body. Take 3 tbsp. l. Bodyagi powder and dilute hydrogen peroxide until the porridge is obtained. Apply for 20 minutes.
  • Mixture with calcium chloride. A 5% solution of this substance will be needed. They need to lubricate the skin many times (at least 10 times). After 15 minutes, a dense film forms on the face, which must be washed off with baby soap.

After homemade skin cleaning, you also need to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. After washing off the peeling mixture, treat the skin with an antiseptic to prevent infection.
  2. It is necessary to moisturize the skin with oily cream (there are special series for the skin after peeling).
  3. The first 3-5 days it is better to stay at home, and if you need to urgently go out, use funds with a high SPF factor.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of home median peeling by photo:

Skin care after a median peeling session

Just mechanical peeling does not need painstaking care and boils down to applying moisturizers. But the departure after chemical and physical peeling is more serious and long.

The skin after cleaning is very susceptible to the external environment, so it requires care after median peeling, which depends on the method of the procedure. It is important to remember that the rehabilitation period will last within 7 days, so you need to strictly adhere to such rules:

  • Do not tear off the crusts, under any circumstances.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics.
  • Apply twice a day a moisturizer.
  • Use sunscreen for a face with a SPF factor not lower than 40.
  • Protect your face from high and low temperatures - frost, heat, saunas, winds.

Middle Piling of Faces - Reviews

Girls who use this type of peeling assure his stunning properties. Just a couple of courses completely transform the appearance - the tone of the face becomes perfect, there are no rashes, wrinkles appear more slowly, age spots and black dots disappear.

Of course, in order to get such an effect, you have to tolerate a little. Most women feel discomfort when applying peeling substances. It can be burning, pinching, itching. Also, during the week there are some inconveniences associated with the process of skin regeneration - it changes color, crusts appear, facial expressions are difficult. But after 7-8 days you get healthy, shining skin without flaws.

With the help of median peeling at home, you can support your youth and get rid of cosmetic defects forever. But this procedure should be treated very seriously. Careless and too frequent exfoliation of the skin can aggravate the existing problems. Therefore, before making a middle peeling, read reviews, consult with a cosmetologist and carefully study all types of such skin cleansing. Only a skillful and multilateral approach to this procedure will provide a positive result.

Video "Salicylic peeling - we do ourselves"



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