
Anti-cellulite scrub at home. Recipe anti-cellulite body scrub. Hot anti-cellulite scrub - how to apply

Anti-cellulite scrub at home. Recipe anti-cellulite body scrub. Hot anti-cellulite scrub - how to apply
Body scrubs are one of the most effective means to fight cellulite. The best recipes of homemade anti-cellulite scrubics.

Most women familiar with cellulite or "orange crust". More than 80% of women are subject to cellulite manifestation in problem areas: on hips, buttocks, abdomen, legs, and sometimes at the top of the hands. The skin on these parts of the body looks completely unattractive: a bug, inappropriate, and if it is squeezed by hands a small one of its plot - it becomes uneven, reminding the crust of the orange. There are many ways to deal with the worst enemy of a beautiful female body. Good results are given anti-cellulite massages, wraps, liposuction. But to get rid of the problem, it is not necessary to pass expensive salon procedures. An excellent effect is given home anti-cellulite scrubs, the action of which is aimed at accelerating the process of exfoliation of the epidermis, strengthening blood flow to skin cells, enrich them with oxygen. After scribering, the skin becomes smooth and gentle. About which anti-cellulite scrubs can be prepared at home and reviews after their use, read further.

Anti-cellulite scrubs for the body. Why appears cellulite?

Cellulite is one of the forms of adipose tissue. This is a deformed fat in the subcutaneous layer of our body. In violation of the microcirculation of the outflow of lymph in the adipose tissue, the cells are compacted and prevent the removal of excess fluid and toxins from it. As a result, the skin looks bug and uneven. The emergence of cellulite contributes such factors as:

  1. Hormonal background. According to most doctors, the culprit of the emergence of an unattractive "orange peel" on the body is a female hormone estrogen, which is why the female sex is susceptible to cellulite, he meets less frequently. The reception of hormonal drugs may aggravate cellulite manifestations.
  2. Life style. Stresses, a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the accumulation of toxins, blood circulation processes in skin cells slow down, as a result, the skin looks uneven.
  3. Incorrect nutrition. Monotonous nutrition with an abundance of flour, fatty dishes, as well as food with artificial additives, it becomes the cause of accumulation of toxins in the body, and consequently the appearance of cellulite.
  4. Excess weight. As a rule, cellulite is the problem of complete women leading a sedentary lifestyle. In women who are prone to overweight, cellulite will appear faster than that of thinners. But, slender women are susceptible to cellulite.

How does anti-cellulite scrub acts

Scrub is an effective cosmetics for skin cleansing, translated from English means "wash", "cleaner". The scrub consists of small abrasive particles that are able to remove measing cells from the surface layer, skin fat, dirt. Scrub rubbing in the skin acts as a micro-massage, while improving blood microcirculation in cells, and also favors the outflow of lymph. The cosmetic market offers many scrubs of various price categories, which, in addition to abrasive particles, include essential oils, herbs extracts and other components that split subcutaneous fat and help remove toxins and excess fluid from cells. But, you can prepare an efficient and inexpensive scrub against cellulite yourself, using affordable natural products.

Recipes of scrubs with anti-cellulite effect, set. For their preparation, ground coffee or coffee grounds, sea salt, sugar, crushed seeds or bones are used, which gently clean the skin from dead cells, activate blood circulation, and additional components are introduced, such as cream, cosmetic oils, honey, clay for smoothing Skin relief. For a home scrub, you can choose any recipe, but it is worth considering the skin type and check if there is no allergic reaction to any component of the home product.

How to choose the composition of the anti-cellulite scrub

  • In the manufacture of a scrub for dry skin, it is necessary to choose enough small abrasive components - a small seaside salt, well-chopped coffee beans, oatmeal, nuts, citrus ced. As the basis of the scrub, apricot oil, peach, almonds, as well as any vegetable oil are suitable. Additional components serve honey, cream, sour cream.
  • For fatty skin as abrasive substances, sea salt, sugar, coffee, crushed cereals or fruit bones are used. Choosing basic anti-cellulite oils give preference to bone oils (bones of apricot, sesame). Also, scrubs for oily skin can be added oatmeal, pea, rice flour, cosmetic clay.
  • For mixed skin, any components are suitable for dry, and for oily skin, including red pepper, cinnamon, mint, eucalyptus oil, adhering to a certain proportion.

How to apply anti-cellulite scrub

It should be remembered that it is possible to use dry skin cleaning scrub not more than 1 time per week, and with fat - no more than 2. When it is applied, follow the following rules:

  1. A homemade anti-cellulite composition is applied on well-sparkled skin, the perfect option - after taking the bath, visits to the sauna or bath, when the skin is most susceptible to the components of the means. It is necessary to apply the anti-cellulite agent to the moisturized skin so that solid abrasive particles do not injure it.
  2. Scrubs based on sugar, salts are prepared before applying, since these abrasive particles are quickly dissolved.
  3. Any body scrub, especially hot, with the addition of burning peppers, should be applied to healthy skin. If there is rashes, acne, inflamed areas - comprehension should be deposited.
  4. Throw the anti-cellulite composition is better than a massage mitten that has a massage effect on the skin.
  5. Rubbing the scrub is necessary strictly according to a specific rule, you should move from below - upwards in the direction of lymphotok.
  6. Wash the scrub is warm water, and if the composition is not on a fatty basis, then you can use a dry cloth.
  7. Strengthen the effect of the procedure will help the contrast shower and subsequent application of the nutrient cream, cosmetic milk, lotion or gel with anti-cellulite effect.
  8. It is not recommended to absorb the skin before taking sunbathing - tan in this zone will not hold on.

Anti-cellulite scrub: home recipes

Anti-cellulite body-based scrubs

Ground coffee or coffee thickness is one of the most affordable components from which homemade scrubs are prepared. Caffeine perfectly improves blood circulation in problem areas of the body, and essential oils that are contained in coffee beans are actively struggling with fatty sediments and remove toxins. In addition, coffee scars exude a pleasant fragrance and raise vitrate.

  1. Mix shower gel with 2 tablespoons of ground coffee and applied to the body structure. The gel can be replaced with homemade yogurt or sour cream.
  2. Excellent effect gives the coffee hot Anti-cellulite scrub that deeply cleanses the skin and enriches it with nutrients. Mix 100 g of crushed coffee beans with 25 ml of hot pepper tincture, add to the composition 1 tablespoon olive oil. Infuse means in a dark place for about a week, close tightly. Use while taking a shower. After applying the scrub burning observed on completion of the procedure it is desirable to wipe the skin with ice.
  3. Antitselyullitny scrub of coffee:
  • white (blue) clay - 6 st.lozhek;
  • coffee grounds - 4 tablespoons;
  • orange oil - 8 drops;
  • rosemary oil - 5 drops;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 3-5 tablespoons.

Clay pre-dissolve in warm water to form a paste. Add to her coffee, sea salt and oils. Stir the scrub. Intensively rub into problem areas: the buttocks, thighs or abdomen. At the end of procedure, rinse with cool water.

Anti-cellulite scrub with sea salt

  • Mix a handful of sea salt with 1 tbsp olive oil and 2-3 drops of grapefruit or lemon essential oil. Obtain salt scrub cellulite, rub them problematic areas for 10-15 minutes, then wash and scrub apply cream, lotion.
  • In a blender grind the orange, add the lemon juice, 2 tsp of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of sea salt. Mixed media until smooth, and actively treat the skin problem areas.
  • Hot scrub the Dead Sea Salts can 60 g of olive oil and 60 grams of salt mix, adding to the mixture 5 grams of cinnamon and hot red pepper, the mixture was warmed on a steam bath, and warm to apply to the skin.

Anti-cellulite honey scrubs

  • 1 tbsp. honey mixed with 1 tsp coffee beans, milled in a coffee grinder, adding to the mixture of 1 teaspoon cognac, fir and apelsna oil in an amount of 5 drops. Scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks, without wasting time on its preparation.
  • K 2 tablespoons of honey and 4 tbsp of milled oat flakes add 1 tbsp cream. Apply massaging body scrub, rinse in 10-15 minutes.

Reviews on the use of home scrubs against cellulite

Olga, 26 years old: "Every week with friends visit the sauna, where the conduct of the skin cleansing scrubs. My most favorite scrub - coffee, which has a pleasant aroma, and the effect is noticeable immediately. The body is like a younger in her eyes, the skin is tightened, it acquires a healthy look. "

Svetlana, 28 years old: "I have two young children. I try to allocate one day a week for myself to pull the body after childbirth, I use homemade body scrubs after taking a bath. I tried a lot of recipes, but most of all noticed the effect of the salt scrub with oils. Cellulite did not disappear, but became less pronounced, the skin after scrub - gentle, pleasant to the touch. "

What is the anti-cellulite scrub to buy?

Cosmetics manufacturers offer ready-made body scrubs, which, according to reviews, are effectively fighting with an "orange crust."

Anti-cellulite hot scrub fitness body

The scrub includes:

  • Pepper extract, caffeine, which have a toning effect, improve blood microcirculation and activate metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Cinnamon oil with antioxidant properties.
  • Extract from sea algae - helps to increase the tone of the skin, eliminate stretch marks, saturated with vitamins and microelements.

The vitamin mixture effectively removes fat deposits. Already through several sessions, the skin of the buttocks, the hips are noticeably tightened, becomes elastic and smooth. In the complex, all components accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin, extend excess fluid, toxins from the subcutaneous fat layer. With regular use, the scrub not only reduces the manifestation of cellulite, but also adjusts the figure, it helps to reduce the volume.

How to apply hot anti-cellulite scrub

  • Since the hot sprub includes burning red peppers, it should be carefully applied to the means to do not fall on the mucous membranes. Avoid getting into your eyes.
  • The scrub is applied on a wet, sparkling body with massage movements from the bottom up, gently stripped into the body. The scrub has an oil base, so perfectly absorbed into the skin.
  • After applying the scrub, there is a slight burning sensation. For efficiency, problem areas that you want to put in order can be wrapped with a food film and leave a scrub on a body for 10 minutes. Then wash the remedy with warm water.

Hot anti-cellulite scrub, reviews

Mila, 34: "After buying a scrub Floresan Fitness Bodi My life has changed completely - I strongly started fighting cellulite! In addition to the means, I was a fitness for strengthening legs and buttocks (my problem zones), it became more drinking simple water, removed sweets and flour from the diet. The process of applying scrub is nice, nano on the skin after sprinkling, active massage movements. The product includes burning pepper, the bake is quite strong, not only burning, but also warmth. The effect is stunning, the skin is noticeably tightened, it looks well-groomed and moisturized, its relief is aligned. "

Katya, 30: "According to the consistency, a hot scrub fitness body is similar to a thick cream with abrasive pieces, has a pleasant cinnamon fragrance. After applying, a slight burning sensation is felt. The effect of application noticed after the 5th procedure, the skin of the buttocks and the thighs became more even, fat deposits simply "melting" in front of the eyes, the figure looks much slimmer, the result is very pleased! "

Anti-cellulite scrub - an effective way to solve the problem of cellulite and achieve perfectly smooth skin. Already after the first leather procedures in the problem areas of the body looks tumaled, elastic. For a more visible result, it is recommended to carry out the procedure regularly for several months. Also do not forget about sports, active lifestyle and proper nutrition.


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