
What is a pair yoga. Exercises of steam yoga for beginners, photo. Asana steam yoga

What is a pair yoga. Exercises of steam yoga for beginners, photo. Asana steam yoga
Pair Yoga is a fashionable and modern direction of yoga, which is ideal for married couples, children, relatives

Yoga can be not only a way of self-improvement alone. There is a fairly popular direction of yoga - pair yoga. You can choose your spouse, a young man, sister or even a child into partners. This is a wonderful way to pay time to your family and close people in a dense schedule. You will not need to be breaking between work, yoga classes and time with loved by a person. The last two sessions you can combine. Of course, you can do a steam yoga and with a partner in the hall, but you must experience a sympathy for an unfamiliar person, since this kind of yoga implies plenty of touch. Let's consider the most popular asians of steam yoga, find out where to start newcomers.

Pair yoga - goal

Steam yoga is a fashionable direction of yoga, which is increasingly attracting people engaged in their body and self-development. Few people know, but it is the steaming yoga that it is impossible to reveal the entire meaning of yoga as a whole. The word "yoga" translated from Sanskrit means "Union". Among the main goals, the pair yoga can be allocated as follows:

  • harmonization of relationships. Farmer yoga is concentrated on the Union of two began - male and female. Although this kind of yoga can also be engaged in representatives of the same sex. In the process of performing a variety of Asan, two bodies complement each other, are in harmony and natural interaction. You not only make your body flexible and beautiful, but also start to hear and understand your partner at the new level;
  • disclosure of sexual energy. Steam yoga has an incredibly strong impact on this aspect. After all, this is a very pin kind of yoga. That is why the pair yoga is advised to spouses. There are also a large number of examples of a positive effect of such yoga for couples that are planning a child;
  • removing emotional tension. Like any other kind of yoga, the steaming yoga is aimed at removing the nervous stress, bringing thoughts into harmony and calm;
  • getting rid of complexes. Pair Yoga is practiced not only among sexual partners, but also among unfamiliar people, relatives. In such unions, steaming yoga helps to be liberated, get rid of grop, stiffness, shyness. Steam yoga is a kind of psychotherapy;
  • fill the need for tactile contact. Modern life is constructed in such a way that most touches are regarded as invasion of personal space. People closes in their "houses". Even the touch among the spouses over time is losing the former sense. But the essence of a person involves a constant need for tactile contact. Subconsciously we all want it. During a steam yoga session and fills in this need;
  • health goal. Steam yoga makes the body flexible, plastic and hardy. During the session, passive flexibility is improving, which increases both active flexibility.

Pair Yoga - Features

  1. Pair Yoga assumes numerous support for each other, and therefore partners should be about the same weight. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to keep equilibrium, which can entail injuries.
  2. Partners in steam yoga should also be approximately the same level of preparation. An enlightened master will be hard to perform asians with an inexperienced student, it will slow down the process, not to bring the desired effect.
  3. Pair Yoga, as already mentioned, this is an incredibly contact type of yoga. Your partner must be a pleasant person for you. After all, you will not be able to qualitatively and fully fulfill the asians with a person who caresses you dislike. If you are a novice in this form of yoga, then it is better to come to the first lesson with a familiar friend, relative, husband.
  4. Pair Yoga implies complete relaxation, slow execution of Asan, smoothly flowing into each other. Session of steam yoga can last for a very long time. If you are accustomed to more dynamic sports, you are hard to "lie" on the rug, then most likely the pair yoga is not for you.
  5. A steaming yoga needs to come exclusively with a positive mood. If at the moment you are with your spouse in a quarrel, recently had a serious conflict, then the sessions of the steam yoga should be postponed. Your thoughts should not be overshadowed. This practice is not a place to clarify relationships for rivalry. Exceptionally harmonious and relaxed condition is needed for steam yoga.

Pair Yoga - Advantages

As you can see, we don't even talk about the lack of steam yoga. They simply do not exist. But the positive sides of the classes of this type of yoga a large number. Each person will find something valuable in steam yoga for himself. Someone is looking for peace and harmony, someone trains flexibility, someone wants to try out more complex asans, which can be performed only together. Among the main advantages of steam yoga, the following can be distinguished:

  • ability to choose any partner. Of course, it depends on your level of liberty and the ability to make contact with people. You can choose a spouse, brother, sister, mom, child, neighbor or just an unfamiliar person;
  • the ability to do steam yoga is available to people with varying degrees of preparation. Do not think that asians of steaming yoga can under power to fulfill exclusively by mattress yogam. Newbies begin with simpler poses, gradually moving to more complex;
  • during the sessions of the steam yoga there is a unique opportunity to try to perform the most complex asans. Promotes this permanent support to each other. You can perform such asans that would not be able to do alone;
  • incredible psychological effect. Steam yoga is a kind of therapy for married couples, for shy and clamped people. You learn to relax during a permanent contact with a person, learn to understand it without words, share energy with each other.

Pair Yoga - Photo

Pair Yoga for beginners. Tips and recommendations

Where to start a steam yoga

You can give several recommendations to beginners, why it is worth starting classes by steam yoga:

  • to begin with, you must master the theoretical database. If you are going with a partner to start mastering the pair yoga from scratch, then read the pictures of the steam yoga, corresponding to the literature, with video lessons and master classes;
  • choose the appropriate room for steam yoga. Of course, the perfect option is a spacious hall. But you can also study in the ordinary room. The main thing is that there was enough space, and that no one bothered you. Steam yoga requires concentration, relaxation, meditation. Strying and sharp sounds can knock down and spoil the session;
  • choose suitable for clothing. She should not shoot motion, felt by your second skin. Ideal option - Light sports pants, T-shirt, leggings;
  • prepare the appropriate musical accompaniment. Let you help in the development of asians of the steam yoga sounds of nature, mantra, slow instrumental music, noise of waves, etc.;
  • think who will control the occupation. If one of the partners are already a little familiar with the technique, then with the help of photo and video instructions, you can easily cope together. If two people are absolute newcomers, then it is better to sign up for classes to the master who will send, suggest, if necessary, to speak partner.

3 Stages of Machining Pair Yoga

The pair yoga is very often called "lazy yoga". This practice is suitable for people with varying degrees of preparation. Here you do not need to train your physical qualities, work for wear. All pauses of steam yoga are performed in a relaxed state. The advantage of steam yoga is that one of the partners is more active, and the other is more slave. If you gathered to master the steam yoga, then you will have to go through the following steps:

  • building asan At this stage, there are no special harmony and smoothness in the poses. Partners learn to feel each other. Try your body in various poses, learn to adjust the load. At this stage, each of the partners should have a certain way to "refuse" from himself and take into account the state, the needs of the second partner;
  • coordination of breathing. At this stage, partners must learn to breathe simultaneously, adjusting their breath in a partner inhaling, adjusting their exhalation for the exhalation of a partner. This new level of retractation of the steam yoga will allow to receive even more pleasure from yoga classes, connecting partners even more, will allow them to perform power asanas and practically not to feel the tension during their implementation;
  • energy combining. The highest level of retaining steam yoga. No instructions, ready-made complexes with a given sequence of Asan become unnecessary. Partners merge so much with each other, which become one of the whole energy system.

What you need to know about breathing in steam yoga

Despite the fact that the development of synchronous breathing during the fulfillment of pair yoga occurs at the 2nd stage of the formation of steam yoga, paying attention to the correct breathing already from the first lesson. Even the simplest exercises at the physical education lessons at school are accompanied by breathing control. The main difficulties in the ability to breathe correctly in steam yoga such:

  • the beginners will first be very difficult to breathe evenly during the execution of pos. I instinctively want to delay the breath and do not breathe in some moments, but it is impossible to do this. Over time, such a skill will be brought to automatism;
  • the difficulty of proper breathing in the steam yoga is also lies in the fact that in addition to control over his breath, you need to listen to the respiration of the partner and try to breathe with him in unison.

In yoga, there is such a concept as pranayama. This is the management of its vital energy with breathing exercises. Pranayama is one of the structural and very important components of steam yoga. This includes meditation, massage, the execution of Asan.

Paired poses for yoga for beginners

Pose "Dancing Shiva" in steam yoga

This posture is aimed at the development of coordination. Two partners become opposite each other and fold their palms in front of them. One of the partners flexs the leg and raises it. The second partner in the same way bends his leg, but only the opposite. Their task is to cross legs. To ensure the best equilibrium leg, the remaining stand on the floor, you need to be slightly bent in the knee. After you manage to hold the balance, relax, install the partner's breath and take a look at each other.

Pose "Tilt to the footsteps" in steam yoga

The next pose is aimed at stretching the back of the thigh, spine. Partners become back to each other, touching the blades. Smoothly raise your hands up, make an exhale and lean down. In the slope you must hug your own partner's leg. Ideally, you need to strive in such a posture to hug a partner by the shoulders.

Pose "Tree" in steam yoga

This posture is aimed at increasing coordination, equilibrium, improving posture. Two partners become nearby. The foot, which is further from the partner, you need to bend in the knee and press the foot to the support leg. Beginners can presser a foot in the knee area or slightly lower. Ideally, the stop must be pressed into the supporting leg area above the knee. Bending leg you need to get back as much as possible. Lands create support to each other. You can put a free hand on a bent foot or take the partner's hand. After you manage to keep balance, set the partner's breath and relax.

Pose "Two boat" in steam yoga

In yoga, the double exercise "together in the boat" is intended for stretching the back of the thigh, the muscles of the back, spine, to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Partners should sit apart from each other with legs bent. Take tight hands. Raise one of the legs simultaneously with the partner and connect them to footsteps. Then, then lift the second leg and connect it with the foot of the partner. At first glance, it may seem that the posture is very easy to perform. However, it requires an equilibrium and concentration. Breathe synchronously with a partner, keep posture, look into each other.

Pose "Tilt to Feet" in steam yoga

Excellent pane of steam yoga for stretching the muscles of the back, the back of the legs. Sit with a partner to the floor opposite each other. Put your feet so that the socks look at you, and connect your feet with the feet of a partner. Grasp your hands. If it is hard to reach up to the hands of a partner, then you can slightly bend legs in the knees. Keep the back smoothly, breathe deeply and synchronously with a partner, relax.

Pose "Butterfly" in steam yoga

Another excellent pose from a steam yoga, which is aimed at stretching the muscles of the legs, spine. Two partners are sitting on the floor, in contact with the backs. Sit "in Turkish", as close as possible to the foot to the body. Take your hands back and find a support on the partner's hodges. Transfer your weight to the partner, it will make the same at this moment. Hold up, keep your back smoothly, breathe deeply and measured, adjusting to the breath of the partner.

Pair Yoga. Video

Steam yoga for children

Features and Advantages of Children's Farmer Yoga

Children in their nature are very movable, they strive for permanent movement, love to climb, jump and tumble. You can direct it with bright energy into the right track. Pair Yoga is a wonderful way for parents to get close to your children. Among the features of the sessions of steam yoga with children, the following can be noted:

  • famining yoga classes bring a huge number of positive emotions for a child, he knows something new. A special delight of the kid will be experienced by what he performs something together with his mother or dad, acts as an assistant in some poses, supports mother, etc.;
  • an occupation of children's steaming yoga can be held at home. To do this, you need to free the space, prepare special mats, include easy music. Before starting classes, be sure to make a light workout with a child, which will warm up the body;
  • a huge advantage for parents from children's steaming yoga is that it is not necessary to think with whom to leave the child. Your child will learn to comprehend yoga asana with you. You will act as an instructor, at the same time training your body, making it more flexible and plastic;
  • classes of children's steaming yoga are very helpful for young mothers. Such classes make thoughts in order, allow you to relax from everyday domestic affairs;
  • during the class of children's pair yoga you will need to adapt to the breath of your child. You can get closer to it;
  • children's steaming yoga has a positive effect on children. They receive new experience, heal their body, become more disciplined during yoga classes, enjoy close contact with mom or dad.

Asana Pair Yoga for children

  1. Pose "Dog". One partner puts legs on the width of the shoulders, the palms rests on the floor. Back and hands must be straightened. The task of another partner is to make focus on its feet into the lumbar region of its partner and put the palms to the floor. The child's hands must be placed on 10-20 cm. With uniform breathing in such a pose, you need to stay for 30-40 seconds.
  2. "Double sandwich." Two partners should sit on the floor, their legs should be straight and closed. Make focus on each other and, holding hands, slowly lean to the knees.
  3. "Double boat". Two partners are sitting on the floor opposite each other. Their feet come into contact. Hear your hands tight and start to slowly raise your legs up, without disconnecting the stop. If you look at such a position from the side, it must remind the letter "w".
  4. "Bridge". One partner becomes bridge, and the second is located under it also in the curved position. For a child, it is problematic to perform such a bridge. Therefore, in the children's pair yoga, an adult becomes in the bridge, and the child should be below.
  5. "Trust Yoga." In this posture, one of the partners must be stopped by palms and footsteps in the floor, retaining the back and legs in the literal position. The second participant must settle down from above, having focused foots in the shoulders of his partner, and put down his palms in his shin.
  6. "Open heart". Two partners stand, clinging to each other backs and tightly holding hands. Then each of the partners begins to slowly lean to the knees. If you look at the pose of partners from the side, then she will remind the heart.
  7. "Temple of two bodies." Two partners become opposite each other with arms raised up. Their palms should come into contact. The task of the partners is to make a slope from the side of the partner in such a way that they are in touch with their foreheads.

It is possible to achieve peace and harmony during yoga class not only alone, but also in tandem with a partner. If you have never previously tried such a kind of practice, it can become a new level for you, new yoga twist. Continue your way of self-improvement!


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