
Long bangs haircuts

Long bangs haircuts
How to choose the right haircut with a long bang in order to visually hide the disadvantages and emphasize the dignity.

Coco Chanel was the rights in the words: "If a woman wants to change her hairstyle, she wants to change her life." If you are not ready to radically change your appearance, release or cut your hair, experiment with the bangs.

A long bang is a light veil of hair, which emphasizes the expressiveness of the look and gives charm to the image.

Haircuts with a long bang: how to quickly grow a bang

If you are the owner of a short bangs, it will take about 3 months to grow hair. This is especially convenient to do in winter when hats are almost all the time. Beautiful hairpins, original rims or tiara will give accuracy of the hairstyle while releasing hair.

Frequent straightening the bangs with a hot ironing, curling on the tongs and curling iron, drying with a hairdryer lead to dullness and sinking the ends. The unaesthetics of the picture can be corrected by the following ways that it is recommended to combine: to achieve the maximum result:

  1. Use the Service "Hot Scissors".
  2. Regularly use restorative and nutrient masks and hair serum.
  3. Use in the process of daily departure shampoos with the content of keratin and lanolin.

The benefits of hot scissors for a long bang

Such scissors seize the ended ends and strengthen damaged sections of the hair. The restored hair structure is easier and faster absorbs vitamins from the food diet: nuts, sunflower seeds, dairy products, fish, as well as vitamins obtained from the use of weekly nutrient and restoration masks.

In order for the result from this procedure to be noticeable, hot scissors should be cut for at least 3 months. With an interval of 1-2 months, a haircut with sealing must be repeated so as not to lose the acquired result. This service is available in any beauty salon or hairdresser. For short bangs, such a care procedure is not suitable: hot scissors can deform the shape and aesthetics of your bangs.
Hot scissors-3

The use of recovery and nutrient masks for the growth of bangs

Means lying on stores, of course, are good, but you can argue about the naturalness and benefits of some components. Therefore, your attention is offered a selection of simple, but effective recipes for restoration and nutrition of hair. The preparation and use of all masks is carried out according to the same scheme: mix all ingredients in these proportions, apply to wet clean hair, hold for 30-40 minutes, and then wash off a large amount of warm water.

  • Recipe 1. Rinse clean hair 50 ml of sage decoction will strengthen brittle hair and restore roots. The decoction is prepared according to a simple scheme: 2 tbsp. l. Sage flowers are poured with 400 ml of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes.  And it is filtered.
  • Recipe 2.If the sage decoction is replaced with a decoction of chamomile prepared according to the same algorithm, rinsing will have an antiseptic and soothing effect for damaged hair roots. Also, chamomile gives a golden hue to fair hair.
  • Recipe 3. Mix 10 capsules of vitamins A and E. Applied to clean hair for 20-30 minutes. The resulting gruel will help the hair become more elastic and silky.
  • Recipe 4. Filling and restoration of hair with vitamin B is possible using castor oil and honey: mix 1 tsp. oils and 2 tbsp. l. honey, apply with massage movements along the entire length of the hair for 30 minutes. Such a mask will strengthen the hair and give it brilliance. Pay special attention to brittle tips, which can be covered with a given value and more often than 1-2 times a week.
  • Recipe 5. 50 ml of cow or goat milk wiped into the roots of the hair, has not only a restorative, but strengthening effect for hair follicles.
  • Recipe 6. 50 ml of milk serum, combined with equal proportions of the burdock decoction, will treat and strengthen damaged bulbs of hair roots, and diluted with 100 g of pre -wounded oatmeal will relieve oatmeal and add silky to your mane.
  • Recipe 7. Complex mask of 50 ml cabbage juice or onion juice will enrich the hair roots with vitamin C and will contribute to the active growth of hair.

Added to any mask of 1 tsp. Dimexide will help useful substances to absorb into the hair faster.

Such masks are suitable for women with a damaged hair structure caused by frequent dyeing. It will also be useful in this way to strengthen the hair after vacation, since frequent stay in the sun without a headgear, salted water contribute to brittle hair and dry hair.


Shampoos with keratin and lanolin for rapid bangs

In order to grow with a beautiful mane of hair a thick bang in combination with vitamin masks and serums recommended use shampoo with concentrated keratin and lanolin.

Keratin is the main element that is responsible for the structure of the hair: they will be curly or straight. Keratin, as a kind of protein, restores the hair, gives it brilliance and facilitates combing.

Shampoos with the content of lanolin were also used by our ancestors. Lanolin is an animal wax, so you can not worry about the naturalness and benefits of this component. Lanolin softens the scalp and protects the surface of the hair from brittleness due to the temperature difference, the negative effects of the environment. Due to the naturalness of origin, this component is easily absorbed and absorbed by the hair.

Before using shampoos with concentrated keratin and lanolin content, you need to carefully study the instructions in which it is most often recommended to use the tool not for daily care, but interval: wash the contents of one bubble, rest for half a year, and then wash your head with such shampoo. Frequent use of such a tool can lead to brittleness and hair loss due to oversaturation by vitamins. The effect of action is the same: when you oversaturate your body with vitamins, you allergies. In the worst case, disconciliation with keratin can lead to baldness.

Therefore, on the use of cosmetics with the composition of natural components, be guided, first of all, instructions and common sense.

Variations on the topic of long bangs

A long bang is not necessarily neatly trimmed and combed on the parting or to the side of a modest bangs. The length can and should vary. Hairdressing art develops with seven -mile steps, offering a variety of fashionable haircuts to absolutely different hair length with a long bang:

  • bangs with a slanting cut of the lower line  Like Victoria Backham, he will immediately give his owner of charm and mystery:
  • creating different lengths of strands of hair of bangs, the so -called "Torn" bangswho instantly adds to the carrier of such an image of shield and mischief. Despite her years, Natalya Oreiro with such a hairstyle looks at least 10 years younger:
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  • partial or complete staining or tinting Bangs and several strands of hair will help create a new image without a radical change in image.

Women's haircuts with a long bang

Haircuts for long hair with bangs

In combination with long hair, such a bang as in the photo does not violate the harmony of the image even in a solemn hairstyle and is combined with curls or letters.

Short haircuts with a long bang

The symbiosis of a short haircut and a long bangs, as in the photo below, forms the youthful image of his mistress and gives her a bailiff. And an additional game of shades and colors will give extravagance.
Bright coloring on a haircut. A haircut with a long filled bang.

Medium-length haircut with a long bang

Some representatives of the strong half of humanity consider long -attractive and sexy long hair because any hairstyles, accessories on such women look more interesting. If you decide on a haircut, this does not mean that you will be less attractive. You can choose an alternative option with medium -length hair. The Hollywood haircut by creating torn strands and the cascade looks wonderful both on long hair and in a hairstyle with a short and medium long. This universal hairstyle is suitable for absolutely everyone, both complex lovers and supporters of simple styling, regardless of what your face type and hair structure are. Not without reason, such style icons as Cameron Diaz, Jenheniffer Eniston, Angelina Jolie have been fans of such a design for hair for many years:
haircut Hollywood

Using a diffuser or curling iron, you can soften the sharpness of the image and appear at the wedding or other celebration not with sharp outlines, but with soft and smooth hairstyles. If you are the owner of chic wavy hair, the Hollywood haircut will look great with an elongated bang, which can be combed to the side, decorated with a rim or straightened with an iron.

Laying an elongated bangs

A woman with a beautiful haircut always looks younger. Since long loose hair in everyday life is not very practical, we offer a variation of haircuts with bangs for different types of hair. The bangs gives mischief to the whole appearance. It fits quite easily: wash your head, choose the right comb and mousse for hair. Voila, and your styling is ready.

Remember, because there were moments in your life when you left the hairdresser with discontent, and then waited a couple more weeks while your hair grew and take the desired shape. This couple of weeks seemed to you hard labor. That's right, just the attitude of every woman to the hairstyle is especially reverent, this is an axiom: a beautiful hairstyle creates an individual, unique image of a woman, helps to achieve success in relationships and work.

A talented hairdresser, choosing a fashionable haircut with an elongated bang, should take into account the kind of activity, the nature of the client and, of course, the shape of the face and the hair structure. Progress in our progressive century does not stand still and today in beauty salons before a person decides to change the image, it is proposed to try on a future hairstyle using computer programs.

This procedure is quite simple: using the scanner, a person’s photo is entered into the computer, after the data is loaded, you can try on cliches from ready -made hairstyles, hair flowers and bangs. The image you like is printed, and the master reproduces the desired image. A well -chosen hairstyle is a visiting card of a woman.

If you have chosen a hairstyle with a bang, be prepared for the fact that every morning you will have to devote 5-10 minutes of your time to her in order to put it correctly and beautifully. In vain, some consider the appearance of bangs a verdict. The bangs can be laid in a variety of ways using:

  • braid or spikelet weaving. If the length of the hair does not allow such a result, you can simply turn the bang with a neat harness;
  • the combing and laying of the bangs in the form of a "crest" in the style of style. Such a design for fixing the result will require a little foam and light spraying varnish. Suitable both in business life and in solemn moments;
  • accessories: scarves, dressings, rims, tiara. Decorations are selected for an outfit of women and create a finished beautiful image. Jewelry is always very feminine;
  • option to lay a haircut with a long bang to the side. The easiest option that does not require additional efforts and fixation tools. Soft curls laid down with curlers or curves, combined with such a design of bangs will create the romance of the image.

Proper care for a long bang

A bang is an element of a hairstyle that is striking in the first place. Therefore, it should always have a healthy look, be well -groomed and clean. In general, the care of the bangs is no different from caring for all the hair, but it will require a little more of your attention.

There are times when in the bustle and haste, we go to work with a not washed head, laying the hair in a careless bunch. The bang helps. In this case, it is enough to wash, dry and properly lay the bangs and you are guaranteed to acquire a fresh look.

The choice of haircuts and the type of long bangs depending on the shape of the face

A correctly selected hairstyle should emphasize the advantages and mask the disadvantages: to close too high forehead, soften the line of chin and cheekbones.

Knowing your type of face, you can correctly determine which haircut and design of the bangs are suitable for you personally.

The choice of haircuts with a square and elongated rectangular face

This shape of the face is usually characteristic of strong -willed strong people, but it is better for a woman to show her strength and disguise too outstanding cheekbones with an average hair length: before or a little below the chin. A haircut with light strands falling on the lower part of the face in combination with a oblique long bangs will smooth out sharp lines and give the image harmonious. Categorically, you should not very much smear your hair and collect its tail. Such styling hesitates the face and emphasizes the square chin.


This shape of the face is characteristic of people good -natured and generous. If, nevertheless, with a slender figure, your moonlit confuses you, it is recommended to choose a haircut in the form of a short bean with a short -cut back and a lush torn bangs. Toning and coloring several strands will divert attention from the roundness of the shapes and create lightness to the image. Medium (to the shoulders) cascades with a sparse scattering bangs are also suitable. Hairstyles with clear lines that emphasize the width of the face should be categorically avoided.

Selecting a haircut with an oval face

The owners of this shape of the face are balanced and purposeful buildings, which will do absolutely any haircut. The choice should be stopped on the one that will help you emphasize the desired:

  • romantic curls will give expressiveness to the look in combination with a flat thick bang;
  • the emphasis on a beautiful neck will be a short haircut with a torn bang;
  • the lips and lower part are emphasized by medium -length haircuts in the style of a cascade with a soft bangs falling to one side.

Selecting a haircut in a face in the form of a heart

Owners of this type of face are romantic trees that appreciate a home hearth and comfort. Visually, for expanding the lower part of the face and narrowing of the upper, haircuts with a length of the chin and a graduate in the form of a ladder, in which the strands will fall on the face are suitable. The bangs with such a haircut should be elongated and profiled. It is recommended to avoid long smoothly aligned hair and voluminous combs.

Useful video with practical tips of stylists will help you choose the type of bangs depending on the type of face:

Wear the bangs with pleasure and be unique.



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