
How to make a scrub for hair and scalp at home. Hair scrub mask - the best recipes. What to buy hair scrub

How to make a scrub for hair and scalp at home. Hair scrub mask - the best recipes. What to buy hair scrub
An expensive cosmetic procedure using scrubies can be easily carried out at home. How to choose and make a scrub on your own - in the review of the material.

Scrub for hair and scalp - a great way to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, clean the skin from contaminants, burned particles and residues of cosmetic agents. In addition, the components included in the scrubs are powered by moisturizes, massage the skin of the head, strengthen their hair and stimulate their growth. Such a lot of positive effects of using scrubics could not not find its use and at home.

In this compilation of material - all of scrub hair and scalp. From the useful properties and contraindications, preparation and application of the rules of the home scrubs and ending with the acquisition of the recommendations of these cosmetic products in specialized outlets.

A selection of the best recipes for scrubs for all skin types and for any problem, the maximum supplement presented an overview.

The benefits of the use of scrubs for the hair and scalp

  • Scrub cleanses the skin by removing its upper, cornified layers - epidermis, excess sebum residues and cosmetics (nail polish, mousse, gel, etc.).
  • Using scrubs helps to improve the condition of not only the skin but also the hair in its entirety. After this procedure the hair follicles are actively enriched with oxygen and nutrients. This means that the hair begins to grow better and become strong and beautiful.
  • The process of "scrubbing" normalizes the sebaceous glands of the skin and hair for a long time remain clean and lush.
  • After deep cleansing of the scalp, the subsequent action of cosmetic or therapeutic agents increases significantly. Thus, the subsequent application of the mask will be much more efficient.
  • Using a scrub for the scalp and involves simultaneous massage it, thus improving the blood supply to the skin and hair roots.

This positive effect scrubs helps to improve the condition of the scalp, hair growth, reduction and disappearance of dandruff, strengthen hair.

Contraindications to the use of scrubs hair and scalp

Along with a positive effect, the use of scrubs may be contraindicated in the case of:

  • the presence of wounds, injuries or sores on the scalp;
  • very dry and sensitive skin of the head;
  • dry and brittle hair;
  • excessive hair loss and baldness;
  • allergic reactions to scrub constituent components;
  • presence of cancer tumors of the skin.


Basic rules of scrubs for scalp and hair

  • Scrub is applied to the scalp rubbing, lightly massaging movements of the fingers.
  • Scrub is applied to wet, not washed hair. To avoid tangling hair, they are better divided into small strands, after which it is already applied to the skin exfoliating agent.
  • Scrub apply neatly, not breaking and not injuring the skin. Many scrubs are bulk, so they are better to apply over a sink or bathroom.
  • Scrub is applied from the head of the forehead, smoothly moving and massaging all areas of the scalp.
  • The peeling time of the scalp is an average of about 5-10 minutes. Exception is the nutritious scrubs that keep after another 15-20 minutes after rubbing.
  • Painted hair, after regular scrubics, fade a little, as its abrasive components partially remove paint from the hair.
  • Before applying scrub, make a sample on allergies. For this, it is necessary to apply a little mixture to the inner fold of the elbow (where very sensitive skin), to withstand 5-10 minutes and wash off. If allergic manifestations on the skin did not appear (redness, burning, rash) - scrub can be safely applied, including for the skin of the head.
  • After applying the scrub, the hair is thoroughly washed with water, and then wash the shampoo (if the shampoo did not enter the scraper).
  • After washing the head, the beneficial effect on the skin and hair will be ringed with decoction of herbs or water with the addition of vinegar.
  • Choosing a recipe for hair scrub, it is important to consider the type of hair and scalp.
  • In the presence of oily hair, peeling is carried out once a week. For dry or damaged hair, scrub is used less often - once every 2 weeks. The course of peeling is approximately 2-3 months. After 3-4 months, the course repeat.

Using scaffolding and scuffing scuffs in a cosmetic salon

Most beauty salons and modern hairdressers in their list of services offered have also peeling procedure. For "scraping" use professional cosmetics with therapeutic effect.

As a rule, peeling for the scalp is part of the complex cosmetic skin care and hair. After it, restoring hair masks and other useful cosmetic manipulations are made.

Such a procedure is although it is very pleasant and desired for any hair owner, but still for many it remains expensive and inaccessible. This deficiency can be easily corrected by making a hair scrub at home.

Using hair scrubs and heads at home

Apply scrubs for the skin of the head can be at home. This uses cosmetics purchased in stores or pharmacies.

The hair scrub can be bought in a cosmetic salon, where the master will select the necessary tool and consults about its use.

Modern exfoliating and cleansing agents are in the arsenal of most brands producing hair cosmetics.

For example, the sea buckthorn hair scrub from Natura Siberica is very popular among many women. In addition to its composition, natural components deeply clean the skin of the head, providing simultaneously restorative and nutrient function. Siberica represents an effective universal scrub not only for the skin, but also for hair, stimulating their growth, strengthening hair follicles, eliminating dandruff.

Professional biopiling "Nioxin" provides cleaning with enzyme elements and salt, suspends the loss and accelerates hair growth. The scope of the scalp includes alpha acids and vitamins.

Therapeutic cosmetics, as a rule, combines mechanical and chemical impact. Miscellaneous consistency and purpose of scrubs include shampoos, creams, hair masks. Such complexes are very convenient and several functions are performed immediately.

For example, shampoo hair scrub cleans, massages and nourishes the scalp, improves its blood circulation, removes the damaged particles and dirt. Comfortable packaging for reusable, creamy texture and cosmetic functionality make it popular among many women.

If the weak floor representative prefers natural tools cooked by itself, they can be easily done at home. In addition, it will significantly help keep the family budget.

Rules for cooking homemade hair strabs and scalp

  • The basis of any scrub is any abrasive substance that can actively depart and clean. Most often, salt, sugar, ground coffee, crushed rice are used as the abrasive base of natural scrub.
  • Salt and sugar are most comfortable substances, as they dissolve in water. Other products will have to wash well from the hair after the procedure. Holders of long hair will be more difficult to wash such a scrub, so it is better to apply salt or sugar in recipes. Sugar suitable as white and brown. Salt can be used in conventional, iodized or sea. A large salt is better grinding to medium or fine grinding. Moreover, the salt of the finest grinding is suitable for sensitive or dry skin, not irritating the skin. As for greater skin benefits, preference is given to sea salt. It is important to remember that salt has a dry effect, which means often such scrubs should not be able to not bother the scalp.
  • In addition to the abrasive basis, in scrubs for hair and skin of the head includes additional components. Depending on the composition of the scrub, they are capable of performing moisturizing, nutritious, toning, or simply cleansing function. You can add to the abrasive basis kefir, yogurt, essential or base oils, cream, decoctions of various herbs, egg yolks, fruits, vegetables, honey and other useful components. It all depends on the skin needs.
  • The base oil for scrub can be olive, almond oil, jojoba oil, grape or apricot seeds, etc. The oil softens the abrasive base of the scrub and it becomes more delicate and practically does not scratch the scalp.
  • As a basic supplement in the scrub, ready-made hair balm is also used.

Hair scrub recipes

There is a lot of scrub recipes for a different skin type, using all sorts of components and decisive certain problems. It is important to choose the optimal recipe suitable for hair and scalp. There is also a phased application and alternation of scrubics of various composition and effect.

Consider the most popular, proven and effective recipes for hair scrubs.


Hair salts scrub

  • To prepare, take 2-5 tablespoons (depending on the length of the hair) salts of fine grinding. Pour it with the same amount of warm water.
  • It turns out the consistency of thick casis. It must be neat, massaging movements, rub into the scalp.
  • Salt hair scrub rubbed around 5-10 minutes. If it contains additional components, it is kept on the head as much time and thoroughly wash off with the use of shampoo.
  • The salt scrub has the largest number of positive feedback on the Internet. After it is applied by a weak floor representative, significant changes are noted: the hair becomes shiny, silky and light. According to the majority of women who tried peeling, scrubs based on sea salt are considered the best scrubs for hair. They are simple, affordable and efficient. The results are visible after several procedures. Hair is noticeably strengthened, become thick, healthy shine appears.

  • A saline hair scrub is a universal means that can be easily supplemented with other beneficial components, while obtaining the accuracy of the scrubs in the composition and spectrum, variations. For example, if you add 10 drops of therapy oil to the finished salt scrub, and 5 drops of peach (or coconut) oil, it turns out a strengthening-removing mask for hair scrub.

Scrub - Hair Shampoo

  • Prepare such a scrub based on head shampoo.
  • Take shampoo in the amount required for washing the head. Add some basic oil and abrasive base (salt, sugar).
  • Finished consistency resembles a thick porridge.
  • After applying and massaging for 5-7 minutes, the scrub shampoo is thoroughly washed with warm water. If necessary, you can rinse your head again with shampoo again.


Scrub made of pepper and cinnamon for hair

  • Burning pepper contributes to the growth of hair, cinnamon improves the structure of the hair, gives them a pleasant fragrance. Such a scrub is designed for better hair growth.
  • For cooking scrub you need to mix 2 tbsp. Ground burning pepper and cinnamon. This mass add an abrasive basis - salt or sugar and some base oil.
  • A thick mixture is applied to the scalp and hair. By solving about 5 minutes, the scrub - a mask is left for 7-10 minutes.
  • With too sensitive skin and strong burning, you should not keep the mask of the laid time. It is better to immediately wash off with warm water, and the hair rinse the decoction of the medicinal chamomile to minimize irritation.


Skrub for Sensitive Scalp

  • For sensitive skin, scrubs are not suitable, which contains active and burning components, irritating the skin.
  • An ideal scrub will be a mixture of fine-grained sugar or salt with kefir, sour cream or yogurt (without additives). Equality elements scrub feed, moisturize the scalp, making hair with thick and silky. Several drops of olive oil added to the scrub will substantially soften the effect of the abrasive preparation.
  • Coffee scrub Hair is as well as suitable for sensitive skin type. Its components delicately clean the skin of the head and hair from contaminants and oroging cells. In addition, the hair scrub made from coffee has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Therefore, if there are acne and acne on the skin, you can safely use a coffee scrub.

Recipes for the preparation of coffee-based scrubs are distinguished by the composition of additional components and the coffee itself: it can be freshly ground or cooked on the basis of coffee grounds. As a rule, for the preparation of the scrub is taken in equal proportions of coffee and shampoo. You can add basic oil softening and feeding the skin. It should be remembered that light hair after such procedures are slightly dark. Coffee grouse hair scrub perfectly cleans, tones and improves the blood circulation of the scalp.

Scrubs for oily hair

  • Overall skin of the head and excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands lead to rapid hair pollution. They become ugly, dull, with fatty gloss. In this case, it is better to cook special scrubs for a fatty skin type.
  • In the fight against such a nuisance will help the scrub with blue clay. The clay perfectly absorbs fat particles, cleans from pollution and is a natural antiseptic. For the preparation of the scrub, it is necessary to take one part of the dry clay and three parts of the abrasive substance (salt or sugar). By adding warm water (or milk) to a mixture of warm water, to prepare a scrub, which must be broken around 20-30 minutes. After that, it should be applied by massaging movements and leave for 7-10 minutes. Then wash your hair thoroughly. In the case of hypersensitive skin, the scrub you can not add salt or sugar; Clay particles will also clean and regenerate the top layer of the epidermis of the scalp, but much delicate and gentle. In addition, the blue clay is the leader in the fight against acne and inflammatory manifestations.

  • Scrub with the addition of apple vinegar (or other fruit acids, such as orange juice) is also suitable for fatty skin, making hair with shiny, healthy and silky. Scrub mix abrasive (salt, sugar) with a small amount of apple vinegar. The owners of hypersensitive skin such a scrub may not come up. It is better to make a test for sensitivity or the composition of the scrub to dilute with warm water. Apple vinegar normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanses well and improves the blood circulation of the skin.
  • Soda prevents excessive sealing and removes dirt. The soda is diluted with water and scrub apply to the skin of the head. Arraying with your fingers, work out all areas of the skin, then the means is washed off. After such a scraper, you can not wash your head shampoo. If the scrub did not completely "wash" the hair, a little shampoo is added to it and after peeling the hair is well washed.


Scrubs for dry scalp

  • Dry head of the head provokes the formation of dandruff, itching and sensation of skin tightening. With this type of skin, it is important to use scrubs, which include substances that do not cross the skin, but, on the contrary, moisturizing and feeding it.
  • Medovo - creamy scrub gently cleanses and nourishes the scalp. For its preparation you need to take 1 tbsp. Honey, 3 tbsp. Salt or sugar and cream (before receiving the consistency of medium density). Salt overwhelms the skin, so it is better to replace it with sugar or alternate them. Passing all the skin, leave the scrub for 10-15 minutes for a larger effect. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Scrub with the addition of aloe juice is also shown by the owners of dry skin type. Abrasive mix with aloe juice to thick consistency and apply on hair. Aloe perfectly moisturizes the skin, and the hair becomes light and obedient.

  • Good scrub recipe for dry hair with sugar. For the preparation of scrub take 1 tbsp. Sugar and slightly less base oil (olive, ray, coconut), heated the mixture in a water bath and rubbed into the skin. After that, the remedy is left for 10 minutes, after which they wash off with water.

Nourishing yolk hair scrub

  • To prepare a scrub to take one yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey, 3 tablespoons of base oil and brandy, mix and add an abrasive substance (salt or sugar) to obtain a thick consistency.
  • Apply on the skin by massaging movements for 5-7 minutes, and then leave on the hair for another 10 minutes.
  • Experts recommend to make such a nutrient peeling especially in the cold season when the hair suffers from dry warm air of premises and hats.


Hair scrubs with adding aromoma

  • To combat dandruff, you can make a scrub from yolk, juice of half of the lemon, 1-2 drops of lavender oil and salt (about 2 tbsp). Scrub apply for 10 minutes, and wash your head (with shampoo).
  • To prevent irritation of the scalp, use a mixture of salt and a rapid oil. For aromatization, add a few drops of any essential oil (lemon - for oily hair, eucalyptus - for dry).
  • To strengthen the hair scrub prepared on the basis of blue clay, salt (equal parts), diluted with warm water to form a thick slurry and add 8-10 drops of rosemary oil.

Essential oils have a variety of individual actions on the skin and have different effects.

  • Burdock oil - strengthens the hair.
  • Chamomile, rose, sage oil - hydrates the skin.
  • Lavender, lemon, grapefruit - removes excess fat, reduces the formation of dandruff.
  • Cedar, pine (and other conifers) - prevents hair loss, have antiseptic effect.
  • Tea tree oil - has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, cleansing action.


scrubs Masks for hair loss

  • To strengthen the hair growth stimulation and cleansing of the scalp can make a mask - Scrub with onions. Grate the onion on a fine grater, mix with sea salt tablespoon, add to the mix a few drops of oil of rosemary and tea tree (can be replaced by others). Rubbing and massaging the scalp, leave the mask for another 10 minutes. Wash off with shampoo, rinse with water and vinegar.

  • If a strong hair loss helps scrub with a decoction of nettle leaves. Pour broth and salt rubbed into the skin, and then leave for another 10 minutes.


  • Scrub - an effective means of improving not only the condition of the scalp, but also the hair in its entirety.
  • Applying scrubs, it is important to choose the means, respectively skin type and challenges. The variety of recipes allows you to select the most successful and effective scrub for every woman.
  • For positive and sustainable results, scrubs need to use on a regular basis, courses, with breaks of about the same duration.
  • "Scrubbing" done in beauty salons or at home. Producing scrub yourself, you should stick to the basic rules and conditions for the procedure.


Video "Scrub the scalp. The best recipes of scrubs for the skin of the head and their application "


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