
Carbon peeling face - photo before and after. Laser carbon peeling - indications, contraindications, reviews

Carbon peeling face - photo before and after. Laser carbon peeling - indications, contraindications, reviews
Among the huge variety of cosmetic procedures for the skin of the face is a special place occupies a laser carbon peeling. Thanks to him, affecting the skin with a special apparatus and nanogel, you get a healthy and clean face with visible rejuvenation.

Cosmetology has long stepped forward and gave the opportunity to women and girls to take care of their skin more effectively, thereby extending youth and freshness. In recent years, a large number of procedures have appeared that aimed at rehabilitation, correction and rejuvenation of different parts of the body of excellent ladies. All these procedures differ in the way of exposure to the skin and, of course, the final result.

The greatest popularity today received laser carbon peeling, which combines the impact of the devices and the complex rejuvenation of the skin of the face. Cosmetic salons and clinics in any city offer the attention of girls this procedure, which is capable of extending their beauty and freshness of the face.

In this article, we will look at the features and advantages of the carbon peeling of the face, we describe the entire procedure for this technique. Let us consider in more detail the effectiveness on the basis of feedback on laser carbon peeling.

What is carbonic peeling face

In modern cosmetology there are a large number of procedures aimed at cleansing and improving the skin of the face. It can be both mechanical exposure and hardware. In connection with the development of high technologies, special lasers appeared, with the help of which cosmetologists more effectively affect the skinned skin cells and acne.

What is a laser carbon peeling person and what is his difference from other procedures? Carbonic peeling is an innovative procedure to remove damage skin cells and a more rapid epidermis recovery process. The peculiarity of such a procedure is that it includes two processes at once: the effects of the special laser and the effect effect. This procedure is impossible to carry out without a special carbon peeling apparatus. It is a device emitting high-frequency waves that contribute to the cleansing and opening of the face of the face. It is clear that only professional cosmetologists can carry out this procedure using such modern equipment.

The carbon peeling laser differs from other ways to clean the face by the fact that in addition to the impact of the laser, a special gel is applied to the face. This gel mask consists of carbon dioxide particles. That is why this procedure was called "carbon peeling" - in Translation "Carbon" means carbon. At the beginning of the Nangel procedure for carbon peeling, it should be applied to the face, then some time must be needed so that it is well penetrated into the skin pores. This gel has excellent ability to penetrate deeply in the pores of the skin and attract all the slag and dirt. Then the laser is used, under the influence of which nangel microparticles swell and explode, thereby cleansing all the pores and coloring them. Also during this cosmetic procedure, the high-frequency radiation of the laser evaporates the burdensible cells and stimulates the production of collagen, which in turn contributes to the leveling of the skin of the face.

Benefits of carbon peeling facial

  • First of all, the main advantages of this procedure should be attributed to its effectiveness. Even after one session of the laser and nanogel, you will see the striking changes in your face skin.
  • Painlessness. Many customers of cosmetology cabinets or clinics are hard to solve various peels with the help of devices. However, in the case of a carbon peeling procedure, you do not feel any discomfort, especially pain. Thanks to modern technologies, while such a peeling on your skin will be slightly warm.
  • Photo solving effect of the procedure. Through the use of laser carbon peeling, you can return the skin of your face youth, which is achieved by smoothing the top layer of the epidermis and leveling the color of the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect of carbon peeling. After this procedure, there is practically no rehabilitation period. Your skin will not cover red and inflamed stains, which is characteristic of other ways to clean the face.
  • Thanks to nanogel, in the process of procedure, your skin will be cleared of all contaminants, and your pores will open, after which the entire slag is extracted with the gel. Large pores, in turn, narrow.
  • Also, this method of cleaning contributes to the development of collagen, which returns elasticity and smooth face skin.

Indications and Contraindications of carbon peeling facial

Laser carboase peeling cannot be conducted without prior consultation with specialists, because both any other such procedure, this method has its own testimony to use, as well as some contraindications.

Indications for carbon peeling

  • The presence of small wrinkles and the first signs of aging of the skin are one of the main indications for the laser carbon peeling.
  • Withering the skin of the face and the loss of elasticity.
  • Extended pores of the face, as well as large clocks and pollution.
  • Fatty skin. Thanks to this procedure, the pores of the skin will be narrowed and the number of fat highlights of the sebaceous glands will decrease.
  • Various acne rashes on the skin of the face, as well as the presence of subcutaneous acne and wen.
  • Drawn face color with gray tint.
  • The presence of pigmentation on the skin of the face, which is manifested by freckles or photoregments. Already in one procedure, it is possible to get rid of such stains by almost 40%, and after the second session you can get rid of pigmentation at all.

Laser carboy peeling - contraindications

  • It is impossible to make carbonic peeling of the face during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During the impact of the nanogel laser heats up, which can cause a surge of hormones and, as a result, the appearance of pigmentation on the skin of the face.
  • If you have various inflammatory processes in chronic and acute manifestations on your face. It can be tuberculosis, diabetes, epilepsy and other diseases.
  • Oncology skin skin.
  • Walled diseases, such as herpes.
  • Allergic reactions to carbon dioxide. Before conducting the carbon peeling procedure, the laser is recommended to consult a doctor and conduct a test test. This can be done on a closed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, impoverished a little nangel.
  • Disruption of melanin metabolism. When conducting a procedure in this case, new formations may appear on the skin.
  • Keloid scars. If there are such scars on your face on the skin, then after exposure to the laser, they can become more inflammable, and sometimes begin to hurt.
  • Transferred stroke, the presence of a pacemaker or circulatory disruption.
  • The procedure is contraindicated to people suffering from alcohol and narcotic dependence.
  • Individual intolerance.

Laser Carbon Peeling Procedure - Description

  • First of all, it is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist. To do this, you need to make an appointment, during which the doctor will examine your skin of the face for the presence of inflammatory processes, acne and other cold symptoms and diseases.
  • If there are some inflammatory processes, the cosmetologist assigns treatment at the end of which you will be allowed to conduct a procedure.
  • If you have any allergic manifestations, the doctor prescribes special preparations that remove the reaction data.
  • Approximately a week before laser carbon peeling is not recommended to conduct other procedures for cleaning the person who strongly affect the skin.
  • About a couple of days before visiting the cosmetologist, it is not necessary to break the skin face.
  • At the preparatory stage, the cosmetologist must be a test for an allergic reaction to carbon dioxide microparticles. For this, a small amount of nanogel is applied to the fold of the elbow, after 15 minutes, in the absence of redness, the gel is washed off. If after applying carbon gel you have a strong redness and bubbles, the procedure is contraindicated.
  • After a successful test, the skin's skin must be thoroughly wiped with an antiseptic to eliminate weak inflammatory processes. The antiseptic gel also kills all the microbes on the skin of the face and cleans it from cosmetics.
  • After cleaning your skin, a specialist begins to apply a special nangel, which includes carbon. This gel has rather specific black color and thanks to him from the skin of the face, burned cells are removed. Nangel is applied to the necessary sections of the face or on the entire surface, with the exception of the region around the eyes and mouth.
  • Next will need some time so that the gel is reduced.
  • After a full drying of nangel, laser treatment with high-frequency waves is carried out, during which your skin is cleaned from dead cells. During this process, it is necessary to use special glasses.
  • The second stage of carbon peeling laser is to carry out the process of photothermolysis, during which collagen is produced, promoting the restoration of skin elasticity, the appearance of a healthy color of the face and the appearance of a rejuvenating effect.
  • After the procedure, the skin's skin is recommended to be treated with antiseptic gel.

Conducting deep peelings of the face associated with painful sensations, with certain discomfort. According to reviews, laser carbon peeling is preferable, since it does not cause painful reactions. During the procedure, you can feel small warm and tingling. That is why this kind of peeling was widely popular among the beautiful sex. However, it should be borne in mind that with improper configuration of the device, painful sensations may still appear. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure only from professional cosmetologists.

Carbon peeling - video

You can more clearly see all the features of the laser carboxyous peeling procedure on the video below.

Result after carbon peeling

  • With increased fatty skin, even after one session, this indicator will decrease.
  • The pores of large size are narrowed, and the black points disappear.
  • Very gentlely exfoliated skin and neck skin cells.
  • Conducting such a procedure will contribute to a common bactericidal action.
  • Normalizes the disturbed processes passing in the upper and lower layers of the skin.
  • Collagen is produced, so the skin becomes elastic and smooth.
  • The skin color becomes more even and fresh, pigment spots are removed.
  • After several sessions, there is a decrease in the number and depth of wrinkles and the general rejuvenating effect.

Rehabilitation period and number of carbon peeling sessions

One laser carbon peeling procedure takes about 20-30 minutes, it all depends on the condition of your face skin and the recommendations of the cosmetologist. Usually, 2 to 8 sessions may be needed for a full effect on the skin. The number also defines the doctor, depending on your testimony to this method of cleaning. Sessions must be carried out with an interval of 5 days, so as not to harm the skin and give it to recover after the previous session.

Laser carboy peeling for the most part does not require any rehabilitation period, but cosmetologists are still advised to adhere to some rules to increase efficiency.

  • Redness of the skin is possible to a small extent. It usually passes within 1-2 hours, less often within 1-2 days after the procedure.
  • Immediately after the carbon peeling session is not recommended to wash. It is better not to do this during the day.
  • The skin on which the laser was actuated is recommended to handle antiseptic gels for 2 days.
  • Avoid using lotions or milk with alcohol. It can harm the face that has not yet healed.
  • You can use a foam or micellar water with a mild effect. It is also important for the first day after the peeling constantly apply a layer of fat cream on the skin of the face.
  • Cosmetologists are recommended after carrying out carbon peeling facial not to use decorative cosmetics for about 7-10 days. But this is not a strict rule, most often it concerns the first days. Unlike other types of peeling, carbon is easier to transfer and perfectly suitable women who lead an active lifestyle.
  • It is important to protect the skin of the face from direct sunlight, so in the afternoon it is better not to go outside. Otherwise, pigment stains may appear.
  • It is impossible to use all sorts of peelings and scrubs within 2-3 weeks at home. So you can damage the hedgehog that did not heal.
  • The skin of the person after this procedure does not like a sharp drop temperature.

Laser carboy peeling - reviews

On the Internet on the Internet on a variety of women's and medical forums, you can find a large number of reviews for carbon peeling before and after. You can see in what condition the skin of the face was before the procedure and which result turned out after laser carbon peeling. We give an example of several reviews of girls and women who experienced this popular procedure.

  • Fatima, 26 years old. In recent years, pigment spots have appeared on the skin of the forehead and the cheeks, with which it was constantly fought. The last time I tried a coral pilling, however, pigmentation was only slightly brightened. Girlfriend recommended trying to make laser carbon peeling. I barely waited for the appointed session time. After the procedure, a couple of days on the skin was easy redness and during the procedure had a small discomfort. But the result was pleased. After several sessions, pigment spots on the forehead practically sued. I advise everyone, the effect is super.
  • Elena, 23 years old. It has long wanted to get to the carbon peeling session, but worried the fact that a small keloid scar is present on the cheek. He has long healed, probably 6 years old as. I was advised to go to a consultation to a cosmetologist. As a result, everything is fine, my scar is not a contraindication and I successfully passed the carbon peeling procedure.
  • Oksana, 30 years old. For the first time it was difficult to decide on this procedure, however, reviewing a large number of photos of carbon peeling on the Internet, after all, the reception was recorded. These were completely new sensations, during the work of the laser, felt a light tingling and warmth, but there was no pain. This, to be honest, very pleased. The procedure flew instantly, during the day on the skin of the face there was a slight redness and in some places the skin peelsched. The doctor calmed me down, saying that this is the norm.
  • Natalie, 20 years old. Always composed about problem skin, which is covered with unpleasant acne. I tried simply a huge number of different peels, while the cosmetologist did not advise the carbon peeling laser to consult a cosmetologist. Of course, the cost was embarrassed, but the result is worth it. After a couple of days a small pinching, the skin has become smooth and clean. And after a couple of sessions from acne, I think there will be no trace.

The efficiency of carbon peeling - before and after in the photo

In the proposed photos, it is clearly to see what effect on the skin of the face has a laser carboxyous peeling procedure. With a competent assigned number of sessions, your skin will again become healthy and shining.

Approximate cost of carbon peeling

Many beautiful ladies scare the price of carbon peeling, although the result of this procedure exceeds all the most bold expectations. In addition, in recent years, this method of cleansing the skin has ceased to be a novelty, therefore the cost of the procedure was adjusted. In addition, making the whole course once, you will rejoice at the clean and young skin of the face without the need to re-visit the beautician. We give an example of the average cost of one carbon peeling session to different parts of the face and neck.

  • Carbon peeling neck area - 2,200 rubles.
  • Carbon peeling in the forehead area - 1650 rubles.
  • Carbon peeling in the cheek area - 2750 rubles.
  • Carbon peeling of the whole face - 4400 rubles.
  • Carbon peeling face, neck and neckline - 7,500 rubles.

Beautiful and healthy face skin is the main advantage of any woman. Therefore, every representative of the beautiful floor always seeks to make his face clean, fresh and healthy. It is for this purpose that there is a cosmetic carbon peeling procedure. With it, you quickly and easily get rid even from serious skin problems your face.


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