
How to paint lips lip, glitter. How to paint lips with a pencil - Photo

How to paint lips lip, glitter. How to paint lips with a pencil - Photo
How to choose the appropriate color of lipstick. How to make beautiful lips makeup lipstick, pencil, glitter.

Competent makeup transforms a woman to be unrecognizable. Today we will talk about how to properly paint lips to emphasize their natural beauty or hide small disadvantages. We invite young girls who are just beginning to explore the use of cosmetics, as well as those who want to improve their skills in creating an attractive makeup.

The correct and most importantly, beautiful makeup depends not only on the quality of cosmetics. To make lips perfectly, it is important to take into account their shape, as well as the type of appearance. An important value is the color of lipstick.

How to paint lips: looking for "your" color

To master the technique of handling a lipstick, you will need to spend a little time before the mirror. This is an important, but not the main point in comprehending the art of transformation with cosmetics. All your efforts will cross the lipstick of unsuitable color. By the way, adds you a few extra years or will emphasize the yellowish shade of dental enamel. What you need to remember, choosing the color of lipstick?

How to paint lips. The combination of tone of lipstick with a touch of leather

  1. The purity of light skin will benefitly emphasize the cold tone of lipstick. The whole range of shades from gently pink to juicy plum will suit.
  2. For sultry darkness - lipstick of bright warm color. First of all, it is worth paying attention to peach and brown shades.
  3. Girls with an intermediate type of appearance will help to highlight lipstick of red and golden tones.

How to paint lips. Combination of tone of lipstick with hair color

  1. Lipstick of coral, berry, pastel-peach and pink-lilac shades - for girls with blond hair.
  2. Lipstick of brown and terracotta tones - for red-haired.
  3. Lipstick of bright bold color for girls with dark curls.

How to paint lips. Combination Tone Lipstick with Eye Color

  1. Girls with brown eyes are suitable for lipstick of scarlet and all kinds of brown shades.
  2. The owners of blue eyes are not lost, if they choose a cherry lipstick, as well as lipstick of nude shades.
  3. Green-eyed seductors will double their spells with the help of terracotta and orange lipstick.
  4. Girls with gray eyes will completely convert if the lips of the lip-beige and dark berry shade will be raised.

How to paint lips. Combination of tone of lipstick and age

  1. For very young girls, light pearlescent glitters have been created. The rest of the lipstick will visually make them older that in most cases it is not quite appropriate.
  2. Women just 30 can afford a brave bright makeup. For them - lipstick with satin and satin texture.
  3. Women after 40 years is better to avoid pearl brilliance. Bright lipsticks should also be postponed - they focus the attention of those surrounding on small wrinkles around the mouth. Mature beauty will emphasize the lipstick of the cherry and plum shade.

How to paint lips with a pencil

Lipstick plays a decorative role, a pencil is responsible for the functional part of the makeup. The main requirement for it is water resistance. With the help of a pencil, the shape of the lip is corrected - the contour is isolated, add completeness - and only then paint lips with lipstick. There are some more options for applying a pencil for the beauty of the lips:

  • when they want to extend the lipstock lipstick on the lips, the pencil is used as a substrate: the contour is reduced, cutting it into its line inside, and then add some more strokes to fill the entire surface of the lips. This cunning is relevant only for lipstick, with glitter such a focus will not pass - the color pigment will suck and fill only the folds of the lips. You understand how the sloppy it will look!

  • conside the lips with a pencil instead of lipstick, if you wish to give the lips a natural matte shade. Apply the pencil strokes on the lips, carefully grinding them with your finger. Make sure that the layer is fine and uniform;
  • in most cases, the pencil is needed to be moderates to visually increase or reduce lips. To visually make thin lips more fully, their corners are carefully crossed with a pencil, and on top of the coral or pink lipstick. Too large lips are reduced using a tone base. The tool mask the natural contour, and the pencil draw a new thin line with pointed corners, which visually narrow the lips.

How to paint lips lipstick without a pencil

Having mastered several lipstick techniques, you will always look different, but equally awesome:

  • to create an ombre effect, use matte lipstick, filling it on it the visible part of the mucous membrane. Bring lipstick to the center of the lips, making short strokes. Ripped border looks very impressive. Go away from the rules: Try to create a gradient not only from the edge of the lips to the middle, but also from the top lip to the bottom. The gradient will make lips relief and attractive;

  • in 2017, piercing returns to fashion, but this time you can do without painful punctures. The imitation of the ring is made using a golden lipstick or gloss. Choose the main color of lipstick and cover the lips, and in the center of the lower lip apply a vertical strip of golden or metal color;

  • to achieve the fascinating depth of the texture, it is better to use not matte, but glossy lipstick. From above, the layer of lipstick is nailed by a crumb of shadows selected in the tone. To work on such a make-up you will need a small flat brush with a natural pile. Before applying shadows, do not forget to shake out of the tassels of their surplus every time;
  • the lover of experiments do not like one-window, so combine different shades of lipstick and decorative shadows. But the layer of colored shadows is kept on the lipstick much worse than the glitter. Decorating the lips of the smelting of small sequins, you have to drink from the dishes very carefully, because there is a risk of turning it. Glitter most often combine not with lipstick, but with a more viscous glitter;

  • provocative carelessness again in the trend: If you are a supporter of the effect of the cracked lips - ahead! Apply lipstick on the lips, driven into the mucous finger, but without highlighting the contour.

How to paint lips red lipstick

The makeup artists assure that red lipstick is suitable for all girls without exception. However, the red color is so bold and catchy that some women simply do not know how to approach such lipstick. Will they consider them too vulgar and causing with such lips? In fact, the red color radically transforms even the most ordinary appearance and gives a woman confidence. To make friends with red lipstick, you must first choose the right shade under your individual color, and then learn to apply it correctly.

Examine step-by-step instructions, how to paint the lips of red lipstick, in the photo:

Fashion magazines are moving master classes to create a beautiful makeup. Nevertheless, even the most advanced fashionists are often lost in doubt, asking themselves the same question: "Does I paint the lip of red lipstick?" According to the makeup artists, there is no hard rules in the use of lipstick. There are 3 main ways of making lips with red lipstick:

  • light movement sweep your lips. Dial a large portion of lipstick from the tube with a thin-pointed tassel and put the contour with confident smeared smears, moving from the top lip to the bottom. Now slightly point the lips again and again draw the contour, after which fill the remaining part of the lips inside the contour. We use tissue to make lipstick in the lips perfectly. When you give your lips, go through a powder with a powder on the skin around the contour - so you will emphasize the beautiful border of the color;
  • cover the lips with a dense base layer. Perfect if the cosmetic is silicone. It will not only make the lips surface smoothly, but also will increase the service time of the lipstick. The contour of the lips mark the pencil into the tone of lipstick, and put the lipstick itself on the surface of the lips inside the contour using a brush. At the same time, make a brush not smoothing, but driven movements until you get the desired shade;
  • the color contoured pencil is not needed, if before using lipstick, outline the borders of the lips with a colorless wax pencil. Then paint the lipstick of the entire surface of the lips, including the contour. Now you need to get labored with a paper napkin lip - lipstick will last longer. Finally, the lips are abundantly covered with lipstick.

How beautiful paint lips dark lipstick

Dark lipstick turns the easiest everyday makeup into a solemn. There are a number of requirements for a common makeup before applying dark lipstick:

  1. The shade is chosen taking into account the color of the skin. The purple gamma is suitable for girls with blond hair and skin, and dark hair with dark hair - plum.
  2. Before applying lipstick on the lips, you need to put the face tone. For this, the cheekbones and side parts of the forehead are powered by the sculpture method, thus fastening the focus on the bottom of the person. The center of the person is highlighted by a light tone.
  3. The dark color of the lips is appropriate only in combination with a restrained eye makeup, and lips and eyes should be decorated in one color scheme. Brown glands are preferable to use a black eyeliner, blondes - brown. It is better to leave the blue eyeliner for other cases, otherwise, along with dark lipstick, she will make the face completely unnatural.
  4. Makeup in the technique of "Smokey Ice" does not contradict the dark color of lipstick, provided that the shadows are not too bright shadows for its execution.

How to paint lips matte lipstick

At the peak of popularity today, matte lips. The makeup artists managed to invent not one original way to create seductive makeup lips. They are based on a combination of matte structure with saturated colors. Pale shades are "lost" on the face and do not emphasize the beauty of the lips:

  1. Before applying a matte lipstick, treat your lips to a scrub to make their surface with soft, smooth and moistened, otherwise the dense layer of cosmetics will emphasize the slightest flaws. The home cosmetic product includes honey, sugar sand and olive oil in equal parts.
  2. The contour and the surface of the lips first fill in the pencil, then makeup will last longer. Then apply matte lipstick. Lipstick with a matte effect is not rubbing on lips as glossy. To make such makeup, you will need a synthetic brush to paint the corners.
  3. If you do not have a matte lipstick, and I really want to make the corresponding makeup of the lips, from the situation you can exit as follows: Apply ordinary lipstick on the lips without shine. Then attach a paper napkin to her lips, and suck it with a certain amount of powder or a ruven. So you save the saturated color, but eliminate the shine - that is, you will achieve the effect of the matte lips.

How to paint lips glitter

A suitable gloss shade to find much easier than lipstick. This cosmetic means are happy to enjoy newcomers, and a guru in applying a beautiful and seductive makeup.

Having mastered this step-by-step instruction, with the help of glitter you can transform your lips into two bills!

  1. Moisten the skin of the lips with hygienic lipstick or cream with a light texture. Then massage the lips with a toothbrush - it will save them from the unattractive fragments of dry skin. To always be soft and smooth, lubricate them with a moisturizing agent every evening. In the summer, do not forget to use a special hygienic lipstick that will protect your lips from harmful ultraviolet.
  2. If you create a lightweight makeup, you will not need a pencil. But be sure to move the contour of the lips, if you look at the evening. To do this, use a pencil, the shade of which is as close as possible to the color of your skin.
  3. Apply shine. Applicator, which comes complete with this cosmetic agent, is better not to use. Take a small flat brush and gently distribute the glitter on the lips. If the shine is in a soft package, you can squeeze it a small amount on the finger and grind the tool on the lips. Too bright glitter applies a drop into the center of the lips and rub the lips of each other.
  4. If the brilliance spoke for the contour of the lips, remove the excess with a paper napkin.
  5. Always wear brilliance in the handbag so that from time to time it was possible to refresh the "beauty" on the lips.

How to paint lips lipstick. Video


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